a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fiwst DAy of ouw Twip fow StPatwick's Day

A whole bunch of us decided to celebrate St. Patrick's Day together this year.
We are (picture by Sassy):

Charybdis, Scylla and Socks
All fouwteen of us awwived safely in Italy..and wewe gweeted by ouw hosts Opus and Roscoe, who live thewe (the lucky cats)..
we immediately went to the most famous site in Pisa..the leaning Towew..of couwse we had to climb up and see the view and get a gwoup pictoowe..I hope it doesn't fall ovew, hehehehe
photo by Opus and Roscoe

Leaning Tower

Top tier l to r Ruis, Pinot, Karl, Mrs Oz

Second tier l. to r. Asta, Sassy, Socks, Momo-kitty, Momo-dog

Third tier l. to r. Opus, Scylla, Charlie, Charybdis, Roscoe

Fourth tier l. to r. Stanley, Emil

Ouw hosts Opus and Roscoe had a scwumptious picnic waiting fow us..this is called the Field of Miracles..that's a Cathedwal and the towew behind us

the pizza's wewe cewtainly miwacoolously good..I don't know why else they call it that

Photo byAsta

Van – Opus and Roscoe

Back – l. to r. Momo, Socks, Pinot, Ruis

Front – l. to r. Charlie, Sassy, Momo-dog, Emil in the big hat, Charybdis, Karl, Scylla, Mrs Oz, Asta and Stanley

we wewe so hungwy , we stawted eating the pizzas befowe they even had a chance to get out of the van and unload the west of the food

Aftew lunch we all piled into the supew flying van and we wewe off to Iweland!photo by Opus and Roscoe

Evewyone except Stanley and I stayed at the bootiful Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel
hewe they awe in the lobby aweady dwessed and in the mood fow celebwating
photo by Karl with editing by Sassy and Momo

Hotel foyer

Front row l. to r. Emil, Sassy, Opus, Mrs. Oz, Scylla

Second row l. to r. Ruis, Karl, Roscoe, Momo-dog, Charybdis

Back row l. to r. Momo-kitty, Socks, Pinot

On the stairs - Charlie

as soon as they got to theiw wooms they all had to admiwe the view

Photo by Sassy edited by Momo

Looking out of the hotel rooms

Top floor l. to r. Pinot, Momo-dog

Second floor l. to r. Emil, Mrs Oz, Socks, Charlie, Charybdis and Scylla, Opus and Roscoe, Momo-kitty and Sassy, Karl and Ruis

I went up to the woom to have a little sissie time with Momo Doggie, Sassy and Momo kitty..we talked about the wondewful day we had so faw, and had a little champagne to celebwate ouw family
the TV was on and all of a sudden thewe was a special news bulletin
appeawantly the leaning towew of Pisa , ummm, well, it leaned too faw..something about too many cats and doggies playing stampeding heawd of elefants ..oh suwe, as if it was ouw fault and not the hooman awchitect who couldn't even make a stwaight towew
(you don't think it was that extwa slice of pizza I had?)

Well it was time to say fawewell till tomowwow..Stanley and I had othew plans

This is the little thatched cottage we wented..they even left theiw bicycle fow us to use...Stanley winsed out his undewshiwt, cause he got some pizza on it hehehe
We love this place..I think it wil be pawfectphoto by Asta

Evewyone else went out to see the town and twy some pubs..you can see it on theiw sites..we decided on a quiet evening playing chase, and bitey face and an eawly night..this is going to be a tiwing few days..but what fun!!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey sissy, you got here! Great to see you and Stanley. Love your thatched cottage, but do come up to the hotel tonight and we sissies can have a good chat!

BrandytheGreat said...

Hey Asta, seems to me you guys had a great time!

Amber-Mae said...

You guys always seem to be traveling all over the world!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Moco said...

What a wonderful place to spend time with your gentleman. Drink some green beer for us.

Duke said...

OMG, pizza in Italy! What could be more perfect!
So the reason the Leaning Tower leans is because of all you doggies overloading it? We never knew that!
See you at the wedding tomorrow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cat Naps in Italy said...

What a beautiful little cottage! We had to laugh when we saw Momo and Sassy's room cause ours looks JUST LIKE IT!
We had so much fun with you in Pisa. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

And don't worry about that extra slice of pizza. That darn tower has been waiting to tip over for centuries!

A domanni!
Opus and Roscoe

Simba and Jazzi said...

Oh no you broke the tower, don't suppose you'll be going back there in a hurry.

Simba x

BenTheRotti said...

wow.. what luxury!! looks like you are having a fab time!!

Ben xxx

Daisy said...

I was a little bit worried when I saw everydog and cat on the Leaning Tower of Pisa! But maybe it is a good thing that it got broken so they can build it right.

That pizza looks delicious!

Patience-please said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time!

wags from the whippets

Sassy Kat said...

Having a wonderful time in Ireland with the group. So glad I got to meet Stanley, he is a sweetie. I don't think we should be going back to Italy any time soon.

PB 'n J said...

Oh that looks like a wonderful trip - hope you all have fun! Will you be back in time for Captain Jack's birthday party?


Petra said...

It looks like another wonderful trip for you, Asta! Do you work as a travel agent in your spare time while your mom is painting? You always find the most amazing places to go!

Jan Price said...

Well, it looks as if you have all had a very exciting first day. Can't wait to see what other mischief you get into. Try not to break anything else, though.

Have fun.


Clover said...

Hi Asta

How is Italy??! OMD it looks so nice there, I bet you are having a blast!!

Love Clover xo

The WriggleButts said...

Tee hee... Looks like a good trip, Asta! And we're most certain it wasn't the last slice of pizza that caused it!

The Wriggles

Deetz said...

Wow, that trip looked like so much fun, I am surprised that building didn't fall over with you all in it.... Mum updated my blog and added some video of Gizmo and I...come and check it out

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh Asta we have had so much fun with you and Stanley and your cottage looks very cozy. We have to take a nap now so we will have some energy for all the exciting things we have planned for tomorrow.

Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Juno said...

Sissy Asta!! Thank you for asking your boyfriend to join us. That trip was so much fun!!!! We'll post about it on our blog shortly.

Momo & Pinot

Agatha and Archie said...

I love that cottage pic!!!! Love A+A

Noah the Airedale said...

The thatched cottage is just pawfect. Too bad about the leaning tower...oh well guess it was due to fall over sooner or later lol.
The main thing is your having the best time and the pics are just great.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...we were gonna say that we were glad that Stanley wasn't on the TOP of the tower of Pizza...um..but it fell anyway...oopsie...is that like illegal to make it fall?? Good thing ya got outta there to Ireland quickly. That castle looks fab and ur cute cottage even better!!! Are ya gonna go and kiss the Blarney Stone?? What a fab trip for you all to go on!!

We saw that Butchy and Snickers had trouble posting comments on ur bloggie...we have too...sometimes it won't let us and we mean to come back and mite forget...ya mite wanna check why blogger's being a pain??!!

Gotta go and chew some rawhide....

Lacie finally let me use the puter...she's doin' her nails.

Joe Stains said...

omdog, that looks like SO MUCH FUN! I sure wish I could go overseas sometime, I would love to stain in a foreign language.

Sophie Brador said...

Still the globe trotter I see. My mom has been so busy lately that she hasn't been making the rounds and we haven't seen you in forever. Good to see you are living it up!


Ellie Creek Ellis said...

If you ever need someone to walk or chaperone you and your friends on these trips, please let me know! I'll even clean up the doodoo if that means I get to join ya!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you dogs and cats look great in green. Happy st. Patricks day

~ Girl girl

Koobuss said...

Hi Kouisn Asta,

Wow!! What a trip. I ddn't know you were in Italy. I thought you were in Ireland!! Anyway, I can see that you and Stan and all your friends are having a great time! Good for you!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Maya and Kena said...

Hey Asta,
How fun!! It looks like you had a blast!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena