a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, September 23, 2007

All Weady fow my Guests

I feel a little ovewwhelmad hewe..I have so vewy many things to be gwateful fow..it makes a doggie think..why am I so vewy lucky..

I 've been getting gifts fow my birfday fow weeks aweady..so many nice things and so many donations to shelters in my name..thank you all so vewy much! and it isn't weally my birfday fow another half day..wow...I suwe have supew good fwiends!!!

I am also so vewy pwoud that I was given the awsome blog awawd by DWB for this momf...that's anothew pawsome pwesent fwom so many sweet fwiends...I am humbled and awed and want to come hug all of you and give you gweat big smoochie kisses.I hope to do so to many of you tomowwow at my pawty!!!!

Today I got sevewal good wishes fwom Axel(who is not feeling so well) and Luna who has had a wough time in his family lately..thank you my fwiends! and OOOh I got a gift fwom my Kousin Koobuss...I wondew what's in it????
Oh My Dogness..it's gweat big buwwy sticks!!! yummmmm!!!( i think I'll have some fow evewyone at the pawty)
If you'll wemember,I aweady got a birfday pwezzie fwom Faya a few weeks ago,but now she found the pawfect owange banana fow my neck and so she sent me a pwesent again..look how happy and bootiful she looks on the cawd she made me! Thank you!!!
I'm giving a smoochie kiss to Faya fow my bootiful owange banana!
Pleez excoose the quality of this photo..I stepped wight in it ..it's a bootiful swiss calendaw that Faya sent my Mommi,who has avewy special place in hew heawt fow Switzewland,cause she was a little giwl thewe fow thwee yeaws
I did a last minute check and decided to get mowe eatables and dwinkables We'we ready fow all ouw guests !!!
thewe will be hooman bags to take home in case thewe awe leftovews!
I think I've got evewydoggies favowites..I even have waw stuff fow Faya and any othew doggies who pwefews that!
Oscaw has helped by ovewseeing it all,he picked a weally comfy cloud so he can be with all of us in his best evew cowboy outfit!
Thewe awe wibs,and bacon,and sausages,and chicken wings,and powk roast and chili,and guacamole,and cown,and smooshed potatoes, and hot dogs ,and wally melon and peaches and cobbler and margawitas and beews, and lemonade fow undewage pups, oh and whiskey fow the weally wough tough cowboyses...I hope evewydoggie and Hammie will like it! I can hawdly wait to see all of you!!!!!
I hope the cowboy band will get thewe in time,and we can squawe dance..thewe will be lots of wunning and smooching and bitey face and if you want you can just sit undew a nice twee and welax..I want evewyone to have the best time!! love ASTA


Girasol said...

Nice bandana i love the color!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Miss Almost Bark-day Girl!!!

Look at that spread...I'm so hungry already! Well, I'm going to nap now...tomorrow is going to be a big day!!! See you and congrats again on the awesome bloggy award!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

We are psyched and soooooooooooo ready Asta!
Congratulations on winning the awesome blog award!
See you tomorrow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

Congrats on your awesome blog, Asta. we are proud of you, you little fuzzy butt. we like your picture of our party. we are totally ready for it. we are a little tired after our sunday afternoon party. Benson crashed out in the garden and mom had to carry him back in the house. but we will be revived for our real birfday party with you and the rest of the gang on monday.

Gus said...

Congratulations on the Awesome Blog award, you do a good job, with a little help from your Mommi. You guys didn't even break stride with your new computer, just kept on postin'

I am so excited about tomorrow...vroom see you soon!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
We all are ready!!! I can't wait to meet all of our friends there again!
See you there!
Have a good night

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Our mouth's are watering!!! Oh Asta, everything looks delissh...Scruffy and I are going to go get ready now so we are all set. Aire Ruby will be picking us up....We have a cake for you...I'm sure we'll need many for so many pups and that voracious eater Girl Girl. So much fun dancin' with u last night...you sure can work it, Girl!! (I think I saw Scruffy smooching Koobie??!!)

Kisses, Lacie

Ben & Darling said...

Happy barkday Asta baby!!!

OMdoG, OMdoG !!! Its tonight, the pawty is toniight!!!! Im getting ready now, going to ride my horsy all the way to your pawty!!!

See you tonight sweetie. YEeeHaaaa!!!

Randi said...

Hi Asta! Look at all that food...I can't wait..tomorrow will be my cheat day..can't stay on a diet forever! See you tomorrow at the PAWTY!
Love & Licks,

Boo Casanova said...

asta, i'm ready coming together with simba. hope you don't mind simba's pink hat. i keep telling him that's not suitable but he insist on putting it on.

wet wet licks


Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Happy Birfday, Asta. Wow..you sure look pretty in your orange "banana". I hope you have a really great day, lots of cuddles, belly rubs and TREEEEEEEATS!! My favorite. Your party looks like tons of fun.

Do you have your Halloween costume yet? I just got mine yesterday. Come see my blog. I modeled it for you and for all my friends, but Mom says I can't wear it until Halloween.

Love, and kisses and all that good stuff, girl friend. Us chickies got to stick together.

Mary-Margaret O'Brien

Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy birthday 2 u Asta..

n i love ur last pic,, what a feast!

Casper and pals said...

Wow Wee- look at all those foodables for your pawty!!!
Hope you have a totally pawsome birfday!!!

Woofs from Casper, Buddy, Nikki and winnie

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Congrates on wining the awesome blog award Asta. Hope you have a great birthday. I'm ready for your pawty. :)

~ Girl girl

fee said...

still half a day? it's already your burpday here in singapore! happy FIRST burpday, asta!

PreciOus said...

Happy Barkday Sweet Asta! *Smoochies* I can't wait to see you at your pawty!


the many Bs said...

Pee Ess Asta, check over at our bloggie for Bailey's cake. it's pretty yummy and we had the huckelberry ice cream too, but you can't see it because it's in our tummies.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey Asta...
Happy Barkday to a Sweet Pup!! I am all dressed up for the pawty!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Happy Birthday Asta! Wishing you Many Happy Returns. See you later at the pawty! J x

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy happy birthday Asta. Wow what a party you will have! Congratulations for winning the Awesome blog award, you really are sooooooooooo clever and what a fantastic birthday gift for you.
Molly and Taffy.xx

Bella said...

Dahrling firstly all of us hounds on the hill wish you a super-duper wonderful happy barkday with all that your heart desires :)
I've got my Cowgirl outfit on & have found a nice porch to hang out on wiating for my ride to your pawty.
I can't wait to get there and dance and chow down on all that fantistic food & drinks your have.
See You Soon.

Snowball said...


Congrats on winning the Awesome blog award.

I am on the way to your cowboy pawty. I am so excited about seeing all my pals again!!!

See ya later!!!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happy Burpday beautiful, I made you a movie on my blog.

Bussie Kissies

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta!!!!! Happy Barkdaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!! We send you lots of hugs and kisses!!!!!!!
Ronin The Pug

Anonymous said...

How wonderful Asta! What a fabulous bandana! You look amazing in that orange color!

I hope you had the bestest birthday ever Asta!


Stanley said...

Sweet Cowpup Fuzz Butt!!

Your birthday is going to be such a HUGE celebration with your buddy Bailey! Everydog who knows you is thankful you were born and that they can be your friend.

Sweet Asta, I hope your birthday is all you've been hoping for and more!

Relax and soak up the love!

All my goober love & extra gooberish birthday smooches,
Your Stanley Boy

Amber-Mae said...

Hey, I'm BACK!

Wooow, I love the bandanna... Orange totally suits you Asta. I think it will stand out on me too! Hehehe... Hope you'll get more lovely pressies.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Its me again... Happy Birthday!!!
Before we met there at the party I am sending you lots of kisses and hugs!
See you!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Good Morning Asta! I am introducing myself to you, 'cos all the other Doggies keep asking me whether I am going to your Pawty. Well I have told them that I would not want to be a "gate crasher" and as I dont know you, I have not been invited.

But I hope you have a lovely pawty and lots of nice things to eat and drink. I also hope we can be friends!

Happy Barkday! Love from your new pal, in Bonnie Scotland xxxxx

Marvin xx

Finnegan said...

I plan on being at your party!
And a big wolfie happy birthday!!!

Nat said...

Happy birthday buddy. Leave the porch light burning, 'cause I can't come 'til after work.

Juno said...

Happy birfday Asta & Bailey!!! You look fabulous with that owange bandana! :)

This is a huge celebration! You and your pawrents prepared everything so well.

I am sending you a lot of kisses before I see you at the pawty! :)

Momo aka Cowgirl! :)

Chilli the Dog said...

WoW! Asta!! Look at the spread! I'm drooling as I'm typing this.

See ya soon!

Wet licks


Amber said...

HaPPy Barkday Asta!! and congrats on your awesome blog award!! I'm all ready for the pawty and I'm drooling over the western feast!! I can't wait!!

Koobuss said...

Dear Kousin Asta,

Happy Birthday to you, little sweetie. Glad you like the buwwy sticks. Hope you enjoy them for a long time.

See you later at your pawty!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Koobuss said...

pee ess

Congratulations on winning the Awesome Blog Award. You've earned it!

wally said...

Happy Burpday! You look great in the Banandananana! And what a cool picture! Better guard that Wallymelon!


Joe Stains said...

happy birthday!! happy birthday!! happy birthday!! happy birthday!! happy birthday!!

Johann The Dog said...

Happy Barkday!!!!! And congrats on your award, you are pawsome!

Woofs, Johann

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Congrats on the awesome blog little lady! And happy 1st barkday. Have a pawsome cowboy hoedown. I know Oscar will be looking in.
Katy xxx

Balboa said...

WOOOHOOO, Happy Birthday Asta, Looks like you got everthing ready for the party.

Frenchie Birthday Snorts

Murphey said...

HAPPY BARKDAY!!!!!!!!!! Oh My, party till the cows come home little lady.


Putter said...

I am having so much funnest pawtying right now!!!! Happiest ever birthday sweet friend!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Lacy said...

woofies asta!!!!!! HAPPY BARKDAY TOOOOOO UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

Sophie Brador said...

Happy Birthday Cowgirl Asta! I'll have a few of those snausages. See you at the pawty.

Tadpole said...

Woo hoo!!! I can't WAIT!

Lizzy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTA! Wow, you're only 1? I feel old now...


Frasier said...

Happy Birthday Asta,
You are a big girl today!
You are the sweetest moppet puppy I know.See ya at the barbecue!

Kapp pack said...

Happy Birthday! Great pawty!

Woo woo, Kelsey ANn

DK & The Fluffies said...

We are here with lobster - I hope you'll like lobster. It's my favorite food! Hoppy Purthday Asta!