I could stay hewe fowevew.......

evewyone is getting a little tiwed , so we decided to stay awound Dublin today instead of going fwom one end of Iweland to the othew
Momo told us that it was leased fow 9,000 yeaws in 1759 fow 45 BPS/yeaw. StJames 's Gate has been the home of Guiness evew since. I became the lawgest Bwewewy in Iweland in 1838, and is still the lawgest bwewew of stout in the wowld.

Brewery and Dublin Castle forecourt
l. to r. Momo-dog, Sassy, Charybdis, Charlie, Mrs. Oz, Ruis, Karl, Roscoe, Socks, Momo-kitty, Opus, Asta, Stanley (back of Asta), Emil, Scylla
Front little Pinot
Sassy, Roscoe and Opus, and Momo awe all helping sewve up the Guiness
doesn't it look like chocolate??
PHOTO BY SASSY editing by Momo

we went to visit neawby Dublin Castle....again Momo helped with infowmation...
It was founded as a majow defensive complex upon the owdews of KingJohn in 1204..most of the pwesent day complex dates fwom the 18th centoowy.
Momo has lots mow infowmation on hew bloggie so go visit hew.
Hewe is Momo cwowned and sitting on the Iwish thwone..I think my Sissy looks like she was bown to it..hehehehe

Stanley and I went fow a wun on the bootiful gween Iwish gwass and plopped down to admiwe the view of the sea and play kissy..ummm, I mean Bitey-face, hehehe
This week has gone so fast..I can't believe tomowwow is ouw last day in Iweland...
Wait till you see all we will do
oh kissy face?!?! Dad is so jealous of the Guinness trip, he loves that stuff!
What a romantic spot you and Stanley found, Asta!
Mitch says to please pass him a Guinness right through the computer screen!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I am glad you are having some romantic time with Stanley! It was very sweet of him to bring you those pretty flowers.
You and Stanley are lookin right at home in Eire. Have a great St. Patrick's day. Muzzer says to remind you that St. Patrick was a member of the Roman Legion occupying Ireland, so in effect, this is an Italian holiday. PASTA
Thanks for the reminder - gotta stock up on the Guiness - tomorrow is the big day!!
I know you are having a wonderful time! Wish I was there with ya. Maybe next time!
You look so cute playing kissy face. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks.
Everything looks so fun and lovely! (Sammy can't look at that last photo)
wags from the rest of the whippets
We love reading about your adventures. Have fun!
Have a Guinness or two for us!! If you can't be in Ireland for St Paddies day then the second best place IS HERE!!!! In Boston!! Love A+A
Hi, Asta -
Your adventures sound so exciting. I haven't been to many places yet mostly New Hampshire, Maine and Connecticut.
Mama found your Dogster page and thought it was really cute. She especially liked your Christmas picture. Are you sure your Mommi paints and is not a teacher?
We can't wait to hear about your adventures for tomorrow.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I'm sooo jealous of your adventures!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Asta!
Sure tomorrow will be the funniest day of all!
I can't wait to hear about it!
Kisses and hugs
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Asta! You and Stanley sure are having a wonderful time - are you planning another trip together soon?
Also, do you know the story with Maarvin's human? I was shocked to hear about the blogs going away - we liked him so much - I hope nothing bad has happened!
Your adventures crack me up. You guys have the greatest time together. Looks like you are having a lovely holiday in Ireland. Mom was there a few years ago, and looking at your pictures really is bringing back her memories. Have a wonderful last day in the Emerald Isle!
Your pal,
I have been trying to find you today but your blogger thingie wasn't nice to me again. Anyway here I am and I am so happy that ou and Stanley are having such a fun time. Tomorrow will be a big day in Ireland and here we all are to celebrate. I found my Irish glasses so I am ready to party!
Stanley and Asta
Sittin' in a tree
K I S S I N G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First comes love
Then comes marriage..
Then comes...
The rest of this jumprope rhyme that was being shouted by Scruffy and Babystan at the top of their was interupted by Lacie...thankfully.
. . . . . . . . .
Sorry Asta..those boyz are gettin' worse and worse with their teasin'...what is the rest of that rhyme anyway???
Um...all of the happenings look amazing...but the best of course was ur picnic...I hope you had some bootiful Waterford wine glasses for you two to drink from...
What a lovely trip!
Oh Asta,
You look like your having a great time...wish I was there...
Glad St Patty got rid of those snakes before you got there!!
We do love that Guiness!!!
I'm Going to miss you for the NYC parade!I'll be wearing green!
Astaroni Fuzzbutt!
I am having a BLAST with you in Ireland. Thanks for scouting out a romantic picnic spot for us on the cliffs. I'll play bitey or kissie face with you ANYtime, ANYwhere!
You have been so sweet to me. I love traveling with you. Those orange flowers are nothing compared to all the ways you show me you love me!
Love & smooches,
Your Goober Boy
Another fun day in Ireland! Really liked the brewery but I think Roscoe maybe drank more than he was serving, ha, ha, ha. He has been sleeping a lot this afternoon. See you tomorrow for the big day in Ireland.
Now, Guinness is the Nectar of the Celtic Mother-Goddess, but don't forget Harp and Smithwick's and all the other worthy brews--especially if yer entertainin' as discerning a gentleman as Stanley O'Goober!
Then, o'course there's the Irish Whiskey, but we don' suggest ye go there yet...
Have a very happy St. Patty's Day!
Sephie & Buster
Love your romantic photos together! What a wonderful time we having been having! Rest well for tomorrow! A surprise is coming up for Stanley!
What a perfect ending to a perfect day!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Hey, Asta, we finally figured out how to be ourselves. And we have a picture too so you'll all recognize us,instead of calling us Jan. Course we aren't all in the picture, but Cameron and Merci are.
We'll be back tomorrow to read about your last day in Ireland.
Aw.. that's so sweet. Did you doggies saw U2 in Ireland??? What a pawsome trip with Stanley
~ Girl girl
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