a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, September 24, 2007


Don't wowwy evewydoggie I haven't gotten lost..I'm just dancing and giggling and talking to all my fwiends at the pawty that's why I haven't been heawd fwom..I'll give details tomowwow ...i pwomise
smoochie kisses and a zillion thanks to all my fwiends fow the bestest birfday evew!!!!!


ycling said...

It was a fantastic burfday pawty Asta.

Was there beer? cause I can't remember.....waht happened. Did we reach there in timeeeE???

Boo Casanova said...

oh asta baby, i hope you are not too drunk.

wet wet licks


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hmm...we have to agree with Max above! What we remember of the night was fantabulous!!!!!!!!!! Those huge Dane size dog bowls with the cute wriggly jello in them were delissssssh!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Sophie Brador said...

Yee haw!

Gus said...

Woohoo...we are still havin a great time at your pawty, and will check back tomorrow but maybe later in the mawning.

Bogart H. Devil said...



Dearest Asta....

Hope you have a GREAT time at your pawty!!!

Big Aire Kisses,

Hana said...

Happy Barkday to you Asta!!!!

Faya said...

Oh ma tête ! Je promets de ne plus boire ni manger pendant 10 ans....au moins....burp ! Hic !
Bisous, Faya

fee said...

woohoo! what a happening pawty!

happy burpday, asta! let's do this every year!!!!


the many Bs said...

burp... giggle.... sloppy sniff... belch... grunt... wooooooffff....hey missshes Ashta Fuzzy Button, we havered heheheheh... burp.... um... our picshures are .... posted on ...howl...burp... the blog. hahahahahahahaha. weeeee'rrree ... um.... uh... happy to see... burp.. all of howl howl... whoops, sorry 'bout that... fart.. burp... our frienshds... hiccup. our picshures are over there....flop...hey mom, wha's happnin' dudette???? ...burp...later, ashta....

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, do you know a good hangover cure? My head hurts. J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great Barkday,

Simba x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Have a great Barkday,

Simba x

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey party gal, hope you had a great time at your pawty. Sounds like everyone had a great time.

Take it easy.

Noah, Willow, Lucy & Tess

Duke said...

We had the BEST time, Asta! Thank you so much for inviting us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Come back soon Asta,
Miss you

~ Girl girl

Bella said...

What a pawty !!!

Putter said...

OMG! What a paety!!!!! I had the bestest time everest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Amber said...

Hey Asta, what a pawsome pawty!! I has so much fun! and the food were gweat. Happy Barkday to you again!!

Juno said...

It was pawsome!! Thanks for the invite!! I had so much fun...:)

Momo xoxo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Feliz Cumpleaños... again!! Thanks for the party! It was great. Sure we all had lots of fun, dancing, drinking, eating! Yes, lets do it every year!
Have a nice... and rested day!

the many Bs said...

ohhh Asta, we've got a headache. we're going back to bed now. that was some party, little girl. you really know how to dance.
woofers. zzzzzzzzzzz

Agatha and Archie said...

We justwoke up......whoa....will write later.......A+A

Kirby said...


Sounds like your party was a blast! I hope you had fun and wiggled and giggled all night long. Happy Birthday!


Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Happy Birthday, Asta! Sorry we missed your pawty but we hope you are one happy dog!

Jake of Florida said...


We're stil talking about your pawty -- it was amazing!!! But as you may have read, JH is in the dawg house again for his sticky paws. We're not sure if he'll ever ever be allowed to go to another pawty again.

Ever since they shaved half of his face, he has been a different dog!!

But we both love you and can't thank you enough for all you did to make everydog happy!!!

Kisses, woofs, and love.
