It was a gwey and wainy day, so Mommi and I did some pwepawations fow ouw twip
..I stawted to look thwough my coat wack to twy to decide what coat to take wif me
I think my polka dot waincoat pwobably, cause it's multi puwpose, and Mommi said we shouldn't take too much luggage
..I stawted to look thwough my coat wack to twy to decide what coat to take wif me

look what my fwiends Scruffy and babyStan did fow me
they took the wed eye to Wome and dieded the Twevi Fountain's watew Owange
just so I would feel welcome

now on a sewious note,I have a wequest
Ozzy and Romeo invited me to pawticipate in a walk at Beaw Mountain to waise money fow cancew on May fouwth... as you might know my Daddi had cancew, and lots of ouw hooman and fuwwfwiends have it too so it's a vewy impowtant cause..I know some of you have aweady donated, but if not and you can..pleeaz go to see what you can contwiboote
I'm going to be pawt of TEAM WIRE..I'm vewy pwoud! Pleez go to Ozzy's website, and see if you can help this cause...Thank you so much sweet fwiendz
woofies and Burf's ms askeded me mama to help wiff da cancer and her saided we could next week cause we iz poor dis week...hmm me has been wonderin u finks dey need a Team Angels?? wocky cood b on Team Mutts and me cood b on Team Angels....
b safe,
Rocky and ;)angel lacylulu
Hi Asta...
I'm so excitered for your trip, but I will miss you...but I promise to take good care of Stanny for you, ok. Don't you worry!!!
That was pawsome of Scruffy and BabyStan to fill the fountain with orange...what would have been REALLY cool was if it was orange juice because than you could take a drink after all your sightseeing!!!
So have safe travels...I can't wait to hear all about your trip. When do you leave??? Oh and yes I'll go sponsor you for your walkie...woot! Go team wire!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Mom cant figure out the silly site to donate for your team, all she can find is to register her and one dog and I sure as heck don't feel like walking to NY!! help!
Dear sissy Asta,
I am home but still very weak and tired. I will call back later when I am stronger.
Weak purrs to Mommi
What a lot of umbrella's. Do you know we don't have one umbrella in our house?!
Simba x
Coucou Asta ! Véronique elle donne ici en Suisse pour la ligue contre le cancer parce que son papa est mort du cancer il y a 20 ans déjà. C'est une grande cause et il faut y participer.
Rome en cette saison est plutôt froide...c'est le début du printemps. Je vous souhaite de bonnes vacances, gros bisous à tous et amusez-vous bien ! Faya
Hi hi Asta,
Your parcel arrived this morning, whee! Thank you so much! Mummy putted the ice cream cone thingy in the freezer, so me will enjoy chewing that later and my Wubba is already good and muddy cos me taked it in the garden and it be raining. Me said that Harry can share the curly tendon things with me, tee hee! Thank you so much sweetie Asta and mummy. Me can tell how long ago you first sent it cos in the card it sat "he" for me, cos you must have sended it when mummy and daddy thinked they was getting a boy, tee hee! We will post some photos later.
Have a fun time in Rome, me hopes you gets to eat lots of gelato!
Cassidy x
We think the polka dot coat would be the perfect choice! Are you taking an umbrella too? You sure have a lot of color choices!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
my dearest asta, it's been a while and i've missed you! i'm so proud that you're going to be part of the wire contingent and doing what you can for cancer patients! it's going to take a while to catch up on your old posts but i absolutely must find out about everything else you've been up to!
loves and kisses,
Defintely the Polka dot coat. Now wemember use have a gweats time and bees wery carefuls, me and Nanny will miss use sews mush.
Nanny is going to goes and donates wight now.
Love you much
Hugs, Bellry,Smoochies
Pee-Ess tell Myrna to have a gweat times withs Auntie Kawen, ands I totally understands.
Oh what fun you're gonna have! Wish I could go with you, but I gotta stay here & protect my peeps!
How sweet of Scruffy and Baby Stan to dye the fountain just for you!! What great friends they are!
I will go right over, Asta and see what I can do for the cancer walk. That is a wonderful thing for you to do. I did not know orange was your favorite color. I will make a note. That is so awesome you get to go on the trip with your pawents. I would take the cow outfit, you never know if you will need it or not.
Yup, the dotty raincoat please, you will be the toast of Roma! and we took care of the contribution thingy, so just go have a good time and enjoy yourself. And give Mommi and Daddy some time for Romance too, muzzer says.
Asta, I think your polka-dot jacket is the perfect choice! Are you going to blog from Rome, or is it strictly rest and relaxation? I know you will have a wonderful time!
Hi Asta...
Can you tell your Mom that my Mom tagged her at her blog? No rush to do it...just thought it would be fun for the hoomans to play a bit too!!
Lots of Licks, ruby
What a great cause! We are going to go to Ozzy's site right now! Love, Martha
Hey Asta, there are nice coats and umbrella there :) What a good cause !
have a nice weekend!
We will be sending good healing vibes to Momo. She is a beautiful sister and should be well to go on other trips with you.
Were the Italians upset with the fountain turning orange?
We will visit Ozzy'z cancer site and see what we can get the crazy old lady to let loose of.
Don't be packing lots of clothing. I heard on the news the airlines want to charge-charge-charge for extra baggage. Buy yourself lots of those wonderful Italian shoes. Just remember that the dollar doesn't go anywhere close to what it used to. Have fun on your vacation. Tell your mom that you would rather fly AireRuby and will meet up with her and your daddy when you arrive.
I think it would be cool to have a cow outfit. If I had one, I would wear it all the time and go out and chase the horses. Wouldn't that be funny?
Getting ready for a big trip like the one you're taking requires lots of thought and preparation. I'm glad you're there to help your mom. I like the polka dot, too, Asta!
Oh're going to be exhausted from packing before you even leave!!! Take some extra Vit. C to ward off any pesky colds that may be lurkin' around!!
We will race over to Ozzy's place to check out Team Wire....WOOT!!
Um the boyz look like PUMPKINS. The sofa looks a lot better's orange too. I was so tired of that blue stripe. Mumsie's hands are orange, the towels are orange....that was some pretty potent Easter egg dye they used.
At least their hearts are in the right places even if they are BAD!!! I'll smooth things out with Mumsie...she never stays mad long!!!
Orange Barks,
Hi Asta,
Sorry I've not commented for a few days, am away from home staying with Molly & Taffy!!!
Firstly TY for the Banana Award - what a sweetie you are.
Do have a great trip, you in Trevi Fountain I did enjoy, I only got to throw pennies in it!
I love Italy & Romes one of my fav. European cities.
Love, pats & pets
Asta, do you travel to Italy in the hull of the plane or beside your mummy & daddy? You are so lucky to be travelling!
We think that little red number we've seen you in would be a good outfit to take. You look very swish in that one!!!
Have a great time you lucky girl!!!
Have some gelato for us.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Asta, oh yes it rains here, all the time. But its normally windy too and umbrella's blow inside out. Mummy wears hats to keep dry.
Simba x
Look at all those pretty clothes! Have bunches of fun on your trip. We certainly won't forget about you.
Thanks for checking in on Max!
We're proud of you, Asta, for caring so much about others. We didn't know your dad had cancer. We hope he is totally free of it now.
Yes, definitely pack light for your trip.
It was nice of your friends to paint the fountain for you.
We're glad Momo and Miral are doing better. We are ready for some good news!
You are such a lucky pup to be heading to Italy! How long will you be there? Do you get to fly with your Mommi and Daddi? My Grandma will be there later in April, it's too bad you both weren't there at the same time. She would have covered you with smoochie kisses! I think you will look smashing in the polka dot coat. You will be the hit of Europe! Have a wonderful time, and like Noah said, have some gelato for us. Mmmmm, gelato is good! He he!
Oh, I'm so glad you got the stuffie. I sure hope you like it. Mom got me a blue one (to be more 'male') and I love squeeking it like crazy!
Travel safely!!
Your pal,
When you head for Rome and get there finding out that you didn't pack enough things maybe Opus and Roscoe will have something you could borrow? That is so nice that you will be helping raise money for cancer. The mom and dad of the house support lung cancer so they have been helping out there.
Good news today too that Momo Sissy has come home from the hospital and can recover at home. And Miral was doing better today. I hope those two keep on getting stronger each day.
Asta, woo are such a well-traveled pup!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Kousin Asta,
Have a wonderful trip to Rome and remember to bring some blessings back for all of us here.
Ya really have a lot of stuff to wear, don't ya......if ya pack too much, the airlines getya with extra charges...don't want that.
Have a great time.
Dewey Dewster here....
Good Morning Miss Asta!Thanks for your picture oon my bloggie, your a doll. But I'm think you may be teasing me,every time I look at your picture I'm sure you wink at me!
I love the Orange Trevi Fountain, you are so lucky.Orange is my favourite colour, usually I will wear no other,(apart from stupid bunny hat which I was forced to wear but the colour WAS so good with my tongue) Us City Fashionista Foxy's sure know what's flattering to our colouring don't we. Polk dot one is best by the way. Shy wig wags. Eric x
Aww we love the polka dot jacket! Good luck in the walk, we will ask mummy to donate for you!
Hi, Asta, Mommi and Daddi -
Asta, please don't fall in the Orange Trevi Fountain. Even though orange is your favorite color Mama told me about the time you dyed yourself orange. You are very pretty and don't need to dye yourself orange.
Mommi and Daddi, Mama wanted me to tell you that she is considering sponsoring Asta in her walk in May. Grandma and Grandpa also had cancer. Grandpa is cancer free but Grandma is watching us from heaven. Mama misses her so much.
We hope you both have a wonderful time in Rome.
Hershey, Kaci and Mama
P.S. We will miss hearing from Myrna, too.
Hi Asta!!
Wow!! How nice of Scruffy and BabyStan!! You must be even more excited fur your trip!!!
You're so sweet and caring Asta, we look up to you! We wish we could join you at the walk!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oh Boy!! I think that the orange water looks bootiful. I love orange water. It was so nice of Scruffy and BabyStan to do that for you. They are always so thoughtful.
I don't think you need to pack much, kousin Asta. You already have fur. What more do you need? Especially when you are as bootiful as you are!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Today is the BIG day! Though our human will be meeting you in Bologna, we have decided to meet you at the airport in Rome to give you a big welcome! We just can't wait to see you and your parents Asta!
Have a safe trip over the big pond and remember that your friends are here waiting for you!
Love from Italy!
Opus and Roscoe
Ci vediamo presto bellissima!
(See you soon beautiful)!
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