then we all sang the national amfem
and once you went outside you could heaw the bells!
They only do this special long ,twenty minute winging on vewy special occasions( they call it pealing..but I saw no pealing of anykind going on , so I don't know why they call it that)
I heaw Pwesident Obama wants evewyone to come togethew and help make us the best we can be again...that's what I want to
love and wheeley smoochies

smoochie kisses fwom me too, love

I'z watched obama on mai tv this morning too!!
I'z very happy and cant wait for whats to come :3
<3 Apple
We are also eager to find out if the new President of USA is able to help the economy get better. It sure is a very special occasion and love the sound of the bells.
Wow what a feeling of hope there is everywhere. It sure is a very special time.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
The pealing bells are making mom teary-eyed all over again!
We are ready to go to work behind President Obama today!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
we are so excited and happy for you guys. we hope that this marks a good start for you and your countrymen. We may not be US Citizens, but we believe that having good leaders has a very big impact on how our country will fare. of course, that goes without saying that since Pres. Obama will be leading your nation, how he fares as a president will also be reflected on the US economy and other countries as well (incldg. ours).
May this new change of seat be a start for more good things to come. We are keeping our paws crossed he gets to the bottom of the 'conomy problem so that more puppies will have good homes and have their pictures painted by your mommy, too!
drooly kisses,
Myrna Girlie!
I hear the pealing went on for 3 1/2 hours (they talked about it on NPR). Can you imagine ringing those bells that long? It was definitely for a very special occasion.
Your daddi has some great scenery right outside his office window. What a special memory you made together watching President Obama take the oath of office! Your daddi is always around when history is being made!
Goober love & smooches,
My silly hairy bruzzer STanley sneaked onto the puter again while I was taking a little nap. So, the message above this one is from him, not me.
This message is from me.
Here it is! I LOVE YOU with my little goobery heart and am so happy for you to have gotten to go with your daddi to such a bootiful place to watch the innauguration!
Gooby love & hopeful kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah
Hi, Myrna & Asta...
Yesterday was a Great Day...
Abby xxxooo
Hope it all goes well for every dog (and their peeps) in America.
Oh Myrna, what a lovely place to watch the ceremony. We all stayed home, but muzzer was itching to be on the mall with E.Rabbit. Seeing that with lots of people is the only way to go!
Trinty Church is very purrty. And yesterday was a very special day for all Americans. We have our paws crossed that everyone will put their differnces aside and come together. We are purring for Obama as we know he has lots of responsiblities and needs all the help he can get. ~S,S & C
It is a time of hope for all.
Hi Myrna, and Asta!
What a happy day for your country! Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. :)
Hope your Daddi's appointment went well!
Love Clover xo
we luf dat church! so purty!
hey Myrna & Asta, we love all of those peeling bells. that was pretty cool.
we are proud and hopeful for Obama too. it's a great day for our country.
I have to admit, we cried a few tears of happiness, too!
OMD Myrna,
We watched it with our crazy old lady on our TV. She was thrilled. She says that all schools should have shown it to the students.
The ringing of the bells was lovely.
Hi Myrna and Asta! Great post! Mama watched the inauguration at work yesterday and she cried and cried. We are so hopeful and excited!
Hi Myrna & Asta!
What a great post! Thanks for sharing your inauguration experience! We are full of hope for our country too and feel so lucky to have witnessed this moment in history!
:) Tibby & Family
blogger ate my comment!! GRRR
What I said before is that Mom loves church bells and loved that most about Europre (besides the food)!!
It certainly was a day that did its best to make us furget what has been endured fur the past...oh....eight years!
Paws khrossed we WILL get bakhk on the khorrekht trail!
You had quite a day! We were pretty excited about all the festivities! We're crossing our fingers that we have lots of changes for the better!
Myrna, Wow! What a wicked time you and Daddi had on a momentous day.Me and Mom got a little teary looking at your Daddi's excellent recording of the events.Fabbie. Until those bells pealed. GGrrrrrr then I barked my head off!! Ooopsie sorry... they make me do that, dog knows why.Hoping your Daddi had news to celebrate over too.
Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xx
Yesterday was a brand new page in history and thankfully no one tried to ruin the celebration that took place. Now hopefully they can get down to business and get this country back on it's feet can always hope .....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Myrna...i could easily strangle ate my long and witty comment...
It's nearly gave me a heartie attack...I thought you were marryin' someone else...I heard those bells and saw ya in a church and was wheelie terrierfied you had found another 4 wheeler...
Such a relief to realize it was the In Uggs Dor A Tion...How did you ever get those Uggs on over ur wheels?? Do you adore them? I know they're NOT the latest fashion trend, but Lacie still wears hers and she adores them...!!!
Lacie told me our weddin' date is April 1st??? Oh my...Where are we gettin' married? NYC? Da Burgh???
How bout Salzburg??? We could get married in the Dom and have the reception at the Festung??? That's a hoooge aisle to wheel down...oh my....
Gilbert passes out!!!
Hi, Myrna!
It was a great day for you all!
Sure it was nice that you shared it with your Dad!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Asta, we have an award for you. ~S,S & C
How lucky you are to get to see it on a big screen!
Our mom made a special concession and allowed us to stay up till 11pm to watch the inauguration 'live' on TV too!!
I think you can hear the collective sigh of relief...
I loved all the pealing!
Congratulations and good luck to our new president and to his beautiful family!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Looks like you finally got some snow. I bet Asta's happy!
Oh gosh. What a beautiful church and such glorious bells!!! Mom loved them!
Mom still has most of the "in awe guration" to watch on tape.
May God Bless our new president and the United States of America!!!
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