(Mommi oosually fowgets to put up my awawds, but this time She ackshually wemebewed)
I'm supposed to list 10 things that you might not know about me as well as pick five othew blogs! I think most of you know evewything about me so I don't know if this will wowk, but hewe goes
1. I am Mommi and Daddi's fouwf wiwe fox tewwiew2. I love evewyone I meet and want to covew them wif kisses
3.I have flown in an aiweplane to Wome
4. I dwag Mommi along on all my ewwands in the neighbowhood
5. I enjoy playing the piano
6. I have many cat fwiends and am on the boawd of Little Pwoductions
7. My tummie is full of polka dots
8. I love snow
9. I hate bafs
10. I've been lucky enuff to meet many doggies and hoomans fwom the bloggie wowld in pawson (Maggie and Mitch and pawents, Puttew and hew Mom,Agatha and Awchie and pawents, Toffee and Wiley's pawents, Sophie laBwadow and hew Mom, Ruby's Nanna,Karl's maid, Stanley and his Giwl, Petey and his mom,Jake and just Hawwy's pawents, the Taylow catsssss' Mom and hooman sissie,Lacie ,Scwuffy and babyStan's Mumsie,Ozzy and his Mom,
Luna the scwuffy yacht dog and his pawents, Opus and Ollie's pawents in Italy), Ewic's pawents fwom London.) I've loved them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now I'd like to pass this awawd and challenge on to the following fwiends:
Lady Kaos
Janie the Aiwegiwl
Rosie the cute and cuddly puggie giwl
Woodrow, Sweetie and MJ (the NYbullybwats)
Sally and Paddy two wiwy kids wescooed and living in London
smoochie kisses

Asta, I love all the pictures of you. You got to go on a plane? Wow that must have been cool and maybe just a little scary. You look so nice with your Mom. I would love some Asta kisses.
Congratulations on your award.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Heehee! Oh Asta, look at you trying to escape the dreaded bathtub! It was a nice try though.
Ah Asta I love all those picturesand the list about you tells me a lot.. I also hate baths, Yuk...
Oh you have met auntie Deb, that is brilliant. I wish I had met her..
Love GJ xx
And after next week you'll be able to add my Mom to the list - I'm so jellyfish!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Asta: We love the pictures, but 'specially the painting of the three terriers. You and your mommi are very talented.
gussie, teka and not Sunny
Asta: We love the pictures, but 'specially the painting of the three terriers. You and your mommi are very talented.
gussie, teka and not Sunny
I bigified to see your tummy spots. They are so pretty. Sorry about that bath photo.
Hee hee we are getting a litle chuckle over the bath pic..And we both stood up and put our paws on our hearts when you were playing the terrier anthem..Love A+A
AWWWH bootiful Asta, such sweet facts about yourself you got ther ^_^ That pic of you kissing Maggie is so very precious ..
such a pwetty piano player you are
congrats on your well deserved award
Maltese Paws
p.s. we LOVE your mommy's painting
Hey Asta we have spots on our tummies and do you know what my Dad calls them?? MUTANT SPOTS! can you even believe that??
I sure do hope you have a really great weekend.
Oh Asta we simply adore the photo of you dressed for the winter snow. You look soooo cute in the scarf and coat.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xx
Wow, thanks for all those really neat things about you... plus pictures!!! COOL!!!
You are so cute!!!
xo sugar & martin e
Congrats on that nice award. We enjoyed learning more about you. You are a world traveler - Rome must have been so wonderful. We don't like baths either and we do love snow.
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
Hi, Asta...
I love your Honest Stuff...
I gave you another Award...Please stop by & pick it up when you get a minute...
Abby xxxooo
oh Asta, My Mum laughed so hard at your bath pic. You poor thing, I hates them too!!
I liked learning those things about you, wow, you really went to Rome? You so very well travelled and so lucky to have met so many of your friends!
~lickies, Ludo
That bath photo is HYSTERICAL! I almost weebled on my mom's lap I was laughing so hard!
Asta, It's SSoooooo fun to find out more about you. We never knew you were a pianist. Our mommy has a keyboard, but won't let us touch it. Your mommy is such a cool dudess!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
Awwwwwwwwww dear Asta...
we love a lot to know more about you!!!
Your mommy's painting is WONDERFUL!!!
and you with her are a very very special match!!!
We can see how much you love her and her loves you!!!!
And you playing piano???Woowowowooooo!!!!!We would love to hear one song playing by you!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhh...AND WE WANT ONE OF YOUR SWEET KISSES!!!!!!!!Pleaseeeeeeee!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us all your wonderful adventures!!!!
We love you and your mommy a lot!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
The picture of you bathing is classic - you and Lilly have a lot in common.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
The picture of you bathing is classic - you and Lilly have a lot in common.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats!
Hi, Asta!
Congratulations on your Award!
I knew those facts about you but it was pawesome to remember them with the pictures included!
That picture of the bath is priceless!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Asta!
We have somethings in common! I have spots on my tummy and I love snow!
That picture of you tasting the ice cream on the table is my favorite!
Big wet Kisses,
Hoover BPD
w00fs, heehee the baff piksur, thats the way me feels when they torture me too...u has sure meeted a lot of friends...
b safe,
Hi Kousin Asta!
Loved the picture of you stretched out on the sofa. You sure know how to do it. Hehehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Hi, Asta -
Congratulations on your award.
We like the picture of you playing the piano but it's hard to choose a favorite because you are so adorable.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Asta, you've gotta be one of the most pawsome dogs, with a most wonderful family. How many doggies get to fly on an airplane and go to Rome! We are very envious. We wanna go to Rome someday! AND we hope to be added to your list of doggies and their people that you have met. Maybe we can play a trio on the piano. Or at least four paws on one piano, with one vocalist (that'd be me, Jake.)
We're glad you received the award you did. It was great getting to know some very special things about you and your Mommi and our Daddi. (Were all three of those other wirey doggies around at the same time?)
We love you all,
Jake and Fergi
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns and that is a grayt list!!! and may i say yore bath avoydanse moovs ar ledjenderry!!! ok bye
Hello Asta girl!!
We love the list and NO.9 made us smile. Yes, we understand. Good job, sissy!! I Pinot love bath but not for me, Momo...
Every single day should be an IceCream Day!!!
Momo & Pinot
Congratulations on the award! That is cool that you have been to Rome! That is a fun photo of you in the bath tub! Monty Dog here loves his baths. In fact he is due for one!
We love your list and all the pictures that go along with it! Your mommi's parasol is so pretty! Hey, Asta - tell the truth - have you ever seen your mommi looking less than perfect - like in ratty old jeans and a t-shirt (like our mom wears)? Your mommi always looks so pretty and perfectly dressed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi asta-
we match- i'm full of polka-dots too! now move ovah. that purple couch looks like heaven!
oh, mom's fav pic is your snowsuit--you rock the scarf!!
have a good weekend,
Asta, you are PURRFECTION!!! What wonderful pictures! Plus....your Mommy (our Aunt Ami) is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Kisses to Auntie Ami and Uncle George
Much love, Deb
That painting is PAWESOME!!!
I better do some thinking over the rest of the weekend and will hopefully have a list ready soon.
Hello beautiful Asta, hope you are enjoying your weekend :)
Guess what, our helper just completed our info pages :) we thought that it will be a pawsome idea to let our pals learn more about us that way. We wont be adding anything new to it, but just keep it up there...our pictures in our main blog leads to it
check it out when you get the time and let us know what you think:
Asta...OMD...can I borrow that orange umbrella (or as we say in da Burgh; bumpershoot...) to go with my new purple sorta vintage retro hippie ensemble?????? It would look totally fabulous...it looks like a giant copy of the umbrellas I put in my smoothies....
I love that pic of ur fursibs in da car!!!!!! The expressions of each do are so different! And they say all foxy wires look alike!
It's been rainin' and rainin' here...Stanny's leggie is doin' a little better...perhaps that chopped dinosaur soup you brought was what made the difference???!!!
I can't believe they sell dinosaurs in New York...fresh yet!
Lotsa love,
Babystan here...um...don't I have a massage scheduled with you at midnight tonight??? Lacie made me a relaxin' smoothie...that's about the 4th one I've had today...(Stan giggles...something he rarely does....) That cream of dinosaur soup hit the spot...my leggie feels TONS better...
But Lacie is still waitin' on me hand and paw...works for me...
Swedish massage barks...
hi asta.. we came back
the best was.. your snoozing on the sofa.. is grate....
in the other side.. we want to sayd hi.. and send you all our love..
Hi Asta
We are back home for a few days! We loved your post - we like the new Header too!
You have such a great life!
All your pictures were great - we love the painting your mom done of her previous three dogs!
Our mum has been to the Trevi fountain too although it wasn't at all the way she had imagined.
Just a quick Hello for now.
We missed you
Martha & Bailey xxx
Wow! I learned a lot about you today Asta!
I sure do wish I could go overseas on some exciting adventure with my parents!
I biggified the picture in the hope that Gail will play me the Terrier Anthem. (We have a piano and I am the only creature in the whole world who enjoys being in the same room when she is playing...)
Cheers, H.
Fab award Asta, woof you lots too! That was a terrifuc rendition of the Terrier Anthem Asta. I barked along cos I seem to have forgotten the words. Think Gus could remind me?
Wiry loves and kisses, Eric xxxxxxxxxxx
I loved your pictures, Asta! Except the one of you taking a bath because you look so sad. Wow, you were such a lucky pup to get to travel to Italy! And you know how to play piano. That's very impressive!
hi Asta
I still want to know where you got that beautiful accent??? And we never can see your polka dots. maybe an upclose shot? or is that just meant for the goob.
thank you so much for the award - you look so great walking with your mommy
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Hi Asta thank you - I will post about this tag this week - I love the pic of you and the bath BOL
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