We have been getting nothing but Wain fow fuwwevew it seems
This is what happened to all the blossoms on the twees
they fell evewywhewe, even all ovew pawked caws
These pictoowes wewe taken in the five minute wecess between towwential wains and dundew when I snuck out to finally do a pee pee

it was all getting vewy boowing, but then the mail Mr. bwought me a box

It was fwom my sweet sweet fwiends babyWocket Dog and Hootie
Thewe was the sweetest note along wif it. I didn't win a contest, and it's not my Biwfday, they sent it just cause they awe genewous and thoughtful

Thewe is a whole bottle filled wif yummie cookie tweats,and Mommi gets to keep and use the pwetty wickew containew fow a bottle of wine
thewe is a sock monkey wif a cwinckly noise makew inside
and the loveliest little pink puwse just fow me
I instantly wanted to gwab it all, but as oosual, Mommi only let me pick one fow now to play wif

c'mon Mommipleezgimme

Let gooooooooooooo

finally I got my Monkey and mawched off twiumphantly
Thank you so vewy much baby
Wocket Dog and Hootie!!! I love evewything and can't believe how gweat youw timing was..just when I was about to die of bowedom and wain
smoochie kisses
WOW - What great pressies - and yes the rain stinks we have gotten very limited walkies in the last week
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Hi Asta!
What a neato package, the perfect way to brighten your spirits during a torrential downpour!
We hope you enjoy your new toys and treats! We love the pictures!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
We had to hold it and hold it and hold it yesterday while the heavens got to open up for hours on end!!!
Loved that pink purse. It's pawfect for a feminine foxie like yourself!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
such pawsome pressies you got there :)
Maltese Paws
That was sweet of your friends! Something fun to do while it rains.
We had a lot of rain this spring and then it pretty much dried up. We need more rain and you want less. Can we split yours?
What a grand surprise. That will take care of the boredom for sure.
That is soo thoughtful. I hope you enjoy that cute monkey. It's been raining part of every day here but it's a bad part. Usually at night or late afternoon and my mom decides the doggie park (or any park) is too muddy! I love mud. But nobody asks me.
WOW - you are a lucky girl - now all you need is a good movie :)
Hi Asta
That was very kind indeed - you are a special girl.
We were sorry to see the blossom - that happens with us too.
The rain is not good - neither is the wind!
We love your new blog background - very pretty.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
hi asta.. yes the RAIN... seems to be the big thing around here.. right now the blue sky is showing through -- but those grey clouds are out there.. waiting.. for us to go out and play .. we know they are. we're home right now hoping that the weather will clear in n.h. too, but the humomm is not convinced it's a happening thing. your monkey is adorable.. is it a puppet? can your mommi make it wiggle at you?
that should be amusing whilst the rain drops fall!
Ms.Persephone (feeling rather hot), Ms.Blue (not happy w/the rain) & theBUSTER (rain? pshaw pshaw.. i like that stuff...makes me curley)
I bet Mango will like your monkey!
Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs of evfurrything!
Ah poor Asta. And the blossoms too..hhmmmm...wonder what is blossoming..Must be raining the square world over, been raining here for days and days too. But not much thunder. Baby Rocket and Hootie have perfect timing don't they? The funky monkey,treats and the handbag are the kindest nicest gifts for a sweet sweet pea like you(thank you lots for your nicer than nice comment on my sweet pea bloggie and for voting for me, you always make me happy.)Hope the sunshines for you at the weekend.
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx
ofcourse you are worth spoiling asta you a furry special - we are hoping your moms neck pains are getting betta - woofs
Asta, you are such a cutie! I love your pressies. Mail pressies are so cool. I hate the rain, I don't hardly get to go out at all, yuck. I hope you are having fun.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
OMDDDDDDDDD sweet Asta!!!
What a great presents you received!!!!
You're soooooooo lucky...and your monkey is very very very very cool!!!
Can we play with you???
We would love to be with you and playing together!!!
And rain!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...we love rain!!!
and walking under it without umbrella!!!
Great photos of you....
we love you!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
We are so sorry about all the rain. We have been getting a little lately but we sure could use some more..
What an awesome present you got..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
OOOOH, looks like a fun package. Our Muzzer doles out our treat stuff too. Sheesh. Her name wasn't even on the package, right.
What a great pressie! We've only gotten rain, too. The rainiest summer in years...
That looks like Miss Sophie's sock monkey a little bit. No wonder you were anxious to wrestle it away from mommi.
That Molly and Taffy are great pals.
That is a super package you got there, It is so lovely to have friends..
We have had nothing but rain here too. Even flash flood warnings.. Ugg the wet stuff I hate it..
Hugs GJ xx
How very sweet BRD and Hootie are to send you a gift Just Because, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Those are great gifts! How nice to get a surprise like that!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Kousin Asta,
That was such a nice, thoughtful thing for Wocket Dog and Hootie to do for you. Those are lovely gifts to receive and on such a pawfect day for them. They sure lifted your spirits on a rainy dreary day. (Seems like we have lots of those anymore.)
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi, Asta!
They sent you pawesome presents!
Sure you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs
OMG I HAVE THE SAME PURSE!!!hee hee this rain really does stink...and if it isn't raining it is 12000 degrees and so humid PL2's hair can barely make it througth the door.....Love and kisses A+A
What very special gifts from very special friends for a very special girl. You so deserve it, sweet Asta. It made us smile imagining you opening your gift on such a dreary day.
We love you, Asta sissie
Jake and Fergi
I know why you received the gifts. B/c you are a great great friend! Those monkey lips say it all
What great friends they are and what great timing!! I would hate it if you died of boredom, hehe.
Those petals everywhere look very pretty.
And what a lucky thing you are to get those special pressies just because.
Enjoy your time with the new stuffie. We are sure those bikkies are not going to last long. They wouldn't here...
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yore verry own mick jagger stuffie!!! with the lips and evrything!!! verry cool!!! ok bye
Hi Asta
Yes, lovely presents, but now are you quite sure that is a monkey? Really? But how would he/she/it survive? Bright red lipstick is in short supply in the jungle I believe!
Cheers, H.
Have a great weekend.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
We have had more rain than usual here too and much cooler temps. But it is pretty day out there now so we are hoping for a good walkie. That was so nice Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie - we love your new monkey.
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
We're on our way...it's pourin' here and Mumsie is going to workie...we're gonna be soooooooooo bored....
Love that monkey, sweet girl....
Barkin' at ya...Laciegirlie
who is now down to a girls size 10.....
Lovely Asta, I'm so sorry that I have not been around much to reading all your interesting posts. But I do now, gosh I sure miss a lot of cute things!
I love your header, it's the coolest thing to enjoy in Summer dog days!
July is an extremely busy month for my mom, she brags that she has finished some projects at work( what project? poking some more veins?) and she has more time and relaxed brain to carry me out visiting all my friends!
What a wonderful package from Wocket Dog and Hootie, they're sure thoughtful and generous to care about you like that. How nice of you to share nice happy news to us!
I was too excited to see your pawrents out to Chinatown tasting Dim Sum! I loved you in your Chinese dress, I loved it so much that I've tried to escort you to Chinatown but I didn't want to upset Stanley man!(that means I've photoshopped the picture but I was not satisfied 'cause it looked so fake, hehe!)
Love y'all!
What a very cool package to brighten up your rainy day! What sweet friends Rocket dog and Hootie be! Lucky you!
~lickies, Ludo
That Monkey looks like it will be a good friend. Asta, sometimes if you sing a special song, the rain will stop. I will sing for you:
♪ ♪ Rain, rain go away
Come again some other day! ♪
What a perfect rainy-day pick me up! Those two are so thoughtful! We've had a lot of rain , too, and I refuse to get my paws wet! yuck! So I have taken to doing my business on the concrete! Hope you see some good 'ole sunshine soon!
Oh Asta, you're so modest. You forgot to tell our buddies that the gifts were 'cuz you are so wonderful to all of us all of the time!! Your sweet momma too.
Glad you like el mono!
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Asta, sweetie! What wonderful presents! We hope that you had fun playing!
Love, uSSSSS
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