a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, January 30, 2009

Belated Thanks

I almost had a heawt attack, but my cheewing helped my fwiends Joey , Koobie, Scwuffy ,babyStan and Lacie , Dewey Dewstew, Toby and Asta Marie
Go Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelews!

this has been a gweat lazy weekend..I even got to go to the wun today(sunday) it was mild enuff outside..but mostly I just lazed awound wif Mommi and Daddi, so I thought this would be a good time to catch up on thanking my fwiends fow awawds and passing them on

I again weceived this awawd fwom my deaw fwiend Charlie...thank you so vewy much!
The award states that "This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships!"

In other words, "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

I would like to give this awawd to some new fwiendses:Quill,Shiner and Trophy, Dennis the Vizsla, Hansel and Ben, the Painter Pack, Teddy(Tman angel's bwuvvew),Aki, Sweepy, and
Tom and Tama Chan

if you aweady have it, that's OK..just accept it fwom my heawt

then I got this fantaboolous awawd

fwom my adowable new fwiend Sir Woodstock, and that sweetie Eduawdo the snuggle puggle

This *** Award is apparently, bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog's content is, in the giver's opinion Brilliant.
I think that is ovewstating things a bit, but thank you fow the honow!

It is much appreciated.
The rules:
"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.
Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends.
Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.”
Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
List at least ten honest things about yourself.
Then, pass it on! "

So, who, to Award - am a bit flumaged here.
Just gifting it to those, who show qualities I admire!
1.my dawling boyfwiend Stanley and my bbfffff Stella bean latifah.
2. Bob. T Bear, esq he put s fwolick in my life.
3. Lacie Scruffy and babyStan..cause they awe thewe fow me 24-7,and make dwinks squiwt out of Mommi's nose
4. Princess Snowball, who is always faithful and has a smile to light the wowld
5. the ZooCwew..because they awe admiwable and bootiful and bwave
6. Moco..just cause Of those lovely sweet eyes
7. Toffee and Riley, cause they gave my Mommi kisses and cheewed hew on at hew exhibit

And, now, let me see, what I should reveal about myself.

This is weally hawd, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Here goes TEN [honest] random things about me:
1. I fowget to put my collaw wif my tags on most of the time(that makes me illegal, hehehe)

2. I don't have to cut my nails, cause the cement I walk on and play on acts like a nailfile.

3. I sneep at the bottom of the big bed, but the second Mommi ow Daddi get up, I go up and sneep on theiw pillow

4. I'm sometimes called poodel by daddi...I don't know why

5. I nevew miss cocktail time wif Mommi and Daddi ow theiw guests..if nothing else I love to cwunch on an ice coobe

6.I speak flooent hungawian, soso fwench and italian and pawfect Asta language.

7. I go up to Mommi evewyevening in bed and lowew my head in hew lap and ask hew to scwitchie my neck and eaws and face

8. I looooove snow!

9. I have so many polka dots that I suspect my dogmommie of having an affaiw wif a dalmation.

10. When Asked to go to the doow, I have to make a twiumphant ciwcling of the dining woom table in the big woom befowe wunning down the hall to the doow.

Thewe's pwobably mowe stuff, but I can't think of them now..
love and smoochie kisses to all of you sweet fuwwfwiends.

The tewwiew house pawty continoos

as I pwomised:
(hewe awe some mowe pictoowes fwom when Petey and Duffy wewe bof ovew at my house)

Petey and I wewe taking ouw aftewnoon nap on the big bed when the Fuzzbwat came wushing in

he woke us up and wanted to play zoomies

we weally need mowe woom..I wondew if I could get Mommi to thwow out all this fuwnitoowe

Petey also came out to the living woom but just wanted to nap some mowe wif his ball

we'we vewy good when we awe waiting fow a tweat

then we play some mowe

Petey was bowed wif us and didn't want to pawticipate

Duffy went to twy to talk him into playing

aw c'mon

look , you just jump off like this

ok now give us a kiss hehehehehe


I think he wegwetted jumping off

this is how mommi likes us best..pooped fwom playing (I think that bottle of Cwispaw that Petey bwought ovew helped make us tiwed)

a quick tandem dwink (Cwispaw champagne makes you thiwsty, hehehe)

and back to pull tug play

finally we weally got tiwed, and soon aftew Duffy went home wif his Mom

Petey and I went stwaight to bed

finally, we fell asneep

(I just heawd that Duffy's suwgewy went well and he's westing comfowtably..thank you fow all youw good wishes)

smoochie kisses

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bart still needs a home, and my day wif Petey and Duffy

Hi Evewyone..This is Asta..

Befowe I tell you about my day wif Petey and the fuzzbwat, I want to ask you to help find a home fow this cutie.

Mommi and I weally wanted to adopt him..he stole ouw heawts..but we'we unable to get anothew doggie wight now........Mommi has cwied alot about this. (stoopid $)

Bawt is a sweetie and desewves to be in a loving home..he's six yeaws old, and has spent his life being a show doggie and then siweing lots of bootiful pups..now his caweew is ovew..and he weally needs a home.
He is healthy and sweet and looks like a teddybeaw in my opinion
this is what his fostew Mommi said to us aftew we asked if he could get along wif me:

"Bart is still looking for a home. He would get along fine with a female terrier. He is not an Alpha but would give a low warning growl if bullied.
(I think he an I would be fine!)

Bart needs to be in a home that could have a clear leader and not give him too much freedom. He was a kennel dog and used to kennel life for a very long time. He is affectionate but Lakelands take time to warm up to people. You have to really gain their trust. He is a great dog but needs a home where they would be willing to take it slow with him and let him adjust."

this is the site that talks about him and has his pictures.

Pleez let anyone know about him who might be able to give him a fuwwevew home!!!!!!!!!!

and now ouw day, hehehehe

can you believe how gwownup the fuzzbwat has become?...I gweeted him wif a kiss.....
he came ovew in his bootiful snitchybug coat aftew his fiwst haiwcut.

he thinks just cause he's handsome , he should be in chawge

he wan into the living woom and said hi to Petey

challenged us all to go do zoomies ( I have a vido, but can't find it...sheesh)

aftew that I wanted some peace, so I lay down

Petey weetweated to his ball, duh...what did you expect?

I checked Duffy out
while he was busy confoosing Petey wif a giwl

we had a big "discussion" about that

I kept my eye on him

Daddi decided that wif all the wunning awound, it was time to avewt an accident in the house, hehehe..so we went fow a walk

Daddi insists on elevatow et a ticket...The Fuzzbwat was puzzled

but finally we all got it....Thwee pawfect tewwiews in an elevatow..WOOOO hooooooo

I'll show you mowe pictoowes of ouw time togethew tomowwow, but fiwst I want you to keep Duffy in youw thoughts tomowwow, cause he's having a snip snip suwgewy..(do you think Petey will be safe fwom him aftew?)

hope you all have a faboolous day...don't fowget Bart!
love and smoochie kisses

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Giwl's night ad emewgency nuwse

Auntie Kawen was ovew and Asta and I joined in the giwl talk

Asta was sowt of dejected about the lack of snow and just couldn't get into the spiwit of things
so I came and told a couple of vewy funny jokes..the hoomans wewe on the floow laughing

they begged me to stop befowe theiw sides splitted

then I suggested we get down to a much mowe impowtant topic....my upcoming wedding to Gilbewt...sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I have lots of plans to make and cakes to twy, and bwidesmaids to ask......................
(dog I suwe hope that Fiona doesn't twy to weck my wedding, maybe Asta knows something I don't..now I'm scawed)

love and wheeley smoochies

meantime Asta got an emewgency call and wushed off to Axel's Mom ..she just got out of the hopsital and needs the nuwsies..auntie Dani was vewy sick and she'l lost a lot of weight, so Asta is bwinging a lot of food, Lacie will make supew healthy shakes, and they'we all giving tons of TLC

go visit and wish Axel's Mom well!!!!!!! and cwoss youw paws!
I have to go and help nuwse Agatha..she says I talk too much.
love and smoochie kisses

Sunday, January 25, 2009


In Honow of my Twin Asta down undew,(and hew Daddi's new citizenship), and my fwiends the Leuwodales..I am wepwiesing a pictoowe fwom my youf..
I was scawed by a fly that flew into my apawtment..I had nevew seen a bug ow insect ow anything like it befowe...I was fweeking out..
my deaw sissie twin Asta sent me this hat fwom Ostwalia to help keep the fly away...it wowked!!!

HAPPY OSTWALIA DAY!!!!!!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Petey and I decided to celebwate Chinese NewYeaw

we bought bootiful flowews, and got dwessed up

then we went to see the festival in Chinatown.........................you'll nevew guess who we saw thewe wif the dwagon float

she suwe gets awound, hehehehe

I nevew wealized that tewwiews wewe going to be in the pawade..they weally looked familiaw can you guess who evewyone is? (ummm..................do youw pawents even wealize that you awen't at home????) We all went and had dim sum aftew the pawade.............................miammmmmmmmm.............I wish you could have all been thewe.
Hope you all had a wondewful day..especially ouw Chinese fwiendses

love and smoochie kisses