as you pwobably all have heawd by now, thewe was a plane cwash on the west side of Manhattan in the Hudson wivew (about a mile fwom us)

Miwacoolously evewyone suwvived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,the cwash was up by the Intwepid, but by the time we saw it, it had floated down past us..eventooally winding up in Battewy Pawk.
I think I saw the tail of the plane going by in the wivew, but thewe wewe so many boats, it was hawd to see

thanks to the vewy bwave and smawt Pilot and cwew, and all the NY and NJ watewways and coast guawd and police and EMS pawsons a gweat twagedy was avewted

the twaffic fiwst stopped on the side coming down town, then eventooally the whole West Side Hwy was closed except to emewgency vehicles

I saw amboolances and Fiwe Twucks ,helipoptews, and police caws..they wew making quite a wacket

finally , it was mostly hoomans just walking..that pawt was scawy Mommi says, cause it weminded hew of the HWY doowing 9/11

I got a wide wif some vewy nice coast Guawdses..I told them I was wepowting fow DWB and also I wanted to be thewe if I could help wif anything..
Once againNY pwoved how gweat it is in times of twouble..evewyone helps. We awe vewy pwoud , and gwateful that evewyone suwvived. It was a fweezing day, and if Ws fwiend Bwownie would have been in chawge, the passengews would have fwozen while waiting to be wescooed.
smoochie kisses fwom te Hudson wivew
Hi, Asta...
Yes, it was a miracle...I watched the reports on CNN with my Mom...
The pilot is a hero...His quick thinking & expert flying saved alot of lives...
And, as always, the brave men & women of the Coast Guard, Police Dept, Fire Dept, & EMT's came to the rescue...
Abby xxxooo
oh my, we have been watching it all via the BBC World News here in the Uk, Asta, and my Jeannie got so emotional watching it all, she cried and cried.
How amazing was the pilot, and all the rescue boats and just the whole thing...........?
My Jeannie says the whole rescue, the wonderful pilot, restored her faith in human nature.
She got quite "sobby" just watching it all on the t.v.
We felt so much for your peeps and your nation, and your Pilot is a total HERO!!
Love and loyal licks, Marvin xxxxx
lotsaluv, Jeannie (sorry but the whole video we saw on the tv brought me to tears, the courage of everyone involved was totally amazing, plus the Pilot was possibly the bravest and most skilled man) Fancy you being able to see the whole thing from your apartment too.
Love from us all in Scotland,
take care,
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxx
Asta! I can't believe that happened right near your house. The pilot did a really good job. We were so happy to hear that everybody got off OK.
P.S. Are you in the Coast Guard?
Hi Asta!
Thanks for reporting on this amazing story! We were soo happy to hear that everyone was alright!
PS: You look very cute in your rain coat!
Wow Asta! It was a miracle & thank you for being there to report!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I bet woo win a Pawlitzer Prize fur your khoverage!!!
Tank Woo fur the great job!
PeeEssWoo: Just think how chapped LACIE'S lips would be!?!
Good to hear that everyone was OK, that's the most important thing.
We heard it on the BBC news and at first we were worried about everybody living in the area. It was not until later that we saw the pictures of the plane and heard how amazing the pilot was to land the plane so skillfully in the river.
Thank you for showing us your photos.
Molly and Taffy.
PS. We have something for you on our blog.
Oh Asta....
What a terrible tragedy it is when a plane crashes but this time there were no fatalities and what a miracle that this freezin' cold weather that everyone could get out alive and get rescued too.
But then that's because everyone worked tagether ta save ' New York !!!!
Dewey Dewster here.....
Oh wow! for once in her life, muzzer's geography skills were workin'! She said "I think that is right by Asta's house!" And then she google mapped you and told me she was sure, and I said "Yeah, uhhuh" because while she is a lovely person, she can get lost going clockwise round our blockie.
We bet that was scarey and exciting. Our biggest event here is when the sibe goes by on walkies, just think how excited Teka would be about a plane!
kisses to you and Mommi
gussie n teka
OMG it happened 1 mile from your house. Can you imagine what would have happened if the pilot couldn't control the plane and land on the Hudson.....CRIKEY.
We are so relieved no one was killed. It must have been absolutely freezing for those people waiting to be rescued. The whole thing is just amazing.
Thanks for the photos Asta.
We saw it on Dutch tv and CNN last night. One mile from your home, Asta... I don't want to think what happened if the plane was 1 mile out of...No!
The pilot and crew are HEROS!!!
You're such a smartly dressed reporter, as always, Asta! Thank doG no one lost their life! The pilot was a true hero!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Our person's sweetie called and told her to turn on the t.v. right away, a plane had crashed in NYC. She panicked right away-last time he called her about some disaster it was 9/11. Thank goodness everyone is okay after the dip in the Hudson! The Captain and his crew definitely deserve commendations.
I am glad that everyone survived! I hope everyone on that plane recover from the shock soon. Thanks for the report, Asta.
Wowzers! Woo was so brave to go out on the boat as a reporter! My mommy was watching it all on the news and we are so furry glad everyone survived.
You're a brave one Asta!
Mya Boo Boo
Hi, Asta!
We saw it in the news yesterday! It is amazing that everyone is alive!
The pilot is a hero!
Good job reporting!
Kisses and hugs
That was one helluva miracle!!! And that pilot (and his copilot) - awesome job and such concern for all his charges. We are so grateful that this NYC crash had such a different ending from that horrible day 9/11.
Great reporting job, Asta.
Woos, the OP Pack
We watched it on the news from way across the was such a great miracle that everyone survived! Thanks for the update from someone right there in the action!
What a brave and caring pilot. We are all amazed that no one was hurt.
We love your mommi's jewelry. We love that it all has a wonderful story. You are so correct that it is so much better than diamonds.
Never fear. Mommi is such a good artist she will be selling paintings in no time.
Wow, I didn't realize you lived so close to that accident site, Asta! I'm glad that you were able to stay safe. We heard that a flock of birds caused that accident. CC-man is worried about those birds, but we're glad all the people survived OK.
Dear Asta,
Looks like you had a lot of excitement in your neighborhood. Daddy told me I bet you Asta can see that from her window and sure enough you did. The pilot did an awesome job of skillfully landing on the Hudson. I am so glad you were able to get first hand reports. It must have been freezin out there on the water... Brrrrrrr. Chat with you soon.
Luna Licks,
Asta, My mom just said to me, see how great NY is? And I said to her, sure, but I could see that better if you ever took me there.
Sophie Brador, still working on getting to NYC. I'll make it one day.
Oui j'ai vu à la télévision ! Quelle chance ils ont eu et surtout quel bon pilote !
Un vrai miracle oui !
Bisous, Faya
Astroni Reporter ExtraordinAire!
YOU are also one intrepid pupgirl, going out to the scene like that! We are so thankful the pilot knew what he was doing and that everyone pitched in to help once the plane was down! It truly is miraculous that noone was hurt.
I hope everyone at Casa de Asta has a great weekend. Maybe you will hear my voice at some point!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi, Asta -
Thanks for the report - we are so glad that no one was killed. The pilot did an awesome job.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Thank you Asta the cute reporter. Even on the emergency rescue mission, you're still in style.
Asta you should be a news reporter. You certainly give a great hooman perspective. And you look fabulous too! What a great story and it's true.. ny also comes thru in times of trouble.
Nice to catch up with you! and see that you managed to get a report of the action.
Lots of love George
How amazing that you actually got to see some of that! Thanks for sharing your photos with us. It was an amazing and miraculous story.
And THAT'S how we do it in New York.
hi Asta, that was indeed a wonderful outcome to a very scary situation. we think that pilot is a hero and there are no thank yous big enough for him.
you have a really nice view and we think that NY is safer with you watching over.
We we're wondering how close it was to where you live! It truly was a miracle and we are sure glad they don't allow doggies to fly in the cargo hold in the winter months! That was our silly mom's first thought when she heard about it! Jeeze...she's more worried about doggies than people! Weird woman!
We sure are glad everyone got out okay! You are a really great reporter, Asta!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Wow you got to see it up close, luck you! Don't you love good news stories?
G'day Twinny,
This was amazing. We watched it on Fox news. That watew looked too cold fow me to swim in. We love your mum's cool tewwiew jewelry.
xxx Asta (oz)
WOW!! That was terrific and amazing ending! Captain Sullenberger is a huge hero! How wonderful!
Thanks for the great pictures. How exciting to have a bird's eye view!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
A miracle on the Hudson, indeed. I am sure that the news networks benefitted greatly from your reporting skills!
Can you believe that mom and dad left me to go to a conference in Orlando?!
That really was a miracle everyone survived. The skill of the pilot and the and all the rescue services in NY. Hooray,we are cheering you, we are wagging proud of you New Yorkers from this side of the pee.
Woofs and kissies, Eric xxx
Wow! You had such an exciting day and a front row seat to the action!
Royal Kisses, King Skyboy
We are so thankful everyone survived. We saw it on TV and it was very scary. Mommy says she is glad she was safely back home, because she doen't know IF she would be brave enough to get on a plane after seeing what those poor people went through.
We tried to tell her you were on the Coast Guard boat but the silly bean didn't belive us.
Purrs, S, S & C
Wow, Asta, you wuz there.
That pilot was so smart and so brave. He made it look easy. It would have ended tragically had it not been fur hims experience.
You had a ring side seat. Oh, lookie, there you is on tha boat. You looks smashing in Rescue Yellow, I might add.
Love & Purrs,
Hi sissy Asta! Thank you for the report. our mom has been so busy to look after James and she hasn't watched the news for the longest time. We're so glad that everyone survived!
We LOVE your mommi's jewelry collections!
Momo & Pinot
w00f's Asta, me wuz worried bout all of u...its amazing all those hoomans pilot...oooo what cute puppies...think my fav is the one wiff the suitcase too...ahhh u color, how nice of auntie Jane, thats bute ti ful...sure wish all those pups could find furever homes...
b safe,
Great reporting! Yes, this was a miracle. This is one of the few stories that have a happy ending!! The skills of the pilot and all of the rescue teams. They were all brought together in this one moment in time to have this ending! Nice job to all that was involved in the saving of all on board that flight!
Wow - you didn't even have to watch CNN - the news was happening outside your window!!!
wow asta yoo haz all da fun! yoo git ta see effureefing!
Oh that pilot is our new hero......and we can't believe that you got to get so close in reporting it..we must admit we were afraid it was by you but then Mumsie called PL2 and said she ahd spoken to your Mom ad all was well.......Love A+A
Wow that's so amazing you saw this from your window! It was so close to your house!
Thanks for the report, I haven't been keeping updated with the news and didn't know this happened!
It really was a miracle! We saw it on CNN and could not believe it!everyone in NYC did a great job.
I heard that humans can walk on water. Did you see it? Is it true?
I also heard that a human could fly a bird. What the... How can that be?
And people can make my feasts appear in my bowl two times a day. How?
Is there anything people can't do?
Oh Asta...we thought we had commented here, but I guess we didn't...we can't believe you had such a dog's eye view of the whole thing...and we saw the videos this morning on CNN...if ya didn't know what was happening you would just swear that he was landin' that plane on the runway...what amazing skill! You New Yorkers are just the best...if we had to pick a city besides the Burgh for spirit, it would be yours...(the highest form of compliment from the Terriers...)
Oh and we sooooo wished you coulda been with us this morning when we were playin' in that snow!!!! OH was a scene...we did so much diggin' and wrassling...Scruffy was only identifiable by his black spots and his big brown eyes...and nose...I've figured out what Stan would look like for me, I'm thinkin' I like this white frosted look...took forever to get those darn ice balls off!!
I only hoped my paws aren't chapped and if so that they will heal by Valentines Day...
Barkies...Love ya lots....
G'day Twinny,
don't fowget to get your prezzie on my blog!
xxx Asta (oz)
Holy Paws!
Miss Asta, you are pawfectly primped and so pawsitively pawsmopolitan! I'm in awe! Girliefren...please be sure to keep up the good work, great news reporting and fashion sensibility! Totally Pawesome, Princess!
I noticed you did not get so much as a curl out of place through all the excitement, pawfectly pretty!
Smoochie ~
Lola Belle
We saw the news on TV. how wonderful that everyone survived and are ok. That pilot sure is pawsome
~ Bae
Hiya Asta,
We read all about it in the newspapers!! It was on the first page and mom couldn't stop going on about how brave the pilot was!!
That was a miracle for sure!
Happy MLK day to you.
Definitely a miracle happened on the Hudson. Ahd the pilot and crew were true heros ... New York takes a battering but she's one tough lady!
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