Last weekend auntie Kawen had a pawty..she oosually does Eastew, but since we awe doing Eastew, she decided to do a combination StPatwick's day-Palm Sunday dinnew, hehehehe
...but she has the most wondewful Eastew stuff, so she decowated the apt. with all hew supew bunnies and chicks and flowews..
This is on the piano

these bunnies awe big dwinkews..they wanted to be neaw the cocktail tway

the bunnies on the cocktail table wewe bwinging choklits and guawding the smoked salmon hors doovres

This is my favowite bunny..he was on the dining woom table

evewything was so fwesh and festive and spwingy and pawfect

inclooding auntie Kawen

this is the bestest spwing soup..
anybunny would be thwilled to eat this(so wewe the hoomans) it has lettuce and fwesh peas in it

and fow the main couwse thewe was lamb with fwesh gawden vegebals..Mommi dunked all hew bwead and wiped the plate clean like a piggy

We got in the mood fow eastew that's fow suwe!!!
Yestewday..Mommi and I painted these eggses in between cwying..we were'nt in the mood..we wewe so vewy it took fowevew

Daddi blowses the insides out, and then we paint them..and on Eastew evewyone gets to take one home..

We do this evewy yeaw..and twy diffewent colows and pattewns always

It's finally spwing have a wondewful Eastew evewyone!!!

your eggs are beautiful!! what happens to the inside bits that get blown out, do you get to eat them? They are very good for our doggy furs. the soup at yor aunt's house looks so refreshing and yummy. Mom loves green food :)
We are pretty sad about LacyLulu too. :(
Hi Asta,
Your Aunties Easter home & dinner looked lovely.
I haven't blown & pained eggs for years - thinks such a sweeet idea to make them for your Easter guests. Hope you have a happy w/e celebration, inspite of the sad, sad news about Lacy-Lulu.
But Easter is the time of new beginnings so who knows!
Love, pats & pets
Those eggs are just sooo beautiful & the celebration dinner look soooo yummy
Have a very yappy Easter
ps very sad about Lacy Lulu may she find peace with all our DWB friends looking out for us from over the rainbow bridge
Mistress wants that green soup NOW. So does master. They love green soups (and yummy peas - we all love peas). We had forgotten it was spring today until we read your post - so thanks for reminding us.
Have a lovely Easter Asta
Pippa xx
You got your bunny ears, Asta - and you look adorable in them! Aunt Karen's home looks so festive with all the bunnies and flowers! Your mom's painted eggs are just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your Aunty Karen made a lovely looking dinner and your mummys eggs are decorated beautifully. We hope you have a nice Easter Asta. We know your still very upset about Lacylulu, we all are.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi, Asta -
Mama showed me your Easter eggs and I think they are way too pretty to eat. Your family is so talented.
I (Hershey) just got back from New Hampshire - or as Papa says "Stick Hampshire." He is not being sarcastic because he definitely is a country boy at heart. Mama's the city slicker!
Mama started an entry on my adventures with the snow but the computer would not cooperate with her so she is getting frustrated. She is going to try again.
Hope you have a Happy Easter with your family! It will be quiet for me. Papa has to work and Mama will be doing homework. That will be no fun for a young schnauzer like me.
I guess I will do what I like best - drive Mama crazy so she will pay attention to me.
Love -
P.S. I miss Lacylulu too, but Bosco told me she has already met her at the bridge and is showing her around. Lacylulu was very popular and she is very popular at the "bridge."
Auntie Kawen's dinner and home looked just pawsome. The eggs Mommi made are bootiful. Nanny, Auntie Michele and Auntie Joey used to do eggs with bee's wax and onion skins a longs time ago they were called Pasanke in Polish, Nanny cannot spell, Nanny used to blow out the egg insides and turned wed in the facey.
Use look gorgeous in your Bunny ears.
Have a Happy Easter and kisses to Mommi & Daddi
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
That's a very kewl eggs you have there!! :)
and lotsa rabbit!!! heheheh i love rabbits...i chase them hehehehhee..
Happy Easter Asta!
May you have lotsa lotsa blessing this year okaaaaaay
You, Sweetpea, are the cutest Easter Bunny EVER!
Sounds like it's just one big party there... first at Auntie Karen's house, then at your house this weekend! I'm sure everyone who comes will smile because they get to be with you, your mommi & daddi!
Those eggs are fiercely bootiful! I just want to touch them, they're so shiney & bright!
Have a happy happy Easter, girlie!
Goober love & smooches,
Isn't Easter wonderful? Your family really knows how to celebrate it too. Auntie Karen's place looks so festive & pretty.
I am sooo sad that you were crying yesterday. It is sad that Miss LacyLulu has left us. But I know she is in a better place, running free and acting as if she were just a little pup- furever!
Asta le printemps chez nous il est en neige depuis 12 heures (15 cm de neige !!!!!)... Mes pauvres fleurs sont sous la neige. Miam miam ça a l'air très bon votre repas... Joyeuses Pâques à tous et gros bisous, Faya
Asta, your eggses look bootiful! We are all sad about losing Lacylulu, but we know that she is now young again and having a pawsome time at the bridge! Happy Easter to you and your family, Asta!
Poppy & Penny
Hey Asta, we're very sorry to hear about your friend :(
The eggys that you and your mummy painted look very pretty
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Asta, You're going to Rome?!!!! I'm so jealous, I can't even tell you how good that food looks.
What a lovely table! Happy Easter!
We never heard of blowing out eggs but the ones you painted are gorgeous. Everything looks so lovely and the food delicious. Buddy, Merci and Samaritan would like the lettuce soup. We felines vote for the lamb and veggies.
We are so sad about Smudge. Another one has gone.
There are some beautiful photos of Lilly Lu on her site today. Perhaps there will be some good news later?
How fun to be with your Aunt Karen and celebrate with her! I think she looks a lot like your mom.
Do you get to have one of those beautiful red eggs, too, Asta?
When I think of Easter and springtime, I think of new life. It is sad to lose someone you love, but Lilly Lu must be enjoying her new life in a place nearby -- and always close to your heart.
Happy Easter, Asta!
Why Asta,
Your hand-painted eggs look marvelous...just do you hold them to drain and paint them? Just wondering as when we tried that, they cracked and leaked all over us. We were yellow all over and Gram said we looked like Easter insulting......we are terriers....Easter Terriers.
Dewey Dewster here.....
Oh my, where to start. You look absolutely darling in your easter ears. Do not wear them on the street in Rome, you will be mobbed!
Muzzer loves the eggs. She remembers doing that when she was a little girl. She likes them all, but her flavorite is the pink one with one stripe. Don't ask, she said something about "elegant."
And dinner at Aunt K.'s looks wonderful...but we are drooling in anticiption of your menu for easter.
Ohh, I love the easter decorations!! love the eggs and the color! There are lovely! and what a feast.. looks very yummy.. 6:
Happy Easter Asta and your pawrents!
Those eggs are so pretty & festive! And that food looks great.
Hope you have a great easter!
Happy Spring and Happy Easter Asta!
Girl, does the party ever stop? Those Easter decorations were very nice. Smoked salmon is the best. You did an excellent job on those red eggs.
We are sad here also.
Ooooh! Aaaah! Those Easter eggs are the most beautiful I have ever seen!
Hi, Asta!
Sure it was fun to be at your auntie's home celebrating! Yummy food and nice decorations!
You and your mom did a great job with those eggs.
Here we don't celebrate Easter but we said welcome to the spring.
Happy Easter!
Kisses and hugs
h wow, what cute decorations! And the eggies you & your mama painted are tooo cute! My mommy has painted an Easter egg once for an Art class & she got really high marks for it. Heehee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
The eggs be so pretty, all pink and girly. And Aunty Karen's house be pretty with all the bunnies and chickies.
Happy Easter sweet Asta.
Cassidy x
hi Asta, wow, we really like those eggs. they are so pretty. you and your mom are very talented. your aunt Karen has some nice easter bunnies too. did you get to eat some of that yummy soup?
Hi Asta
You look adorable with your bunny ears. Just watch out for the aliens, they like cute doggies!
Charlie Boy
Wow!! What beautiful decorations! And beautiful delicious looking food! Most of all, I like the eggs the best! They are gorgeous!!! You come from a very talented family, Asta!!
Happy Easter to you, your pawrents, and Auntie Karen!
Love ya,
Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Asta, I'm watching an old movie called "The Awful Truth" with my grandma on TV right now and it made me think of you since it features a talented WFT and it takes place in NY. Have you ever seen this movie?
Those decorations look great! We don't do easter but you've inspired my girl to put out some bunnies in honor of spring coming soon. I know it's supposedly here already but it sure doesn't feel like it with all this snow!
Hope you have a happy Easter!
Wow, there sure are a lot of bunnies in your house today, Asta! Happy Easter!
Bunnies? YUMMY!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Oh Asta...those eggies are just bootiful!!! You are so talented. My Mom did that blowing stuff with eggies when she was little...but she said they never looked as good as yours!!!
Have a wonder Easter!!! Lots of Licks, Ruby
Your Aunt Karen knows how to throw an Easter Party! Her decorations are lovely and the food looks eggstra special!
Asta this is all luvly! I luv bunnys I think they're grayte! We see sum on the grarss verges wen we drive down to Granny's. But we don't decorayte for Eester. Mummy haz got lots ov flowers tho, mostly daffodils (wich Dilly calls daffodillys).
I'm sorry yu wer sad. Yor frend wuddent want yu to be sad an upset. She wud like yu to smile an go boing for spring. Try to go boing for her...
nose hugs...
an Eastery hugs...
Mummy says that takes her back to when she was little girl, painting eggs and easter bunnies. Have a lovely Easter.
Simba x
Hey Asta! Come and have a look at our blog... we have something for youuuu
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
woofies ms Asta, dont b sad, me iz watchin out fur u and always lovesss all da bunny wabbits and chickies...and dose eggies r bute ti ful....and dose flowers r pawtastic...haff fun at u pawties, "da hostess wiff da mostest"..
b safe,
;)angel Lacylulu
Reading the comment from angel Lacylulu made the maid cry again....
Wonderful pictures, Asta, and the eggs are so pretty...
Have a happy Easter, you look mighty funny with your Bunny Ears, Asta, hahahahaha
Your Aunty Karen has the most wonderful Easter decorations. Neeless to say the dinner looks totally delcious. Mommi and Aunty Karen always give such elegant and yummy dinner parties.
The eggs are beautiful too! Mommi is such a good artist. Hehehe, love your bunny ears.
Happy Easter from your your sis in an egg.
Just to let you know that you are being featured in the Zoolatry 'High Five Saturday' at
We enjoyed seeing all the wonderful easter decrations your auntie prepared! We're glad you had a good Easter. These painted eggs and Eater card are so cute!
Momo & Pinot
Happy Easter to my sissy and her family. The photos of the party were beautiful! I bet everyone has such a good time. That soup looked really good and I am glad that your mommie got every bit of the soup with her bread.
asta i would just LOVE to come over and fwap all da metal tings dat yoo has.
i love to fwap.
And yes, i am all recovered from my surgeries!
i'm so cited!
The decorations are just lovely! And the food! My goodness it looks so yummy! Love, Martha
Happy Easter to my sweet sissie, hope you are having a fun day. Can hardly wait to see your pictures of Easter.
We are so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to say goodbye to a friend, but we hope the good memories will help to get you through the rough times.
We think your Mommie's new haircut is just wonderful! Do tell her to leave her bag at home when you guys come to Rome. We and our humans are so excited to get to meet you all in person. See you in Italy SOON!
And last but not least,
Wishing you and humans a wonderful Easter! Buona Pasqua a tutti!
Opus and Rosocoe
ps. Those are the most beautiful eggs we have EVER seen!
What bootiful eggs, Astabunny!! Ur mom is very talented!!!!!
Now that we know ur mom likes lamb...I mean to eat. And you said your fur is all long like a lamb...I hope if you saw any mint jelly today, you ran....she'd cook ya up, Girl!!! Just kiddin'!!!
Hope you had a fab Easter and ur dinner went well!!!
Love and lickies,
Hi ASta
We love all your Easter decorations and the pink eggs are superb. Hope you are having a good Easter weekend.
Molly and Taffy
Those eggs are beautiful. Happy Easter
THe eggs are lovely!!!.Well maybe it is spring at your house but it is stinky still here.......WHEN OH WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love A+A
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