a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Hi all my fwiends! all doggies and GirlooberGirl and Moosie and NOMSSF......you'we all invited to help celebwate the combined birfdays of me ,Asta and my fwiend Bailey of Twipple Bs on the 24th of September

We'we all dwessing up..it's a cowboy pawty..Oscaw angel will look ovew us,and we will be playing westling,chase,bitey face, two handed boxing and wacing awound like mad..but if you just want to come eat BBQ and hang out, that's OK too...we'we hoping fow a bootiful fall day with lots of fun..so pweez wun over, ow dwive ,ow fly ..just come and join the fun...smoochie kisses
pee ess
Go to Bailey,Baxter,and Brody the Tripple Bs to see their invitation too!!!!


Stanley said...

I am THERE!!! I'll have to start working on my cowboy outfit (I'm not big on clothes so I don't own any ~ but for you... ANYTHING!)

Can't wait to celebrate! I'm SOOOOO stinkin' happy you were born!

Your Goober Boy,

Joe Stains said...

omdog, omdog, can I bring cowboy pig the best friend I ever had?! I need to find some cowboy clothes or something!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh I love pawties!! I'm gonna find me some cowgirl wear

~ Girl girl

Daniella said...

Asta, thanks for coming over to visit in my temp digs. I sure am lonely for Mom and Dad. This party sounds fun - is it in NYC or is it a Cyber party? I'm a bit confused though, wasn't it your barkday a few weeks ago? I remember reading about all the great gifts you recieved and your lovely mom asking for donations instead?

Daniella said...
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Simba and Jazzi said...

Bitey face oooooo I love bitey face. I'll be there. Can we have baked beans like real cow boys?

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

You're going to have such a great cowboy hoe down, Oscar will be loving watching over it.

Katy xxx

Boo Casanova said...

asta, cowboy theme huh? it reminds me of brokeback mountain.... me and simba will be there with our matching cowboy outfit, right simba? LOL

wet wet licks


Duke said...

We want to come! I sure hope we can find something appropriate to wear!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm in, I'm in...do I need to get Air Ruby all gassed up? I'll pick up who ever wants to go!!! Giddy Up!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whheeeeeeee! A PAWTEEEEEEEEEE! Asta, We are so excited, we're just beside ourselves!!!!! I hope I can find cute cowgirl accessories!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure Scruffy knows which end of the horse to ride...but he'll be there!!!!!!!!!
Ridem' COWGIRL!!! Get along Little Asta!!!!! Lacie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I want to come too! I don't have a cowgirl dress but I will see what can I wear! And I will ask Ruby to come and pick me up!!
Sure will be fun!
Have a nice day

Gus said...

We will do our best to be there. After all, you need some REAL Azrizona cowboys like me and Joe Stains at this party.

the many Bs said...

Hey Asta Fuzzy Butt! we are gonna have some fun in DWB land. we will think of a lot of party games and food and WHISKEY, cuz that's what real cowboys drink. digging and barking and chasing and bitey face and sniffing and scrathing and slobbering and rolling and everything else anydog can think of.
pee es - are you gonna be ONE year old????? you are such a puppy!!!

Ferndoggle said...

Yahoooo! I've been looking for a reason to dress up like a cowboy! I am SO there!


Sophie Brador said...

Well, Yeehaw and Howdy doggie doo! I grew up as a baby pup right across the river from the Calgary Stampede grounds and used to swim over to hang with the horses from time to time. I reckon I can skiddaddle on down to the Triple B Ranch and partake in a little party in honour of two of my favourite pups.

Cowgirl Sophina la Brador

3dogcache said...

Hey Asta,

That makes you a Libra too...balanced and all, huh?

Enjoy, 3dogs

ChaChi Lu said...

I'll bring the pink champagne!

~ChaChi LU

Frasier said...

Will be there with my spurs-a- jingling!
I love barbecue bones

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Save some ribs for me, I'll be there! J x

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
I am making plans to hop on Air Ruby!!I may chew on some barbecue bones to practise for the pawty!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me too! Me too! Me too! I can't WAIT! I hope I'm better enough so that Massah lets me come! Must go see if Ruby can pick me up on Air Ruby too....

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta up over,

I can hawdly wait to come to your pawty. Mum has hewr teaching bweak then too! I'll be looking foward to heawing mowre.

xxx Asta down under

Rudy said...

Oooh, I love to play chase me! I run and run and Josie chases me ALL over the yard. She can't catch me but sometimes....she gets lucky! It's a fun party game.

"Zoom Zoom" Rudy

Koobuss said...

Oh Boy, a party!! Sounds like lots of fun!! I will be there, but I need another ride from Ruby! It will be great to meet everybody.

Koobus Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Cows... I think I saw them once before!

Bella said...

Ya Hoo a cowboy/cowgirl pawty - count me in !!
Now I'm off to go shopping for an outfit.

Amber said...

Woohoo. I'll be coming over too. But I'm difintely not wearing my chicken suit.

ToFFee said...

a pawty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please count me in.. I hope I can find a cowboy outfit to wear..

I'll bring my lasso and go rope some of that great yummies!


Goofy said...

Hey!!! I'll be there too!!!

Kien said...

oh wow!.. ok ok.. am going straight to my wardrobe and check for a suitable outfit.. and shall be there to have a blast party!


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Wooohooo and yahoooo...Im so there..and Ill bring the music since no dog has mentioned that yet.This is going to be ONE hoedown that will go down in history!!!
Hey Asta whats your favorite charity?
Oh and I am so glad that Oscar will watch over us too!!
Tailwaggaggins and super extra golden hugs
Sir Bacon~formerly Sir Chancelot...

wally said...

I don't have a cowboy outfit but I do have a COW outfit! Is that ok? And if I wear it, will the cowboys chase me (and cowgirls, of course!)


Jake of Florida said...

Asta, sweetie,

We'd love to come and we have a big Texas cowbioy hat that might fit both of us -- but we're not sure just how to attend.

Could you please explain to us? We don't get out very much, so we're looking forward to your pawty -- if we know how to get there/

Jake and Just Harry

Agatha and Archie said...

YEEHAW!! WE are sooooooooooo there!We will have to go shopping for new outfits!! Macy's,Bloomingdales,versace...... accessories.....WE HAVE TO GET GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A+A

Randi said...

Hi Asta! I'd love to come to your Pawty too! Maybe Ruby can pick me up again like we all did for Marvin's Blogaversary....I"ll have to work on my outfit...maybe some pink chaps & a pink cowgirl hat...
Love & Licks,

PreciOus said...

Ooo weee! I'm going count me in please! Hee. I'll have to start looking for a cowgirl outfit. *Excited*


Juno said...

OMD, Asta!! I was so blind... I totally missed this post! I would love to come to your pawty!! PLEASE!!! Cowgirl? No problem! :) Just like Wally, my pawrents just gave me 'cow' hat..

How can I confirm this?? Please please let me know!

Your friend,
Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

YAY! A party!! I'm black and white like most cows...and I'm a boy, does that make me a cowboy?