I was scawed by a fly that flew into my apawtment..I had nevew seen a bug ow insect ow anything like it befowe...I was fweeking out..
my deaw sissie twin Asta sent me this hat fwom Ostwalia to help keep the fly away...it wowked!!!

Petey and I decided to celebwate Chinese NewYeaw

Hope you all had a wondewful day..especially ouw Chinese fwiendses
love and smoochie kisses

Hi Asta!
It looks like you had a wonderful day! Happy Chinese New Year!
:) Tibby
Hi, Asta!
You always know how to celebrate a special day!
And our friends too!
Kisses and hugs
Some other countries in South East Asia celebrate same Lunar New Year as China, my mom told me that. So I have TWO Happy New Year, how cool is that!
You look lovely in that dress, Asta!
How cool Asta! I love the first pic! Do you think I could join in on some events every now & again? Thanks for voting!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
G'day Asta
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Australia Day too. Gosh they fell on the same day this year...how about that.
The parade looks great. Have fun!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Wow!!! That looks like so much fun!! New York is so great. There is always something going on.
Sorry, but I don't recognize anybody in the group picture, except for Joe Stains and Tanner. Everybody else tends to look alike. Maybe I need glasses. Hehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
G;day Twinny, I was expecting to see you wewa your cork hat just fow Aussie day so you can look like my dad! If I don't see wewaing it, I will out you on my blog! xxx Asta
Ooooo! A parade of terriers! Im totally disappointed that I missed that one!
That would have been like the best float ever to be on! Could you imagine all of the bitey face that could be played???
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Sweet Astaroni FuzzButt!
Happy Chinese New Year! It's the year of the Ox now (does that mean more bully sticks for all of us?)! Wish I could have been there for the parade. I see that Lacie, Teka & Gus were there. Beyond that, it's hard for me to tell who else was on the float.
You and Petey are totally bi-cultural, and you look so natural in your dress and him in his little scholar's outfit. Bet you fit right into China town. I hope the dim sum was good. My girl says it's definitely a fave of hers!
Goober love & smooches,
What a wonderful time you and Petey had!
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your families!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Oh your Chinese New Year celebrations looked wonderful, especially as all your pals came over too!
Do you think my Jeannie needs an Aussie hat for her visit?
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
wow.. that hat does scared the buggers off the bugs, eh? hmmm... that is pretty nifty.
you sure do get around a lot Asta.. we bet you had a blast during the dragon dance and festivities. good thing the terriers were the outgoing bunch, too!
Kung Hei Fat Choi to you too!
drooly kisses,
G'day Twinny,
I love the hat you wowe again fow Austwailia day. It looks much bettew on you than on my dad! And, thanks fow putting me in the pawade. Thewe's so many tewwiews that mum couldn't tell which one was me, but of cowse I know myself. Mr. T-Bone Beasley saws thewe should be an Asta day and I agwee because you nevew can have too many Asta's
xxx Asta (oz)
Red is such a becoming color on any terrier.
I have attempted to play bitey face with Dawson, but he seems to like that paw much better.
You sure do have the most fun adventures with all of your friends, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh poooo! Now Muzzer knows where we were yesterday, and she is VERRRY unhappy she did not get a chance to come along. I am gonna give lots of kissies to get outa this one!
ASTA...where are the terriers??? I fell asleep on the sofa yesterday when I got home from work and they are gone...just gone, baby, gone...
I've tried Lacie's cell a million times and it just goes to voice mail...and I see she changed her message to "Hi...it's Lacie...tra la la la...nuff said!" Trust me I said enuff after that...
Those dogs have chores to do...toys to pick up, bones to find...
The parade pix were fabulous, BTW...I had NO IDEA the terrier was so featured in Chinese culture!!!
Figures Lacie was on the dragon float...I do see the resemblance...she sorta breathes fire at times....
Love and kisses to ya sweet girl!!!
BOL ! Happy Chinese New Year :D
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay chineez noo yeer kewl!!!! duz that meen we can all git haff price kung pow??? mmmmmm kung pow ok bye
Looks like you all had fun. Happy chinese new year.
Simba x
Asta, you always know how to celebrate real good! Happy Chinese New Year to you!
Woo look fab!
It is furry khool Petey got to celebrate with woo!
A lot of familiar faces in that parade!!! Looks like a fun time was had by all. Happy Chinese Australia Day!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Sugars to all my Chinese and Aussie friends out there!!
PS: Ruby and I are doing great. I can't quite figure out what to give her for Valentine's though.....
Wow--very multi-cultural! Bon annee, I says!
Asta...look isn't this great...Mumsie can't even tell the difference between Scruffy and me...she thought that was me in the dragon pic...hahahahahahaa...
(Lacie's cell vibrates madly...)
Oh Drat..it's her again...I am so NOT going to pick up...you'd think she thinks I'm a child the way she keeps callin' like every 10 minutes....
(Lacie hits the IGNORE button for the 5435th time today...)
So...hmm...what should we do for dinner?? Does Petey like Chinese?? We could order takeout or go to some totally cool restaurant???
"Scruffy, let go of Petey's ball and don't snap at him like that...sheesh..."
Asta...don't you think ur mommi should be wakin' up by now..I mean she drank those Chinese smoothies hours ago?? What? Tra la la la??
Um Asta..isn't that my line? Oh lookie...Myrna has a lighter...she smokes??? (Lacie sneezes...) Put that out, Myrna...ur gonna catch ur beardie on fire...
Ya wanna cook in? Veal shanks??? That seems politically incorrect...order em from the 'spensive shop down the street? Kay...works for me...
(the conversation goes on, but the typist is becomin' fatigued....)
Asta sissy! You look great in cute in the red dress!! :) Happy Austraia Day and Happy Chinese New Year!!!
We're glad you and Petey spent some time together.
Momo & Pinot
ASTA! i poked ben in da hiney ta deh. Him waz all sniffin hims toys an i snuck up behind him and FWAPPED HIS BUTT!
I figured a nice trip might get Tanner's mind off that stupid dot. SO hopefully Mom wont be TOO mad that we sort of left for a while without asking permission...
Happy Chinese New Year! What a fun parade!
Asta...there's some sorta burned rubbery smell in our kitchen...you better come and see...
Happy Chinese New Year! The terrier crew sure is sneaky -I guess that will happen when your known for digging holes to China!
chinese New Year! Hooray!
P.S. Does your mom have an inedible apple? What does she use to help you develop your photos?
Good morning Miss Asta.
Can see you had a spiffing New Year celebration - red certainly does become you.
Now, we haven't been formally introduced but you know my Mother, Poopsie aka Blue & wheelie sister Miss Judy.
In recognition of that & you being a sassy girl, I'm passing on my very first blog Award & its Tag to you.
WEll the cat is out of hte bag(as they say) now!! We didn't really tell PL2 where we were!! Tee Hee!! But we knew that being with all his friends would help cheer up Arch(that and the dimsum) You know us!! WE love to party!! Love and a milllion kisses A+A
WEll the cat is out of hte bag(as they say) now!! We didn't really tell PL2 where we were!! Tee Hee!! But we knew that being with all his friends would help cheer up Arch(that and the dimsum) You know us!! WE love to party!! Love and a milllion kisses A+A
WEll the cat is out of hte bag(as they say) now!! We didn't really tell PL2 where we were!! Tee Hee!! But we knew that being with all his friends would help cheer up Arch(that and the dimsum) You know us!! WE love to party!! Love and a milllion kisses A+A
Happy MOO Year & Happy Australia Day to you too!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
hi Asta, we can see that you and Petey are having a great time. you always know how to have the best fun in New York. we are going to come and visit you someday.
What Tewwiewific Fun!
Sad to say, our Mom has been so busy with deadlines that she didn't even know we were gone!!! Thanks for spiriting us away.
(And we love your Chinese costumes!!)
Jake and Just Harry
C'mon over for some Peking Duck and Crispy Beef! I know how to celebrate in any culture!
w00f;s asta, me new ur color fur ur bingo card wood b orangeee...
b safe,
Asta..pack ur bags...Axel is askin' for terrier nursin' help for his mom...Agatha is already there and I'm on my way from Gussie's...I'll call Koobie, Miss Snickers and your twinny from my cell...
Bring fattenin' food...she's lost weight and needs fattenin' up...
Oh...can you post bout PL2's Barkday???? It's tomorrow...the 28th...she's gonna be 232...
That looked like a fun time!! You really know how to celebrate the New Year!
PS: I love your new signature!
Haha fun pictures!
Happy Year of the Ox!
What a pawsome time you had celebrating Asta. ;)
~ Bae
You really do know how to celebrate, Miss Asta!!!!
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