As you might have wead on Petey's blog, I've been in Scotland fow a few days aweady.
I came wif Lacie and some mystewy dales to awwange Wosie's "hen night"
NoNoNo,not that kind of hens, sheeesh..if you want to see whaat it was go to Petey's blog fwom a few days ago

My sweet Stanley Love wented a special caw fow ouw stay hewe .
We have been explowing the magnificent countwieside while we wait fow the Big Event.
I bwought a few outfits wif me..I hope no one minds that I combine tawtans , but I just can't wesist.................they'we all so bootiful, and not being fwom hewe, well, I don't have a special one of my own, so why not weaw them all.
We stopped in this bootiful spot to admiwe the view and have some wefweshments.(I find it a little hawd to walk in these shoes, something tells me that pawhaps Miss Westwood didn't mean fow them to be wown on gwass..they sink, hehehehehe, but sometimes you just have to suffew a bit fow the sake of booty, and it's the only way I can weach my tall StanleyLovepup)

I found a vewy special tennisball cocktail wing fow Wosie, as well as some lovely pawfoom.
Stanley and I found the loveliest plaid compootew, so they can keep posting all the stowies and pictoowes of theiw new life togethew, we also found a tennis ball clock, so they know just when it's time to play, and of couwse an automatic ball thwowew wif a ton of balls , so they nevew wun out. I'm a little wowwied that we didn't buy enuff. My Goob thinks I wowwy too much (I inhewited that fwom Mommi)
So we packed evewything up and went to join ouw fwiends. fow the wehewsal dinnew.

Wosie and Petey , I wish you love that gwows wif each passing day, and many many yeaws of happy adventoowes togethew.
smoochie kisses

You look stunning as always, Asta! We love the plain Goobmobile How perfect!
We can't wait to see pictures of Petey and Rosie's special day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Seems like you had a blast, beautiful Asta :)
Maltese paws
Asta....you and Stanley make such a beautiful couple! Mommy loves your fashion sense! We hope that you have a fabulous time!!!
Love, uSSSSS
How very lovely you look in your finery. I cant wait to see the beautiful wedding pictures..
Scotland ....you are not too far from me. Please try to drop in on the way back if you can and enjoy a cup of something and maybe cake..
If I know you are calling I will get mum to order some nice things in..
Hugs GJ xx
What a lovely stylish lady you are and standing next to the Good, you guys make the perfect couple.
We really like the argyle hose with the high heels.
Have fun enjoying our homeland.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Oh..muzzer loves the shoes. She says she understands the impulse to be as tall as Stanny, but it will lead to bunions and things if you aren't careful. :)
Yeah, this from the old lady who still wears that kind of shoe on occasion! Sheesh
I think you look lovely, and hope we get to spend a few minutes together at Petey and Rosie's wedding
You look marvelous! ANd I really like that tennis ball clock you bought for them.. It will be the best wedding thanks to you.
Don't forget tomorrow is nat'l ice cream day.. post your photo! Check out my twitter reminder.. http://twitpaint.com/gx4pgr maybe mom could design a better one.
Tennis ball clock??? And automatic ball machines????Where??I want one....Sir MissAstaALOT
Plaid becomes you, Asta!!! And you and Stanny are so so so clever and generous in the gifts you picked out -- Rosie and Petey will be delighted.
Like muzzer, our Mom is very envious of those shoes -- but if she wore them, she'd fall over in a heap.
See you in a bit!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hmm...u know Mumsie and her still lettos...just can't keep those high heels offa her...honestly, Asta...that car is just 'dorable and you and Stanley look amazing...um...the pic on ur header...you look a little thin...perhaps you need to have more than one piece of watercress at lunch??? Ur pressies for the happy couple were amazing...we haven't even shopped yet...sheescheh...I gotta do everything round here...
BTW, what is that thing on ur head? Can I play with it???
So can't wait to see ya on the dancefloor...
Buckets of love...Lac
Well that is just a FABULOUS dress..and the shoes???soooo chic...We think those are terrific presents and they wil love them..Archie has rented a set of bag pipes It is a little loud here right now..Love A+A
Asta you are so chic and stylish, who would care if you combined tartans! Glad you are having fun with your Goob love. I am sure that you bought PLENTY of pressies, they will be so happy!
Hi, Asta!
You and Stan look gorgeous!
I can't wait to see the pictures of the wedding!
Kisses and hugs
Hello again Asta,
We just found a surprise post in our bloggie (seems that our new pressies are enjoying getting access to our blog while our helper away from us)
There is a surprise for you - stop over when you get the time to see it =)
maltese paws
oh and we just forgot to add, if you liked it (your surprise) feel free to take it =)
You look great as always, Asta! Hens on a hen night might be fun, though.. Tee hee..
You look just great, Asta, the plaids are all beautiful. We just know this is going to be a fantastic wedding.
Woos, the OP Pack
you guys are a wonderful couple!
It will be a blast!
PeeEssWoo: Just WAIT until Petey sees the box of TB's!!!
Hi, Asta...
You look beautiful in your Scottish attire...But then you always look beautiful...
I know Rosie & Petey will be thrilled with their wedding gifts...
Abby xxxooo
I don't know much about plaid but I do know that you look stunning. The gifts are wonderful, you are so generous. From the looks of your header photo, you packed quite a lot, I can't wait to see more photos. I hope the climate agrees with your hair. Nothing worse than a bad hair day.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
w00fs, u and ur goober look bute ti ful, asta...it will b a pawtastic wedding..
b safe,
Asta you look fantabulous in tartans. Who cares about the clans (well apart from the Scotties?!!) and our own Vivienne Westwood shoes? Mmm yum, Mom says divine. You know she has some new doggie tags? ( VW not Mom, tho you never know) Google and you'll find them!! Loving the Goob mobile, you'll blend in just fine. And the presents ? They'll be bowled over with your genorosity. They are perfect as usual. Oh happy day!!! See you there. Mwah Mwah. Eric xxxxxx
You “do” everything with such class and style! You look so striking in your beautiful plaids – all combinations of them. Our Girl is drooling over wardrobe, your shoes, your luggage and she wonders if her Bug can be painted in the same manner. Do you know where Stanley arranged for the special Goob mobile for you? We are SO glad you are going to be able to spend some time with him. We know you’ll have a marvelous time at the wedding and ALL the gifts will be so appreciated and cherished.
Have a wonderful time.
Love and hugs,
Sissie Fergi and Bruvver Jake
Hi Asata,
fun fun fun!
We love your blog... you've been tagged!
xo sugar & martine
Heeeheeeheee! Moma doesn't know that we were able to fly over for the wedding, and even arrive in time! She's with her sissie tonight, and is totally preoccupied! We'll be able to enjoy it all and, hopefully, still make it back in time for the trip to the park! We are sooo happy to be able to see you (in your finest) and I would love to share a dance with you, just as Fergi will shyly melt in Goober's arms (I'm glad he can hold her up.)
We'd better get going. Thank dogness for laptops.!
Jake and Fergi
Sweet Astaroni Lovepup!
NOdog can pull off that tartan look like you can, girlie! And boy, am I ever glad I let you pick out my clothes for this trip. You have me stylin' almost as much as you (if that could EVER be possible).
I've really been enjoying having so many days to relax with you! Can't wait ot dance with you at the reception!
Goober love & smooches,
Stunning as always Asta. You and Stanley make the pawfect couple. Tartan really suits you too.
Can't wait to see you both at the wedding.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Look at all that plaid! You are one stylin' lady Asta!
And who wouldn't love that tennis ball thrower thingy!
Asta you always wear such beautiful clothes. Taffy had a marvellous time escorting his little Stella.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
So that's whare evrywun is! Hope yu all had a grayte time!
Ahh, Asta!
You outdid yourself at Barks & Spencer! That tennis ball machine will be pawfect next to the tennis ball chairs that Eric gave us. With the tennis ball clock on the wall - do you sense a theme here?
Glad you and Stanley stopped canoodling in the corner in time for the ceremony to begin!
Many thanks! (And thanks for occupying Lacie during the service as well - honestly! A blender in the church???)
See you at the reception!
Your pals,
Petey and Rosie
We love the kilt. Now what do they wear under that???
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Aye, 'tis Bonny Prince Stanley and Asta, Queen of Scots! Plaid certainly suits the two of you...
Have ye seen the dreaded Lock Stella Monster yet?
Sephie, Buster & Bailey
oh we are vewy happy to wead dat you liked da suwpwise beautiful Asta ^_^
Maltese Paws
Hi, Asta -
You look beautiful in your tartans and dress and Stanley looks pretty spiffy too.
We didn't know that Petey was even engaged but hope you enjoyed the wedding.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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