My Baby bwuvvew the Fuzzbwat finally came ovew to visit yestewday

Mommi tooked us out fow a walk and I lent Duffy my haltew which he immediately twied to eat, but Mommi said walking him wif it was sooo much easiew it was a good thing

his puppy walkew dwopped him off and he stayed till his Mommi (auntie Kawen) came to pick him up aftew wowk

we kissed each othew was good to see the little cutie Fuzzbwat

wight aftew the walk he wanted to eat again"Mowe Pleez", hehehe..he suwe is a gwowing boy

in this pictoowe he looks biggew than me..but it's just angle of the pictoowe(Mommi says that is called pawspective)

He's a weal cutie, even if he eats up my toys, hehehehe

and sometimes I have to tell him how to behave

fow instance, the pwopew way to behave when it's time fow dinnew wif the hoomans

We still have ouw gweens and candles fwom Chwissmuss

but hewe's the good stuff..sghaghetti!!!
aglio e olio
(we only got naked sgaghetti..Mommi says the gawlic and hot peppew awe not good fow kids)

I fell into a happy sneep(dweaming of the supposed snow that's coming tomowwow),
Duffy was still having the west of his night time tea fwom my special cup fwom Eric( luckily, he didn't bweak the fine china)
We had a ball..chasing and zooming, and playing bitey face..Thanks fow visiting Duffika
love and smoochie kisses
G'day Twinny,
He looks just like you. I left my bruvver Bennie when I was 6 weeks old. Instead mum gave me a hot water bottle fow company. It's a cold cruel world sometimes.
xxx Asta
Duffy is growing really fast. You'd better watch out Asta, he might be bigger than you soon!
Your little brother sure if growing up quickly, soon he will be as tall as you. I bet you two have fun when you are together.
What a pair of khuties!
Have a nice weekend!
I'm thinkin' he may not be bigger than you now, but the way he tucks into the food stuffs, it won't be long. You are such a cute pair
Sweet Astaroni!
You are the BEST big sissy for Duffika (is that a Hungarian nickname?)! I LOVED that photo where you remind him of your teefies and tell him to BEHAVE! hehehe
Looks to me like nothing scares that little fuzzbrat. His face looks a little like a fuzzy chia pet. We all just want to crawl through the pooter to smoosh him, then to dogpile with you and your mommi!
Ahhhh. A pup can dream...
Goober love & smooches,
woohoo, hanging with friends is the best!! I am glad fuzzbrat was able to come over, and he really is getting bigger, tho you will always be the wiser and older sister. :) I hope you get your snow!!!
Awww how cute is Duffy and he's growing heaps.
Mmmmm the aglio e olio looks yummy. That is just how D makes pasta. We get to lick the bowl.
TWO cute and playful airedales in one picture?
Am I supposed to survive this cuteness? and that sphaghetti looks so yummy even though I just had dinner.
Hi, Asta!
Duffy is growing and growing!
Glad you two had a pawesome time together!
Kisses and hugs
Whoa! Whoa! Baby Duffy almost outgrown big sister Asta.
Eat, play and sleep, is that all he does all day?
Aww, a playdate with Duffy - he is so cute - my but he looks a lot like woo.
Woos, the OP Pack
hellow asta!
you look absolutely precious in your header photo! just boootifuL!
your little brother looks charming too. hehe. we are so glad you got to see each other again. hehe.. we hope he didn't drive you out of your doggie dish, though.
hope snow finally visits you tomorrow! hehe.. please dont forget to shave some snow for snowcones for me, okay?
drooly kisses,
We are very pleased you had company yesterday and had a fun day. We cannot believe how much Duffy has grown!
Hope the snow comes today for you to play in.
Have a good weekend.
Molly and Taffy
Hi, Asta...
Oh My...Duffy is getting sooo big...
He is adorable...I'm glad you got to play with him...
I hope you get your snow...If you don't, let me know & I will bring you some of mine...
Abby xxxooo
Your little brudder is sooo fuzzy especially he's head! Hehehe! Oooh, I think I wouldn't mind all tha garlic pepper in mah spaghetti. Yummerz!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Asta, at this rate, it won't be long before Duffy can join Jackson's substantial wires club! He is getting soooo big! We hope you got the snow you wanted!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
What are you guys feeding Duffy? Miracle Gro? He's a big boy - I know he's going to be able to kick my 22-lb terrier butt in no time so I'm going to stay on his good side!
Hee hee, I thought you were doing an impression of Lacie in your smiley teeth photo!
Are you going to the run before the snow begins today?
Your pal,
Asta! I'm confused. Doesn't Duffy come to visit every day anymore?
Now Asta...I heard from the modelin' agency...they want you to do a COVER! That pic of you smilin' at the Duffer....THEY LOVED IT!
And they're talkin' bout some runway work in Milan...and ur groomer thinks ur tooooo tall...HA...sometimes being tall is an advantage...ooooohhh...and I heard you GET TO KEEP THE CLOTHES YOU MODEL...
Try to get some that might fit me, kay???
They um...TOLD ME I'M TOO SHORT...
Next time I'm wearin' heels!!
I loved loved loved those pix of the wain and ur purple and orange outfit!!!!!!! If I had a waincoat like that, I'd actually be hopin' for wain and not dreadin' it....
We're findin' boxes for some snow for you... I KNOW Butchy wants us to go sledding...but Asta...he's know the fall down the steps...(Lacie I KNOW that's what Mama sez, but um member when my lips swelled from kissin' on New Years...seems like old Butchy chipped a toofer and cut his gums up...things musta been a little more outta control than I thought...anyway...he and I are going to do some serious snuggling while I feed him some soup and ice cream...Scruff and Stan will sled with ya though...YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN UR SNOWSUIT...hope you don't need to use the facilities....
Wow! Duffy is getting big! You do need to teach him the ropes and keep him in line, Asta!
Mom makes the oil and garlic sauce over oonies and we think it's sent from Heaven! We get ONE oonie each!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi Asta, we're glad you got to have Duffy come over for some playing. he sure is a cutie, but of course, no one is as cute as you are, our little fuzzy butt friend. we sure would like to come over to your house for some playing and dinner.
Rien de tel pour bien dormir après ! C'est super de jouer toute la journée. Bisous et bon dimanche à vous, Faya & Dyos
That's wicked!! A playdate with the Duffster. Crickey, he's one big boy. Must be all the biccy's he's been eating with his night time cup of tea??? Um that picture of you telling Duffy off... sort of reminded me of Lacie...
Hope you get snow!! Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxx
You and Duffy are so cute together. I am glad he has you to teach him about the important things in life. And to share 'sketti with!
Looks like you had lots of fun with your little brother! Hope you are enjoying the fluffy, white stuff!
Kisss, KSB
w00f's asta, wow, Duffy iz shure growing fast...he's a cutie....buttt u still need to raise him the rite way...
b safe,
Fuzzbwat seems like a good friend to have over. Next time call me if your having a dinner party. I love pasta too!
Asta Darling! your brother is adorable and what a good sissie you are ~ golly now we want some sgettie too gotta go work our puppy eyes and maybe mommy will make us some before bed!
Love Licks
The little fuzz is getting big. Good thing he still minds you when you have to be cross with him.
I love the picture of you smiling and showing off your perfectly white pearly to Duffy. You are a great elder sissy!
Boy did he get big! We love it when babies are all fuzzy like that!! Love and kisses A+A
Asta, you are doing such a good job of teaching Duffy how to be a good doggy! He couldn't have a better big sister! Wrooooo!
Brown dog kisses,
That little Duffy is such a cutie. It must be so much fun to have a little bruvver to play with.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
I just lurve the spaghetti picture!
Although of course I like the pictures of you both as well!
mmmmmmm! Hungry now!
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