Bye, Bye, Green Isle, we love you!!!!! "Eireann go Brach" (Ireland Forever) as Scylla and Charybdis yelled as we left the beautiful shores of Ireland.

Being good hosts, they donned the green hats and showed us the sights. We all went to the Stachus and downtown Munich for some shopping.
Stanley was looking awound to see what he could buy fow Goobewstans awt galleries to add to his collection, luckily,I, this ministew of cultoowe was along to advise, hehehe

Natoowally we got hungwy off we went to Leopoldstrasse fow lunch....
And afterwards we had one last picture taken at the Feldherrn Halle. You would think that the gewmans had nevew seen cats and doggies in gween hats befowe..they stawed vewy wudely at us..but we didn't cawe one bit.All the doggies,Charlie, Momo and Pinot and Stanley and I asked to be dwopped off.. I think we finally needed to get some sneep.....but you won't believe it, my cat sissies and fwiends went on to visit anothew fwiend in have to go to theiw bloggies to see how they played thundewing heawd of Elefants thewe..and no don't wowwy..that White House did not fall down.
Thank you all fow coming to visit and weading about ouw adventoowes..not only did we have twemendous fun, but I pawsonally leawned so much about all the places we visited..this is way bettew than school
Furries taking part in this adventure include: Kitties - Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, Socks, Scylla and Charybdis
Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie
Please visit them for their stories of our adventure.
Woh. the magic flying bus look pawsome! Can I go for a ride in it next time? You all sure had a pawsome time this St. Patrick's Day. :)
~ Girl girl
But we did take over the White House though!
Great trip, huh? Sure enjoy travelling with you and getting to know Stanley.
I didn't figure a group like that would go straight home! Sorry your Mom is ticked about the beer, we tried!
I want a flying bus!
What an adventure all of you had, Asta! You're sure the goingest girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh WOW it looks grayte fun! I shor mist owt!!! I had a kwyert St P day (paytron saynte ov my nose). I had a wee sip ov ginness so I did, an sum hunny an soda bred so it waz an all.
Asta, we hope you all made it home safely! That flying bus looks kind of scary. We hope it doesn't take too long for you to catch up on your sneep!
Poppy & Penny
Well, you had a wonderful adventure, but there's no place like home!
What a fun trip! We sure did a lot of things and saw a lot of things. I really enjoyed our surprise visit in Germany with Dragonheart and Merlin, they really are so nice. Will have to get some rest but I think Sassy is up to something. If you want to know what it is you will have to stop by tomorrow. Oh, we both liked Stanley a lot.
I bet it won't be long before you're off again on another exciting trip!
What an adventure you all had. Are you intending to rest up or are you right off on another adventure again?
We notice the (c)/link graphic added. Wherever did you find it?
What a brilly time you had Asta. Why did you end up in Munich? It's not Oktober you know - I hope you pawty animals left those bierkellers alone.
Oh my! Dad says that german people let their dogs come to the biergarten, as long as they are well behaved. Sigh. He says that they tolerate dogs better than they do children! (he had E.Rabbit on his last trip) Sounds like my kind of place.
Glad you and Stan had a great time. What kind of art was he looking for? Can your Mommi help him
Hope you had a good weekend. Trying to catch up on all the blogs.
Simba xx
Wow - what a trip, you're going to need some rest!
Thanks for letting us take the trip with you via all the pictures and info. We learned as much as you did and really enjoyed seeing the sights. Sad that all the fun must come to an end. Nap well, lovely lady.
What a fun trip we all had! I hope next year we can do it again. No better place to be than Ireland on St. Pat's Day. Going to Munich, Germany was also a great adventure and it was so nice to meet Draghonheart and his little brother, Merlin. Stop on over tomorrow because Opus, Roscoe, and myself have something else going on.
Thanks for the info, Asta. We looked for the graphics and never found them, but maybe that's best since we're not members of DWB.
Oh my dog! You doggies and kitties are always having so much fun!! I can't believe you were in Ireland. My mom is very jealous!
Love Clover xo
-Happy belated Clover day!
Just caught up on all the adventures( St Paddies day is big in Boston ya know and the Guiness was flowing!!) WOW you were busy!!!!! It only makes us twitch a little now to see you and all those kitties...Love A+A
Sissy!!! You must be exhaused!! :)Stopping at Munich was a good idea, wans't it? We got more group shots and did some shopping and had nice lunch... :) Our adventure was really fun. Thank you again for being our company!
Take a good rest, ok?
Momo & Pinot
Yeah......happy st. patty's day a day late. looks like you had a great time.
and your blog has copyright coverage, i'm impressed!
Hi, Asta!
Are you finally at home?? Sure with the great time you all had you did not want to finish it!
Knowing you, I bet you already are planning the next trip!
Kisses and hugs
OMdoG.. Magic Flying Bus!! It's like what I read in one of the Hairy Paw-ter books!!
I agree with Gus.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobuss
Whoa!! Looks like so much fun, I missed a good pawty
Glad you're home safe! What a trip! You surely have some great pupparozzi - those pictures were fantastic!!! We felt like we were right there with you on the trip..
wags from the whippets
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