HAPPY JOEYPALOOZA!!!! if any of you wun out of stuff, I have plenty as you can see!

Today is also Scruffy's second Birfday!!!, but I think he's ackshooally celebwating tomowwow cause Mumsie is wowking today..but I just couldn't let his Birfday pass without my thoughts and best wishes, and MUWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Pleez go ovew to help wish Happy Birfday to Rusty and Samaritan at Jan's Funny Farm!
The members of Jan's Funny Farm have been working untiringly for animal causes. Thewe awe thwee doggies and six kitties who live with Jan, and awe vewy active in helping wescue and genewally cawe fow fuwwkids!
cawd by Momo
When Sassy and Momo heard that two of the members have plans for a 'quiet' celebration of their birthdays on March 5, they organized theiw sissies Asta, Momo-dog and the talented Italian kitties, Opus and Roscoe, to give them a surprise party.
photo by Asta
left to wight:Momo(lowew left),Opus,Momo-doggie,Sassy,Pinot(way too close to that cocktail)Percy(one of the membews of Jan's Funny Fawm),Roscoe, and Me(Asta eyeing the gelato)

When Sassy and Momo heard that two of the members have plans for a 'quiet' celebration of their birthdays on March 5, they organized theiw sissies Asta, Momo-dog and the talented Italian kitties, Opus and Roscoe, to give them a surprise party.

left to wight:Momo(lowew left),Opus,Momo-doggie,Sassy,Pinot(way too close to that cocktail)Percy(one of the membews of Jan's Funny Fawm),Roscoe, and Me(Asta eyeing the gelato)

Thewe's balloons and tons of food and of couwse yummie cakes all sent ovew and kept secwet

Photos by Sassy
Please go ovew to help Celebwate!..they've nevew had a Birfday pawty befowe..and they suwe desewve all us fuwwkids to come and help them have the vewy best day!!!!!
I will go over and wish a Happy Barkday......I asked my mummy when my barkday was and she said that I was about 6 weeks old August 17th...so she said we would make July 1st, my barkday. I am soooo excited to have a barkday. Jan's funny farm is a great place and she takes care of alot of furbabies.
hi Asta, it seems like there are a lot of barkdays going on right now. we love cake and parties and friends. barkdays are the most special days ever.
That's a lot of wonderful birthdays to celebrate! I already visited Scruffy and Rusty & Samaritan. I do not know Joey, but I am going to go wish him a happy birthday. I hope he does not mind if I crash his party!
What a lot of birthdays! Thanks for telling us, Asta! We're on our way to wish everybody a happy, happy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey, Asta,
We are having a great time at our surprise party. Maybe too good a time. We dropped by Sassy's and called her Momo.
We're going to stop by to meet the other birthday celebrators today.
Uh, how do we get to Joey Palooza's?
You should be in the party planning business. You would be busy 24/7 with all the requests that you would get.
Oh Goodness - it's a happy everything day today!
Asta...thanks for the reminder about Joey Palooza, I think we need some more drinkables at our house, seems we drank all dad's reserve over stupor bowl weekend. We stopped by Jan's to say yappy barkday too.
Hey Asta, Oooo I'd forgotten about Joeypalooza! Better stock up on drinks and stuff. I'm hoping that Scruffy has a great day and I'll head on over to your other pals too and wish them a happy barkday. J x
It is a good thing we came to your blog with our party hats on! hehehehehe!
Wishing ALL of Asta's friends a very happy birthday! May all your wishes come true!
Opus and Roscoe
woofies Asta, u iz soo smart, mew got to go to jans and wish dem Happy meow day..and oopies me thot joeys wuz tomorrow...its mamas fault...heehee...and me got scruffy fixeded up..
b safe,
Oh Asta, the party was wonderful wonderful....the snacks were delicicious. Cannot wait to have a birfday party of my own....paw hugs for wonderful Asta.
P.S. Gizmo's barkday is May 1st, mummy says he is her may baby. hehe
Asta sissy, you have been busy! I did say we should be in the party planning business. Look at you!
Happy Birthday to all Asta's friends!
Who is Joey Palooza?
And mistress never lets me go to parties. :(
What a lot of birthday fun you will be having this week. I noticed that you had Samaritan's birthday cake posted but not the cake for Rusty. Is that because it is a kitty cake and you are a doggie, ha, ha, ha. Just kidding.
I sent you an e-mail yesterday maybe the monster ate it. I have a link from my place and have invited a few of my friends to go over to Punkin's place and say hi. You will fall madly in love with this sweet little furry puppy. Punkin is new to the bloggin world and I remember how ared it was to make friends so I thought it would be nice to have a few of us to stop over and welcome him. Party on my sissy, and thanks for our help with the party at Jans.
Thank you for the pawesome card and all the extra MEAT! What a GREAT present!!! JoeyPalooza actually waasn't supposed to start until tomorrow but holy crap, I am making Mom start celebrating tonight!!
Wow - that's a lot of birthdays!! Thanks for letting us know!!
Gosh... there are so many barkdays! I'll dash over and wish them now!!
Hi, Asta!
Many of our friends are celebrating their birthdays these days! I am going to visit all of them right now!
Kisses and hugs
Sweetpea Asta FuzzButt!
So many birthdays, so little time! I think we could celebrate everyday and know that we'd be hitting on somedoggie or kitty's birthday! You are very sweet to give all those shout outs to everybody! I'll go check in on Joey and Scruffy and all the rest!
My girl has SOOOO dropped the ball on our celebration of Joeypalooza! She needs to get on the stick (the bully sticks, that is).
Goober love & smooches,
Asta...I'm so excited!...so excited!!!...I have a tennis ball in my head!!! I KNEW IT...I can't stop thinkin' bout them...like it's just soooo pawsome to watch them bounce and see them roll...and hear the squeaky ones squeal...I thought I was schizzo frenic or something...but I'm not...I HAVE A TENNIS BALL FOR A BRAIN....THAT'S PAWSOME!!!!
Not sure why Mumsie's seizin' again....she does that a lot when she reads ur blog....don't get a complex or something...will open ur pressie tomorrow!!!!
I love you...Scruffy
Oh wow. so many friends celebrating their birthdays.. Yeah..
~ Girl girl
That looks like a great party and will you check out the cake mmmmm.
Simba x
Hi Asta
We're going to check out Jan's Funny Farm right now. We don't know what a palooza is but it sounds like fun.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I didn't know there are so many happy occasion to celebrate today. Thanks for letting me know. You have the best looking Bday cards for your friends.
Hi Asta
You are such a sweet caring girl looking after everyone. We are all so lucky to know someone as very special as you.
Love from Hammer
Gosh! You have been very busy celebrating barkdays. Ever think of becoming a professional party planner? You'd be great at it :-)
The Fleas
Happy Barkday to them ALL!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, it must be March Birthday Madness! Abby turns 10 in just a few days, and we celebrate Jackie's BD at the same time, as that's when we adopted her.
Chris, Abby, Rosie, Jackie, Gidget and Fritz
Oh wow! So many happy celebrations!!
Woof woof!! We feel the spirit!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
wow so many pawties !!
We dropped by to thank you for all your help in planning and executing the surprise party for Rusty & Samaritan yesterday. We all had a wonderful time. We zonked out when the party broke up. We hope you found a comfortable spot to rest before you went home.
Thanks for thinking of us Asta. I think you thought my birthday came early this year. :) I am a May baby. My barkday is on May 9. But, thanks for getting me excited about it and almost ready to begin the countdown. :)
Hope you have a great day!
Soo many barkdays and so many barkday goodies. Makes me very hungry. Hope they all have a grrreat time.
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