a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, July 19, 2009

National Ice Cweam Day

I'm still in Scotland enjoying the festivities at Wosie and Petey's magical wedding, but I thought I would wemind evewyone that today is National Ice cweam day.

A day dedicated to ice cweam, How Cool is that?

I've been eating ice cweam ow gelato fow as long as I can wemembew. The fiwst official ice cweam photo of me was when I was 10 momfs old. It was instant love.
I was lucky enuff to twy some Gelato in Wome..

evewyday of ouw twip a yeaw and a half ago, I got to have one

back in New Yowk City I continood the twadition , although sadly not as often

miammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm as Faya and Dyos would say

I'll even dance fow it
Even off a spoon it's good

and in the company of my twoo love it's the best

I hope all of you get to twy this fwosty tweat and awe having a wondewful day
smoochie kisses


Daisy said...

Asta, I remember how you got to eat gelato in Rome! What a lucky girl you are!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Yep...Ice Cream is the best...

Abby xxxooo

Stanislaw said...

Oh my feasting. Ice cream is my FAVORITE! I am so jealous! Do you order yours with chicken sprinkles??

Dexter said...

ICE CREAM DAY! Hmmm... somebody seems to have missed that around here. You just have some extra for me.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You sure like your ice cream.. I hope you are having a super time at the wedding..

Hugs GJ xx

The WriggleButts said...

Oohh.. Ice cream§!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Just watching you makes us want to send Mom out for ice cream!!

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream"

We especially like the first photo.

Have a wonderful Ice Cream Day.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Ziggy Stardust said...

Oh yummy, alas I have been promised some but so far have not seen it. I keep hoping. You like nice in all of your pictures.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Lorenza said...

Happy Ice Cream Day, Asta!
Kisses and hugs

Hamish Westie said...

You are so lucky Asta. Gail likes ice-cream so much that she almost NEVER lets me have any, not even a single lick! SO mean.
Cheers, H.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, you are so lucky, Asta!!! I only get ice-cream as a special treat sometimes, when we go to the beach in summer and my humans take me to the ice-cream shop by the beach...but I've never had in Gelato in Rome...WOW!

Honey the Great Dane

Unknown said...

Sorry - forgot to ask - am really curious, Asta - how did you go to Rome? Were you allowed to just go and have a holiday there? I thought doggies going from America to Europe would have to do horrible quarantine? And did you fly in an airplane??

Honey the Great Dane

Duke said...

We are drooling watching you enjoy your yummy ice cream and gelato, Asta!
Keep enjoying the Scotland festivities! It was a VERY magical wedding!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowy and Crystal said...

yum yum yum!! ice-cweam wooks soooooooo yummy...we gotta ask ouw uncle to take us fow an ice-cweam tweat ^_^

Maltese paws

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a great day!!!!!
And you look sooooooooooo happy eating your super special ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love Gelato too!!!!
We asked to mommy to have our Ice cream day tomorrow!!!!
What A Adorable photo of you in the header!!!!!!!!!!
Sure you're a very very very very gorgeous girl!!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Sweet kisses and licks

Joe Stains said...

I need to go and DEMAND some ice cream! This is crazy, its national ice cream day for dog's sake!!

the many Bs said...

we don't think there is a dog alive that doesn't like ice cream. or a human either!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We remembered how you enjoyed the gelato. Mama actually gave me (Hershey) a little of Papa's homemade ice cream. I guess I'll have to beg for more.

Love -


Hi, Asta -

We hope you enjoyed the wedding.

Love -


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hi, Asta, we are new here. Nice to meet you. Those are great photos of you eating your ice cream!!

Monty Dog here loves ice cream!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, Asta, we got our ice cream. Thunder gulped his down in no time but Phantom ate his like a gentleman.

It's easy to see you love ice cream too.

Woos, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

You know how to celebrate. Ice cream from around the world?? And those fancy dishes.. gelato from rome? Wowwee. And I love your t-shirt badge... Phantom will definitely love it.

Kess And Her Mama said...

Ice cream on a summer day (actually on any day) is great!

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh MY DAWGSSSS.it looks even better then Italian Ices.....

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Oh my,those ice-creams look SOOOOO yummylicious! I wish I could have tasted so many ice-creams too! *wink* Will try to get Mom to start sharing her ice-cream...heh!


Gus said...

Must run to freezer for ice cream to celebrate this special day.


TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh what a wonderful weekend! We so enjoyed spending time with you at Rosie and Petey's absolutely incredible wedding. You've helped us expand our world in ways we never might have imagined. And we love it!

And how did we top it off? Just like you! Enjoying ICE CREAM! Now that we've seen all the possibilites, we'll be hoping Moma takes us to NYC AND to Rome for gelato and superdelicious fun!

Sissie Fergi and Bruvver jake

Kirby said...

WOW a special day just for ice cream, this is just too cool! I just love that cool yummy stuff, now I've got to go hunt down Mom or Dad and get me some ice cream! Thanks for sharing this and all the great pics of you enjoying ice cream!

Your pal,

Golden Samantha said...

Love the Rome gelato pix - how lucky were you to get to Italy?!
Hugs xo

Koobuss said...

Oh kousin Asta!! National Ice Cream Day has to be the best day of the year!! I just love ice cream!!! Unfortunately, I didn't know about this special day until now. Wow!! What have I been missing??? At least there is still a little time left in today for me to have some and celebrate National Ice Cream Day in the proper manner. Such a wonderful occasion needs a special observance on my part.

Thanks for letting us know about this important event. I'm going to go celebrate now with an ice cream while I still have time.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Liffey said...

I only read your blog today- the 20th. Is it too late to celebrate icecream day?
Hope not
Liffeys licks to you

Noah the Airedale said...

Clearly the Leuradales are missing out. We've tried ice-cream once.....yes once. Isn't that the biggest injustice you've ever heard of!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Inky and Molly said...

Oh you are a lucky girl. We certainly have never had ice cream let alone eaten anything off a plate on the table or off the spoon even... We are going to complain to the pinkie RIGHT NOW...

tula monstah said...

Who LUVS ice cream more--you or Maggie & Mitch! it's a toss up! you eat it with such grace & style.. in a dish, off a spoon, from a cone.(kinduv like a dr. seuss rhyme) Ice Cream rules!

toodles, tula

Clive said...

Wonderful ice-cream photos!!

lots of woofs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Mmmmm ice cream!

Simba and Jazzi xx

Thoughts said...

Hi asta,

Oh my we LOVES ice cream, but we have never had or heard of gelato. What is it? we actually know our friend Wimsey is quite fond of it as well... perhaps we will have to sway Mom and Dad to get some for us although Benson is on a very strict diet with his illnesses.

Mom loved all the pictures of you devouring your tasty treats, she says you are too cute for words!

Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson

Deefor said...

This is so UNFAIR! I want to start an ice cream union for doggies and protest!

I am drooling on my computer! You get all that ice cream stuff all over the world. And you eat it with such style. All I get is licks after the humans eat most all of it.

The Furry Kids said...

I was not aware of this ice cream day thing. You sure are lucky, Asta!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

MMM ice cream

how wonderful

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh ya yummy stuff on a warm day..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said...

Deeelish! That's you. The ice cream looks lovely too!!happy ice cream days.

Wiry loves and kisses, Eric xxxx

BRUTUS said...


You have quite an amazing blog, and seem to be an amazing dog to boot! How lucky that you have been able to travel and see so many cool places. Thanks for visiting my blog - thought I'd come over and sniff around on yours to return the favor! Enjoy Scotland!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Charlie said...

ooooh... I'd dance for ice cream too!! So far I get to lick the ice cream dishes but that's all...
- Charlie

Boo Casanova said...

hey asta, i always eat ice cream off the spoon coz mom said it'll dirty my muzzle/moustache. whatever it means. :D

wet wet licks


Sir Woodstock said...

Good Morning Miss Asta!

I personally have yet to try ice-cream but you make it sound a delight.
So glad you are having a great time @ the wedding, Mother & I do so enjoy hearing of your exciting live.

Love & Hugs
Woodstock [& Blue]

bea's blog said...

Wow, you get many comments ♥♣♥
But your blog is indeed lovely.
Will be back!
I think that icecream is great, but I hardly get some! Poor me!
You can also visit my new installed blog at
www.gizdog.blogspot.com! Welcome!!
European Greetings
♥♣♥ Gizmo

Snowy and Crystal said...

Yup .. we had a vewy yummy ice-cweam tweat @ Baskin Robins shop with our uncle =D

too bad that mommy's big bro is not as cwazy about taking pictuwes as ouw mommy (no pic to send to mommy so that she can shawe in our bloggie), but he suwe is so much fun to be awound with :)

we did notice da drawing that you added in your bloggie's side bar...made us so happy bcoz it told us that you wiked mommy's dwawing , beautiful Asta

Maltese Paws

The Cat Realm said...

The maid screamed: "I knew it!" - Of course she didn't. But fact is she ate about 2 gallons of ice cream the last two days. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And now she has the perfect excuse for it. After the fact!
We were allowed to lick the (many) bowls....

Tee said...

Wow Asta!

You're real lucky to have all that gelato to savour!

Licks and wags,

Tuffy and the Dog Woods pack

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

YUMMY IN YOUR TUMMY!!! What cute pictures!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We didn't get any ice cream that day...I had the dead bird instead....miam miam...Lacie went over and sniffed it, but she turned her lippie up and walked away...dunno why...maybe if I had put it in a cone???

I seem to have a lot of excess Scruffy flatus this morning...perhaps I may need a few charcoal biscuits...the black and tan club won't play with me....


Love you sweet Sissy,

Your Brother Scruffy

Toffee said...

We scream for ICE CREAM!!!

I think that I need to trick mom into buying us some ice cream buy telling her that it is ice cream WEEK!...or maybe month...

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Dear Asta, thank you for your truly grashus understanding of our stoopidty on the breeds mix up with Stan and stuff! And also, we have publisht a correcshons story on the front page to set the record strate and about how it is mainly LuLu's fault due to the meds and stuff but anyway probably now the main thing we are upset about is missing National Ice Cream Day! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

Moco said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy. We love the picture of Jake and Just Harry.

Amber-Mae said...

OMD! Now I crave for i scream!!!!

Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!

"Famous" Solid Gold Actress

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Asta,

Glad you liked the pics. Mommy gots 2 more posts to do about the show. I haven't heard yet if the adoptions have gone through but I bet they will.

You and Stanley look so cute together. When are you guys gonna get married?

I was robbed. No ice for me...boohoo!!


Teddy said...

What a wonderful tribute to your ice cream tasting days. I hope you have many more in the future.


Life With Dogs said...

Our humans did not observe this day, and we are not happy about it! :(
Glad you enjoyed it enough for both of us!

Unknown said...

Oh c'mon Asta, don't go getting your fur all roughed up and blaming this one on me! I certainly don't remember Lacie shrieking in the cathedral in Salzburg to "see if it echoed," much less insisting on plugging in a blender during the ceremony and then purposely trying to trip the bride with the cord as she came down the aisle??? Then coming up with some cockamamie story that she was raising money for charity? Then there's the whole using her antlers to lift up the fellows' kilts as they past by.

Put yourself in my collar — how would you and Myrna have felt if she'd behaved like that at your wedding?

She's over two years old now, Asta, and she's still acting like a pup who was kicked out of obedience school. So I'm not talking to her for awhile, until I cool down.

Thank dog I don't have to constantly defend the actions of my Bestest Friend Eric Square Dog!

Your pal,


Princess Patches said...

We just loooove all your ice cream and gelato pictures, Asta. We like your new header too...no man panties THERE! Hahahahaha!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Unknown said...

Hi Asta
I'm still drooling over all your ice cream. Yummer and I must say you eat so nicely off a spoon. Lots a practice I bet.

Lady Kaos said...

I can't believe I missed such an important day!!! I better start celebrating right now!!!