1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:
4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to Linda so that we can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.


I have anothew vewy impowtant wequest! You know the little puwple button on top on the wight of my bloggie..well could you please wemembew to click on it evewy time you visit..and maybe put one on youw site too..they awe not getting enough visitows and it would weally help
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quote of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quote of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "feed an animal in need" for free. Its a purple box in the middle of the page. It doesn't cost you any money - their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned and neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Please pass along to friends and family - the more people who respond - the more animals that get helped!
I will click everyday...I promise!
I like your wish too!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We agree completely with your wish! We sure hope it comes true! Our mom clicks that animal rescue button everyday and then she goes to work and clicks it from a different computer. Her clicks get counted twice. Hee hee! We don't really think that's cheating!
Poppy & Penny
Asta, I wish for your wish to come true!
That's a beautiful wish.
That's a good wish Asta! We wish for the same thing!!
Hi Asta!!
Thanks fur tagging us!! This will be fun!!
And congrats on the award!!
Also, we've been clicking on that site fur some time, but sometimes we furget to, so we'll go ahead and put the button on our bloggie!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I got your tag...I made my wish on my blog, come and see. Your wish was a wonderful wish, Asta. Mum isn't very good at the link thingy yet, but she is getting better. I also put a rescue button on my blog to so I can remember to click on it each day.
Big paw hugs
That is a truly wonderful wish and I join you in hoping that it would come true. Congratulations and thankyou for the award.
The blank picture of the falling star wish is not showing. Mine did that too . You may have to reload it. If you can't can't it I can snd it to you again.
hi Asta, you did good on that wish. we liked it on Deetz's bloggy too.
our mom clicks that 'feed an animal' button every day at her work. she doesn't want any creatures to go hungry. at our house, we don't know what hunger is - is that how we feel right before dinner time?
you're a very sweet and thoughtful dog, Asta. we aspire to be as kind as you are.
That's a really great wish, Asta, and I sure hope that it comes true, too!
Thank you so much for playing along with us on this meme!
What a caring and thoughtful wish. We are hoping that it comes true.
Grammie has that purple box bookmarked. I know she doesn't click it everyday. A good ankle nipping is in order.
We'll try and remember to click the purple button more often, Asta!
We hope your wish comes true! You're one sweet girl, ya know!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
we will be sure to click every day, we promise! You made a great wish, and I think all the DWB members share your wish with you!
We left a long comment and Blogger ate it. Scruffy said bad words and is grounded.
A recap:
We will hit the food button...we forgot!!!
We loved the pix from bubbleshare...Mumsie loves Uncle Tony's eyes.
I loved the bootiful way ur mom had the table set with all the pretty glass and eggs.
Scruffy and Babystan loved the ham.
Send leftovers.
We enjoyed ur wishies...Scruffy wishes for more toys...
Babystan...more food.
I've tried, Asta...really,but they are impossible to train. Their new vocab word of the day is EGOCENTRIC.
Ok...we'll try again...we love blogger.
Pee Ess...can I borrow ur mom's shoes????
Hi, Asta!
I like your wish too! And I wish it comes true!
I will click the button everyday!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs
That's a pawsome wish Asta.... I clicked on the button...
~ Girl girl
Hi Asta,
You know something, as I was reading your instructions on 'make a wish', I knew what I wanted to wish for and it is the exact same thing that you wished for!!
Ok I promise I will click on the button everytime i visit you.
I am clicking, I am clicking. I have a button on my site too! Hey sissy, you must be getting very excited about your real adventure to Italy. I am so envious; SS is so envious. Would LOVE to go!!!!!!!
That's a great wish! I clicked the purple button. What a great way to help the unfortunate animals!
Love licks,
Slid Gold Dancer
Fantastic wish Asta! I sure hope the wish will come true. I will try to clicked it everyday! :)
Amber :)
What a lovely wish. I hope it come true. Congratulations on your award.
Simba x
Hi, Asta -
Thanks for reminding us to click every day. Mama was going to the web site and actually put the site in our favorites folder. Because Mama really likes your blog she clicks on the link you have instead. Mama is sick and tired of hearing the horror stories of animal abuse.
Love -
Hey there Asta, that's a nice wish you got..Wouldnt the world be a better place then? Happy Doggies everywhere!
Asta, that is a very good wish! And congratulations on your award!
Thanks for the reminder to click for the animals. Willow and I will try to get the button on our blogs too!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Very nice wish you have there! You have a good heart, Asta.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Thanks for the tag, Asta. I finally got my wish made.... er, I mean wishes. I couldn't think of only one thing so I wished for a bunch of stuff. That's okay, right?
PS I've been reminding my girl to click that purple button.
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