a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, September 9, 2007

End of Summew NYC Weekend

So it was anothew typical New Yowk weekend..too much to do and not enough time...I went to the wun evewy mowning,snoozed in the aftewnoon, and pawtied evewy night
Ummm, excoose me Mommi, awe you going to finish all that pad thai????
This is absolutely gooberlicious
You have to use chopsticks to eat this
I got my aftew dinner tummy wubs from auntie Kawen...this is the life
I gave auntie Kawen a thank you kiss and then it was time fow me to go to bed
My pawents went to one of their bestest fwiends birfday pawties..it was one all you doggies would have loved
Aside fwom all the wegulaw food, they had a diffewent cake evewy half houw

This is my unkel Tony, I love him..he's a gweat tapdancew and vewy funny too..we call him a ham
it was his 50th birfday and evewybody was thewe..some weal famous people too and my pawents
Pawty pawty..thewe were about 60 hoomans on unkel Tony and Mawk's deck and inside the apt....and lots of food and dwinkies...and Jolson the cat who hid fwom it all
Happy guests
Hoomans at the pawty on the deck ...ahhhhh summer nights in the city!!
This is my cutie Daddi at the pawty
so this is what I did while my pawents pawtied all night...Snoozing is the bestI hope all you doggies had as good a weekend too...I loved chatting with some of my fwiends this mowning too..I'm cwossig my paws fow all the doggies going thwough tewwible vet things this week..pleez all of you stay well


Randi said...

Hi Asta! Looks like you had a pawsitivly pawsome weekend...I love Pad Thai too...at least I think I do..my mom loves it & I love to sit & smell the aromas...MMMMM....Next time I must sneak a bit! Maybe I can even get a chop stick to chew on as dessert!
Love & Licks,

Duke said...

You had different cakes every half hour? Exactly how many cakes did you eat Asta? We sure wish that we would have been invited to this pawty! I love those pictures with you and Auntie Kawen!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

wow a different cake every half hour, that sounds like my kind of party!!

Agatha and Archie said...

What alittle socialite!!A cake every half hour is our kind of party!!!! We had limited access to PL2's computer all weekend as she was working so we are making up for lost time.....How hard are chopsticks to use??Love A+A We are so sad to have missed the chat!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Chopsticks, you are the most talented, Gal, Asta.!! Lacie unpoofed Stan and me...I got to know him a lot better when we were immobilized in our very extended down/stays. He is one cool Goober! It was kinda fun being a Dale...I felt so.....large. If I coulda stood up, counter surfing woulda been just the best! So glad u had a good weekend...OH...speaking of cake...we're bringing one for you to the Pawty.....Gotta run...

Urban Smoothie Read said...

seems like ur mommi also know how 2 use chopstick veli well

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta
Glad you had a great weekend! Yummy food, party, cake every half hour! belly rubs, kisses!!! Wow!
Sure you were tired at the end!
Have a good night

Stanley said...

Hey, Sweetness!

You have the best time, girl! You're definitely a pup of the city, yet you love the country too, and you're now a cowgirl! What next? Are you going to become a Chinese acrobat? (If your chopstick skills are any indication, I'd say you have the makings of a good contortionist)!

Your family has the best and most interesting friends. I'd love to see some vid of Onkel Tony tap dancing! My girl likes Fred & Gene, but bets Tony could out tap them all!

Sounds like you may need to rest up a little more from the last 2 weekends. Big doings at Casa de Asta! Be sure to take care of yourself!

Goober love,
Stanley Boy

Amber said...

I had a gweat weekend too. Ohhh, yum,the pad Thai looks really good. Tummy rubs and kisses. That's so sweet. That's a great pawty!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, sounds like a pawsome weekend! Sorry I missed chat but J1 was having an eyetest (feeble excuse!) but we'll be there next Sunday.
Which dogs are having vet stuff done this week? Have I missed something? Hope everydog is OK... Jx

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looked like a great party. Food and tummy rubs, what more could a dog ask for?

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you sure pawty alot Asta, and you got to eat Pad Thai, that is really really yummy. :)

~ Girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

Hey Pawty gal, I love your belly rub pic !!!! and Im coming to your Pawty!!!!

Ferndoggle said...

What a fabulous pawty! And nice work scoring goodies from your Auntie Karen.

Mom keeps forgetting about the Sunday morning chat. I'm making her put it on her calendar Right Now!


Juno said...

Asta girl!! That's a great birfday pawty!! They had a different cake every half hour? That's like my dream!! My pawrents and I will be in next time!!
My mom loves Pad Thai but she never gave me any (Not fair)!!! You're lucky girl!!

Momo xoxo

Sophie Brador said...

Oooooooh. We want to know about the famous people. Is your uncle a famous tap dancer?

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
Cake is our weakness in life as is all food !!
You live a great life...
PS:I practised on some barbecue bones last weekend

Bogart H. Devil said...

Woo-hoo! Party at Asta's place!!!

I'm bringing burgers!


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh I think I would have loved ot have been at that barkday party..I am quit a tap dancer my self..hehe
Hey Asta, come by and check out my attire for your barkday..see if you approve..I might add a couple of accessories but everydog knows that the Cowboy hat is the important part.

Goofy said...

different cake every half an hour?? wow... tat is heaven!!!!! and tummy rub right after meal? that is a real nice life...

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Asta...
You lead such a glamorous life!!! All the pawties and great food!!! So exciting! Speaking of pawties...getting lots of reservations for Air Ruby...I'm getting so excited!!! Woot!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hi Asta girl! Oh a party! So nice! Because you always get some treats no? You are so lucky Asta because you live in NY!

Anonymous said...

omg a cake every half hour??? you have just reduced HM to snivels. she loves cake. and she especially misses her favorite cake shop halfway across the globe in San Diego.

summer will be over soon, asta. do you like fall and winter?

oh yes oh yes, about Multiply. i think when you log in, look at the menu bar on top, click on the one that says "My Multiply" and it will show you the newest posts of your contacts. you can then see which posts i have put up :) hope Multiply isn't giving you too many problems. if it is then just leave a message at my guestbook like you used to do, i can see it too :) thank you!


the many Bs said...

hey Asta, you are such a little party girl. you live the good life, little kiddo. your mommy and daddy have a lot of nice friends and you are lucky that they take you everywhere to socialize with them!

Kevin said...

What a pawty! It looks like you all guys had fun.

I don't get the idea of chopsticks too. I don't use them to get food. I chew on them. Hee


fee said...

asta! i've never had pat thai but just last week i ate some ramen off a pair of chopsticks too! i had so much fun and i believe you did too!

auntie van is a bit of a playful nut. she's got lots of toys and she loves dressing up for fun. she's mom's bestest friend and most frivolous playmate!

i don't have a cowboy outfit i can wear to your party... i'll have to look real hard and maybe borrow more things from mom or auntie van.


Kien said...

Aww.. u party real hard girl!.. take it easy .. u need to get your most bootiful radiance look on your actual party!..


Max The Black Pug said...

Hi Asta,

I really liked the tribute to 911, it is a very sad amiversary. I agree with your comment on living your life to the fullest and enjoying every day that you are alive. I am only 4 months old, but I am really enjoying every day.

It sounds like your Mommy and Daddy had a great time at the party for Tony and the picnic in Battery park. My Mommy and Daddy tell me they really love New York and miss seeing your Mommy and Daddy.

Maybe someday soon you and I can meet up and I can give you a little puppy kiss.

Love from Max!

Koobuss said...


You lead an amazing life. One pawty after another. How do you hold up under it all? That can be rough on a little doggie, but I do see that you get your rest.

You city dogs sure have a lot of fun!

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie