We celebwated today..

this is Mommi being newvous talking to hew fwiendses(I hope she doesn't notice I put this pictoowe up..she would kill me..she fowgot to have makeup on hew eyes)

this is Mommi being happy celebwating wif us...we opened the bottle of champagne Mommi was saving fwom hew Birfday, and the Foi Gwas fwom Hungawy that my cousin bwought us..and ate it and dwank it all up..just the thwee of us, hehehehehehe...I love Celebwations!

Daddi ..what awe you doing??

May I have some pleez?

Oh My dog!!!!!!!!!!!..I think I'm in heaven.....this is way bettew than livew tweats.

Mowe,mowe, mowe................................I think I'm in an eckstatick daze

I'm taking this wif me befowe Daddi notices I have a whole one in my mouf
This has been a wondewful week fow us..thank you fow all youw good thoughts
love and smoochie kisses
Hello my four legged friend! It is I, Mr. T-Bone Beasley. I appologize for my disappearing act but life has been busy and oh so good lately! I've missed you lots!
Thanks for your awesome Christmas card! As soon as I saw the orange, I knew which card was yours!
I will be back to blogging soon!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Sweet Astaroni full-of-foi gras!
We are doing a happy dance in GooberStan over your daddi's test results. He is an over achiever, so we figured he do very well.
I like the fact that you got to have a family celebration. I bet your daddi knew you had a whole cracker in your mouth and let you have it. He's very kind and sneaky that way.
Please give him a huge & juicy goober smooch from me, and also a nice noogie on his punkin head to celebrate! Wish we could be there with you.
And, please give your sweet mommi a long warm snuggle from me. I know these tests are hard on her too.
All my goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
Did you get our phone message today? My girl was hoping you'd pick up the phone, Asta.
yay happy family time!!
<3 Apple
YAYYYY Asta! That is GREAT news indeed!! Celebrations are very apt indeed...*grins* The food looks very yummy! Glad to see you enjoyed everything...*grins*
What alot of yummlicious food you have .... Have a great celebration. ;)
~ Bae
So glad to hear the good news! A wonderful cause for celebration indeed!
G'day Asta
We're so please for your daddy. Here's to his continued good health!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
& our pinkies!!
Wonderful news, Asta! And it's always great to see people celebrate in style!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
yay Asta! we're so happy for you!!! a million tail wags and licks to your daddy for being a brave soldier.
hope all of you are doing way better now that the 'scare' is no more! whew!
drooly kisses,
Delighted to hear the news was good for your daddy!
Love, pats & pets
We are happy for you & your daddy too !
Hi, Asta...
That is wonderful news...
Looks like you had a great celebration...
I'm very happy for you...
Abby xxxooo
Nous sommes tous très contents pour toi et ta Mamy ! D'ailleurs on va aussi faire la fête pour vous d'accord ? Bisous à tous !
Faya, Dyos et Véronique
oh I am so pleased your Daddy is ok with his results etc, I know from experience how worrying this all can be!
I love your photos!
We are getting some fizzy silly water tonight apparently, to celebrate my Jeannie's Aussie good news!
Have a wonderful weekend with your parents Asta!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
It's time to celebrate
Let's raise our paws and cheer
Asta's daddy's tests were clear!
Make a toast from me!
It's time to celebrate
Let's raise our paws and cheer
Asta's daddy's tests were clear!
Make a toast from me!
We are so happy for all of you and especially daddi.
Sending hugs and kisses from all of us, we're so happy to hear the good news.
Foie gras? Yummm!
Asta's sweet daddy, we wish you staying healthy to take care of your lovely family, muahhhh!
Asta, my VBFF!!
You need to know that we were thinking so hard about you, your mommi and especially your daddi! I wanted to make the phone call to your house, but my girl says I talk too loudly for the phone and would burst your mommi's eardrums.
Tell your mommi she look bootiful without her eye makeup. But, I don't want her worry lines to become permanent, so we need to lighten her up a bit, don't you think? I might have a few ideas.
Please give kissies to everyone at your house, and save the biggest most snuggliest one for yourself, fren!
Goobery love,
Stella Bean
W00T W00T W00T W00T W00T...Oh Asta I'm so happy W00T!!!! This is pawsome news!!! And what a great snackie!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Ph Asta...we are so happy. We saw the title and knew already that you had good news about Daddi. Tell him muzzer says the first ten years are the hardest.
We are so glad your Daddy's test results were good.
Your Mommy looks very pretty even without stuff on her eyes.
We are very happy for you and your family. Purrs, ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
PS: Thanks for helping to spread the word about Reggie.
We are happy for you and your mommi and daddi at the good news -- and we love celebrations!!!! Sadly though, our hoomans are not as generous as yours when it comes to yummables. Perhaps your mommi could give ours a few lessons?????
Wirey love, sweet Asta,
Jake and Just Harry
Take the whole weekend to enjoy the ones you love, Asta. We couldn't have hoped for better news (or tastier celebratory feasting).
Pleased to hear your Daddi is ok. You certainly know how to celebrate in your house!
Simba x
Hi, Asta!
I am so happy to know about your Daddy's results!
Sure a great celebration was in order!
Kisses and hugs
Yahooo! That is very excellent news about your dad!
Hi Asta, Congratulations! We should all drink to your daddi's good health. Cheers!
Yah! That is reason to celebrate! Woo Hoo!
Come check out our blog when you are free :)
YAY Asta!
We are celebrating for you too! Looks like you got a yummy treat too!
:) Tibby
Congratulations to your Daddi, Kousin Asta!! That is wonderful news!! And may it continue forever!! We hope that he gets good reports year after year after year...
What a relief!!
Congratulations to you and to your Mommi too! I know how hard that waiting is on you. Have an extra helping of everything!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Asta! Girlfriend! It's been so long since I got to talk to you. Mom told us the wonderful news last night and we danced for joy. Yay Daddi!!!!!! Hope I will be visiting more often since they are kickin mom out of the hospital more. Keep thinking good thoughts for Gramma, ok?
hay hay asta!! itz mee. scooter. i haf ben missin u lotz. u shur do luk purtee. acorse u alwayz du! mmmuuuaaaahh
luff scooter
G'day Twinny, I'm sooo happy your daddy is OK. I don know wha I would do wifout my daddy cause mum is gone all the time. Guess what? I'm spending the weekend wif the Figgs! So, daddy has a bweeak. Did they weally let you in the church for the nauguration?
xxx Asta (oz)
Doing the Siberian Happy Dance and Woo here in OP for your Daddi. Aren't Daddis always supposed to be OK??? Glad whatever it was they thought was wrong was really OK.
Celebrate, dance to the music~!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Hooray for your Daddi! Looks like a great celebration!
What wonderful news! A celebration is definitely in order! Woo Hoo!
hay hay asta. i did notis owr bloggy iz not in yer list now. maybe u fergiteded it when u wuz werkin on it that time? acuz i no we iz still frenz! forefer!
luff scooter
Wonderful news, Asta!! And so great to celebrate it with the family!
We are very happy for your Daddi, Mommi and of course you!!!
Many headbutts from a very big cat family...
... and of course
~Karl & Ruis
yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! We are THRILLED to hear this news, Asta! Keep on celebrating!
You're such a polite girlie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Asta, yeaaa, me sooo happy u daddi izz ok...give him our love and a smoochie...
b safe,
ASTA!! MOMMI!! DADDI!!! WOW,THAT'S WAGGING WICKED!!! Woo hoo...I'm so wagging happy for you all. The celebration looked pawfect. Me and the squaries send you all ooooodles of kissies and truckloads of lovies. Eric xxxxxx
OMG Asta! I had no idea anything frightening was going on over there, but if it being over warrants drinking a bottle of Vueve Cliquot, then it must have been scary and you all must be so happy now. My mom says she looooooooves Vueve Cliquot. I am going to read back now and see what has been going on.
So...are we dancing to the musikh?
OMDOG what WONDERFULLY great news!!!! We are so so so glad to hear it! Mom wants to try Foie Gras so bad, maybe someday!!! omdog, we are so happy for you!
Well we are with Sophie...We didn't know your Daddy had some tests but no we are THRILLED that they were good results!!!! Soooooooo we a re raising our glasses !!! to your Daddy!! Love and a million kisses A+A
Lovely news to read your Daddy has been given a clean bill of health. Your celebratory drinks and nibbles together looked brilliant.
Molly and Taffy
Hey Astagirl!
SO GLAD you have such wonderful news today!
I think your whole family should do nothing but celebrate all weekend!!!!
yippee! yippee! yippee!
we're barking with happiness about your daddi being healthy!
you really know how to have a celebration. we sure would like to join you!
congrats to your daddi and all of your family!
G'day Twinny,
You awe pwetty sneekie yourself to sneak in a wheelie - I thought you looked funny in those photos. My mum bought a stieff wft stuffie in London, but it can't weplace me! You will hear mowe about PG soon!
xxx Asta (oz)
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