..Sassy, Momo doggie and Pinot and I all met on the plane and wewe welcomed at the aiwepowt
photo by Sassy

It's a lovely day and we all piled into the caw..Sassy was dwiving(she knew the way to Momo's house bettew than the west of us, (and Momo cat wanted to descwibe the sights along the way so she gave up the dwiving)..Momo doggie and Pinot wewe in a weal pawty mood..we had pwesents , balloons, lots of Champews..evewything to stawt the celebwation.all us sissies and baby bwuvvew togethew fow SS...don't you just love an open caw???
photo by Asta

Let the celebwation begin!!!
Momo thwew a fabulous pawty..we wewe joined by hew cousin Chawlotte and Alasandra and her kitties, Socks (my boyfriend), Scylla and Charybdis , and Opus and Roscoe fwom Italy showed up tooYEAHHHH!who all bwought cakes and pwesents
We all sat down to a luncheon with Momo Pinot Noir wine, the official wine for celebratory occasions in our family......
But no one was thewe..no one opened the doow..I knocked and i knocked and nothing..so I came home..
I think Twinny is vewy busy at the oonivewsity
Momo thwew a fabulous pawty..we wewe joined by hew cousin Chawlotte and Alasandra and her kitties, Socks (my boyfriend), Scylla and Charybdis , and Opus and Roscoe fwom Italy showed up tooYEAHHHH!who all bwought cakes and pwesents
We all sat down to a luncheon with Momo Pinot Noir wine, the official wine for celebratory occasions in our family......
we all hope you have a fabulous day and that the coming yeaw is gweat fow you!!
photo by Sassy
Now that's a fun day!!!!
I twied to go visit my Twin Asta la Vista as long as I was in Austwalia,
Now that's a fun day!!!!
But no one was thewe..no one opened the doow..I knocked and i knocked and nothing..so I came home..
I think Twinny is vewy busy at the oonivewsity
I sure hope that the party today made up for your boring day yesterday. I think we need to convince Jan that there is no such thing as a quiet celebration that they are planning on Wednesday, they need to shake it up over there. What do you think?
Hiya, Asta - glad to see you in Sydney for the party! hope the weather holds.
licks & slobbers
Hiya, Asta - glad to see you in Sydney for the party! hope the weather holds.
licks & slobbers
Hey, sis, thanks for coming and all the presents! SS is overwhelmed!
You have to be careful and not get Stanley jealous by calling Socks your boyfriend!
While we are in a party mood, let's stay out longer!
I don't hang out with CATS but maybe I should, you guys sure seem to have a lot of fun. What kind of stuff do they have to eat down under??
Well you had way more fun than we did!!!(but we did get 2 frennch fries out of the deal) Love A+SA(supreme allied commander agatha)
woofies Girlie, wowzers watt a pawsome time u had today, stop by me bloggy me got sumthin fur u.
b safe,
It was so good to see you again Asta. We had so much fun in New York with you. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Hi, Asta!
Another great trip!
Sure you had lots of fun there in Australia! I hope you did not drink too much!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! Australia...you are such an experienced world traveller...I stand in awe. Was it still quite warm? Did you have any beach time?
Asta...what a fun day for you!!!! That must have been a very long flight...u must be exhausted...that pic of you all in the open car was very scary...I hope all the pressies made it there...they looked a tad precarious!
It got to 60 here today...MUD has arrived!!!
Thank you for sharing ur pics of down under...too bad Twinny wasn't there...she'll be sorry to have missed ya!
Is Myrna going to travel with you at the end of the month??
We've been wondering what happened to Asta la Vista too. We hope nothing is wrong.
Looks like you all had a wonderful time at Momo's SS's party today.
Jan's Funny Farm
Gads, girl you are gone more than you are at home. You sure made up for your boring day.
FUN FUN FUN Asta!!!!
Hi Kouisn Asta,
Looks like you had a great time visiting your kat family and celebrating their mom's birthday. Isn't it wonderful how we can just get up and go places! Your photos are great!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Thanks for coming and making it such a great party for SS. The red car was a big favourite; I might have to keep it for future use!
Karl and Ruis have officially annointed you as an honorary cat! What fun! The more you hang around with us , the less we see the difference. Or, is there a difference?
Look forward to the next party, what a great social life we have, compared to the humans.
Thanks for the loan of the red roadster! It's sooooo cool! Haven't you notice that I have more doggie siblings than kitty sibling - 3 vs 1? Obviously Ruis and Karl couldn't count. Maybe, overindulgence on the bubbly?
What a fun birthday pawty. Your birthday hat look so cute hee
~ Girl girl
Hey Asta, hope SS had a pawsome birthday! What a shame you weren't able to meet up with the other Asta! Jx
Just as well the car had an open top or you wouldn't have got everything in.
Simba x
You sure can go from a boring day to an exciting day, Asta! We love the banner in the aireport welcoming you! What a super friendly country! Happy birthday to SS!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Quelle belle fĂȘte...
Bisous, Faya
Wow, you went to Australia....so cool. I bet that is a long long ways from Kansas. Sounds like you had a wonderful party. I hope I can come some day to a party. I don't even know when my birthday is? I am gonna have to have a bark'n too my mum.
Asta, we are so glad you aren't bored anymore! What a good way to cure boredom! We hope you get lots of rest after your exciting trip!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
Oh it looks like you had such a wonderful time - we hope SS had a super birthday.
My dog, you are a world traveler, Asta! I think you should write a book of all your wonderful adventures. That open car looked fabulous!
I hope you get your rest after that l-o-n-g trip and I'm glad that SS had a happy birthday!
you sure do get around I think you must be worn out with all the travelling and partying.Hope you had a super party .
Ludo the cool dude
Asta, my grandma has a birthday hat just like yours. Whoever has a birthday has to wear it when they open their presents.
Your friend, Lenny
Asta, Looks like you had a great trip! See any kangaroo ?
Astaroni Sweetpea!
Sorry your day was so boring before, but look what a difference 1 day and your sissies (and bruvver) make! I'm sure SS had the best celebration and it blew their mind that you came all the way to Australia to honor them!
Get yourself a little rest and get reacquainted with your parents! Can't wait to travel with you someday, sweetpea!
Goober love & smooches,
Oh Asta you should have come to visit us. We would have loved it. We would have given you a vegemite sandwich and a can of VB.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
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