Hi Evewyone
We've been absent fow a while, but aftew all the twauma of theiw biwf and the wescoo of my baby boy, Gilbewt and I have been selfishly keeping ouw little family out of the public eye.
Howevew, I can't help myself, I'm so pwoud of the little dawlings, and now that the weathew is finally bootiful, we've been outdoows a lot getting them fwesh aiw.

They awe fwatewnal twins, Romy takes aftew my dawling Gilbewt, and my pwecious little son,Bewtie, looks mowe like me.
Of couwse I think they awe bof pawfect. Isn't that what evewy Mommi says?

I have to feed them and put them to bed now, so I'll tuwn the bloggie ovew to my sissie Asta
wheeley smoochies fwom the Kwoon-Kweit family

Whoevew my Woyal-Mystewy-Giftgivew is..I thank you fow the faboolous new toys, and send you a Hooge smoochie kiss.
We'we busy pwepawing fow the Chwistening of my nephew and niece and then I have to wun to Scotland fow Petey and Wosie's wedding.
Mommi's neck is still a mess, but she has pwomised me that we will come visit all of you, even if it's a little late these days.
love and smoochie kisses
Me first??? Cripes. Think I might do an Archie! Those kids look kind of cute. Teehee, sure is funny seeing a pair of baby wheelies being wheeled in that big wheeler!!
Oh and the Royal Mail stuffies - didn't Rosie send some out parcelld like that and forget to include who it was from??
Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xxxx
what a fabulous mystery asta... i am hoping your mommi starts to feel betta soon especially since your social calendar seems to be furry full!
Your babies are beautiful! Please shower them with kisses from the three clumsy uncles here.
I wish I lived close to you, I would come over to give your mom a nice warm neck rub! I have healing paws and therapeutic touch Myrna, love y'all!
Your bougainvillea is growing and keep blooming nicely in my yard!
w00fs, the babies iz sooo cute..heehee and they not like baffs either...
b safe,
Hope your Mom's neck is feeling much better soon and what a nice surprise to get in the post!
Take care
How exciting to get a mystery package!! I hope your Mom feels better soon, we will think good thoughts for her. Maybe the package was from the Queen.
licks and sniffs,Sasha
OH MY, the babies are darling! I hope we get to see them soon. Gussie sends his love to Mommi to help with her neck, and I am sending kisses and nips to you and Daddi
Teka Toy Dagger
Oh Myrna, the babies are so cute.
You did a good job birthin them babys.
Asta, You look so cute in your pictures especially the on with your ear up. Do ya have any idea who sent your prizes...they look pawson.
Hmmm, good news of the twins and a mystery in the same post. Very interesting!
The twins are adorable!! Surprise packages are fun. We hope you find out who sent it!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those are just the cuitest babes around.
If that package had come from the United States I would have thought the crazy old bat sent it. She is hopeless when it comes to remembering the notes.
We like your tropical look - are you preparing for a Hawaiian vacation??
The twinses are just precious - we look forward to the christening.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi, Asta!
Glad to see Myrna and family are doing so well!
The Dughallmor Beagles sent you those presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Sweet Astaroni FuzzButt o' My Heart!
You and Duffy hosted such a great Fourth of July party at your house. Looks like everyone had a blast and you had the best seats EVER for those fireworks. (I remember prowling around that window ledge a LOT while I was visiting. I was so fascinated with feeling like I was flying and being high in the aire when I was touching the ground.)
Looks like Bertie & Romy are getting lots of love and cuddles! I bet you can't keep your paws off of them. I love pups myself. Wish I could come help with bathing them ~ one swish of my goober tongue and they'd be good to go.
Don't wear yourself out with christening preparations, sweetness. Be sure to give extra goob smooches to your mommi ~ applied directly to her neck.
Enjoy your toys. You have so many admirers they could be from ANYdog.
Goober love & smooches,
omdog those twins are so incredibly CUTE! I can't believe how cute they are together! I am sure their Christening will be beautiful.
I can't wait for the wedding! woo
Myrna, the twins are adorable we are very happy for you.
Asta, you are a very busy doggie. Please tell your Mom we are purring for her neck to get better soon. ~S,S,C & F
On Myrna,
You have such a beautiful family. The twin are gorgeous. I bet they are a pawful.
Kousin Asta,
I really like your new wall paper, or whatever it's called. Very nice. It's so summery, it just makes me want to listen to the Beach Boys. (Of course I am at the beach now myself, come to think of it. I forgot.)
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
I sure hope your mommie starts to feeling better soon. That isn't a good thing to have the neck hurting so much.
Keep us posted on the twins.
The pressies are from The Dughallmor's!
Tank woo fur sharing the twins with us too!
Myrna, your twins are beautiful. We know you are the best mama to them. We love to think of you mothering your baby wheelies... you must be so very gentle. And with Asta and her Mommi to support you, your family must be so happy. Now is when it's nice to have extended family to help.
We're sure the Christening is going to be perfect. What a very special event. Will the babies have tiny christening gowns? We can just imagine them.
We hope your Mommi's neck is improving. Make sure she doesn't do too much so that she has a set-back. There are so many important things going on right now. Send her our loving hugs.
It appears that the mystery gift royal mail envelope has been solved, and it is just as we were going to suggest: a gift from angels.
Take care, sweet friends:
Jake and Miss Fergi
What handsome twins. I expect you all attract quite a crowd of admirers when you go out for wheelie walks!
Will the christening involve immersion? I wonder how they will react?
Cheers, H.
It is so lovely to see the family altogether after their horrid ordeal.
Have a lovely weekend Asta and gentle hugs from us to your Mummy.
MOlly and Taffy
Bertie and Romy are just precious! Myrna and Gilbert are just the perfect wheelie parents!
We think that parcel is from the Dughallmor Beagles! Ours looked very similar, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We forgot to say that we love your new header! Guess what? We have the same purple ice cream spoon, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Myrna and Gilbert, your twinses are just adorable! Asta, we hope your mommi's neck is all better REALLY soon! We hope you have lots of fun with your new toys and we hope you find out who they came from!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Myrna and Gilbert, your babies are beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing their pictures!
Asta, we hope that your Mommy's neck feels better very soon! Mystery toys? HOW FUN!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Your babies be so pawfect and beautiful Myrna, I can see you is a very proud Mommi.
~lickies, Ludo
I hope your mommi's neck get straightened out soon; Motch complains of aches and pains way too often. What a beautiful little family Myrna has; you must be a very proud aunt, Asta!
Oh, the babies are just so adorable - can't wait to see more on the christening. Yeppers, it was them Beagles that sent you pressies.
woos, the OP Pack
Hi Asta
Yes it was our pals the Beagles - I think it might have been for taking part in red nose day! It was ages and ages ago and the parcels seem to take a long time to get from the UK across the pond.
I remember they forgot to enclose cards!
We just love the babies - they are super cute!
We look forward to the pictures of their christening.
We hope your mommi is not feeling bad any more about the 6th photo thing cos in fact when we looked at ours we hadn't even arrived yet!
We also have no puppy pictures! Plus we dont even know when we were born - can you believe it.
But we know we are happy now and have lots of lovely friends including you.
That is all we need to know.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
hi Asta & Myrna, those baby wheelies are adorable. we're glad that the family is all together now.
that's quite a mystery about those royal toys. you must have a secret admirer. (well, besides us, that is... hee hee - we're not very "royal")
Hi, Myrna...
The twins are just adorable...
What a beautiful Wheely Family you make...
Hi, Asta...
I think you have a Royal Secret Admirer...
Abby xxxooo
The twins are so sweet. Hope you find out who sent you such presents.
Have a great weekend.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi Asta
Secret gifts? You deserve them after last week's nonsense. Have fun in Scottland!
Yep, mystery solved....it was us! (we actually came over to say it yesterday but got cut off....how rood!)
Glad you liked the goodies....and sorry about our dopey Mum!
Slobbers xx
Ahhhhhhhh aren't they adorable!! You must be very busy!!! WE like the wally melon picture at the top!!!! Love and kisses A+A
Oh what pawsitively darling pictures of the babies...and twins yet....they look rather unhappy in their bath, don't they???? Myrna is being a fantabulous mommi, we can tell!!!!!
Oh my...we won't be back till this Saturday and I so hafta get my clothes together for all these upcoming events!!!!!
Miss ya soooooooooooo much Asta...there is a pic of me on our blog of me tryin' on a dress for Sissy to look at...have no idea what the boyz thought was sooooooooooo funny about it?????
Sheeshch...gotta run...
Asta, the twinsies are TOO cute! What a miracle!
I love your new header, by the way! Isn't wallymelon the BEST!?
very cute little wheelies, myrna & gilbert...they'll be wheeling maniacs soon!! hey asta.. i think stanley's got a good idea on the mom-neck slurps..how 'bout we set up a slurp clinic for her...we'll all just line up and give her a warm slurp...lets see there's three of us..two at gooberstan, you know this could just do the trick! warm slurps are a homeopathic approach to neck healing.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue the most healing of slurperz...we know this fur-sure.
neat toys from across the pond too...sephie is eyeballing those hearts...hmmmmmm
My goodness. You have a secret admirerer? It could be one of so many, don't you think?
Nice to see the little wheelie pups. It is important to control press coverage when they are so young.
Hi, Myrna -
You sure are busy with the twins and christening. We can't wait to see pictures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. We hope your Mommi is doing better with her neck.
Hi, Asta -
Another secret admirer?!? Those toys look pawtastic!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
The wheeliepups are so CUTE! And Gilbert looks like a real pawns-on dad. What a sweet family.
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