Peteys Mom is away and so Petey is staying at my house...yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
we played most of the day, and aftew dinnew , all of us went to bed to watch TV..CSI ( I have to watch that cause it's weseawch fow my CCSI wowk)

Petey kept one of my balls close just in case he got bowed

Daddi sowt of lectoowed us on bed behaviow

Petey do you know what he's talking about???

Not a clue

hoomans awe soo many wooles..I just had to laugh

ummm, oh you mean you meant that unkel Dorge???

OK I guess we'll go to sneep then

hoomans awe no fun!
smoochie kisses
ASTA and love fwom Petey
G'day Twinny,
You pway so nice. I would nevew let another dog on the big bed, cept maybe you. I let PG sleep on my bed, but I nevew let hew on my hoomans bed. You awe a sweety. I will have anothew surprise fow Austwailia day!
xxx Asta (oz)
Hi, Asta...
I hope you & Petey have a great time while he visits...
You are sooo nice to let Petey share the big bed...
You guys look like you are behaving very nicely...
Abby xxxooo
how lucky Petey is to have a sleepover with you! And we know about rules for the fighting is the one we don't understand. What better place..big, soft and bouncy
Have fun visiting with Petey. We love the CSI shows although we like NCIS the best to the bean shows But CCSI is the best by far. ~S,S & C
Sweet dreams Asta and Petey!! Spread out and have a lovely zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Aw you DO look sort of cute together...have a great time together this week. Wish I was there....
Wags n kissies, Eric xxx
Dear Asta and Petey...
Hey, I have a great idea for a joke on the hoomans....DRINK TONS OF WATER BEFORE YA GO TO SNEEP ER SLEEP TONIGHT...
Then you'll hafta pee and..
Oh wait a minute...the two of ya did that last night...
Eat TONS of garlic bologna before ya go to bed followed by 6 bowls of raisin bran...
Heh heh heh heh heh...
Second lotsa beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rollin' round on the floor laughin' and expellin' flatus...
The Terrier Boyz!!!!!!!!!
Oh Asta...aren't my brothers just awful...Lacie rolls her eyes, giggles and hiccups..
(To explain the sudden softening of Lacie's personality, it appears that she has been partaking of that champagne/other adult beverage in the preceeding post as well as enjoying the FWAAA GRAAAAAA)
Oh Asta...that celebration for your daddy was the hiccup best!! Um..that's a hooge water bowl you filled for me with the celebratory beverage...hiccup...
We're all so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
Sweet Laciegirl
Hi, Asta!
It is great that Petey is with your at your home!
Are you having a good time on the big bed??
Petey is like me. First the ball and then everything else!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs
Hi Asta!
I bet you and Petey are having tons of fun together! I can't wait to see the adventures you have tomorrow! Sweet dreams!
:) Tibby
That is furry khool woo got to have Petey sleepover at Asta's playhouse!
PeeEssWoo: I think Lacie girrrrrl is jealous!
How nice that you have company, Asta, and somebody to play with. Humans are no fun sometimes.
Say Hello to Petey.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Looks like you and Petey are having a jolly old time!!
Hey Asta & Petey,
We love the big bed too. Willow slept up there all night last night.
We hope your daddy doesn't lecture you too much. Try to have some fun ok tee hee.
Noah xx
Asta, chez nous les invités font ce qu'ils veulent, pas de règles. D'ailleurs Taky dort sur les coussins du salon...
Bisous et bon dimanche ! Faya
Hi Asta, Hi Petey! How great that you get to hang out together. Have fun!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
How nice to see your friend! He looks gorgeous! Seems like you two had a lot of fun when Petey was there!
Have a nice Sunday and lots of kerrykisses Jade
You and Petey need to listen to daddi. I am betting he controls the treats. You do look like you were behving your self though.
You are so lucky to be allowed on the bed Asta. Meany says that there'd only be room in the crate for her if she let us sleep on the bed (& our crates are big so she can get in them). Petey is very lucky that he can do a sleep over when his Pawrents are away, how nice of your Mummy to let you have friends over to stay.
How neat that Petey gets to spend a few days with you, Asta! We're sure you'll think up many more things to get the hoomans riled! hehehe
The most important thing - have fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You and Petey always have so much fun together. I am glad you have a bed big enough to share.
You are right Asta! Humans have so many rules. Your suppose to have fun on the bed at sleep overs! They no how to ruin a party.
Hope you & Petey have a great day ! & rules are a must ! BOL !
Humans are no fun at all, unless they are involved in giving us treats, food and warm beds.
I lurved your pictures, although I could not work out what "bowed" meant in Asta language..........but the wonderful picutre told it all!
Bored! Hey, sorry, it just takes a while for my Marvin brain to engage sometimes.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxx
Asta yoo look likes yoo iz haffin a great tim! I wanna come pway wif yoo!
We are soooooo happy that your Daddi is okay! It must be really stressful everytime he has to go for a test!
It looks like you and Petey were being very good doggies! I hope you didn't break any rules!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Astaroni Sweetpea Hostess ExtraordinAire!!!
You and Petey will have a blast together, even if your daddi tries to remind you of the silly rules! Now, if only I could come jump up on that bed with all of you, then we'd have some fun with him & your mommi. (I could keep everybody warm, though. My girl says I have a portable furnace inside me.)
Can't wait to see what happens whenever you add your fuzzbrat buddy Duffy into the mix!
Goober love & smooches,
Oh, a sleepover with Petey! How fun! You two need to get some cute sleeping bags.
I don't even let Jazzi on the big bed!
Simba x
You and Petey looked too cute in bed together. Well, is it my poor vision or what, but suddently, Petey seems to be more handsome than ever. I have to go to NYC soon to see Petey and you, my sweet friends!
Mom always gets grumpy when she rolls over on to Tanner's nylabone corn. She said no more corn in the bed! It is a good thing we have her thinking we don't understand english, because we might actually have to comply to her silly rules. lol! Looks like you and Petey had fun.
You two need to cook up some crazy naughty plots and activities. Just imagine what you could get yourself into!
gee asta.. we are sorry you had to be lectured on bed behavior.. it sure was no fun to have petey around and then the both of you would just end up sleeping...
we hope you had more lively activities after the snoozefest though.
drooly kisses,
How fun! Human rules never make sense.
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