I had a lot of detoows..I went by the Zig-Zag woute, and I had to pull a big campew behind my snowmobile, cause thewe wewe so many fwiends to pick up. Aftew getting Luna in Longisland, I went nowf and got Nowwood, and Archie and Agatha( Archie was not feeling well, but snuggles fwom the giwls helped a lot) of couwse I had to go to Pittsbuwgh to get my BFF. Lacie Scruffy and babyStan,.and Khyra weally needed to have a visit wif his Iowa fwiends too..so we stopped to get hew too..then souf to Jake and Just Harry..Rocky and Mango the maltese kiddo(he vewy considewately bwought a bunch ofdown sneeping bags fow all of us, and lots of catnip fow the kitties)..fwom thewe we went to pick up Gussie and Teka, and had to backtwack cause Teka thwew a fit ..she wefoosed to come wifout getting hew twue love Swede Williamof the whippet waggle...then I stopped by and picked up the fouw Bs, and Mawtha the boston, who had hew husband Ike wif hew (she had plenty of hew own snow , but weally wanted to twy to wide the snowmobile)
We also let Dennis the Vizsla twy out my snowmobile on the way..it suwe is a hit wif evewyone..They wewe lining up to take tuwns dwiving it.
anyway as I was saying..I finally awwived at Mutton Hollow inn fow some wintew fun and the pawty to celebwate the final adoption of Butchy and Snickews Kitty sissies and bwuvvew.(Ruby,Scuby and Sylvestew) Scuby the sweetie just came home fwom the cattow, and was the guest of honow.

the snow was falling and it was simply bootiful..pawfect fow ouw pawty
Luna loooves catching snow balls in hew mouf, and is vewy vewy good at it..Martha was just so happy to be thewe wif Ike(who was twying to hide behind his sunglasses) Teka got hew wish..Sweed William was holding hew tight as they came down the hill, thank dog Miss Snickers was feeling well and could enjoy hew Gussie's admiwing glances. My Dawling Stanley and his little Goobette sissie Stella met us thewe..My heawt skipped a beat when I spotted him..of couwse we all got on the same sled, and held each othew tight. Jake and Just Harry decided to come even though they just got home fwom theiw Chwissmuss twip...but who can wesist such fun?? This was Norwood's fiwst time wif us, and except fow almost being wun ovew by Lacie,(who was akshually aiming fow Ike the way I see it fwom the photogwaphic evidence)he had a splendid time..babyStan was weady to go up the hill once mowe..(that boy suwe has enewgy)
and talk about enewgy
Huskee boy and His sissie Hershey took an all night flight to get hewe and still had enewgy to play immediately.

top wow left to wight:
Stanley,Me and Stella ...Jake, wif his nouf wide open is dwsessed in the chawtwoose pawka Luna the scwuffy yacht dog,Hoping to catch the snow balls coming hewway in hew mouf, and demoowe Just Harry inlittle boyBlue looking chawming....Snickers and Gussie [What can one say about those gowgeous lovepups?]
fwont wow l-wight:
Huskee and Hershey suwpwised us by showing up and joining in the fun......................Sweed William and Teka, Martha and Ike, Lacie on hew tummie, Norwood,and babyStan
The snow weally stawted up again as we made ouw last sled wuns..Butchy wanted us to twy out the Polaw beaw Club ice hole...BWWWWWWWWWWWW! (I have no photos of that, cause I dwopped my camewa in the watew when Lacie almost dwowned and swallowed one of the Koi..but she'll tell you I'm suwe)
Stanley,Me and Stella ...Jake, wif his nouf wide open is dwsessed in the chawtwoose pawka Luna the scwuffy yacht dog,Hoping to catch the snow balls coming hewway in hew mouf, and demoowe Just Harry inlittle boyBlue looking chawming....Snickers and Gussie [What can one say about those gowgeous lovepups?]
fwont wow l-wight:
Huskee and Hershey suwpwised us by showing up and joining in the fun......................Sweed William and Teka, Martha and Ike, Lacie on hew tummie, Norwood,and babyStan
The snow weally stawted up again as we made ouw last sled wuns..Butchy wanted us to twy out the Polaw beaw Club ice hole...BWWWWWWWWWWWW! (I have no photos of that, cause I dwopped my camewa in the watew when Lacie almost dwowned and swallowed one of the Koi..but she'll tell you I'm suwe)

In the big owange waft__Lacie,Scruffy,Archie and Agatha In the fwont l-w: Mango the Maltese kiddo wifRocky (they wewe such twoopews ..they'we not used to all this snow you know), but I think they had a ball aftew the initial fwight of the whole thing Thee fouw Bs wolled the biggst snow ball I have evew seen in my whole life and I was a little scawed that Stella would be buwwied by it..I(Asta) twied out one of those wondewful wooden sleds widing lying on my tummie, while Luna stawted pelting evewyone wif snow balls(she says they'we good to eat..although hew's looks suspiciously yellow) and in the fwont wight..look who's thewe...Khywa! Making snow puppyangels and having the best snowy time.
(My Snowmobile was such a hit..that I bawely wode it at all..xept when Stanley and I went off fow a little pwivate time...sighhhhhhhh)
You should check Butchy and Snicker's bloggie fow fuwthew pictoowes and stowies of ouw wondewful weekend twip..I hope all of you had a gweat weekend whatevew you wewe doing.
(my Twinny Asta down undew invited me to go swimming..I was aweady on my way when I got the message, so I couldn't go ..I hope she thinks of inviting me again , cause she is having a faboolous time in the sun in Ostwalia..thank you Twinny..next time)
love and smoochie kisses to evewyone
(be suwe to biggify the last two pictoowes so you can see how wondewful eveyone looks, hehehe)

That looks really fun fun fun. I wish I get snow in my place to play in too
~ Bae
Wow! Looked like a blast! I wish I was there with all the fun.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You sure did have a lot of stops to make on your snowmobile, Asta! It looks like everyone is having a fabulous time!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
gee Asta! that was some trip! whew... we're just watching and we feel how cold it is out tehre already...
btw, did it snow yet?
drooly kisses,
Hi, Asta...
Wow...Looks like you guys had a great time...
You guys looks soooo great in all your snow gear...
Abby xxxoooo
Asta, guess what, you have snow in New York right now, and I mean lots of the white stuff. Better hurry home before it disappears.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
That sure looks like a furry fun time. Hope we can join woo the next time. We just can't seem to get any snow here.
Look at all your furiends having so much fun. Our furiend Khyra is the bestest snow angel-maker ever.
Woos, the OP Pack
I SNOW had a blast!
Tank woo fur inviting me along!
Woo terrier types surely know how to pawty!
I was furry impressed with the newbies to the fun of snow! They sooo knew how to dig and snoof!
I khan't wait until the next BIG bash!
oh boy...what fun...we do surely appreciate the ride when muzzer got snotty about the gussiemobile.
Oh thank DOGNESS you picked up Swede William!!! He'd been bugging and bugging the servant about going, and she just kept saying she had to stay home and study or some such nonsense.
He would have been heartbroken if he missed out on the fun.
have a blast!
wags from the rest of the whippets
That place soooo reminds me of our house in New York, it makes me a little homesick ... but not for the snow.
Oh we had fun!!!! A bit different than our 2,500-hundred mile car ride. Finally the snow we missed and lots of our pals. It was great to see Gussie and Teka and Swede William again -- and to meet up with all the rest of the gang.
Thank you for coming to pick us up on such short notice.
Just one minor editorial note: the guy with his mouth open is me, Jake, not JH, and JH is the silly goof to the right of Luna.
Lots of wirey love,
It was a wonderful trip, Asta. Thanks for inviting me!
I was the back seat driver, hehe, I annoyed Rocky a few times!
Boy oh boy, I do look puffy in my ski outfit, Ximui and Chubs didn't believe it was me having fun without them. Yeah, I have more fun without them tag along.
I just noticed the new look of your blog, so cool, Asta, oh oh I thought you liked carrot color that's why I have collected a few orange color for you, oh oh!
Sooooooooooo wanted to join you all but...
Loved ths photo's & seeing the fun.
Maybe next time!
Love, pats & pets
Wow what fun! Love the pics!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
What a gas!! Fabbie photos Asta. You are the best photographer and soooo clever. I'm so wagging at your pawty...though crickey!!Lacie swallowed a Koi? Dog, who's was it? Hope Mama gave her some crispy chips on the side to go with it? And Heinz Tommy Cats Up made in the Burgh cos she's used to that with everything....hope she didn't catch one of those yellow snowballs of Luna's for dessert....or worse serve them in the snowball cocktails?
Wiry wags, Eric xxx
OOh Asta we biggified the pictures and I saw my Stella. She looked so happy and I thank you for hanging onto her, I could just imagine her jumping off the sled with excitment. Didn't she look gorgeous in her little stripey hat and scarf?
I'm glad you guys bundled up to stay warm in the snow. It looks like you had tons of fun!
I'll be glad when it disappears from my house but it's snowing again right now.
Asta, What a fabulous time! Who knew Iowa could be so much fun.
Cough cough..oh my...that darn koi is stuck in my throat...hmm...I think he's droolin' and slobberin' too...yeesch...
Actually, I was aimin' for Norwood, Asta...we've never been introduced...was wonderin' if he dated...I was quietly just tryin' to crash into him, but Babystan shoved me at the last second, that darn Dale...
Wasn't it the best time ever??? I adore the pix you got of us...oh my...we are rather a motley crew aren't we...you and Stan were gone rather a while, weren't ya? Best I could tell ya missed 3 outta 4 quarters of the Steeler Game...perhaps next time you better get a GPS system...that raggeddy map I gave ya wasn't very good was it...(Lacie giggles...)oh my...that was the map of New Mexico I had...oopsie...well, ya wanted time with Stan, didn't ya??? That's what friends are for!!
Barkin' at ya Asta!!
Love and kisses..Laciegirl
Cough cough..oh my...that darn koi is stuck in my throat...hmm...I think he's droolin' and slobberin' too...yeesch...
Actually, I was aimin' for Norwood, Asta...we've never been introduced...was wonderin' if he dated...I was quietly just tryin' to crash into him, but Babystan shoved me at the last second, that darn Dale...
Wasn't it the best time ever??? I adore the pix you got of us...oh my...we are rather a motley crew aren't we...you and Stan were gone rather a while, weren't ya? Best I could tell ya missed 3 outta 4 quarters of the Steeler Game...perhaps next time you better get a GPS system...that raggeddy map I gave ya wasn't very good was it...(Lacie giggles...)oh my...that was the map of New Mexico I had...oopsie...well, ya wanted time with Stan, didn't ya??? That's what friends are for!!
Barkin' at ya Asta!!
Love and kisses..Laciegirl
SO that's what Khyra was doing yesterday while her human was away!
Puppy slurps, Canyon
We don't get nearly as much snow as that, or I'd have me a snowmobile, too. But then, we have a lot of trees...and rocks...and a creek...I guess that snowmobile wouldn't be such a great idea here on the farm, huh? Maybe I'll have to come up and visit that lodge. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hi Asta!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time! I wish I could have gone with you but I don't like the snow very much anyways so it was probably best that I was nice and warm at my house!
Hi, Asta!
Sure you all had another adventure but with lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
What a wonderful adventure for you all! Good friends and snow -- what could be better?
omdog I am so sad I had to miss this but I had some serious Steelers duty to take care of. You guys had a great time by the looks of it!! I think the snowmobile is just like the jet ski I tried in Florida, I bet its a lot of fun!
What fun you all had!!! Woofies sure do like the snow..we have neighbor woofies that love to run & play in it. We kitties prefer to watch the woofies from the window!
Kousin Asta,
You finally got to play in the snow! Looks like everybody had a great time!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Sweet Astaroni FB!!
Stella & I had a BLAST zooming down the slopes with you, and that moonlight Astamobile ride through the Iowa fields was extra sweet (just like yOU)!
Thank you for inviting us to the pawty. I'm going to have to send a snowball bouquet to Butchy & Snicker's mama for hosting us! She and the kitties were extra good to all of us freezing pups!
Your photography, as always, is FABulous! How did you get some of those action shots?!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Asta,
Thanks for organising this... boy was it fun!!
Hi Asta!! I always want to try sliding on the snow!
Big licks!!
please be ourz frien!!!
<3 Apple
the more the merrier
oh my, your photos make me breathless, they are so wonderful.
I am sorry to be late in commenting, blogger was playing up yesterday and your site took ages to load for some bizarre reason!
So glad you all had a wonderful time!
love from Marvin xxxxxxxxxx
Moth was upset when she was watching the news because they were doing a story on some ski-sledding place that, as the humans say it, was going to the dogs. I think the mom's use that saying for meaning something else. I will have to fill her in by what they were really talking about.
Looks like you all are having a good time! Fun to get together with all of your friends.
Ha, some great photos Asta! But far too cold for an old grumpy dog like me, hehehe! J x
Asta, that looks like a real great snow party!! It's fantastic to see the bunch of you making the best of winter. Winter can be be fun!
w00f's Asat, heehee me had soooo much fun...snowball fightin and sleding...we will haff to do this again soon...
b safe,
WHOOO HOOO! I had a great time! Thanks for inviting me and taking me along. Expect for being run over, I love sledding! Thanks so much Asta! You're the best!
You dogs are just too much! Unbelievable. I am glad you are having so much fun - I ADORE the picture of you on the orange snow mobile! SORRY - Astamobile!
Enjoy the sledding!
I am so glad we got to go on this most excellent adventure. I had such a good time sleigh riding and getting to play with all our friends. Sometimes I just get out of control especially in the snow. Thanks again for letting me tag along.
Luna Licks,
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