I have lately not posted ow visited much because Mommi wasn't well..I missed my 700th post celebwation, and mowe tewwible

my Second annivewsawy wif my twoo Love Stanley.

Mommi discovewed yestewday that wif a vewy few exceptions, all my post pictoowes awe gone..she twied evewything, and talked to Tech suppowt, and thewe is no way to get them back.
I'm beyond sad..
Two yeaws of adventoowes and pawties and memowies GONE!
I have met the most wondewful fwiends thwough blogging, bof viwtooally and in pawson..I thank all of you fow youw fwiendship and Love
I just can't go on , I am quitting.
I love you and will miss each and evewy one of you.
Pleez take cawe and continoo to have fun and stay healthy!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Sweet sweet Asta and mommy....Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee....don'tleave us alone without you!!!
All togheter could have lots of adventures again and another 700 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't allow that event to
knock down you!!!!!!!!!!
We need youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll be very very very very sad without you!!!!!
We met you only few month ago...we don't want lose you!!!!!!!!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......think back!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to read about you again!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!
Hi, Asta...
I am very sad to read this...
You are the sweetest & bestest friend to all of us...
We love you & your Mom sooo much...
We hope you will change your mind...
But if you can't...Please know we love you & will miss you sooo much...
Much Love,
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxooooo
Woo khan't!
Woo helped Laska khome home...and shared the news!
Asta, we hope you will reconsider. We will miss you tons and tons!
Beckett & his girl
The tears are beginning to fall! We'll come back later, Asta!
Please don't leave!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Tech support probably did this already, but on the off chance they didn't... My mom says she was surprised to find all my pictures from my bloggie saved to Picasa Web. Maybe yours are there? If you have Gmail, click on the Photos link up near the top left corner and maybe there will be an album there called Asta's World or Blogger pictures?
Please don't leave us, Asta!
Oh Asta, You are just being silly. You may have lost all your earlier posts, but is that any reason to deny yourself the fun of making more? If you really truly do not want to blog anymore, then you should stop; but I suspect you and your mommi love it too much. It's a really rotten thing to lose all that stuff, but you just have to get back on that horse. What would you do without all the great pups and people you've met? Even though you're pictures are gone, you still have all your friends and that's what's really important, isn't it?
BTW, your posts are all there. I just went and looked at your very very first one.
Asta..this is NOT acceptable...we hafta find those pics...
Your friend if I have to fly there on the next plane....
OHHHHH!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
You can't quit, Asta (and Asta's Mom!) You must reconsider! Maybe after you've had a chance to cry out your emotions about your loss and your mom has a chance to make her neck heal, you will both feel better and return! You offer too much to the blogging world! We laugh everytime we come here and our world needs a bit more laughter!
Plus, you are the most sophisticated bloggers we know (you've got that cool New York vibe!) We admire your class and creativity. (And we can drop your name and say, "Well, our friend Asta in New York says..." to impress our flannel-shirt-wearing friends here in the Pacific Northwest.)
Please, please, please say you'll think about it!
Your bunny-blogging pals,
Freckles and Deb
Dearest Asta, this terrible news is quite a shock - please reconsider......
My J and I went missing for a while, so did my blog, but we missed everyone so much, we came back.
We echo Abby's remarks in her comment on here.
please reconsider........... ;0(
lotsalicks, Marvin
ps from my Jeannie
Dear Asta and Mum,
I hope you reconsider, I have been in a similar situation with the blogging, sometimes, what with all the techy probs with blogger, it gets too much, but I would be very sad to see you disappear from the blogosphere.
I have often considered "resigning" just lately due to various outside reasons, but decided a few days ago, just to blog now and again, I could not bear to lose all my contacts, and the fun blogging gives me.
Don't get too pressurised with the loss of your pics etc, it is prob just a techy hitch and they will re appear anothr day.
My thoughts are with you.
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please don't stop .... just take a little break maybe - just a few days to think about things and let your Mom's neck heal! It would be such a shame to stop blogging!
We really hope you reconsider!
Paws crossed ...
Clive and the little man's mum
Please don't stop .... just take a little break maybe - just a few days to think about things and let your Mom's neck heal! It would be such a shame to stop blogging!
We really hope you reconsider!
Paws crossed ...
Clive and the little man's mum
Oh, no! We can imagine how you feel, since we went through losing everything on our computer last November. Jan's brother, bless his painstaking heart, managed to save everything. So we have some concept of how you feel. But you've worked so hard on fancy photos for your posts. It must be heartbreaking for you.
Beckett has a good suggestion. If your photos are saved to blogger, they are in Picasa. That's where blogger saves them by default.
We hope -- really hope -- you won't stop blogging. You are part of the community and of CCSI. But if you have to go, we'll miss you like crazy.
JFF - Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Merci, Buddy, Rusty & Sam (and Jan)
Hi Asta and Mommi,
We are really sad to read this post! We hope you will think a little bit more about this. When we stopped blogging we missed it and our friends SO much!
We hope you won't go. But please know that we are here for you any time you need us!
Asta - this is a shock! I know I don't leave a lot of comments, but I've come to know all about you and would miss you just terribly. I'm very sad about your ma's painful neck - that is terrible (your solutions are tres cuute!), but take a little vacay and then return in a bit. I know those pictures can be found, but new pictures are lots of fun too? Will you think about it a bit more? I think we need you very much and I'm not alone, very obviously! 700 posts! Wow! You can't leave!!!! I'm going to pretend that you're not!
Tons of hugs and Love xo
Asta, sweet Asta --
We all need you. You're the one with the hugest heart who helps keep us all together.
Think this over carefully -- if your mommi isn't feeling well, this may not be the right time to make such an enormous decision. We know there's lots going on -- so give things a chance to sort themselves out.
And check out Picasa.
Tons of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Asta, we are so sad to hear this news. We hope something can make it all better. This has been such a painful time for you and Mom. Think about it some more - we all hope you will stay.
woos, the OP Pack and Mom
Now...get yorself together...We have PL1 working on this and maybe he can figure something out.......If you didn't blog..THEN WHAT WOULD ALL OF US DO???????The thought of it is too much....he has just fainted.....Love A+A
The Picasa suggestion is true -- we just logged in with our blogger account - and more than a thousand of our photos are there.
Who knew???
xxxxxx Jake and JH
No No Asta, first my Crystal now you who give me a lot of fun and love; now you're saying you quit?
Just like that?
Please Asta, please tell me this is just a belated April Fool Day joke, please please.
I'm begging you, please reconsider, just take a break then come back, sweety Asta.
Asta, I think my little heart is breaking. I know yours and Mommi's must be too to have come to this decision.I'm so very sad and sorry to hear about Mommi's neck.(Pilates classes are a great help for that that type of thing tell Mommi) And all your photos WILL be in a Picasa web album (doh what are those techy people like not to tell you that) I know cos Mom often deletes some from the albums that we had uploaded and not used. And I was wagging pleased to see Sophie's comment that your first post is there sweet Asta. All is not lost. But you do what's best for you and Mommi. Love you lots.
Hugs and love and kissies, Eric xxxxxxxxx
No ASTA!!! NO!!! NO!! We're stomping our little Scottie feet as tears are streaming down our faces.
You and Mommi must reconsider - once she starts feeling better please come back. We'll miss you so much.
Love and Hugs,
Rocky Creek Scotties, Java and Lynn
Dear Asta and Mommi...please reconsider. You are the dog we all want to be. You are cool, you are beautiful, you are sophisticated. Still, you are not afraid to cry with us and share your wonderful heart.
I am Bereft.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Please NO! Take some time off . . . dust yourself off after awhile . . . then please come back . . . don't let this be it, please. Even though I am retiring soon I was planning on keeping in touch with you. I cannot think of not visiting you or seeing your many posting of your social life in NYC.
Maybe you and your mom just need a break.
Now that I have said all of that I now will say that you are my sissie and I support whatever decision that is. I love you bunches and please maybe we can keep in touch with the email.
What about Myrna and Gilbert? Not only will we miss you to bits, Asta, but we'll never see Myrna's wheelie pups grow up! You need to reconsider!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Asta and Mommi,
Oh dear, you must be having a very rough time of it. It made me so sad to read the mommi's neck hurts so bad that she cannot even paint. Her heart must be breaking.
I know that you will take good care of your mommi (and daddi too) and help them to do what is best for them.
We know you are there even if you are not blogging every day. If you need to take a bloggy vacation, do try to drop a note to The Bone Zone now and then to let us know you are OK (and how your mommi is doing).
I hope that the Lacie Beast doesn't get totally looney. I think it was only your friendship that helped her be at last partially sane.
Sissie!!!!!! Through the tears moth went back to your first archive thingies and the posts and photos were there!!!!!!!
Please just take some time off and reconsider not quitting the blogging. I cannot think of the blogging world without you.
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay oh no i am verry sorry to heer this!!! ware wil i go for my fiks of hi fashun and big appel sofistikayshun??? pleez dont go away forever!!! wen yoo come bak we wil all be wayting for yoo ok bye
Do us dog bloggers actually and really stop? I beg you to reconsider, though I do not know you all too well, it is with a heavy heart to have to say goodbye to a pup that is such an inspiration to DWB and has so many friends.
Now Asta, in the wise words of Cher..."Snap outta it!" You made no mention of this last night when Mommy and I were over - in fact, we were telling Aunt Karen and her sister Ro what amazing things these silly blogs are! Who cares if your photos are missing? It's what's ahead that counts (and you have all the originals on your hard drive, right?) You're not even 3 years old - there's plenty of time to take a squillion more photos. Blogger's a goofy thing - anothr day and your photos will pop back up. And if they don't, big deal!
It's not a single day - like your 700th post or your anniversary with Stanley (he didn't remember it either and he's not pulling the plug) - that matters. It's the whole big experience that counts.
Now go eat some ice cream with Mommi and think about your next adventure - I believe there's a baby christening to plan???
Your tough-love pal,
w000fs asta, me iz sad beyond words...pleaseeee dont leave us...ur mama iz just upset rite now...and we all understand it iffin u dont visit sumtimes...i not no what to say, me is to sad...
b safe and loves u all,
~rocky and mama~
w00fs, me again, me has had trouble wiff blogger today and A and A said they have too..mite b a blogger thing for now and all will b well in a bit...me hopes sooo...
b safe,
Asta...I'm back...Lacie...remember me???
Now Asta...this just stinks beyond barks...but well...
Jackson may be our official foxy terrier leader...
but you Sweet Girl are the Heart of the Blog...
You know that don't ya?
So...I'm begging you to reconsider....actually, the Lacie doesn't beg...I'm demandin' it....
Do I hafta make a trippie to Gooberstan and bring that big Lug to New Yourrrrk again to talk some sense into ya???
Asta...we love you...and we can't exist without you...
If you quit, then I'm not gonna blog anymore either...
Like dc al fine...
I love you...
Your best friend Laciegirlie
OMD...they're setting fireworks off and I'm starting to freak....gotta go hide on Mumsie's lapppieee...
This is too sad. Maybe when your mommi feels better and life settles a bit, you'll be back.
We can only hope, and wait patiently.
In the mean time our thoughts and best miracle whippet wishes are with you both!
wags of encouragement from the whippets
Asta...I'm barkless...just barkless. I don't know what to bark. Sniff.Sniff.Sniff. What will we do without you...what will I do with out you? Please think about it...just take a break for a little bit. OK? I'm seconding Petey on this. I love you and your Mommi so much...DWB needs you!!!
If I send my Mom to visit you, would you reconsider???
Lots of Loving Licks...Ruby
Pee Ess. The servants BOTH forgot their 26th anniversary on June 18th!!! Both of them. But that doesn't mean they love each other any less (or more importantly, us).
And a really fancy blog by a lit agent with >1000 followers went missing for a couple of weeks! She just started a new blog, and then eventually the old one showed back up.
T. W.s
Your mom's decision is sad, but understandable -- how disheartening to lose all her creative work! Yet, art is ephemeral. And she and you have given us so much already, it's not fair to ask for more. So we hope that, if she won't reconsider continuing Asta's World, we'll continue to get to know her via FB.
best regards,
Anne & Charlie
Say it isn't so! You are one of our lights in this dark tunnel of life. The crazy old bat is always losing things. Downloading them in another universe or just being the putz that is normal for her. Pictures are just pictures. Memories in the heart are there forever. Get Mommi to feeling better and blog when you are able. Though we have never actually met we consider you, mommi and daddi as great friends. Please do not give up, just scale back. We are here for you whenever and if ever you need us.
Ok listen. We are normally deprived and starved for treatables, but we are willing to bargain with you. We will offer you ANY amount of treatables for you to stay blogging!!!! Seriously, how many will it take?? We'll mortgage our treat jar if we have to!!!!!!!! Just say it ain't so!
Oh no, Asta, we will miss you for sure ! But hope your mommy is doing fine. We hope that you will be back blogging though :)
NO! Please reconsider. We just got to know you. Maybe take a bit of time to relax and rethink. We will miss you. Maybre a break and vacation from your blog will be good.
Sad wags
Ernie & sasha
No no no no no no no no no no no!
What we all are going to do without you, and your mommy and your daddy??
I understand your Mommy is not feeling well. Maybe she needs some time to heal her neck.
Take a little break and when she feels better come back!
I agree... DWB needs you!
Please take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh no.. you can't do this to us. Take some great rest and come back real soon. I'm also not feeling the best of health here too but i still can manage. I hope you will too.
Kousin Asta!! Oh, no!!
I think that you and your Mommi do need some time off because you have been going strong. Take a break for a while. Then make your decision whether to end the blog or not.
Good luck, Ami!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Please don't leave us Asta, and Ami - just take a break for awhile, if you need to.
We may as well just pull the whole DWB site down if you go - there will be no point, you are both such a big part of DWB.
We love you.
Charlie, Opy, Greg and Brooke
We think maybe you just need a break. That can be helpful. Get mommi feeling better and don't worry so much about posting and visiting as much as you used to. Cut down, cut back we all know it does not mean you like us less. If you go away forever to many of us will miss you. It is unacceptable.
Je prends ça comme une punition. Pourquoi tu nous fais ça ?
Tu vas me manquer...
Darling Asta & Ami, please don't go.
I who, has struggled with blogging, left twice & deleted her blogs, know how hard it is to continue sometimes, but the regret & loss I felt when I excluded myself from my friends was far worse.
Please, please reconsider - take a holiday but don't leave us for ever, because the world will be a much sadder place if you do.
And, re all those wonderful lost images, - surely they are still held safely in youe Picasa Web Album???
Lots of love, pats & pets
Blue, with tears in her eyes!
Now why am I suddenly Anonymous!
I do sometimes - frequently dispair with Blogger!
Love you
My dear Miss Asta,
This is terribe news - do please reconsider.
Asta. Our hearts are breaking. We just read your post and are at a complete loss for words. We are very very sad. We'll write more when we are back at a computer. Tapping it out on Moma's cellphone makes it even harder to put into words how much of a loss we are feeling.
We love you,
Jake and Fergi
Asta - What the HELLo are you talking about??? I don't feel good. Stop it. Tell your mom to just let you pop by to say hi every now and again. get your dad to help or something.. - till things settle down a little bit. K?
your pal, Morgan
My dearest Asta and Mum,
I am very sad to hear this news - you were the first bloggers to make us feel welcome when we joined - and we couldn't imagine a blog world without you. Please reconsider this decision - we do not like losing our friends - and so take a break, and come back please? Do not worry about the photos - they are all still stored in our hearts even if it isn't in your 'puter.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hello Asta
Firstly we are both very sorry to hear about your mommi's neck problems, and hope that the pain eases off and that she can get back doing the things she loves and enjoys.
Secondly we echo what everyone says about Picasa, although for some strange reason not all my pix are stored on there. But yes, just get into it from gmail.
Thirdly it doesnt matter whether you post every day or visit all your friends every post - especially when you have so many. I have to say that, because as you know, Misery is so lazy. Far better to just post occasionally when you feel like it rather than feel pressured to keep up to too frequent comments and posts. From our point of view we will very much miss pictures not just of sweet Asta, but of your pretty mommi, your dad, your friends and family, trips around New York and everything in your life that you have so generously shared - including the gween soup!! If you want to pull back from the blogging for a bit, maybe you can just post a few things to Facebook?
Hope to see you around later and paws crossed for your mommi.
Katherine and Pippa
Hi Asta
We clicked on to your blog this morning thinking you were off on holiday.
We immediately smiled at your header for the 4th of July and thought only Asta would have thought of that.
Take a holiday and then have a rethink.
Right now you are disappointed with having lost all your posts - we completely understand that - so much work has gone into it.
No computer can take away the memories of all those happy times. You have made us laugh, cry and smile along the way sharing those times with you. That is not gone.
It is strange how we don't know you and yet our lives touch one another.
We are about to take a summer break ourselves - we will miss you.
Please stay in touch - our email is on our blog if you do decide not to return.
It is your decision but we would hate to lose contact with you.
All our love
Martha, Bailey & Mum xxxx
Okay, so we slept on it! Have you reconsidered, Aata and Ami? We are prayin' so very hard!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Asta! Is there anyway we could make you reconsidered? This is just terrible. Maybe your mommi just needs a break? We can't imagine DWB without our Asta.
Asta - oh no! A serious old chap like me needs someone to brighten his day. I just adore your sweet, beautiful, touching and witty blog and I would so so miss it if you stopped.
We all need a break every once in a while, and your Mommi definitely needs to get her neck better, but please tell me you'll be back!
Cheers! H.
Asta - oh no! A serious old chap like me needs someone to brighten his day. I just adore your sweet, beautiful, touching and witty blog and I would so so miss it if you stopped.
We all need a break every once in a while, and your Mommi definitely needs to get her neck better, but please tell me you'll be back!
Cheers! H.
Oh, Asta, You CANNOT stop! Please Please tell your mamma that things might seem terrible, but it is really not as bad as all that!!!! We all, especially me, look forward to your posts, and more, we all remember so fondly and vividly the great times we had with you - all of those photos are as fresh in our memories as they were the day they were posted and you MUST REMEMBER that no glitch in the aether can destroy those, EVER! Please don't forget that, though we might no longer be able to see things, it does not make them disappear completely! As long as you stay, we will all make new memories together and remind each other of the old ones that will never ever die! Always remember, Asta, that EVERYTHING that has ever been posted on these blogs has come from someone's heart, wit and intellect, and there is an infinite supply of all of it - please don't leave, for you and your bloggie have been such a source of joy for so many of us!
Lovey (for Charlie's DogBlog)
Oh Asta, say it isn't so! I am very, very sad to read this news. Maybe you just need to take a little break? I am hoping that you will change your mind, because I would miss you terribly. But if we cannot change your mind, I want to make sure you know how much I have enjoyed getting to know you and reading about all of your wacky and fun adventures.
Oh no sweet Asta! We are going to miss you SO MUCH! We also hate that your mum's neck is hurting. We hope if she gets better you will come back to blogging. Pretty please?
Asta, we are sobbing at the thought of never seeing you again. We loves you and we loves reading about your life. We knows we don't visit as often as we should. (Sob) We didn't even know about your Mommy's poor neck. We hopes it gets to feeling better soon. Neck braces are no fun, our Mommy has one and she hated it. Please take good care of her for us and we will be thinking about you. ~Your friends, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
We dont understand Asta...are you quitting your blog? Please dont do that. Sometimes D doesn't feel like helping us visit everyone and it almost becomes a chore so we take a little break. That's ok, everyone feels like having a break once in a while. It's allowed. Anyway, what we really mean to say is please dont disappear on us.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy & D x
Hi Asta,
this is terrierble news.. quite simply you can't quit! there's no quitting in the DWB world. listen to noah..just take a break for awhile. we'll all still be here:)
kisses, tula
Asta, Ami & George, you simply can't leave uSSSSS!!! Mommy says that she found all your photos and posts. AHHHHH.....PLEASE....WE ARE DOWN ON OUR KITTIE KNEES HERE!!! That's a lots of kneeSSSSS!!!
Oh Asta & Mommi - how are we going to see your beautiful fuzzy (Asta) face & your beautiful Mommi's smooth face????????????????
We are sad...My mom/secretary used to help me post a lot more- & visit my friends a lot more...she hurted her shoulder & it was hard to type...still is...so we aren't as active as we once were...but we still get around to checking out bloggies from time to time & even get a post up on my Favorite RANDAY!
I will love & respect & admire a NYC Diva such as yourself no matter what you decide....
But I will miss you MORE THAT YOU CAN EVER KNOW!!!!!!
Here I made my mom/secretary translate something for your Mommi:
Talán itt lehet post hetente egyszer? Vagy hogy is a bejelentő nagy körülbelül New York Város időről időre... Vagy csak megteszi a nyári le... Mi szeret BRRR !!!
She dont' know if it is right..but...
Nem is szép pityókos arcát. Mi lesz itt kisasszony szörnyen. Kérem felülvizsgálják. Mi szeret BRRR !!!
Ok...& how is my mom going to get Hungarian cooking secrets????
Ok...Ok....OK! WE LOVE YOU ASTA & MOMMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love & Licks, FUREVER & EvER!!!!
Randi & her Mom/Secretary
w00fs, me comed back to c iffin u changed ur mind...me iz still soo sad..me thought me leaked enuff last week...
b safe,
Dear Asta,
after carefully reading you proposition of ending your blog we have to inform you that we do not accept.
Sassy found your old archived pictures and all pictures will be on Picasa anyways.
We understand that your Mom doesn't feel good at the moment, so if you want to take a short VACATION to tend to her better we might consider allowing that.
Otherwise: get your pretty butt back to posting!!!
Yours sincerely
Karl from The Cat Realm
Asta- you can't leave us! you were one of our first friends here! you've been through everything with us! please don't go!
Dear Asta and Mommie!
Please don't quit this blog for good! Just take a little break/ holiday/ vacation and then come back to us, well rested and with new energy! I enjoy your posts soooo much and you are such an exemplary furry blogger! Oscar
Pweeze don't go furiend! All of your furiends will miss you too too much!!! Pweeze reconsider leaving!
XOXO and (((HUGS)))
Oh no Asta! We understand exactly how you feel ~ my whole blog disappeared one day and Blogger never got it back for me and two years of posts were poof gone just like that. It took a squillion months for Mom to feel like helping me start another blot and I do not post very often but I just could not stay away completely. I just decided to start with new memories and I am happy with it.
Zeke and Sushi and Ruckus and I really hope you will change your mind and stay with us!
{{{{HUGS}}}}, prrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags
OK, we woke up this morning thinking it was all a bad dream -- and so did all your friends!!!
What greater proof of how all of us feel than the tsunami of love pouring into your blog!!!!
xxxx Jake and Just Harry and Mom and Dogdad
oh Asta and MsAmi and MrGeorge - please please please don't leave. We knows that we doesn't comment much (on anyone's bloggie that much anymore - thanks to our The Mom) but we love love love you and all of your 'venchurs. Maybe it's time for new ones?
We are crying our little kitty eyes out right now - we just cannot lose another furriend.
Oh noes :( We is sad to heer dis. Our eyes are leakin. We hopes yoo's gonna rekonsider and stay efun if yoo can't blogs alla time.
We luvs yoo.Purrrrrrrs, alla us Hotties
Ciao bella Asta!
No, no, no! This can't be! Asta, la mia ragazza and I just can't imagine the bloggiverse without you. Please reconsider, ok? Take a break until your mama feels better, but please don't say goodbye forever. I would miss you horribly and terribly and incredibly!!!
Ti amo, la mia dolce amica -- we all do!!!
Tanti baci e abbracci!!!
Oh Asta, if you need a break please take one but do not consider completely quitting! Blog when and if you can--though having lost our first blog and being frustrated we understand the temptation to give up. We will look for you should you decide to change your mind
Dear Asta,
we know that you are a good friend of Siena's Sister-in-Floof Momo so we thought we would drop you a line. We're on a blogcation at the moment and it's something so rejuvenating. Maybe you could consider it for yourself too. We see that so many woofies, kitties and people love you so much and they understand that you need a break. But it seems to us that they won't let you go so easily. ; )
We hope your mommies neck heals quickly. A time-out from the computer would surely benefit her. We hope you find back your strength!
Lots of love and noselicks, Siena & Chilli
We don't know you Asta, but all the cat blogosphere adores you muchly and just looking at page one of your blog, we can see why!
Let your mewmie get better, leave your blog up and we will all be purring for her to feel better and get back to blogging soon.
Maybe just once a week or once a month...but don't go away furrever. That would be even sadder than losing all your nice piktures.
Our mewmie did that once, not too long ago, deleted a whole folder by accident, but she didn't know who to call to fix it...maybe they are still on the computer somewhere, but she just sighed and moved on, one paw at a time, like she has done since our daddymew died...
We know that very sad things happen and that it is never a good time for sad things, either. But sometimes during the most sad of times we need our furendz the most.
It would be such a shame if your sadness took you away from this bloggy world when it is so evident that you are dearly l♥ved by so many.
We came by because you are a friend of many of our friends - and we also want to say that we hope you will reconsider this. Consider taking a blocation instead! Our mom took one just last week because she felt overwhelmed, and she felt much better.
P.S. our mom also says that she LOVES your mom's paintings! What a wonderful style!
NOOOOOO, please Asta, don't leave! Take a rest, a little time off sometimes help. We can't imagine da blogging world wifout yoo...oh, we is leaking hard now...don't go Asta, we love you.
I won't try to talk you out of leaving again, I will support what you decide (but really think you just need a vacation). Anyway stopped by to wish you, your mommie, and daddie a Happy Fourth of July. Take it easy.
I hope you will reconsider this decision, Asta. I will miss you. Even thou I dun leave comments much but I always drop by to visit and catch up with your adventure. I hope that you will come back again after taking a short break.
Please say this is just a bad dream and I'll wake and you'll be here
Please don't go, at least not forever. My Mommy took a 3 month break when our computer died a few years ago and we missed everybody so much. Please just take a break but come back!!My Mommy is crying now and we would be broken harded if you left forever.
You were one of my first friends ya know.
Loveand {{{huggies}}}...Mona
Asta, this is the worst news ever! If you don't reconsider I am going to have to mail you a box of poop. REALLY STINKY poop! Please come back.
Please don't leave the Blogosphere. We just found your blog and really like it. Please reconsider!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Asta, we have never commented here before, but we have stopped by from time to time, and we have seen you around the blogosphere. We've always loved what we've seen and read. We hope that as so very many others have suggested, you take a vacation, maybe the whole summer off, and then come back. As you can see, you have a great deal of fans who would miss you terribly.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
We are sorry that you have lost all of your posts,but if you open up Google you will find all of your pictures saved for you there. We have a gmail acct and when we look in pictures there are all of our post pictures. Momma also makes sure that blogger send a copy of our posts to her gmail for double safe keeping.
We hopes your Mom feels better and can let you continue to blog...
Abby the Manx
Oh Asta, oh no how sad! You can't leave, you just can't. Faline says you be the only dog she even like!
I sad you mlost all your piccures, but you has not lost the memories. I can still see them in your archives. I hopes your Mom feel better soon. It very had when Mum's feel not well and sad. I hopes you get back to posting soon.
~lickies, Ludo
Dearest Asta! You can not leave us...EVER! You are simply indispensible...you can not go anywhere!!! Lots of reasons why..you are cute...you talk cool...we love your mommy...you got style babe!...you got friends...you are a New Yorker....they NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!
You have to organize my Girls Night Out in New York for my wedding!
Plus Picassa will have your photos archived!
I better go to bed now b4 I faint!
Love Miss Peach
Mommy and I are so happy that we are just now reading this post and know that you are not leaving the blogpsphere! whooooo..... that was a close call!!!
I heard through the bonevine that you were closing the blog. But now I see you are here and everything is ok.
That makes me soo happy that my wail is spinning. YAY!
i ruv you. please don't go.
Love Autumn
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