MyKousinKoobuss is having a contest, so get youw eastew bonnets on..it's fow all fuwwy fwiends!!

Good Luck and Have Fun!!
I have stawted to get in the mood..I figoowed that if I get dwessed fow Eastew, maybe Spwing will show up
I have stawted to get in the mood..I figoowed that if I get dwessed fow Eastew, maybe Spwing will show up
I'm getting weally sick of these hatses and besides aftew evewyone saw my BFF Lacie in hew Bunnie hat..I don't have a chance in heck anyway, hehehehe

Hewe I look like the giwl fwom Mawy had a little lamb, heheh
This is my favowite..sowt of etheweal, don't you think???hehehe
OK Evewyone get out youw hats weal ow imaginawy and go send youw pictoowes to Koobie!!!
I would also like all my fwiends to go visit some new fwiends Hershey and Kaci..they awe little schnauzews fwom new england and they don't know a lot of us yet, so it would be nice if we all welcomed them..Thanks !

Hewe I look like the giwl fwom Mawy had a little lamb, heheh

OK Evewyone get out youw hats weal ow imaginawy and go send youw pictoowes to Koobie!!!
I would also like all my fwiends to go visit some new fwiends Hershey and Kaci..they awe little schnauzews fwom new england and they don't know a lot of us yet, so it would be nice if we all welcomed them..Thanks !
Gads and double gads girlfriend. No wonder you live in NY. Where else would you live being the fashion diva that you are? Those hats are to die for.
woofies Ms asta, heehee me been finkin of a hat fur Koobie's contest...me will c...me iz glad u introduced hershey and kaci, me wuz gonna do dat wed...me meeteded dem on dogster...2 of da nicest puppys...and u goin to paris, how cool iz dat.....yeaaaaa.....
b safe,
You always look so stylish!
Hi Kousin Asta,
Thank You for mentioning the hat contest. You look absolutely stunning in all of your hats, but some are nicer than others. I am not going to say which ones I like best in case the judges are watching. I don't want them to be influenced in any way. Hehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Asta, you look beautiful in those hats. My favorite is the pink one, too. Wearing hats is hard!
Kousin Asta,
It's, me again, kousin Koobuss. That first picture of you is frightening. I am so glad you are alright. He never should have grabbed you like that, even if it did make a nice photo. Just because he's a fancy Easter decoration in a New York store window, that does not give him the right to grab little girl doggies to take their picture with him. I hope you bit him on the arm. I would have, or kissed him. Come to think of it, he was kinda cute.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
I love you and yoor hats! how bootiful!
Oh Asta! What a terrile experience with the big SKUNK! You look Terrified and pissed off at the same time.
We like all your hats. We kind of like the mary/lamb one best, because you look so happy in it. But you do elegant and enchanting equally well.
pee ess are you counting the days? Did you get a Marc Jacobs Dog Carrier? Enquiring muzzers want to know.
That last one makes you look very mysterious! I am sure not looking forward to this hat business at all!
Hi, Asta -
You have so many pretty hats. It's hard to pick out a favorite one. Mama seems to like the one with the little net in front. Mama's mother grew up in New York. If she saw all of these hats she would have said "Only in New York!"
You also looked pretty scared when that big guy picked you up! I would have been scared too.
Love -
Hi, Asta -
Thanks for mentioning us in your post. You are such a sweetheart and Mama really likes your blog.
My back yard is not that big - Mama says that we have less than a quarter acre of land, but it's enough for me to carry the sticks around.
To answer your other question, yes Kaci and I do get to see each other. Stay tuned for some more entries, Mama is planning on writing about taking care of Kaci when her Mama had two knee replacements.
Love -
Hi, Asta -
Hershey is going to visit with my Mama and I next week. It will be Mama's birthday. My surrogate Papa will be coming with Hershey. My surrogate Mama will be home alone but Bosco will take good care of her.
Love -
What is that thing? You are much better looking then it.
Hi, Asta!
You look great wearing all those hats! I guess I don't have a chance!
I am going to visit Hershey and Kaci. Thanks.
Have a good night
Hey Sis, you look absolutely divine in those hatses! You look so small compared with that monster taht grabbed you. Were you scared?
Really looking forward to seeing you in Italy for our Irish bonanza.
asta, you are so dang cute, i love that pic of you and that big black and white thing...is it a skunk? lol
and your hat is most gorgeous!
OOooh, we want to meet the giant rabbit!!! YUM!
You look lovely in your hats, Asta! We'll go see about entering.
wags from the whippets
Jolis chapeaux ! Oui ça sent le printemps...enfin j'espère. Ici c'est la tempête....
Bisous, Faya
i luv the 1st pix of u!!
swit kisses,
Asta, you look kinda scared in the first pic. Is it cause you dont' like the big scary skunk? I think you look lovely in any hat
~ Girl girl
You be so pretty in your bonnets Asta! Not sure me would like to be grabbed by that big animal though!
We sended you a pee mail back, hope you get it!
Cassidy x
Oh Asta..i love the 'Mary had a little lamb' hat! it looks real good on you!
eeeks a gaint woodland creature has got you. Love the hats.
Simba x
Hey Asta, having superdoopercomputer problems at the moment so I can't blog except when J1's at work and no-one is looking! All your hats are pawsome but I like the last one the best! J x
Use looks bootiful in all those hats, but the last one was the bestest. Nanny is trying to figure out how to puts a hats on mees.
Please tell all your fwends, I was not offended when you weft the woom, you cames rights back for mores lovins.
Did weeds let the cats out of the bags about use twip to Roam? Sarwy we shoulds have lets use tell evwy ones abouts it.
Opal & Nanny
Are you sure you're not a professional hat model???!
Yes, I am ready for Spring and Easter too!!! It's a week from this Sunday. Yay, you know what that means - Easter candy!
Pee S: The Bush folks are wanna be Texans!
Oh Asta,
I just love your hats.....why you look bootiful and quite the girl about town. I bet all the guys in NY are stopping to take a closer look at you girl.
Your buddy,
Dewey Dewster
Woof! You look so pretty in your easter outfit. Spring is coming soon and you are all set to welcome it.
Asta, that is the most beautiful picture of you with the big scary creature. I think I am in love. Plus you are very brave to be so close to it. My mum has been really busy and hasn't had time to update my blog, but she said she would do the challenge to make something and post it, and maybe try and find a Easter outfit to post too. It is 67 and 73 degrees tomorrow so I believe Spring is finally here in Kansas..I will blow it your way!!!!
I met Hershey & Kaci! It's always fun to meet new friends.
Asta, I really like the way your orange hat matches your orange collar. You are one beautiful gal!
Feel free to hop on over if you need some Spring - we have plenty here in the SF Bay Area. Want to come over for tea and scones?
Those are lovely bonnets Asta! We're waiting for spring here too, though I will miss the snow - I love it so!
Hey Asta!!
Wow that easter bonnet contest looks like tons of fun, you look gorgeous in all your fancy hats!!
I hope you have a great week!
Oh My!! What is that freaky looking creature in the first picture? I would be far from happy if that thing picked me up!!
You look amazing in those hats, you get my vote for sure!!
love, licks and tail wags,
Ben xxx
woofies Ms Asta...heehee paris or wome, its almost da same place, accross dat big pond...yeah me knows about dat video...its hard to take, makies me wanna go bite sumbody...me nos u sent it to a bunch of peoples, and i thot mayb me needed to put it on da bloggy soooo everdog, Kitty and hammie cood c it...heehee me already gots another doggy ready fur new pup wed..me iz fastttt...
b safe,
WHOA!!!! Girlfriend you let a SKUNK pick you up??? Granted he was pretty big but still where was your terrier instinct??Agatha caught one once and was so stunned(AFTER HE SPRAYED HER)she dropped it(pew we alll stunk for days......SOme peoole just are natural hat wearers!! LoveA +A
glad you didn't get sprayed by that skunk!
I can't wait till Spring either!! It's cold & wet & yucky here.
I don't have a bonnet!!! Wahhhhh!! You are stylish as usual Asta.
Cute picture. That looks like a big "Peppy La Pu" from the the Looney Tunes cartoons. You look smashing in those Easter hats. Did they fix the fence at your wun?
Looney Licks,
Your hats are lovely. You look cute in just about anything.
We stopped by to visit Hershey & Kaci.
Wow! So many hats, so little time! Be sure to keep Roscoe away from them or he will want to borrow one! heehehehe!
We are almost ready for the big picnic at Pisa tomorrow. Thanks for your kind offer to bring something, all we need is you!
Ci vediamo domani bellissima!
Opus (and Roscoe)
We're going to enter Koobies hat contest but after seeing your pics we don't think we stand a chance. Your hats are wonderful. You really are a hat dog Asta.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Asta! We aren't sure, but we think that critter you are with is a s-k-u-n-k! We sure hope he didn't spray you after he put you down! Great hats...we love all of them!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
Hi Asta!
That big creature sure looks scary, you must have been very brave!!
And your hats are lovely!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
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