(hewe awe some mowe pictoowes fwom when Petey and Duffy wewe bof ovew at my house)
Petey and I wewe taking ouw aftewnoon nap on the big bed when the Fuzzbwat came wushing in
we weally need mowe woom..I wondew if I could get Mommi to thwow out all this fuwnitoowe
then we play some mowe
and back to pull tug play
I thought I heard Mango's monkey Lacie there fur a bit!
Tank woo fur sharing your fun
AND the good news that Duffy's de-bitting went well!
Thanks for some more of your fun time with Duffy. His ears are just too cute!!! That last sleepy time pic is lovely.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Asta!
Thanks for sharing more of your fun times with us! I can tell you love having friends over!
:) Tibby
Hi, Asta!
Duffy sure is full of energy!
He is a baby who only wants to play and play!
Glad to hear his surgery went well!
Kisses and hugs
We love the part where Mommi says no humping Petey, LOL. Fuzzbrat is SO big we can't believe it. We are glad the surgery went well.
Hi, Asta...
Oh My...Duffy is sooo big...He's just as handsome as he can be...
I'm glad his surgery went well...
Looks like you guys had a great time...
Abby xxxooo
w00f's Girlie, wow, u pups had fun...little fuzzbrat iz getting soo big, soon he b tellin u what to do...me iz glad Peteys mama iz ok and home, me nos u will miss both of them...
b safe,
Asta, what a great, funny and entertaining photos of you, Petey and Duffy yesterday and today!!!
Duffy really is a never-ending bundle of energy with his funny ears. We think your Mommi and Daddi have their hands full with the three of you! Hahaha.
We are glad Duffy's surgery did go well!
Headbutts and nosekisses from us.
~ Ruis & Karl
PS -- We hope Bart finds a forever, loving home very soon!!
You wore us out with all your zoomies Asta. No wonder you're pooped.
Very glad to hear Duffy's surgery went well. Please pass on our regards.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Boy, you guys wore me out just watching you. I bet your Mommi and Daddi need a west, too.
Glad that everything came out alright for Duffy. Hehe..
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Sweet Astaroni!
Duffy is almost ALL WHITE and his cute standup ears are all pink and perky! I can tell you two apart a mile away because you have your cute black polka dots and your carmel-colored ears and forehead (mmmm mmmmm... carmel...)! Plus, you are GORGEOUS while he is merely cute.
He totally wears you guys out, doesn't he? I especially loved the photo of you and the fuzzbwat smooching on Petey boy. He's looking a little overwhelmed by all of that wirey love.
Thanks for the update on Duffy boy and his surgery. I had no doubts that he'd come through with no problems.
I have a surprise for you ~ but I'll send it in an email. I hope you like it.
Goober love & smooches,
Après cette folle journée, si tu as besoin de repos, je te propose une petite cure thermale dans les Alpes... tu dois être très fatiguée non ?
Bisous et bon week-end, Faya
ici :
You smaller Terriers sure do have a lot of energy!
We agree - the furniture has got to go!
Thank you for updating us on Duffy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I wish that someone would play with me like that. Sometimes Edgar the cat will run zoomies, but no one else. Get rid of some of the furniture and make a zoomie track.
Hope you guys had a little fun!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta, woo rules! What a great party woo has had! I bet the hoomans has quite a time straightening the stuff up later, but then again, that's what hoomans are for!!! Haroooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Hi Asta - you terriers sure know how to party! Glad to see that you left some room for your human in your house! Stop over when you can because I've given you an award, though it's not as fabulously fluffy as you!
licks & cheery puppy kisses,
And thank you for sharing the photos. We hope you can have another pawty sometime soon. We enjoy them even vicariously.
awww yoo all looked pooooooooped!
I love the kissing game. I'm glad you had Petey join in. Zoomies + tewweiers= sleepy times.
Yes, I think you need to move all the furniture (except the bed of course!) so you can all have more room for zoomies and stuff. Does Petey take his ball everywhere? He's just like me! J x
wow, that's some intense play time. Duffy looks like he is the instigator. what a cute kiddo. it looks like Petey is not used to all of this craziness. we're glad to see he is protecting his ball.
we're glad to hear that Duffy's surgery went okay.
Twinny, you're so lucky. When I stay wif the Figgs it's like a house pawty.
xxx Asta (oz)
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo reely want to git rid of that furnitcher i think that my mama and dada want to replayse there kowtch and chayse lounj wot sufferd sum misteeryus damadj arownd the time i moovd in with them ha ha ok bye
Hi Asta,
Looks like you was having a pawsome good time. I really have a good time when I can get together wuth friends. Tomorrow the Momy is gonna show off all the dachsies that got adopted this month. Yahoo...we had bunch in Jan. I wish the best for all those puggies too.
Two Paws Up! for this outstanding good time! Love, Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
That is really a fun day for all 3 of you. Petey is all tired out by the 3 of you.
Oh Asta...those pics are pawsitively frightening...Duffy is HOOGE...is he gonna be as big as your building?? Sorta like King Duffy Kong??? Oh my...and he's so blindingly white...Scruffy hasn't been that white since he came in frozen in ice balls...(Lacie ponders, softly scratchin' her curls with her paw....) Um....he uses some kinda blue rinse doesn't he?? Harumph...it would be sorta fun to be white...I may hafta go and do a treatment today....she looks thoughtful...
BTW, we're pickin' you and Koobie up in this stoopid helicopter that Scruffy rented...it's a tad rusty and is missin' a few blades and has no heater,but Scruff sez it's fine....we're flyin' to Tampa for the game...KOOBIE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BRING HER RED BLANKET. No red allowed. Meet ya on ur roof at noon. Oh...bring a life vest...that Hudson looks cold and well...at least ur mom can see us from the window if there are issues.
Love and kisses...GO STEELERS!!!
What a par-tay!!! Is daddi keeping busy stocking your crispaw champagne??
Now dat waz a partee Asta. It looks like it waz almostee a housee trashin' partee. If its had been up to us catsez, we woulda!
-Dr Tweety
You guys look like you are having such a great time. I absolutely love the picture of you kissing petey! It's just too cute! I hope the three of you get to have more playdates like this.
Your pal,
Zoom Zoom Zoom!!!
What great fun you had! Duffy has sure grown!
We aren't called terrierists for nothing right?
So glad Daddi's surgery went well.
HeeHee I meant Duffy, not Daddi!!!!
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