a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, September 14, 2007


Well Evewydoggie and Hammies this is how Stanley and I decided to go to the beach pawty...we've been twavelling all day, and hope to awwive in time fow the big bash...Stanny has a date with Ruby at the volley ball pit...and I plan to lounge a lot befowe playing chasey and stuff with all my fwiends...we both came au natuwal...Stanny cause he's so pawfect as is, and me cause I lost my bikini(but that's anothew stowy) So faw the seas have been calm, which is a vewy good thing,cause we'we brwinging all these cakes and champagne to help make punch and stuff, and I don't want any of it to fall ovewboard............see you all thewe ........PAAAAWTY!


fee said...

o i'm so happy you are coming! hurry!!!!

you must teach me how to swim!


Juno said...

Asta, travel safe, ok! I would love to join you but I will visit Niagara Falls area tomorrow. Have a great vist!!

Momo xoxo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, watch out, I think the champagne is about to fall overboard! The cake looks pawsome, did you make it yourself with your own fair paws? Hehehe! Have fun at the pawty! J x

the many Bs said...

Have fun at the beach! We are taking care of our little brudder, Benson.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Don't drink too much you might fall over board.

Simba xx

Duke said...

What an awesome way to travel! Be careful the cake doesn't get soggy! I can't wait to see you guys! We're flying in aboard AireRuby! See you soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said...

can u pick me up? wait, i think you are not on my way. :(

wet wet licks


Goofy said...

wow.! that seems a nice trip!! have fun out there!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Holy Moly, Asta...ur blog manager rocks...did she get that pic by satelite??? We're going by Aireruby also...I have a pink bikini and Scuffy looks adorable in his trunks. He might need to be muzzled to get them on...he wasn't really cooperative for the fitting last night. I hope you at least have a cell phone on that raft? Ya know one of those global ones??? And how did you lose that bikini, and did Gooberboy have a tooth in that???

Tsunami sized licks, Lacie
er...be careful!!!!!!!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh we wish we could come but we will be there in spirit!! Have a glass of the bubbly for us and a big slice of that cake.Also maybe a little barbequed hamberg and a hot dog and .............. Smooches to everyone!! A+A

PreciOus said...

I can't wait to see you and Stanley at the pawty! I'm sure the cake is yummylicious because you have a fine taste for food! *Slurp*


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I can't wait to see you and Stan there! I hope you won't be too tired to play there at the beach!
See you there!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Ha ha ha that's TOO COOL Asta!!!


Jake of Florida said...


As we told , JH is a very good jumper and wants to get in the volley ball game!!!

OK, we're lounging under a palm tree!!


Amber said...

Whoa, so many goodies!! I'll be seeing you at the pawty soon!!

Faya said...

Alors Asta raconte ! C'est bien la fĂȘte ? J'aimerais savoir nager pour venir...mais j'ai peur de l'eau.... Bisous et bon dimanche, Faya

Putter said...

OMG! Asta! What funnest you are having on your way to Chilli's beach pawty! I hope the pawty is just as much funnest!!!!!

Thank you for your nicest ever note on my bloggie about MY brand new brothers ... I love them so much! I am so happiest ever to be home again from camp!!!!

Talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Gus said...

I sure hope you have your sunblock along, particularly right after a hair cut!


Randi said...

Hi Asta! I hope you & Stanly arrive safe & dry for the Pawty...have lots of fun & drink some fizzy drinks for me! Can't wait for YOUR PAWTY! I already picked out my outfit! Can't wait to show you!
Love & Licks,

Koobuss said...


I didn't know that you'd be coming by boat. No wonder I didn't see you or Stanley on the plane. You are bringing some great stuff, See you soon!

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Joe Stains said...

wow I better get going if I want to make it in time!

Juno said...

Asta, you're good on balancing!!! :)

Momo xoxo