Ouw fwiends wanted to help me suwpwise Stanley and they set up a bweakfast and gifts fow his GOTCHA DAY..I think he was absolutely floowed..he thought we'd all fowgotten in the excitement of St.Pawdy's day...but no such thing
FWOM ALL OF US...we love you and awe so vewy happy you found youw Giwl and adopted hew and Merv and Stella and all of us as fwiends
Photo by Asta with lots of editing help and gifts by Momo, Sassy, Karl,Socks,Scylla and Charybdis
we even got a bootiful wainbow to help make it all pawfect
FWOM ALL OF US...we love you and awe so vewy happy you found youw Giwl and adopted hew and Merv and Stella and all of us as fwiends

we even got a bootiful wainbow to help make it all pawfect

ouw sweet fwiends, left us to have a few minutes pwivately to celebwate this tewwific day..it's also ouw last day in Iweland..what an appwopwiate ending to a fabulous twip..I know all ouw fwiends in Bloggie land send him theiw love and can't wait till he's home to talk to evewyone.
(we wewe given souveniew Iwish sunglasses by Sassy and We bwought home enough fow evewyone . Pleez feel fwee to take them)

in the aftewnoon we went to the big pawade
With Scylla and Charybdis taking pawt in the float and us fuwwies looking on.....
Back row l. to r. Pinot, Mrs Oz Ruis, Karl
Middle row l. to r. Momo, Opus, Roscoe, Sassy
Front row l. to r. Socks, Scylla and Charybdis on the float, Momo-dog at the corner

photo by Asta
l. to r. - Charlie, Opus, Asta, Roscoe, Scylla, Karl, Emil (at back), Ruis, Charybdis, Socks, Momo-kitty, Sassy, Mrs. Oz, Momo- dog. Little Pinot at the front
Aftew the pawade some of us wan home to change fow this evening's ball.. we agweed to meet fow anothew dwink at the Temple Baw as you can see evewyone was vewy elegant and celebwatowy
front row left to right: Pinot, Momo-dog, Emil, Charlie
middle row: Sassy, Asta,Stanley , Scylla, Charybdis
last row: Ruis, Karl, Momo-kitty, Socks, Roscoe, Opus, Mrs.Oz
middle row: Sassy, Asta,
last row: Ruis, Karl, Momo-kitty, Socks, Roscoe, Opus, Mrs.Oz
Momo ouw intwepid guide told us that The Temple baw is located on the south bank of the Wiver Liffey in Dublin and unlike its suwwounding aweas still pwesewves the medieval chawactew of the city, with many nawwow, cobbled stweets. It is the cultuwal quawter of Dublin and is populaw with awtists and visitows alike.

In wecognition of ouw contwibution to the cultuwal events, we wewe invited back to Dublin Castle fow the Ball.
We assembled in the Wed Woom ....

Photo by Sassy
Front l. to r. Momo-dog, Scylla and Charybdis with little Pinot in frontBack l. to r. Karl, Socks, Ruis, Charlie (looking out of the window), Momo-kitty, Mrs. Oz, Sassy, Asta, Emil (in the big hat),
Before progressing to the St Patrick's Hall for the Ball, hosted by the Mayor of Dublin....
Front l. to r. Asta, Sassy, Mrs. Oz, Momo-kitty, Scylla, Charybdis, Momo-dog, little Pinot in front, Charlie at the right corner.
Back l. to r. Roscoe and Opus, Ruis, Socks, Karl andStanley
Back l. to r. Roscoe and Opus, Ruis, Socks, Karl and

Kitties - Momo,Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, Socks, Scylla and Charybdis
Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie
Please visit them for their stories of our adventure. Sassy and Momo have a lot of histowical facts about all the places on theiw bloggies
I am first to be here to wish Staneley a Happy Gotcha Day!
You see, I just want to post my comment before anyone pips me to that first spot. And I made a bad, bad spelling mistake in my haste. Just shows what you shouldn't do. Sorry, Stanley!
What a wonderful day and what a great trip! I so enjoy travelling with you and Stanley and hope that we'll have many more adventures together.
omdog what a trip, we tried getting the guinness through the monitor but it just didn't seem to work! we are glad you guys had such a great trip, we had some st patty's day fun too!
Oh, what a great trip you guys had! I wish I could have come! Happy Gotcha Day to Stanley. You look so cute together.
Momo sent me some glasses from Sassy. I look so Irish in them!
What a fabulous trip you've all had! You sure know how to dress in style, Asta! Always the lady!
Happy St. Patrick's day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Asta -
You and your friends seem to always have a good time. Happy Gotcha Day, Stanley!
Those sunglasses look very appropriate for St. Patrick's Day- Mama really likes them.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
What pawsome piktoors you sure had a great time.
Happy St.Pawddys Day
I am going right over to see Stanley now.
Happy Gotcha Day to Stanley and Happy St. Paddy's Day to everyone.
We are having a wonderful time. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Asta, you always have the best pictures. The pawty looks like a blast! Love, Martha
Happy St. Pat's Day! What a wonderful place to be for this fun day, in Ireland!! Boy, Stanley was sure surprised with his special Got Ya Day. Do we hear wedding bells yet? Stanley sure has it bad for you.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to my sweet sissie. I am having so much fun in Ireland and hope that you and Stanley are too. What found memories we will have along with the nice photos that everyone took. I really hate to have this trip end.
You guys really know how to have fun!
Safe travels home, dear Asta! Happy St. Pat's day and everyday!
wags from the whippets
Happy Saint Patrick's Day, and happy Gotcha Day to Stanley, too! Heading home on the flying bus seems like the perfect ending to a wonderful adventure.
Wow...that bus looked a little top heavy...hope you guys got home safely!!! What a fab week you all had...that pic of the Ball...oh, my...those Irish know how to make chandeliers!!!!!
You and Stan looked very cozy on you blankie...what a bootiful spot for a picnic!!!
Stan's Gotcha Day must have been just pawfect for him, Asta...you all had the bestest trip ever and took some wonderful pics!!!
Sorta jelly barks,
Only jelly cuz our grass is still brown and ugly and the grass in Ireland obviously has better fertilizer than Babystan and Scruffy provide!
Asta: Rest up quickly little one, you have another big trip coming up. You and Stanley seemed to have a super time, and were great reps for all of dogdom with your kitty friends.
Looks like your travels have been lots o' fun!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Happy St. Patrick's Day! You will all have to come back with that flying bus because we are staying the night here until tomorrow!
And I want to apologize for Emil - he doesn't mean to annoy Stanley - he just likes to chase others....
What a wonderful trip!
Mrs. OZ
Ca a l'air sympa la St-Patrick. C'est une fête que l'on a pas ici. Dommage.... Amuse-toi bien !
Bisous, Faya
Happy St Patricks Day Asta!
Wow - what fun you've had - your posts have been pure delight to me.
Loved & laughed with you on every one.
Just done my one Paddys Day post with a personal side take on the benefits of drinking Guinnesss!
Pats & pets
to you
Happy St. Pawtricks Day, Asta! It looks like all the kitties and doggies had a great time. We hope Stanley made it home in time for his Gotcha Day celebration.
Poppy & Penny
Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you guys!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Asta!
And thanks for taking the time to tell us about your wonderful trips. I close my eyes & pretend that I'm there with you!
What a great adventure you all had! We wanted to thank you also for the kind words you left on our blog about our cat brother Fritzy's passing on Saturday. We are missing him terribly, and the thoughts of our friends has helped a lot.
Abby, Rosie, Jackie and Gidget
Happy St Patrick's Day to you from us (my cousin Charlotte and I are visiting together today)!
What a great time we had in Ireland! I am a bit sad that it is ending but I look frward to another adventure with you and Stanley soon.
Wow Asta, what a great holiday you had. Stanley is very lucky to have such special friends to help celebrate his gotcha day.
All the pics are wonderful. We're so glad you enjoyed the trip. That flying bus is something else ay.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Sweet Astaroni LovePup!
This was the BEST trip. Now all of your catbuds are MY catbuds, and I got to know Charlie girl and also got to spend time with my friends Momo & Pinot!
You guys really surprised me this morning. I had no idea anydog or anycat else knew it was my gotcha day. I know my girl misses me, but I'm so stinkin' happy I got to spend my special day with all of you, but with YOU especially.
Can't believe we're on our way home! It will be weird to be back in GooberStan with just STella, my girl & Merv. Maybe we need to get a few more cat residents here.
All my goober love,
Your Stanley Boy
What a lovely time you all had Asta. The photos were marvellous and we enjoyed looking forward to the next installment of your Irish adventure each day.
So where are you going for your Summer holidays?
Molly and Taffy
Oh, some kitty left a comment about Stanley's got ya day and we couldn't figure out what it is. But gotcha day we understand. It looks like a wonderful surprise for him.
We hear you're having another adventure on the way home, so we'll look forward to it.
Hi Asta
My goodness gracious me .. what a pawtastic time you had in Dublin and celebrating Stanley's Gotcha Day and St Paddy's Day. You certainly made an impressive team and your outfits are pawsome.
Mum is a 'Fitzgerald'. Her mother's side of the family are Irish and her father's side are Cornish, which might explain why mum is a little crazy coz she has leprechauns and gnomes as ancestors.
Love from Hammer
Wow, What a fantastic time you had!
Asta, we would like to apologize. We knew you left comments on our blogs but the thing our silly mom thought you were the other Asta, http://astawft.blogspot.com/ hence we never visited your blog before. Sometimes we can never trust these humans.
Boy n Baby
Happy St. Pat's again, Asta! Doesn't Momo-cat look cute in that parade costume?
Hi, Asta!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! And Happy Gotcha Day to Stan!
Sure you all know how to celebrate!
Kisses and hugs
Is it really Stanley's Gotcha Day?! I'd better go over and wish him a happy one!
Great pictures, by the way!
happy st. patty day!
Happy St.Patrick's Day, Kousin Asta and Stanley!
Happy Gotcha Day to you, Stan!
You sure had a good time there in Ireland the past four days. I liked the area around the Temple Bar. That looked very interesting.
Great job!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Once again, AMAZING artwork!
~ChaChi LU
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