Patience and her Whippets have challenged all of us!
and then Maggie and Mich passed it on to me..theiw Mom makes the coolest things you have to go see
Here is the challenge:
I'm challenging bloggers to make something, anything, and post about it. Let's see what you creative people come up with! Here are the rules:
1. Make something, anything. It doesn't have to be complicated or artsy. Make a list, take an interesting picture, make some one's day, make dinner, make a doodle, make fun of yourself, make a poem, make your bed (OK, that last one is lame).
2. Write a blog about it. With pictures for extra brownie points.
3. Link to this blog and challenge six other bloggers to do the same.
2. Write a blog about it. With pictures for extra brownie points.
3. Link to this blog and challenge six other bloggers to do the same.
you pwobably all know aweady that my Mommi paints..she does all sowts of paintings, but sometimes she does just fuwwkids

at one point Mommi wanted a bwoach and saw how much they cost..fweeked out, and decided to make hew own..
she got kind of cawwied away once she stawted, hehehhe..
BubbleShare: Share photos - Nosara Surfing

Then she also made a bunch of tewwiew stuff like plates and tways with decoupage using hew dwawings and quotes, and town out thingies
I would like to pass this challenge on to
Deefor, my Denver doggie fwiend
Deetz my new Airedale tewwow fwiend
Faya,my multilingual Swiss miss
Weeney and Daisy,the cutie english puggies
Snowball who is a big tewwiew disguised as a maltese
I help Mommi with all these things..we always paint togethew
at one point Mommi wanted a bwoach and saw how much they cost..fweeked out, and decided to make hew own..
she got kind of cawwied away once she stawted, hehehhe..
BubbleShare: Share photos - Nosara Surfing

Then she also made a bunch of tewwiew stuff like plates and tways with decoupage using hew dwawings and quotes, and town out thingies

Deefor, my Denver doggie fwiend
Deetz my new Airedale tewwow fwiend
Faya,my multilingual Swiss miss
Weeney and Daisy,the cutie english puggies
Snowball who is a big tewwiew disguised as a maltese
Hey Asta, we think the work that your mummy does is so beautiful! She DOES have a great inspiration for her work though, you! Thank you for tagging us, unfortunatly our mummy is not very talanted at art :( she said she will think of things that she could do though.. Have a lovely weekend!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
What a great idea! and thanks for sharing your mommy's art, it's pawsome!
Your mummy does the coolest painting! I love all the other stuff that she has created too. They are all lovely!
Thanks for the tag, I will post about things that we did soon.
Have a good weekend, Asta.
Your mommi makes wonderful things. Arrow and me are going to have to help mine make something.
Hi, Asta!
Sure your mom does great things! We all know she is an artist!
Thanks for sharing them!
Kisses and hugs
We like all your Mommi's work, but specially when she features you. Did she do any wirey pins and brooches, or did muzzer just miss them?
Astaroni Sweetpea FB!!
You know I already LOVE your mommi & EVERYthing she does... because there's a part of her in each piece!
I was wondering... that first photo... is that a collage of you & me? (I'm not trying to flatter myself, honest. It just kinda looked like you on the left & me on the right. If it's not me, I won't be *too* disappointed.)
Your mommi is SO LUCKY to have you to help with all the heavy lifting!
GOoberlicious love & creative smooches,
woofies Ms Asta, ur mommi iz pawtastic...makin alll dat..and her art iz just mama cood never do any of iz gonna lay low so nobody tags me....shhhh, me and mama iz hidin...
b safe,
Je savais déjà que vous êtes des même de grands artistes....waouw magnifique. Pour Véronique ça va être très très dur, elle a deux mains gauches et est très mauvaise en cuisine mais on va trouver quelque chose. Bisous et bon week-end à tous, Faya
We knew your Mom was a fabulous painter (and cook) but we didn't know about those broaches. There were so many and they were all so so pretty. Mom really liked the yellow and red one with the little black beads!!
Hey Asta, your mum's stuff is all so pawsome! Love the plate/tray! Is that you on it? J x
Your Mummy is so clever. As are you, I didn't know you could paint.
Simba x
YEAAAAAAAAAAAA, we were hoping your mom would show us more of her artwork! We could look at her fabulous work all day long! We didn't know she made brooches! They're wonderful! You sure have one super talented mommi, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOWIE! Your mom is so talented! Those paintings are really amazing. Of course, with your help, how could they be anything but fabulous!?!
I werned how to add to your guest book, go looks.
Mommi's paintings are awesome, I think you should ask her to make me a wittle one of yous and Myrna
OMD! Your mom is so very talented! Love, Martha
Gosh Asta those paintings are terrierific! Our hooman can't even draw a straight line so we are really appreciating you showing us all the fantastic paintings you and your Mum have created.
Molly and Taffy
Your mummy is super duper talented! Ma got tagged for this, har har har. The only thing she can make is a mess!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Your momma is just so talented! Do you think she could teach me to paint??
Hello! I'm fine! Everything went well. Beanies have been taking good care of me! thanks for checking in!
My beans and i appreciate your kind words!
I wish my bean could paint, i'd be so pretty painted :)
Hi Asta
You have a very clever and talented mum. Just look at all the things she can
Looks like you have talent of your own.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Wow, wow, wow!!! What a talented Mommi we have! Please note the 'we', sissy! Those pictures are pawsome! As are the brooches!
SS can't make anything - she just destroys! So we will leave her out of the challenge!
Wow, Asta, you and your mom are ULTRA TALENTED!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Sissy, please tell your mommy that we admire her works. All her paintings are beautifully done. We knew your mommi is a very sweet pawson when we saw her painting at the first time.
I've heard it was windy in NYC. We had a snow stom and wasn't very nice. We hope you'll have a nice sunday.
Momo & Pinot
Hi Asta
You and your mum are very talented and creative and you must get so much fun outa making humans and furkids happy. We love to see your artistic works .. they are beautiful.
Love from Hammer
We loved seeing how artistic you guys are!! My mama is, well, not so artistic!!
peace + paws,
Talent abounds in your house. This seeing what creative items that are made is quite fun.
Your mommy is very talented! My mommy does artwork too. She used to do paintings but now she just do sketchings of dogs...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta, you have a very talented Mommi. She makes all kinds of beautiful things. You are very lucky. My mom can't make anything.
Love ya,
Kousin Koobie
Wow Asta!!
You and your mommy are both so talented!! The paintings are so cool!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Sorry we haven't commented in a while, we took a short break...
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