I oosually see him at the wun, but today he came ovew wif his Mom(she's the one who gives the most mesmewising tummy wubs ....You can see hew in my Eastew Pictoowes hypnotising me)
anyway it was such a nice suwpwise, cause the weathew was pwetty yucky and I was all alone with Mommi and she's not that much fun

I wanted to be a good hostess and Mommi was pwetty happy wif me..xept..I just loooove to play kissy monstew
Petey was a good spowt about it..ouw favowite game was I twy to take his ball , he sowt of puws and I kiss him
It was the best evening at home in a long time..I hope Petey comes ovew much mowe often, cause I had a ball hehehehehehe
I hope all of you have a pawsome weekend!!!
love and smoochie kisses
love and smoochie kisses
Mommi was tagged by Ruby's Mom fow this:
Five things on my to-do list:
---which one LOL
Five things on my to-do list:
---which one LOL
1. Finish packing
2. Laundry and ironing
3. read everything on Rome and take notes
4. cook something
2. Laundry and ironing
3. read everything on Rome and take notes
4. cook something
5. wash and try to groom Asta as best I can before the trip, hahahaha
Five Snacks I enjoy:
1. cheese
2. fresh crunchy bread
3. taralli
4. wine
5. chocolate
Five Things I would you do if I was a Billionaire:
1. buy a place to live, so we don't wind up in a refrigerator box on the West side Hwy.
2. do the same for all my friends
3. get a lot more doggies, and help the ones I can't adopt
4. learn french and italian finally
5. paint without worrying about selling
Five of my bad habits:
---but there are so many!!!
1. eating in the middle of the night
2. never exercising
3. smoking
4. procrastinating5. spending half my day on the blog
I'm too frazzled to think of who to tag..so if you want to play, consider yourself tagged..love Ami
Hi Asta
So glad You had a very good day with Petey.
Have a very good trip and tell us all about it when you get home.
Woofs and Licks
woofies and Burf's ms Asta...heehee u really had fun playin wiff petey...he b a cutie doggy...and me hopies u has lots of fun in Wome...me will miss u...
b safe,
Rocky and ;)angel lacylulu
hi Asta, we sure saw a lot of wagging tails in those videos. we can tell you and Petey were having so much fun. we think it's funny how he likes to hang on to his tennis ball. that is what Bailey likes to do also. that's a fun game.
Petey looks like lots of fun! We love that last video when he dusted your nose! hehehehe
Have a blast in Rome, Asta! We'll miss you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sweet Asta,
If we didn't love you so much, we would be very very very envious. Actually, we love you., but we are still envious.
When I was about a year old, Mom and Dogdad bought the largest size sherpa bag authorized to go in the cabin of a plane -- and guess what? I was half a rump too big and did not fit. They tried and tried -- but they would have had to take a slice off my butt!!!And JH is even longer.
That means we can never ever ride in the cabin of a place and that means either Mom and Dogdad drive (not the best way to get to Rome, for example) or we stay home.
But we are happy that you are petite enough to travel in style and wish you have the bestest time!!!
Lots and lots of love,
Jake and Just Harry
Mais mais mais ASTA ! Tu lui faisais la cour non ?.... Ohhhhh...comme vous êtes mignons...et ta queue qui n'arrêtait pas de bouger... Je suis contente de te voir comme ça avec ton ami !
Gros bisous, Faya
You are just about the best hostess ever!!
Your tails sure were wagging weren't they!!???
It looks like you had a fun time with your friend. I thought that was so nice of you to share you ball with the doggie. I didn't think that was right that the doggie would growl at you, you are too sweet to be growled at. I enjoy the videos of you because it makes me feel just like I am there. Count down to you trip, hope to have lots of pictures when you get back at home.
Asta: Looks like you had a great time. We will try to pic up the Meme tomorrow, at least Muzzer can post that pretty fast! tehehehe
Petey is so adorable! And he sure loves his tennis ball. It was very funny how you tried to get it right out of his mouth. But the funniest thing was his tail wagging in your face and your face moving back and forth!
Hi, Asta!
Glad you had a great time with Petey! Looks like he never drop that ball!
I love the video of the kissey monster!
My mom would like to havethe "bad habit" to blog half or her day. She can't do it at work now!
Kisses and hugs
Scruffy and Petey would be INSANE together, Asta!!! Wonder if he has a tennis ball inside his head too, like Scruffy??!!!
Mumsie went to the dog show today with daddy. Ahh...they got there just in time for the Terriers...it was pawsome, she said. And she bought a toy!! ONE TOY. And it's not for us. Or you. I'll call ya tomorrow and tell ya bout it....
Hopefully, ur mom will have at least 1-4 done....she can skip #5. I'm sure you can find an exclusive Italian salon to get a new do when ur there!!!!!!!!!!!
Kisses to ya, BFF!!!
What AM I gonna do when ur gone???
Snively barks,
Good that you a fun day with your gorgeous terrier friend. Love reading Mommi's Meme. SS shares many of these, especially in the snacks and bad habits lists.
Hi Asta!
Petey here - if I sound funny it's because I still have a tennis ball in my mouth. They're delicious! I sure had fun playing with you - I've been exhausted ever since, but having nice dreams of you giving me lots of wiry kisses. I had so many Asta kisses that my moustache looked like Snidely Whiplash! I'll sure miss you when you're in Rome. Don't let any of those Italian doggies talk you into going for a ride on the back of their Vespas!
Your pal,
P.S. Did you know I can wag my tail and talk in my sleep? Me neither.
Hi, Asta -
Mama and I just looked at your videos. Mama really likes the one where Petey was wagging his tail and your face following his tail. That was so cute.
We also like the kissy monster video. Kaci and I also are kissy monsters - I think I learned that from Kaci.
Papa and I talked to Kaci and Grammy yesterday and Grammy said it was snowing in New Hampshire (again). We got rain (again).
Have a great trip with your Mommi and Daddi in Wome. We can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I don't know how I missed you were going to rome. What is up with that? Glad you and petey had fun
well that looks like a LOT of fun, did he ever have that ball out of his mouth??? I am glad you had a fun time together, that is what weekends are for. I sure wish I could get one or two of those smoochies.
Ciao bella,
Not long now till take off lol.
Hey your friend Petey looks like great fun. Bet you can't wait for his next visit.
We like your mummies favourite snackies list. Our pinky likes all those things too except taralli, well to be honest we don't actually know what this...but she loves cheese, the stinkier the better.
She can also relate to point 5 on bad habits list hee hee.
Hugs and tail wags
What fun, fun, fun you two had!!! Oh how we wish we could fit in the top of a plane... Lucky you and your folks, too!
wags from the whippets
Hey Asta, your pal looks like loads of fun. Hope you have a great trip to Rome. Can't wait to hear all about it. J x
Hi Asta!!
Awww... Petey is so cute!!
Looks like you had a great time playing with him!!
We were wondering if this is the same Petey you were talking about:
He lives in New York too and looks like the one in the pic on your post!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Asta! It looks like you and Petey had a blast together! Have a safe trip to Rome and back...and have loads of fun while you're there! We can't wait to see the pictures of your adventure.
Poppy & Penny
Lucky Asta. Isn't it fun to be able to play with your friend in the comfort of your own home, right?
You and Petey be so cute together, watching you both made me all happy too!
Me has done a post about my lovely pressies!
Bon voyage! (me no knows the Italian!)
Cassidy x
Hi Maya and Kena!
You're right...that's me! Although I don't know why my mummy has to put photos of me looking silly (like when I fell asleep with the "Catnap" sleep mask on!) instead of when I look like Rin Tin Tin!
I'll keep an eye on Asta for you all!
Your pal,
Petey is cute! Oooh, another tennis ball lover, kewl!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
awww great videos!
I bet you are busy getting ready for your trip. I know you will have a great time but I will miss you. I think taking a bath is a fair trade off to see Rome. Be sure to stop by and see Opus and Roscoe. I think those two are such sweeties. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. I will miss you so much. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back and hearing about your adventures.
We couldn't get any of the videos to load for us. We'll have to try later.
We're going to miss you, Asta. We hope you have a wonderful time in Rome. All your friends will be waiting to see photos of your trip.
What a fun day with your friend! Your Mom is very honest with her bad habits hahahahahahahah - but may maid said she can relate to 4 of the 5, hahahahahahahahaha!
I forgot when you leave for Rome! And I am confused - are you, you Asta, actually going yourself too???? In dog? Can't really say "in person", can we ?
Have a beautiful Sunday!!!!
Hi Asta
Sorry I haven't visited lately.
We love all your videos. I don't know how Petey could choose a tennis ball rather than kisses from you. You were certainly the perfect hostess with him, and we're so happy you had such a good time with Petey.
Thank you very much for saying a prayer for Beau and lighting a white candle in the church when you visit Rome. This means a great deal to my mum and me and my family.
We hope you have a wonderful time in Rome with your pawrents.
Love from Hammer
Hi kousin Asta,
I loved all your videos, especially the one where Petey is dusting your nose with his tail. It was very nice of him to do that. We must be sure that our noses do not get dusty.
I liked your Mommi's lists of things. Great tag.
Have a safe trip and a great time, Asta. Same to your Mommi and Daddi. We will miss you, but we will be thinking of you every day!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family
woofies and burf's ms asta...me jus wanted to tell u b safe on u triwp to wome...me will watch over u, mommi and daddi...we will miss u, but haff fun, me shure myrna will miss u too...ooo yeah, rocky wants to no iffin u likies yellow, shaggy doggies...its ok me toldeded him ur heart belongs to stanley...heehee
b safe,
Rocky, Bear, Mama and angel Lacylulu ;)
pp's me luvs ya baby girl!!!
Those videos of you and Petey are SO dang cute! You are a very nice host. I had to laugh at all the kisses and tail wagging that was going on!
woofies and burf's ms asta...me will tell Rocky, he's a diamond in da ruff, heehee mite take me yrs to straighten him out...me loveddd dat pictur too...me mama iz gonna print it out and put it in A frame...plus her has to print out ur pictur of me wiff me angel wings and maya and kenas picture and Crikit, Ginger and Sparky pictur...of Meeeeee!!! me loves u...
b safe,
Rocky, Bear and angel Lacylulu ;)
Have a great trip, Asta!!! We'll miss you and hope we will hear from you in Italy.
big wags from the whippets
I love #1 cheese on top of #2 fresh crunchy bread. ~DKM
You sure give lots of kisses Asta. I wish I can come play kissy face with you too
~ Girl girl
Hey Asta, we think you are leaving pretty soon and we want to wish you a good trip. take lots of piccies to share with us when you return. don't worry, we won't forget you. we will miss you though. we wuf you.
Hee Hee so cute! You were just busy smooching :P
Boy n Baby
It's so fun to watch you play with Petey! Did your have sore lips from all that smooching after he left, Asta?
Awe, I am glad you had a friend to come over and play with you Asta. You look so happy playing kissy face. You be careful on your trip and have lots and lots of fun.
Hi ASta
It's good to have friends around to play isn't it. Hope Petey comes to see you again really soon.
Bon Voyage
Molly and Taffy
Hi Asta
Your a kissy doggie like me. Petey looks like a good pal. Maybe you'll see him again.
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