let's honow him by keeping the dweam alive fow eveyone..inclooding Fuwwkids!!!
No mowe puppymills!!!!....................................loving, wawm ,fuwwevew homes fow all !
"There is not a black America, there is not a white America, there is not a Latino America, there is not an Asian America. There is the United States of America."
smoochie kisses

Woo said it furry well!
Asta girl...
I couldn't agree more! Oh and that is way cool that your Daddi was there!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Well all those people on the Mall today are getting snowed on! It's really coming down, too -- if they're getting an early seat for tomorrow they're all going to be snowed under...
in northern VA
Beautiful post, Asta.
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Very well said, Asta! And how awesome that your dad got to witness such an important day in our history. We will witness more history tomorrow!
Your daddi was one lucky man. Dr. King has always been one of Grammie's heroes since she was a teen in the 60's. She is looking forward to tomorrow and Dr. Kings dream remaining alive for all.
What a grrreat post Asta.
How lucky yours Daddy was to haf been there. Wow again.
Purrs, KC
G'day Twinny,
Mum has nevew been pwouder to be an American. I wish I was one too!
Yes We Can!
xxx Asta (Oz)
G'day Twinny,
Sweet Nessa is on DWB, but this is hew bloggy:
xxx Asta (oz)
What a great tribute to a true legend. Think there will be another one made tomorrow. How fantastic your Daddy was there on that historic day.
Me and the leggededs will be thinking of you all tomorrow. Have a wonderful day.
Wiry wags, Eric xxx
Hi Kousin Asta,
I sure agree with that.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Asta!
Very well said! Thanks for reminding us about his message and helping to keep his dream alive!
w00f's Asta, excellent post girlie...
b safe,
How neat your dad was there to be such a part of history.
I had a dream too...that we'd finally get some nice fluffy snow to play in! We just got back from the playground on Hudson Street and guess what? I found TWO tennis balls! It was like a big fluffy Easter egg hunt.
Hope you got to play in the snow today too!
Your pal,
Here, here! We're behind you 100%, Asta! That's so cool that your daddi was there!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yep....freedom and justice for ALL....have a great week...
Dewey Dewster here....
Kind of fitting it falls the day before Obama's inauguration! Happy MLK day!
Furry well stated, Asta. From a pack of proud American pups.
The OP Pack
The lady sure wishes she could be in DC tomorrow, it's a huge step towards us all being "Americans" without any designator.
Hi, Asta!
I hope you had a happy day!
Kisses and hugs
wonderful post...paws crossed that the sun is shining tomorrow for the ceremony.
Bravo Asta!
You are so right Asta.
extra slurpy licks,
Right on, Asta!!!
We are finally back to blogging, so come check our blog again when you are free :)
Well said Asta! I also like the profile beard shot. Like i said.. I tried to grow a nice beard like that but yours is beeeautiful along with the eyebrow flair!
we agwee! we agwee..erm.. we agree! we agree!
your cute speaking manner is catching on to us, Asta. our hoomans have been talking like you when talking to Poopie.. hehe.. too cute!
drooly kisses,
Happy days are here again!!!Mom remembers when our gwandparents drove downtown after Dr. King died. A bunch of people were marching in honor of Dr. King. Gwandpa told her that he hoped racism would disappear within her lifetime. We hope Gwandpa is right.
Astaroni History Pup!
Please give your daddi a big juicy goober smooch from me to thank him for his support of MLK back in the day. Your daddi is a big hairy piece of history himself. Oh, my girl would love to pick his brain!
LOVE this post! My girl only wishes she could have been born a few years earlier to be able to have seen MLK do his thing.
Let's keep the dream alive!
Goober love & smooches,
Your goob boy Stanley
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