When we woke up, Opus and Roscoe wan ovew to ouw little cottage to show us the Italian Newspapew( they have it delivewed evewy day)...
Oops...! I think we'we all in twouble...I just hope they fowget about it by the time I go back to Italy at the end of the momf with my pawentsphoto by Opus and Roscoe

Oops...! I think we'we all in twouble...I just hope they fowget about it by the time I go back to Italy at the end of the momf with my pawentsphoto by Opus and Roscoe

Aftew bweakfast out on the lawn, we wewe weady fow some sightseeing and met up with evewyone at Blarney Castle
A trip to Ireland is not complete unless a visit to the Blarney Castle is on the schedule . . .

Photo by Sassy, Fashions by Asta
Back Row l-r: Stanley, Roscoe, Karl, Charlie, Socks & Opus
Front Row l-r: Emil, Asta, Momo, Charbdis, Scylla, Pinot, Socks, Momo, Sassy & Mrs. Oz.

Photo by Karl
Karl holds Ruis as he kisses the Blarney Stone.
Hanging upside-down is the only way to kiss the Blarney Stone. The famous Blarney Stone has been kissed by millions of people. The stone is high up in the battlements of the castle. Going up several long stone spiral staircases up to the top of the castle you will find a line of tourists waiting their turn to kiss the Blarney Stone. While at the top of the castle you can enjoy the spectacular views of the Irish countryside, Blarney House and The Village of Blarney. The stone is believed to be half of the Stone of Scone which originally belonged to Scotland. Scottish Kings were crowned over the stone, because it was believed to have special powers. The stone was given to Cormac McCarthy by Robert the Bruce in 1314 in return for his support in the Battle of Bannockburn. Queen Elizabeth the first wanted Irish chiefs to agree to occupy their own lands under title from her. Cormac Teige McCarthy promised loyalty to the Queen without "giving in". Elizabeth proclaimed that McCarthy was giving her "a lot of Blarney"
All that walking made us vewy hungwy and thiwsty, so we found a gweat Pub and had Guiness and fish and chips..they even let little Pinot in..( we all got gweat new sweatews and hats and soccew shiwts to twy to fit in with the locals)

Back row l. to r. Stanley, Mrs. Oz, Roscoe, Sassy, Momo-kitty, Socks, Emil
Left of the table Opus
Front l. to r. Momo-dog, Pinot, Scylla and Charybdis, Ruis, Karl, Asta, Charlie at the corner
Stanley and I took the aftewnoon off and telepowted ouwselves to Huskee Boy and Baby's Wedding..
we had to get back in time fow a special pawfowmance of the Lowds of the Dance at the Point Theatwe.
We wewe invited to pawticipate by Michael Flately when he heawd that Opus and Roscoe wew in town
but it's no pwoblem, cause thewe is a hooge time diffewence between Sing-a-Paw and Iweland, so we gained like a whole day
When we got back fwom Sing-a Paw..we had just enough time to change into ouw costoomes and step on stage fow ouw pawfowmance....
needless to say, we bwought the house down (not litewally, like the towew, hehehe)
needless to say, we bwought the house down (not litewally, like the towew, hehehe)
"Roscoe and Opus received a personal invitation by Michael Flately to appear in a guest performance at the Point Theater. From the moment Opus and Roscoe took the stage and the light went down to the last encore, the audience was spellbound by a masterfully orchestrated combination of precision dancing, state of the art lighting and pyrotechnics. The performance witnessed tonight left no soul untouched! "
The boys took my bweath away (lead by Roscoe) they wewe so good..baby Pinot was amazing and of couwse I think Stanley was the best , but I'm a tiny bit pwejudiced
l. to r. Pinot, Opus, Socks, Roscoe, Karl, Ruis, Stanley, Emil
Roscoe led the giwls in pawfowmance
I had a vewy hawd time not wiggling my fuzzy butt..you have to keep evewything still except fow youw legs..(Roscoe weheawsed us endlessly..he's a pawfectionist)
Lord of the dance photos by Opus and Roscoe with editing by Momo
I had a vewy hawd time not wiggling my fuzzy butt..you have to keep evewything still except fow youw legs..(Roscoe weheawsed us endlessly..he's a pawfectionist)
l. to r. Mrs Oz, Momo-dog, Momo-kitty, Asta, Roscoe, Scylla, Charlie, Sassy, Charybdis
photo by Asta
Aftew a long wondewful day, Stanley and I walked back to ouw cottage again..(we had a few sooveneews that we bought fow Mommi, and Stella and Stanley's Giwl and Merv and Myrna)
see you tomowwow fow mowe adventoowes!
Aftew a long wondewful day, Stanley and I walked back to ouw cottage again..(we had a few sooveneews that we bought fow Mommi, and Stella and Stanley's Giwl and Merv and Myrna)
see you tomowwow fow mowe adventoowes!
what a pawsome outing...and oh look at you and Stanley....so sweet walking alone.....
Oh my... what a day. Ruis still feels his muscles after kissing that stone upside down...
Looking at the last picture... soo romantic, Stanley is such a gentleman, Asta!
Karl & Ruis
You guys are having the time of your lives! I'm sooo jealous...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I am having the BEST time with you and with all of my new buds. Dancing with Michael Flatly's troupe was the cat's meow (actually, it was several cats' meow ~ hehehe).
I'm so glad you arranged for us to stay in the cottage. I almost feel Irish.
Goober love & Irish smooches,
Do you know Mummy has never been to Ireland, dispite been half Irish. Looks like you all had a good time and nothing got broken.
Simba xx
Asta, you sure are one globe-trotter, can hardly keep up with your adventures.
LOL here - you have such fun.
I went to Riverdance last year bet your version was more thrilling.
Enjoy the rest of your Irish trip.
Pats & pets
Kissing the Blarney stone looks kind of scary to us! We're glad Karl was there to hang onto Ruis! What a grand time you're all having!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are one lucky Terrier to have such an expierence. That Stanley is one handsome dude. Have a gweats time and I will see you wight after you gets back from Roam, unless you are planning to stay with Opal, Nanny and me Pearl.
Hugs,belly rubs & smoochies
pee-ess Thanks for visiting me on my boggies
Hi, Asta -
Mama has read about your travels with your friends. You always seem to have a good time.
You and Stanley look so cute together!
Mama says thanks to you and your Mommi for showing her how to add links to other doggie's blogs for us. It took some doing because Mama is also a part time student but she did get a small list together.
We can't wait to read about your other adventures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Awwww, you guys are such a good looking and sweet couple! We are so glad that Stanley was able to come on this trip as it has allowed us to get to know him better. Of course, we just knew he had a be a good dog; any friend of yours is a friend of ours!
Wasn't the show just the best in the world. It turns out Michael Flatley saw us dance when we were in Spain and that is why he asked us to be in the show. We think we should take the show on the road!
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
Opus O'Tinytail and the Lord of the Dance
PS. It is safe for you to come back to Italy. Momo fixed the Broken Tower of Pisa and Chey has bribed the Italian police!
Awww, we love the picture of you and Stanley walking back to the cottage together. You look so very happy together.
Stanley is a great guy, so glad we have this chance to spend some time with him and get to know him.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Looks like you are having a blast!!!
wags from the whippets
Hey, you are all lucky. The tower is fixed so you're not fugitives any more. We read that at Momo's and Alasandra's.
So relax and enjoy the rest of your trip. Can't wait to see what all you do tomorrow.
Stanley and you are quite the handsome couple, Asta!
Has it rayned yet?
Opus and Roscoe are soooo talented!
I love everybody's fancy sweaters and hats. You all fit right in with the locals!
What a fabulous trip you must be having! Be on the look-out for Irish Terriers over there in Ireland!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
It looks like you guys are having tons of fun!
The kitties let me add my picture to the sidebar on their bloggie - but they said they won't change the name!
How can you stay awake for all that? I would be so tired several naps would be in order.
You and Stanley looked so sweet together. I cannot believe the tower made headlines news....
Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Yes, playing tuggy is soooo much fun..I was telling Maggie and Mitch, that at the end of the video I accidentally bit my dads leg, but it was not fault, his leg was in the way.
kisses and paw hugs
Sissy! We had another magical evening in Ireland, didn't we?!?
You and Stanley look great in the last photo. So sweet!!
Momo & Pinot
I am having so much fun in Ireland that I cannot sleep at night thinking about everything!!!! I really like Stanley and I am so glad that you have him for your boyfriend. You two are a cute couple!! When you go to Italy you will need to keep a low profile and maybe the police will not recognize you from our earlier visit in Pisa. I still am not sure that we made that tower fall. Anyway you might not want to go to Pisa there are a lot of other old things to see over there.
What a fun day we had! The boys were such great dancers! I was absolutely tired out. And you had a wedding to go to as well!
You guys are serious travelers! Mom has always wanted to go to Ireland!
hi Asta, you sure are having a lot of fun with all of your friends. we're kind of jealous.
What adventures you all were having! Such fun...I'm almost jellyfish I didn't get to go...maybe next year! I'm so glad you got to go to the wedding too...It just wouldn't be the same without you!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Asta honey...
You and Stan...well, I had a catch in my throatie when I looked at the two of you walkin' with those heavy bags...Stan looks so handsome in his casual traveling outfit...and you Asta always know the perfect scarf for any outfit!!!!!
Mumsie has a sweater that her mumsie got her from Ireland...looks just like Stanley's!!! It's precious to her cuz her mom crossed the wainbow bridge already...
Wow...those cats and you sure can dance....yes...I thought I saw a little fuzzybutt wiggle in there!
Buckets of kissies for my BFF!!
Pee Ess...did they put some extra cheese on the Leaning Tower of Pizza to get it to stick together???
Hi, Asta!
The big fun continues!
I like all the pictures... specially the last one!
Kisses and hugs
It sure must be fun to be there with Stan, what a trip! I am glad you guys could make it back for the wedding, we are so excited for Huskee and Baby!
Good grief, you lead quite a life with your friends...and it is so good to see cats and dogs hanging out together, crossing those specie barriers!
my dream it to get to ireland and scotland!
What a fabulous performance!!! You guys outdid yourselves again!!!
That is a great picture of you and Stanley. I hope that you were not done shopping yet because it looks as though your bags were only half full!
Thanks for the history lesson on the Blarney Stone. It was very informative. I knew that people kissed it, but I didn't know why. Can dogs kiss it too?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
wow! what a great adventure asta!!!!
u did some shopping too!!!!! i love shopping too
Hey sissy, there is a problem with yiour email addresses - both of them. You don't seem to get things that we sent. There is no message to say that it could not be delivered (like Stanley's) either. Wonder what's going on. Please checked through the the mail under the same post title. Some of the pictures and things may have been embedded under the most recent message.
Crikey we wish we were in Ireland with you all. You look like you're having the best time. Blarney Castle looks great and all the dancing wow wee.
Can't wait to read more.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
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