so I decided to take Butchy and Snickers up on theiw invitation to go to theiw house

I loaded my snowmobile up wif all kinds of tweats especially fow the kitties..they have just adopted theiw Scuby pawmenently, so we awe going to have a celebwation.
I hope some mowe of you will join us and we can go sledding..they have plenty of snow..let me know if you awe coming..I'm suw theiw Mama would be happy to have a bunch of us thewe.
Happy weekend evewyone
smoochie kisses

I've heard from my handsome Summii that Iowa got our snow!
Thor and Markho Polo are also in Iowa - they have some too!
How about if woo swing by Pawsylvania on your way past?
HI Asta!
Have fun and stay safe on your trip! I hope you find lots of snow and have a ton of fun with your friends!
I hope woo all have fun in the snow!! Drive carefully!
Mya Boo Boo
OMG, the snowGods pooped out on you, Asta? We can't believe it! It's still snowing at our house and we were just out for our peepees and it's nice and fluffy! The bad thing is that there is trecherous ice underneath that wasn't part of our order!
Have fun at Butchy and Snickers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
w00f's Asta, me not to happy u not git ur snow, they shoodnt promise it, iffin they not gonna give it to us...our sky lookied funny today, musta been just rain wants to go to Iowa and play in snow toooooo.....
b safe,
I coming and Teka too. We are gonna swing by Kaintucky and see if the whippets wanna come. Or actually, ONE whippet. (go ahead, guess.) Driving the Gussiemobile. Have Muzzer's cell phone with me if you get in trouble.
pee ess...emailing the number just in case.
I coming and Teka too. We are gonna swing by Kaintucky and see if the whippets wanna come. Or actually, ONE whippet. (go ahead, guess.) Driving the Gussiemobile. Have Muzzer's cell phone with me if you get in trouble.
pee ess...emailing the number just in case.
Have a fabulous time Asta. Stay safe and warm.
Molly and Taffy xx
Count me in count me in, I wanna do sledding with Asta, never done it before. I'll bring catnip for kittens and sleeping bags for all of us!
Hi, Asta!
There is plenty of snow in Iowa!
I am sure you will have a pawesome time there!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Asta
Pass on our congrats to Scuby and a big g'day to Butchy & Snickers and the rest of the feline gang.
Think we'll just hang out here in the nice warm sun...ahhhh yep I'll just flip over and get some sun on my other side...ahhh that's good.
Wow Asta-
You sure know how to ride in style. Swing up north to pick me up. I am a good co-pilot.
Looks like tons of fun but too bad I live far away.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Pretty girl, you know how to ride in STYLE!!!
I've got an award for you on my blog, swing by :)
Hi Asta,
Again no snow for us! I would like to join u to Butchy and Snicker's house! I love to run around in the snow and catch snowballs in my mouth! CAN"T WAIT!
Want me to bring anything?
Luna- tic
PS did you get the snowmoble for Christmas?
Oh boy I would love to go ...but we can't go read our blog!! Love A+A
I was so happy when I read that Scuby has a permanent Indoor home now. Woohooooo!
Asta, you should have come to my house because we got about 8" of snow! I'd really love to ride on your snowmobile. Love, Martha
I'm a little late, by I'm on my way!!!!
Save a run on your Astamobile for me!
Goober love & smooches,
Look how cute you are in your red snow suit!
If you go the southern route, you could stop and see us on the way!
wags from the whippets
I wish I could come but I have to stay home and cheer for my Steelers. PLUS we are ordering some Pizza. LOL. Stay warm and have fun with the kitties.
hey Asta, we are on our way! our snow melted and we are so bored. we just want to see our friends and play! we NEED to play!
Ooh, an orange snowmobile! Want!!!
Hi asta, we just stopped by to say bye, we are leaving the blogosphere. thanks for being our friend! you will be missed!
Holy snow manz! Asta.. I hadz no idea you waz so tally-tented. You haz a driverz license? Be care-full on dat ting! Da momee here wanted you to know dat you iz lookin' furry "Swanyay" in your red snow suit.
Oh, Twinny,
I'm getting cold jus looking at that pictuwe. Why don't you gwab your pawkini & surfboard and come swimming in my pool ow we can go to the beach.
xxx Asta (Oz)
Oh, Twinny,
I'm getting cold jus looking at that pictuwe. Why don't you gwab your pawkini & surfboard and come swimming in my pool ow we can go to the beach.
xxx Asta (Oz)
Now that is a much better way to travel in the snow than a sled - a whole lot less work and woo look so cool too. We aren't too far from Iowa, so come on down for a visit here too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh Asta...I can't believe I accidently ate that was hooge too...and had big slimy jaws and drooled...I tried for a big gulp of aire, but I got a fish instead...oh dear.
Thank heavens Butchy rescued me and gave me some mouth to mouth...(Lacie giggles and twirls to show off the full skirt she has on....)
Wasn't the footie ball game amazin'...and that Joey...go look at our blog...we posted a pic of him....
I hafta go tuck Mumsie into bediby.....workie tomorrow....
Love you buckets my sweet Girl...
I'm sorry Scruffy drove ur snowmobile into the pond...I'm pretty sure it will June....
Lakie kissies..
Send me some snow!!!
slurpy licks,
That's so fun! Happy Belated New Year! Sorry we haven't been around to visit lately.
Count us in, Asta!!
Wow that looks like great fun! Hope you all stayed warm.
Simba x
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