This is whewe I was bowned..a place called Birchhuwst Kennels in Nowth Cawolina..(funny I don't have a southewn dwall)..anyway..I lived hewe with my doggiemom and doggiedad and two sissies and thwee bwudders until I was eight weeks old...about a week befowe all my bwuddews and sissies left one by one..i was the only baby left..i thought maybe no one wanted me...they called me giwl,one spot..not a vewy intewesting name,but whatevew! maybe no one wanted me cause i didn't have mowe spots??
Then one day in Novembew, awound something called Thanksgiving(was it thanks fow me?) I was given a bath and told to behave nicely when some hoomans came to the doow.
I came into the woom with my doggie pawents and we chased awound till I saw this giant! I went to investigate his shoes, they had yummy laces..then I was told this was my Daddi!!!He smelled good and was vewy sweet,but dogness, he was you think I'll gwow up to be as big as him?
I was told to get my things, I would be leaving with this new Mommi and Daddi!
My new pawents said thank you and put something awound my neck and then stawted walking..I just went with them without a backwawd glance...thewe is a whole big wowld out thewe and I was detewmined to explowe it! pwoblem I was off!
My new Mommi held me in hew awms all the way back to a place called NewYowk was ten jillion houws away by caw..but i didn't thwow up ow anything..I just sat and mostly felt safe
We got to this ginowmous city..(maybe that's why Daddi was so big? but then how to explain Mommi??) it was all dawk ,but with a kagillion lights on....we went into a big building and into a woom that moved,then it stopped and we went thwough anothew doow and new Mommi and Daddi said we'we home Asta! Asta! who's Asta?
Ooh this place looks awful tall...I'm not suwe about this...maybe I'll just stay hewe and watch fwom the safety of the tiny kitchen
Hey what's this puple thingy on my I changing colows??what's going on.(it was cold in New York and I had knitted her a sweater)
Hey thewe's aweady a puppy one told me that! come out and play with me! well come on!..what a twewp..she wouldn't come play!
My Fiwstest cookie...yummmm!!! I cleaned all the cwumbs
Happiness is "roaching" I didn't know this wowd yet..but i suwe knew the method
I'm pwactising fow my footuw as a bitey face champion
So many new things to munch on..I wondew what this is??
It was hawd to focus the camewa cause I wiggled so much while I chewed
Thewe wewe lots of stuffy toys to play with..I twied them all
The kitchen is at least small puppy sized,whew..
What is that thing pointedat me all the time..I guess it's pawt of Mommi's's aways in it
Aftew all that excitement and adventoowe..I was weally pooped!
So this was my fiwstest day..not litewally,cause fiwst I spent one night in Nowth Cawolina with some hoomans who wewe fwiends ,but it was my fiws day in New Name is Asta, not one spot giwl,,and I'm a new Yowkew thwough and thwough...I love my Mommi and Daddi and I love my life ..I'm so vewy glad we found each othew...I didn't want to gwow up to be a wepugnican...hehehe..this is mowe my style!
Now I'd like to tag my fwiends Ruby, Sir Bacon, and Goofy to tell us about theiw fiwst day home!
smoochie kisses to all my fwiends..sneep tight
Asta pupcake
Hey Asta-girl...
that is a pawsome story. You are such a lucky girl to have such great pawrents!!! I can't wait to tell my story now!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What a great story Asta!!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. We love NY too! Woofs, Johann
What a sweet pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love A+A
That is the sweetest story, Asta! You were such a tiny little thing back then.
What a sweet story Asta. It brought a tear to my pinkies eye as we read it together. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Sorry we missed your pawty. It's the pinkies fault....they have no idea sometimes. We're going to make sure we're there when you turn 2.
Take it easy.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Leura dales
Asta: You were soooo cute, but then, you still are. Your story is sweet...I think you waited so long for your Mommi and Daddi because it was a match made in heaven.
What an excellent story! I agree, your dad's tum looks like the purrfect place for a nice long nap. Purrs
What a lovely story, you are a lucky girl to live in NY. I'm having my hair cut tomorrow and mentioned on my blog that if I come home looking hideous like the last time, can I hitch a ride to NY and hide out in your apartment with you? The thing is I'm an Anonymouse in NY, whereas here I will be the laughing stock of the 'hood if the groomers mess up AGAIN.
Oh Asta...what a beautiful pup you were..."Girl, One Spot"...sorta sounds Native American??? No wonder you're so bootiful now! your mom looks sooo happy walking you that first day! Ya know, Asta...ur bootiful on the inside too...not just your wiry face!! Come and see our baby pix...we did our story tonight too!
Lacie and Scruffy
Asta, I'm glad your mommi and daddi pick you and gave you a pawsome furever home. You're such a sweet cutie puppy.
~ Girl girl
oh asta what a great story, have you heard the saying 'save the best for last' I think that is what happened in your litter!
What a great story. I love all the cute puppy pictures. You have great parents who just love you to pieces. Glad you have found a great home.
awww asta you were so tiny! it's funny, i would have thought the fewer spots you had the cleaner you look and the more people would like you. but good thing you were the last to go or you would have never found your Big Big daddy and Mommy!
ahh.. now i understand what 'roaching around' means.
Sweet ASta Girl!
You were a fuzz butt even as a wee puplet! Some things will never change.
I absolutely love your puppy pics, especially the one where you're sleeping on your daddi's tummy. I'm sure he felt even more at home having you there than he ever did before.
Your mommi & daddi are so fortunate you waited around for them. It sounds like you all have the same attitude about life ~ get out there and explore and live it!
You are bootiful through & through. So glad your mommi & daddi brought you to DWB and into my life.
Love from your Goober boy,
asta, you loooooooooooook sooooooo cute when you were a pup. and pretty now.
do you still sleep on daddi's tummy??
wet wet licks
woofies asta!!! ya no if anydog or cat or hamsterrier is havin a bad day, all they need to do is come to ur will cheer them up...u were a cutie when little and ya still r...
b safe,
Hi Asta,
My mama cannot stop coo-ing over the pics and I think I am getting jealous..
Ok ok.. i admit, you are such a cutie pie!! I am so glad I have you as a friend and mom and I love to read your blog..
Awwww... Your were just a cute, small little fuzzy pup! I understand why your hoomans couldn't resist you, hehehe...I think your big daddy's belly must have been really cozy & bouncy.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Asta, you look so tiny! Sounds like it was a big adventure with a happy ending in meeting up with your Mum & Dad and moving to NY! J x
Weren't you a cute little ball of fluff. Good job cleaning up the crumbs.
Simba xx
Super awesome story, Asta! What an adorable puppy you were!
Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch
Voilà maintenant c'est définitif : Véronique est amoureuse de toi !!!
Tu as les meilleures parents du monde entier alors veille bien sur eux comme ils veillent sur toi !
Grosses bises, Faya
Hi, Asta.
Thanks for sharing with us your beautiful story. Your were the last.... and the best!
Glad you found your lovely home.
Have a nice day
You were so wittle! I love to sleep on my ladies big tummy too, it is so comfy. Sometimes I jump up and land on her tummy and she goes "Umpfff." Then I curl up and go to sleep. Nice.
That's a nice story, Asta. you sure were a little cutie-pie. well, you still are!
Oh Asta,
You were such a gorgeous little puppy! How could anyone not love you! You are such a sweetie!
What a great story and what wonderful parents you have! You all lucked out!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Hard to believe it was 12 months agao !You were tiny and indeed cupcake sized!
Yay! You were so tiny then! But already a master roacher!
Oh.. am loving it.. i mean i love your first day story.. and u r so cute... and still very very cute...
Hi Asta, I really enjoyed reading about your first day with your humans! Thanks for sharing about it! I love all the pictures, too.
Oh My DoGness were such a cuterest little thing. I'm not letting Mom read this because she'll get some brilliant ideas about getting a WFT brother for us!!
I'm still adjusting to the little white Dog.
Thanks for sharing such a great story & what an adorable puppy, but you have grown into a true beauty now :)
woofies asta, i messed up ur gessbook, the town is wrong in da 1sted one...and i not know how to take it out, i hopes ur mama know how....i reeely sorrys....;(
b safe,
ps, i not notice it till i pawed the send button thingy... look so cute when you were a pup.
And now too,,
all the photos are grates..
You were an adorable puppy! And look at those cute little pink pads in the last pic. Do you still sleep on your dad's tummy?
Asta, thank you for telling us about your First Day! You were an adorable puppy! I will have to blog about my first day one day.
Asta Baby!! OMD!! First of all I am sorry that I haven't visited your blog. I can't believe I missed this sweet post about your 1st day with your mommi and daddy!!
You were super adorable girl and you're now bootiful girl. Thank you for sharing this lovely story.
Momo xoxo
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