(I wowe my sweatew Mommi knit me last yeaw..I think it's too showt now)
time to go home, make a hot tea and wead ..ummm, I mean play, and snooze.
I hope all of youw weekends awe fun and you'we staying wawm and cozy..
I'm still waiting fow snow..but thewe is none in sight
love and smoochie kisses
I hope all of youw weekends awe fun and you'we staying wawm and cozy..
I'm still waiting fow snow..but thewe is none in sight
love and smoochie kisses

Hi Asta!
I thought I heard you outside my window. I've been napping on the couch all day—we only went out late this morning to check out the farmers' market.
Are those leather pants your Mommi's wearing? Hubba hubba!
Your pal,
Dear Asta,
Chubs's here, thanks for your kindness to a redneck Texan. I don't know about elegance but I know how to trEAT a lady if I spotted one, oopps, Mango evil, he caps locked some letters up there, I mean treat, sorry lady, my admiration to you,(baseball cap off).
Ha roo roo Asta! So glad woo had a nice walkie! That bookstore looks like something my Mommy would like! She reads a lot! Woo take care and stay warm!
Mya Boo Boo
We are amazed there is a bookstore that lets doggies in. There is nothing like that here. It would be our favourite too. ~S,S & C
Hi Asta!
It looks like you had a wonderful walk today! I'm so jealous that you get to go in stores! The only one I get to go into is the pet store! Hope your having a great weekend!
Hello Asta
You looked so pretty in your pink sweater. It must have kept you nice and warm.
Going into the book shop must have been lovely and enabled you to warm your cute little paws.
WE are waiting for snow as well. All we seem to be getting is frosts and freezing fog. Brrrrrrrr.
Molly and Taffy xx
ooh - mommy would LOVE that book store, she loves crime novels and true crime!! And what a nice bookseller to let you wander around, very cool!!
We just got back from dropping Boomer off in Maryland...I hate to admit it, but I don't really miss him...hee hee.
Mom is drooling over that bookstore. She would love to go there. She's jealous you get to go in.
Khwite a diffurence in the khanine walker attire in York AND New York -
My mom khould learn to take a page or two from your mom's book!
I'm glad woo had a grrrrreat day!
How cool is that - a bookstore that let woo in. AND cookies too. How lucky woo are!
Even it is a little short, your sweater is quite chic.
Woos, the OP Pack
HI Asta!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I really hope all those doggies find homes too, I hope I can help them! I live in western NY about 6 or 7 hours from NYC. I'm sure the bookstores around here don't have dog cookies anyways so I probably wouldn't want to go in them... but it would be nice if my owners could take me with them all the time cuz they feel bad that I have to stay home.
Steve must be a nice guy to let you inside and to run around off leash. Your mom & dad are lucky to live and visit places where they can take you and not have to leave you outside where someone could steal you.
Oh my, what a lovely walkie! We know one bookstore here that lets me in, but Teka gets too antsy. So me and muzzer go by ourselves. Too bad, so sad! hehehehe
You and Mommi look smashing. Daddi just looks cold.
Asta, is that the park from the movie 'You've Got Mail'. Do you know the scene where Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks walk to work and keep missing each. It looks like the same fence.
We hope those Ostwalian tourists were behaving themselves....
Did they know me?
what a fun new year day u had there.
hope u will have a fab 2009 ahead!
Do keep yourself warm alright Asta !!!
w00f's Asta, heehee mama reads in spurts....u looks cute in ur coat...its been cold here too, me pps then runs back in..course mamas a wuss, keeps askin, rocky r u done yet...
b safe,
Hee hee, all our pals would be astonished if they knew that we can go in all the stores around here (except the big grocery stores) and almost all of them have cookies or treats for us!
Some Saturdays, Mommy says she doesn't even need to give me dinner because I've had so many treats on our afternoon walk!
Your pal,
Hi Kousin Asta,
Boy, that really looks like a cool place to go for a walk. They give you treats and let you walk freely. It doesn't get any better than that, especially the treats part. The most exciting thing about my walks this time of year is that I get to walk in some mud, but that can be a lot of fun.
We don't have any snow here now either. Some is supposed to come this week, bit if it doesn't, I won't feel bad. It'll mean less time in the bathtub. hehe
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Voilà un endroit pour Véronique. Elle adore les romans policiers.
Bisous et bon dimanche, Faya
That's a pwetty sweatew, Twinny, you and your mum look vewy chique.
xxx Asta (oz)
We've never been in a book store before, Asta! You're sure lucky! You live in the prettiest neighborhood!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOW! My momma would love that bookstore. She is always reading the mysteries and stuff. She says she "eats them up." But I don't see that (unless they are going in the juicer). She just got the latest book by Elizabeth George and has been neglecting me so that she can read it before the library police nab her.
I can't believe how stylish your Mommi looks even in the cold. Mine puts on so many clothes I hardly recognize her.
Asta, Do you really go into a crime scene to look at books? That book store looks really neat!
Astaroni Fuzzbutt Sweetpea!
Mango is SOO right. Your mommi even makes bundling up for the cold look stylish! Your fur coat naturally compliments her wardrobe, but in that red sweater you are like her boldest and most bootiful accessory (but of course, we all know that you are SO MUCH MORE than that)!
Steve is one very smart guy to recognize a good pupgirl when he sees one. My girl's fave bookstore won't let pups in because of the very LARGE resident cat, Alice. Sometimes my girl goes in just to sit with Alice and love on her. (As soon as she gets home, we know where she's been.)
Your neighborhood may not have any mud, but it a pretty famous one (in no small part due to you and Petey)! I LOVE seeing you out & about with your parents. But, DO keep yourself warm, sweetie!
Goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
I'm glad the ice pack is off your sweet punkin head finally.
Hi, Asta...
You & your Mom look sooo nice all dressed up for the cold...
How nice of the bookstore guy to let you browse freely...
I hope your Mom found a good book...
Abby xxxooo
We wish we had a bookstore where they would let us go. We can't wait for spring, and we're in Kentucky.. we would NOT be happy with New York winters for sure!
stay warm!!!
wags from the whippets
It looks like you had a great walk. Did Mom find a good book? What type of books does she read. Our Mom likes murder mysteries although since we have been working on the house she hasn't had time to read much...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Curling up with a good book is perfect for a chilly day!
Asta, your sweater looks very fashionable.
Lucky you, here, we're not ALLOWED in bookstores!
Hi Asta. You look gorgeous in your sweater - you can't tell at all that it's too short. And your Mama looks like a model! Geez, you're lucky to have gone inside a bookstore. Did you go to the pet section?? I think there should be a school that would teach dogs to read, don't you? Anyway, I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy 2009!
You are so lucky you get to go shopping!! Mom is always buying books but we never get to go with her!
That looks like you had a nice walk, especially the cookies!
I don't go for walks, but my brother Bear will be going out for a walk with my mom this afternoon.
Thank you for the smootchie kisses for Misty!
Hi Asta,
'Cause of you, I love NYC more more!
A bookstore named Partners&Crime? Only in NYC!
Yes, Asta, please get the Mango Cologne for yourself. Eric told me that he had lifted his leg onto it, tsk, tsk, naughty naughty boy!
You look fabulous in your red shopping sweater. I am surprised you don't have your own blog photography Asta's World book and a signing. You have great New Year's party fotos to share. Maybe you should tell Steve....
Dat looks likes da purr-fect Saturday. Sometimez da momee here wishez we lived in da citee, cuz den she couldz go to da nay-bor-hood bookstore too. But, she couldz nots puts me on a leash.
Love, Dr Tweety
Hi, Asta!
That is a great way to spend a nice saturday!
And walking free in the bookstore sure is pawesome!
I like your sweater!
Kisses and hugs
Asta! Where is that bookstore? It looks like a great place. You know, I learned how to be a good shopper by going to my neighbourhood bookstore as a puppy. They had lots of great books and even better cookies.
wow yoo git ta go INSIDE da stores?! dat no fairs!
G'day Twinny,
I would love your mum to kiss my tummy and give me some scwatches and pats. Mum got me a footy jumpew fow winter, but she don't fowce me to weaw clothes too often. I pwefew to wun awound nekid.
xxx Asta (Oz)
Did your mommy have some espresso to drink at the bookstore, Asta? My mom's favorite part of bookstores is COFFEE!
If your sweater is too short for you, it might fit me!
Oh my Asta...ur mommi looks soooo young in those pix...is she drinkin' magic potions to have her age in reverse??
Mumsie's tryin' a new thing to help her age backwards...Scruffy's pooped twice on the floor in the kitchen today and she's had to smell it twice as she picked it up...she's hopin' the stench has some sorta antiwrinkle effect...it was very um powerful.
Did you see the show with the dogs before they were born???? Oh my...all those little claws and whiskers...I had NO idea little Mangos weighed 2 lbs at birth...that's hooge!!!
I didn't like the way the announcer kept sayin' we do mes ti cated dogs were stoopider than wolves. Harumph...have never seen a wolf work a blender!
Gotta run and put Mumsie to bed. I'm thinkin' she's gonna be sore tomorrow cuz of Stan flattenin' her on the icy driveway. Stoopid dale...
Love ya lots, Girl!!
I'm finally back from rehab and blogging again. Happy new year.
Simba x
Hey Asta, you're so lucky being allowed in a shop. I think I would just terriorise the place! I was wearing my lovely red fleecy coat yesterday (made by B&S's mum) and it made me think of you...J x
That would be bookstore heaven for PL2!!!!!! That is about all she reads!!! Love and kisses your partners in crime A+A
We think you mommi looks absolutely fantastically fabulous with her beret and jacket and boots -- kind of like a parisienne.
And you of course are scrumptious!!!
Wow! You're my kinda doggie! You are so cute and yet so handsome and debonair. Saw you over at Daisy's and wanted to meet you. Your site is very cool dude!
Bobby and Theresa111
@ "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"
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