a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting weady fow the weekend

My Pawents and I went to the mawket to stawt getting things weady fow my pawty..I know that thewe's going to be a lot of stuff at the 4XBs wanch aweady,but we need lots of food fow all the fwiends we'we expecting.....
The nice Mr. gave me some samples of the meets we'we going to gwill..yummm,yummm!!!
Mommi helped me pick the best peaches fow the cobbler..we need dessewt!
Fwesh cown fow the gwill
I have to check and make suwe we have plenty of food fow all my fwiends!
We have a jilliion bags of food, it's time to head home
On the way home,who do I see???could it be Tadpole Pomegwanite???
I thought it was my fwiend Tad..but this kid was wild, let me tell you..we had a gweat westle match..he was fast and stwong too.
When i got home...I took a quick snooze aftew all the shopping..I want to look my vewy bestest fow all the doings this weekend!
Aftew my nap..it was time to wun and get weady fow Lola and Penny's 70s Disco pawty.
this is going to be a vewy busy weekend!!
I hope all you pups and hammies and NMSSFs awe as excited as I am....fiwst a Gwoovy disco, then the WildWild West..the fun nevew ends fow DWB!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Asta does Disco
Add Glitter to your Photos


ChaChi Lu said...

Oh Asta,

You are so sweet to get everything ready for your pawty. I love that Chinese Crested hairless crazy pup that you met! I wonder if he has a girlfriend??? Maybe you could introduce us.

Your Disco pic is a riot! Did I tell you I love peaches?

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne

Koobuss said...

Oh boy, Asta!!

What great food you got for us! I can't wait!

We may be a little late. Scruffy and I are going to the Penn State-Michigan game in Ann Arbor. I think we are going to rent a Lear jet, so we should be on time.

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Koobuss said...

Oh boy, Asta!!

What great food you got for us! I can't wait!

We may be a little late. Scruffy and I are going to the Penn State-Michigan game in Ann Arbor. I think we are going to rent a Lear jet, so we should be on time.

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Koobuss said...

Oh boy, Asta!!

What great food you got for us! I can't wait!

We may be a little late. Scruffy and I are going to the Penn State-Michigan game in Ann Arbor. I think we are going to rent a Lear jet, so we should be on time.

Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Anonymous said...

Wooo sweet Asta. I can't wait for your barkday!! Hey, look at those dogs... I see a curly tail!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Asta...you better rest up! You look like you're all ready for Penny & Lola - yay!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Bogart H. Devil said...

Oh Asta, my mama is TOTALLY jealous watching you walk around NYC... that's where she's from and she misses it all the time!!!

Big Aire Kisses,

Stanley said...

My Disco Fuzz Butt!

You are smokin' HOT in your glitter and rose colored glasses! The GooberStan Pawty Bus will be rolling through NYC to get you for Lola & Penny's pawty!

Get some good sneep tonight. You're gonna need it.

Thanks for the neighborhood pics of your city!

Goober love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta, First the orange "en som bell" (that's what Lacie called it) and now this pink sparkly thing. I just can't take it, you are so cheek. Or chic...or such a chick....(Lacie is driving me crazy; she's watching me type this and is laughing her fuzz butt off. Harumph....Cant wait for your pawty!!!


Ben & Darling said...

Hey sweetie, wait for me ya. Im coming, Im coming !!

Kirby said...


Your party is going to be wonderful! All those delicious foods, my mouth is watering already. I hope you boogie down tonight!!!


Boo Casanova said...

asta, it's still early, you can plenty of time to prepare.

wet wet licks


Gus said...

MMMMMYUMMY! We hope you have a great time at the disco party and then get really rested for your birthday party.

We enjoyed the pictures of you and your Mommi and Daddy at the Market. We are jealous, jealous, jealous.


fee said...

asta! i can't wait to get to your pawty because i know you ALWAYS have the bestest pawties with the yummyest food! will you be playing for us on the piano in your new orange dress?

i can't wait for your pawty to start!!!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I hope you got enough food because I think a LOT of dogs are coming to your pawty! J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

I didn't see any sausages, you can't have a party without sausages.

Simba xx

Duke said...

Peach cobbler??!! We can't WAIT!!!! OMG, that stuff is Heaven sent!
You look fabulous all decked out for the 70's pawty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I'll be bringing some cowboy cookies! Mommy's busy baking right now as I bark.

Bussie Kissies

Amber said...

Hi Asta, must be nice shopping with your mommy and daddy for your pawty. I can't wait for your pawsome pawty!! I'll be dressing up soon. This is so exciting, Teehee. Have fun at the 7o's disco Pawty!!

Randi said...

Hi Asta! What a fun shopping trip...Can't wait for the cobbler! YUM! See you on the bus & at the PAWTY!

Love & Licks,

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
Wow, you are going to have a busy weekend! And thanks for stopping by our page! We hope you have a great weekend too!!! We'll probably see you at the 4B's western party!

wally said...

You get plenty of beauty rest for your pawty--not that you'll need it! It looks like you're really good at shopping and picking out the tastyables! I can't wait!


the many Bs said...

wow Asta, your mommy is really going all out for our Wild West party. It's gonna be a ton of fun. and there is a lot of dirt left for the terriers to dig holes. you sure make a cute disco princess. you're gonna be the star of the party.

Ricky Pepper said...

Hi Asta,

We are going to ride a whale over to your party and then roller skate back home. Do you think your parents would mind if we parked the whale outside and fed him before we let him go back to the ocean? He's bound to be hungry after carrying the 4 of us!

Frasier said...

I am changing into my disco gear right now.See you on Stanleys pawty van

Veronica said...

It looks like you are all ready! Great disco outfit, looking sassy!

Finny and his Mama

Agatha and Archie said...

We LOVE corn on the cob,peaches,everything you picked!! WE CAN"T WAIT!!!!(Agatha got the most darling pink cowboy hat..she would kill me if she knew I was teling you!!) Love Archie(agatha is having her nails done)

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Asta,

My Mom agrees with what Bogart said about his Mom -- she is very very envious of you all walking around the West Village.

But we are so grateful for all you are doing for the pawty!! We are soooo looking forward to it and have already snapped a few photos -- which we sent you and are posting on our blog.

Shall we come early to help?? We'd be happy to sample some of the food!!! We can't wait for your special day!!!


Jake and Just Harry

Hana said...

Dear Asta,
Only two more days until your barkday! Happy early Barkday to you!! You got lots of cool pressies so far. I hope you have a very good weekend! By the way, I was looking through all the pictures you posted recently on your bloggy... they were making me hungry! Half your pictures are of food! Yum yum.
~Hana the Dog

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Sure you got many yummy things for the party!! Sure we will have great time there!
Congratulations on the Awesome Blog Award. You deserve it! And its also a great birthday present!
Have a good night

Daniella said...

Hey almost bday girl,
I am very sorry that I never sent you any presies - will you forgive me? I was away on vacation and since I've come home I've been sick with hives and horrid allergies as you know. So I've been preoccupied. But I will think of you tomorrow and send you very happy birthday thoughts.

Your pal,

PS ARe you coming to the All Terrier Show in 2 weeks in Pa? We could meet!!!

Juno said...

Asta baby!!
Congrats on Awesome Blog Award!!.... and your barkday pawty with bailey is coming SOON! We all know your mommi is a great cook and we can't wait to join the pawty!
I am so ready and excited! I just posted my costume pic on my blog!
See you at the pawty!!

Momo xoxo

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Asta! You're sure are a gweat hostess! So many delish food you've got there for us.

I'm so weady to pawty with you again. See you soon!

Wet licks


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Hello Asta,

Just wanted to wish you a happy 1st birthday. We had a family tragedy so I've been away from the computer. I see you came out to Long Island Labor Day weekend, wish we could've gotten together. I see you met those nasty swans at the Old Mill on Mattituck Creek. We keep our boat about a mile south of there.

You are very brave to be walking around NYC with all those scary taxi's, buses, trucks, and other noises.

Lots of Luna-Licks for your 1st birthday.


Jake of Florida said...


I thought we'd be coming a bit early -- but we'll be coming on Air Ruby -- so whenever the plane lands, that's when we'll be there!

We can't wait!!!!

Just think -- it's already your barkday in Singapaw!!

Jake and Just Harry

Frasier said...

Hi Asta
It was fun dancing with you too!! I'm quick on my feet,are' nt I ?
Just one more day till your birthday!
We are trying to muster up some pictures!