My Deaw fwiend Siw Opus Fellini wote me this lettew fwom italy, and sent me a special stocking which I'm putting up ..hopefully Befana will wemembew me

"Sending a big hug to you from across the miles. I do hope that your first days of 2009 have been filled with fun, love, and laughter.
Tonight is a BIG night here in Italy. According to Italian folklore, tonight the Befana (the good Christmas witch) will visit our homes. Before you go to bed, you must hang your stocking up and if you have been a good kitty or doggy (which I know you have) Befana will fill your stocking with goodies.
Sending you all a custom made Christmas stockings. Hang them before you go to bed in hopes that Befana will leave you treats!"
Much love from Italy,
Opus (a good cat)
Read more about the Befana here on my human's blog:
hope you'we all safe and wawm and had a gweat weekend
love and smoochie kisses

Hello Asta. I like your fuzzy face. :) I hope your mommi gets better soon and share her treats with you
ps. Maybe your card is still with Mr Postman. I think it'll come these few days?
~ Bae
Popcorn and a nap in bed sounds like a purrfect day to me! We hope your mum feels better soon.
Hey Asta, hope your mum is feeling better now. Popcorn in bed? Sounds like heaven to me. Make sure you don't leave any crumbs! J x
Hi, Asta...
I hope your Mom feels better...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Asta
We sure hope your mum feels better soon. Give her lots of nose pokes. That's bound to help.
Noah xx
Popcorn is furry tasty. Did it have some yummy butter on it? Hope your Mom is feeling better.
Woos, the OP Pack
We Hope Mommi feels better soon. We love popcorn too! miamm miamm
If you've gotta do nothing, you might as well eat some popcorn ...
I'm sure sharing popkhorn with WOO soooo hoped your mommi feel better!
Hi Asta!
It's so nice of you to keep your mom company when she is not feeling well. My owner girl still seems to be turning into a dog but hasn't got any new symptoms yet! Is your mom turning into a dog too?
PS. It was nice of her to share her popcorn with you!
Tu es très gentille de t'occuper de ta Mamy. Elle lit un roman policier ? Lequel ?
Bisous, Faya
Mmmmmm! Popcorn! I love popcorn!
I hope your mom is feeling better now.
Isn't popcorn the best!? Especially the kind with extra butter !!
I hope your Mommi is feeling better today.
That popcorn looks so good! Asta that pic made my Mommy laugh, "Just say no to the seizure monster." Do you mind if we put that on our blog? My Mommy has seizures & she wants to say no!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Happy New Year Asta and Mommi!
I do hope your Mommi is better soon.
And the pop corn lasts out!
love and licks, Marv xxxxx
Ciao Bella Asta!
I am so happy to see that you have your stocking ready to go! I sure do hope that Befana comes to your house. I think she only comes to Italy, but I am going to stay awake and wait for her so that I can tell her to go and visit my friends from around the world!
I am sorry your Mom doesn't feel well, but I am sure you are taking good care of her. Do give her a kitty kiss from me.
Much love from Italy and happy befana!
Sir Opus
oh I hope it is ok Asta, but I have linked with you on my blog so I can keep up with your news.
It is taking some time to re post my blog list, but we are getting there.
I hope you don't mind us linking.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
Oh boy we love popcorn!!!!!!!!! We had an icky ice storm here today did you?? Love A+A Hope your Mom feels better( the popcorn will help)
Way to cool. Hope yours gets filled with lots of goodies..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hey Asta, Hope Mommi is feline a bit better? Popcorn and you are both good medicine.
I saw you had a boring walk to the book shop but at least you have that cool dude Steve to admire you.Your Mommi and mine are both black beret fans, Mom only ever has one warm ear too,haaa!!!
Stay warm and in bed...Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxx
Pee S is photoshop working again?
I sure hope you get some special treats and that Mommi feels better soon. Oh and I forgot to mention that I really like your new background...very chic!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We hope that you and your mommi were watching a nice movie to go with that popcorn, Asta!
We hope your mommi is feeling better!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
G'day Twinny,
Hope youw mum is feeling bettew soon! M & M have a good idea about the movie, maybe the Thin Man?
My mum and dad always shawe thewe food wif me. Mum and me shawed Doritos evwy night befow she left.
My favowite is when we go to the Chinese restawant because thew food is too spicy and they buy me my own dinnew!
xxx Asta (Oz)
I bet you got 10 pieces of popcorn!! My Mom needs to get with my 10 treats program!!
I hope your Mom feels better soon!!
Hi, Asta!
I am sure you are the best med for your mom! I hope she feel better soon!
Wow! She shared the popcorn with you!
I am waiting for the Wise Men to come tonight!
Kisses and hugs
Your mom's lucky she's got you to keep her company when she's not feeling well! Deb's been a bit under the weather the past week -- but I just leave her alone!
Happy belated New Year, sissy!! We like the new design on your blog.
Please keep your mom's company until she feels better. We know you're the BEST thing she could have in her bed as well as yummy popcorn. :)
Your mom looks so stylish (as always) on your Saturday walky. We also think how lovey the way you and your daddy snuggled on the couch the other day.
We hope the year 2009 will bring you and your family lots of lots of joy and happiness!
Momo & Pinot
We hope Befana is good to you!
Your warm little beard must serve well for crumb keeping!
Astaroni FB!
I bet your mommi started feeling better IMMEDIATELY once she started popping that delicious popcorn into your mouth! I know that you have magic powers to will eatables right to your waiting lips, but you were a very polite girlie, waiting for mommi to offer.
Please give her some juicy and warm goober smooches to help her feel better. Is she recovering from wearing her leather pants?! Did she overheat in them?
Next time, I'll come over and be her body pillow ~ no popcorn required. Just your presence!
Goober love & smooches,
w00f's Asta, me shure hopes ur mommi iz feelin better now..popcorn shood make anybody or pup feel better...
b safe,
Hope your Mummy feels better soon.
Simba x
Asta, we hope your mommi is feeling better, today! Popcorn in bed sounds pretty good to us! It has been raining, here, for DAYS and we are all bored too!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Happy 2009 to you!
Hope you got more than that one piece of popcorn! My folks usually drop it all over the place (lack of eye-mouth coordination I think, which I happen to be very good at) and Pupi and I steal their scraps. It's like hunting for lost popped cornies!
Sorry to hear that your mom isn't feeling well. Even though she isn't feeling good I bet it is fun for you to hang out with her in bed and snuggle, plus get the extra treats.
Did Befana come to your place last night? She missed mine if she did. I don't think that she made it state side with all that she had to do in Italy. It cannot be because we haven't been good enough can it?
Popcorn always make things feel better. I really like the story about Befana and the stocking. Hope you are staying warm and cozy in bed and resting.
Of all the treats I get, Asta (and I don't get many), POPCORN is my favoritest one of all!
I'm glad you're taking such good care of your mommy.
G'day Twinny,
We say clever boots hewe in Oz too!
Yes, you get to see PG II little by little but you have to keep checking!
Hope your mum feels bettew soon!
xxx Asta (oz)
Hiya Asta
Hope your mommi is feeling better. Misery and master are poorly too.
In spain and gib we have night of the three kings on 5 Jan when there is a parade and people gets present.
Sounds better than a witch to me :)
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