a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, September 10, 2007

Celebwate Life!

To all My pupfwiends..this is a moment to wemembew all those who lost their lives on 9/11..this is a sad amivewsawy, and I just wanted to wemind all of us, never to fowget! ............................... befowe I tell you my silly adventoowesWe have to celebwate life fow as long as we'we lucky enough to have it!

I'm soooo behind..this is what happened sunday night, and it's aweady tuesday, but i weally have to tell you about all this stuff,cause it's supew cool
New Yowk is alive and well! and we won't give in to those who want to destwoy us..just look at what I did on Sunday night..this is vewy close to the site of the towews that were destwoyed.
This was the last night of the Rivew to Rivew Festival, outdoow dance pewfowmances held fow free in Battery Pawk in the Summer....this last night, my unkel Tony and Tap City Downtown were pewfowming, so we took a picnic, and sat down to enjoy the last of the summew in NY
This is way downtown looking in one of the diwections fwom the pawk where the pewfowmance was held
and in the othew diwection.....you can see the statue of Libewty fwom where we're sitting..isn't that the coolest?
It was a bootiful night..that's the Staten Island Fewwy leaving the hawbow fwom next to us
Unkel Tony is talking to a gweat old Tap Dancew Harold Cwomer..(he's known as the Captain.)...befowe the pewwfowmance...he wowked with people like Ethel Mewman and othew gweats on Bwoadway and in films all ovew,Now he choweogwaphs, and he pewfowmed "Mr Bojangles" this night..WOW!
This was the end of the pewfowmance...they always do the shimsham with the whole cast at the end..it's a hoot! My unkel Tony is the cutie in the dawk suit in the fwont, and you can heaw my silly Mommi yelling back to him,hehehe


Cléo said...

Hi, Asta!Thank's for visit my blog. My Mom saids that you are very beautiful girl, too!
My Mom give me kiss, too, when she cames home after workday and when it was time for me to go to bed.
My Mom never give me pizza!It´s good?But once upon a time I "steal" a bit of cheesecake, oh it´s so good...Auf!
I'm came back to your birthday part!Kiss from Portugal.

Duke said...

What a wonderful tribute for 9-11, Asta! We must never forget!
You live in the most awesome city! It truly doesn't sleep, does it?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
It is a sad day today.
Your unckle Tony is so good !Did I tell you my daddy is called Tony and so is Balboas daddy?

Ruby Bleu said...

WOW...what fun! That sounds like a pawsome evening. My Mom is getting home sick again....

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

wow, that looks sooo cool! you are lucky to be able to go see cool stuff like that AND to have such a talented uncle!

Randi said...

Hi Asta! I bow my head with you today.....your adventures with your unkel sound fantastic! Maybe he can teach you to tap dance if you don't know how already! I'd love to see Asta on BROADWAY!
Love & Licks,

Kien said...

Hey Asta.. ur unkel tony was super cool on the stage and ur mom not so bad either.. she is cool.. to join in the scream!! .. hahaha..

Yeah.. we felt bad for 911 incidents.. and this will never ever.. never happen again.. we shall pray for PEACE!


Gus said...

Way cool Asta, thanks for sharing. And at least this time your mommy didn't say any swear words, right?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I love your smiling photo Asta. New Year still is a bootiful place and Eil and i hope to visit in future. Your mom sure had a good time at the performance. :)

~ Girl girl

Koobuss said...

What a beautiful 911 tribute! How can we ever forget what happened to us on this day?

New York is such a vibrant city! It must be so much fun to live there.

Your unkel Tony was great!

Koobuss Kisses,

leah said...

ha! that video is great! that's very cool that your unkel tony is a dancer. here's to the stage!

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!!

I love the tribute photo of the Towers. That's bootiful with the sun shining through!

Thanks for putting up the video of Uncle Tony!! He is gorgeous (at least from afar), and the dancing was MAGNIFICENT!! You tell him he has a fan in GooberStan. (See how that rhymed?)

I too would love to see you on the stage. Maybe you and your mama could take one of those freestyle doggie dance classes where you learn to dance with the hooman of your choice. Wouldn't THAT be a hoot??

Goober love,
Stanley Boy

Pee Ess
I would love to go to some performance with your mommi sometime. She really knows how to enjoy herself!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

it is a bootiful nite scene there....

Nugget said...

Hi Asta!
Thank you for the great city pics, Mum has always wanted to visit NY.
Your Unkel Tony was pawsome!

We will always remember

the many Bs said...

That is a very pretty location. Your Uncle Tony is famous! Can we get his autograph? Our mommy loves tap dancing.

Simba and Jazzi said...

My Mummy went to New York after 9/11 and sad it was heart breaking seeing all the messages people had left at ground zero.

Simba xx

Veronica said...

That's very cool! NYC is so awesome.

Finny's Mama

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Aww thanks for sharing your message from the heart about the 9-11.
And wow what a fabulous tap dancer your uncle Tony is..woohooo..he looks like a FUN Human, Is he going to perfom at your barkday pawty, and are we going to have Mytinis?
Golden Hugs
Sir Bacon aka Sir Chancelot

Boo Casanova said...

asta, thanks for sharing all the beautiful pics. the pics show how peaceful NY is now.

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You sure are a lucky girl living there in the great NYC! You did a great tribute with that beautiful picture of the towers!
You uncle Tony is awesome!
Have a nice day

Juno said...

Hi Asta!! Last night my pawrents kept saying 'wow, it's been six years already'!! I wasn't around back then but they told a lot about that day.

Thank you for sharing great pictures and performance! :)

Momo xoxo

Amber said...

What gweat pics. NYC is such a nice and peaceful place.

Faya said...

N'oublions jamais.....
Véronique & Faya

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I like tap dancing too. At least, it sounds like I'm tap dancing when I run across the wooden floor in my dining room. Uncle Tony was pawsome! J x

Murphey said...

I've never tried dancing, I think I might have to take it up! Looks like fun and noisy too, I love that.


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
Butchy and Snickers told us that you're birthday is coming up. Maya's is too on the 24th!!
Happy early woofday!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
Sure, it's no prob. And we'll add you too!
By the way, where is the party?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
New York is a lovely city... I cannot believe it's been 6 years since that terrible day..

Anonymous said...

the people who lost their lives in the 911 incident will always be remembered.

you have such a cool uncle, Asta! are you going to learn how to tapdance too? just leave your nails a little longer you won't even need to buy those special shoes


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta, what a bootiful tribute you had for 9/11. It was nice to see the spirit of the city in the form of the arts on the stage. As Faya said, "never forget."
Why don't you skip a pedicure, let your nails grow out and use 'em for tappin'?? I can't think of anything sassier than you tapping to New York, New York. (Why does that sound so much better, than Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh???!!)

Hittin' the crate,
Scruffy and Lacie

ChaChi Lu said...

New York is beautiful! Just like you, Asta!

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne

Kirby said...


Thank you so much for hunting down my blog. I've been reading yours for the last few months, and you are quite a dog. I'm so happy to be friends with another 'city' dog. Your 9/11 tribute is lovely. I'm so glad NYC still stands tall and proud!


Kevin said...

It is so true...We must celebrate life for as long as we are lucky to have it!


Bella said...

great to see the all that NY resilience that remains after such a terrible & tragic time.

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

We'll nevew forget Asta,

Mum always wears a flag on Sept 11.

xxx Asta down under