a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lon Gisland day twoo

The next day stawted wif pawfect weathew, and I was weady wif my tennis ball I asked if I could take it in the watew and go swimming.....off leash!!!

The watew was lovely ..wawm like a baf tub

unfowtoonately I swallowed half the bay and lots of slimey gween stuff
(I was fowced to take a showew to wash off all the muck)
(my BFF Lacie said That isn't the way to dwink LonGisland Ice Tea, hahahaha as if!)
I spent the next thwee houws thwowing up intewmittently and shaking..anothew scawe fow Mommi and Daddi

aftew my tummie got all empty, I stopped shaking and went to sneep at Mommi's feet.
I didn't eat the west of the day, and latew went into the bedwoom and cuwled up on the bed.
Next mowning I was totally fine and wagging my tail and wanting to play , but I wasn't allowed in the watew again

I put togethew smilebox so you can see mowe of my pictoowes

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thank you evewyone fow the nice comments about the Chwistening.
Mywna and Gilbewt wewe vewy happy you came
smoochie kisses


Inky and Molly said...

You poor thing. We hope your tum tum is feeling better now. No, Bay Slime is no good...

Snowy and Crystal said...

awwwh! we are sorry to hear about your tummy, Asta but we are glad that you were better the next day

we gotta also add that the pic of you with the tennis ball is beyond adorable

Maltese Paws


The Black and Tans. said...

Your trip to Los gin land certainly was eventful!

It looked great fun though, glad your tummy felt better very quickly.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Martha said...

Aw poor Asta - what an adventure - sorry you got sick!
We will come back later and watch your Smilebox as this is a quick dash around just now!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Duke said...

That picture of you swimming with your tennis ball is awesome, Asta! What a shame you had to get sick but we're glad you're feeling better now!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Yuck! Glad you barfed until you felt better. I bet you will go right back in the water again.


Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey Asta, we're glad you're feeling better today. What an experience....
You really did have a lovely time on Long Island. What a nice place to visit.

Noah & the girls

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hope you are feeling better now.

Our Mom loved the Smilebox.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Hansel said...

what a wonderful trip--- minus the vomit and shaking. And running into the road.

If your bean is anything like our mom bean.... she'd have lost her mind by now!

Stanley said...

Sweetpea FuzzButt!

Thank Myrna & Gilbert for me for inviting Stella & I to the christening. Romy and Bertie are bootiful (like their parents), and it's always fun to celebrate the happiness of my family.

I'm sorry the bay gave you a tummy ache (naughty bay), but I'm glad you pumped your stomach out yourself and were able to get to sleep after you felt better. Looks like you always have fun when you go to Long Island!

My girl is SO lazy that she hasn't taken any photos of me or Stella for almost 2 weeks. Can you believe it? We need to give her a nice kick in the bootay!

Goober love & smooches always,

Gus said...

Oh my! We hope you are feeling better and are not tempted to drink green slime again. Great smiley box as usual.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh poor sweetheart, all that nasty water. I dont like water and would not have gone in. yuk.

I am so glad you are all fine now..

Hugs GJ xx

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
Have you noticed how often it's things that one enjoys most that seem to make one ill? No I'm not talking about whisky...But that bone I spent all yesterday chewing. My tummy really hurt in the evening (and still a bit this morning)
Cheers, Gail.
PS The smile box does what it says on the can!

ScrapsofMe said...

Hi Asta....I hope you are feeling much better. Its difficult to chase a ball in the water and not consume half the bay! The number 1 rule when traveling is never drink the local water. Drink the Lon Gisland Tea instead Now that you are home, drink lots of fresh water to flush out the salt. Maybe you could score some wally mellon and bannana treats? woofy kisses and butt sniffs...Bonnie

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

silly doggies oyu arent suppose to drink that water - you have to be more careful

happy to hear you are doing better

Woodrow Sweetie MJ

Kelly said...

Oh Asta, what lovely pictures! Except for the ones when you had a sickie tummy!

Those roasted potatoes made my drool a little!

I am so glad you had a fun time in Long Island! I would love to go there sometime!!

Hollie and Janie said...

Bless your heart, Asta! I'm glad you are feeling better! You better stay away from long island iced tea and stick with cosmos!!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta, we're sorry the swim in the bay made your tummy get upset, but we're confident that the good memories of the swim will eventually replace the ones of the icky feeling afterwards. We LOVE your waves as your pretty coat dried ... such pretty natural curl.

Your Smilebox photos were so lovely. All of them. We noticed the two-leggededs pale pink drinks (Moma said "yum!"). Were they frosty copies of your own pink cocktail?

What a wonderful time it appears you had. That makes us happy! Thanks for sharing it. Selfishly, it gives us new ideas for future adventures of our own!

Bruvver Jake and Sissie Fergi

Mack said...

When my mom would take her Sumi to the beach he used to swallow lots of nasty water too. And puke it back out immediately.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Green Slime is NOT a khoolaid flavour!

Sorry you didn't feel well -

PLUS, I know woo skhared your mommi and daddi!

Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs!


Ruby Bleu said...

That green stuff looks yucky. So glad you are feeling better!!!! Do you really like to swim? I don't like it!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Pedro said...


That salt water is nasty! Great for swimming but not for drinking. I guess you found out the hard way!


Daisy said...

It looks like lots of fun swimming with your tennis ball, but I am very sorry that it made you have a sick tummy.

Thoughts said...

Hi asta,

Sounds like you had a lot of fun, except for the throwing up part. YUCK, no doggie likes to do that...

Glad you had a fun time!

Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Asta, what a scare. We're so glad you are okay now.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, poor Asta, hope your tummy is better, hope you stick with the water in your bowl from now on.

Lovely photos, thanks for sharing.

woo, the OP Pack

Princess Patches said...

We're glad you're feeling better now, Asta! Too much sea water will do that to ya! We're glad you had a good time, now stop scaring the "you know what" out of your pawrents!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

The Furry Kids said...

Holy cats, Asta! We're glad your tummy is feeling better!

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Dear Asta, Two Paws DOWN for throwing up but Two Paws UP! for getting better and also, for your truly outstanding and also awesomely cute piktures! Also Two Paws UP! for your pikture with the fancy stripe-ed boxer shorts at the top! Whew! That is something! Thanx for stopping by and also, where are the piktures of you killing the orange oragutang becuz those are our favrit we laff and laff every time we see them and did they get lost when there was the meltdown becuz we thought you found everything or are they somewhere we are not finding them? OK Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

oh ps in case the piktures of the orange orangutang got lost do not ask your human becuz we do not want to start another MELTDOWN if you no what we mean! OK Love again, Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

aw, poor you Asta, the being sickies no fun at all! I bet the swimming beed fun though!
~lickies, Ludo

Stanislaw said...

Woah! Were there too many weebles in that water? It looks totally fun though! How can it be so bad for you?

Despite the tummy ache, it looks like you had a blast. I'm jealous!

Eric said...

Yuck!!! Salty water, no wonder you chucked up poor Asta. I hope you are feline better and you managed to straighten your hair the next day with Mommis GHD's. The photos in the smile box were - WOW- truly beautiful, lovely lovely lovely, thanks to your Mommi for gettting up early.Wish I had been there...

And oooh then I looked at the Christening ..HAAAA. These wheelies standing upright with their wheelie paws and the baby by the font..teeeheeeeee...still giving me fits of the giggles. Good cos the thunder and lighting Dog is really angry overhead tonight....Um Fergie and Jakie have been adopted by your Daddi? Don'tch just love 'em to pieces??We dooo!! Kissies sweet Asta. See you at the wedding.

Wiry lovies and kissies, Eric xxxxx

Clive said...

Poor Asta - that wasn't very nice - kind of took the fun out of the swim! I'm not surprised you weren't allowed back in again!

Take care

Liffey said...

Oh no- poor you being sick on holidays. Who put nasty green slime in the water- silly- bet it was a hooman.
Liffey's licks to you

powder-puff said...

Aw im sorry you got sicky! Those pics of you swimming with your tennis ball make me miss my pool back in texas!

lotsa love

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I am so sorry you got sick!
I hope you are like new now!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

SOrry you felt sick, but I bet it was worth it to have all that fun. We love that close up picture of your Daddi in your smilebox.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay it seems to me my mama has had a similar reakshun to drinking too mutch lawn guyland ised tee so maybe that wuz in fakt lawn guyland ised tee wot yoo wer swimming in!!! ennyway glad yoo ar feeling better ok bye

Unknown said...

I was so impressed with your swimming talents... you can't drink that water! Sea sick.. I hope you got some extra smoochies from mom!

Amber-Mae said...

Oooo the BEACH! I am sooo jelly & can't wait for our pawliday. Sorry to hear about your tummy ache but glad you're feeling a lot better now.

Solid Gold Momma

Rosie said...

oh asta i am so sorry you got sick - you looked like you really enjoed the water - try the pool next time!

Petra said...

Oh, Asta, you poor thing! I'm sorry that the water made you SICK sick SICK but at least you were better then next day. Take it easy and rest this weekend, friend!

Sir Chance-Lot said...

are you okay swwet Asta~?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...those pix you took were so bootiful!!! My pawsonal favorites were the ones of the reflections in the water! And the lovely sunrise!!! You looked pretty um well under the weather after all that L. I. Tea...yeesch...remind me not to order any of that if we go there together, kay???

Mommi and Daddi look like they're havin' so much fun on the sailboat....

Fab pix, Girlie!!!


Agatha and Archie said...

Uhmmm are you sure it was the slime/salt water that made you upchuck or could it have been one of Ms Lacies smoothies? Just a thought...This was a pretty eventfull trip!! We say,keep the leash on and run a at the run and swim in the little blue pool....PL2 says ( she says it to us all the time) you can take the dog out of the city but ya can't take the city out of the dog.....Isn't she like a Zen master?? Love A+A

Koobuss said...

Sorry to hear that you were so sick, Kousin Asta! But we're relieved to learn that you were not sick for long and are now feeling better. Looks like you had a great time at the beach, other than... well, you know.

Loved your slideshow! It was great!! Isn't summer just wonderful!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,