a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Mommi is a Dunce!

So she's disappointed.....big whoop. It's hew own fault fow not knowing stuff about pootews.
Life is full of disappointments and losing some old posts is not a big deal.

I gave hew an ice cweam, and a dunce cap and told hew to get ovew hewself.
How selfish can she be!

I also pulled out all the stops and pwesented hew wif this view of my life wifout all my fwiends that I love so deawly

Asta alone in the univewse...see Mommi what you've done??????

As many of you sweet fwiends have pointed out..we still have the memowies in ouw heawts and thewe awe lots mowe memowies to make. It's the fwiendships and love that awe impawtant!!!

DO I have to get Gwuff wif you Mommi
Snap put of it as Petey says.
Stanley's giwl asked if she has to come kick Mommi's A$%, and Joe Stains is weady to send a big bag of stinckie POO

I think it won't be necessawy..(although I thank you fow the offew)
I have pulled out the guilt cawd

Hewe is what I would lose if you stopped blogging Mommi! Just think it ovew!
(I found some old pictoows in my foldews on my desktop)

banding togethew when fuwwfwiends awe sick

cheewing evewyone up wif a good movie

the powew of the paw to help fuwwiends in need

dancing the night away

bwinging in the New Yeaw in the company of fwiends
hilawious pawties
soft summew days in the best company
showing off my city

late night pokew
visits ovew the Big Pee
Biwfday Celebwations
keeping fit wif spowts
going to fawaway places

being sowwounded by the most handsome guys on eawf

shopping wif my BFF Lacie

dweamy times wif my StanleyGoobewLovepup

gossip and pajama pawties

holidays spent sowwounded by Love

a chance to dwess up in silly costoomes

seeing little fuwwfwiends gwowing up

nevew having to come home to an empty house

and today celebwating ouw Countwy's Independance Day togethew!

now a few wowds fwom Mommi and Daddi
Well it wowked..! we awe back.. wif a gwand apology to all those who wewe saddened by my last post.
Aftew Crying all night, and reading all your letters(and crying some more for hurting your feelings) I have come to my senses.
Asta and George and I treasure your friendship and I now realize that I shouldn't make decisions when I'm in pain, and feeling like I'm overwhelmed.
I really can't imagine life without all of you..I'm truly sorry for the anxiety I caused. I felt like this was the last straw in a month of straws. I tend to overreact.

A PeeS note from Asta’s Daddy.

Here is how we lost all our pictures. Picasa Web Albums sent us an email saying we were getting close to capacity at 87% of the free storage. I quickly went to Picasa and checked on what would happen if I deleted some PWAs. All the documentation said that the images would remain untouched in the hard drive, so I deleted the four largest PWAs and the capacity indicator came down to 4%.

!!!!!!!! NEVER DO THIS !!!!!!!

If you are using blogspot.com as a host and upload photos to it, blogspot automatically puts those links into a PWA on Picasa, even if you have never loaded the Picasa program into your computer. We still have not loaded the Picasa program into our computer.

When I erased those PWAs, all of the maps to the stored pictures got erased --- blogspot.com couldn’t find them. Looking at our blog now shows white boxes instead of the pictures on the older posts. There is no way that Picasa can restore those PWAs and our only choice is to reload the pictures from our 700+ posts, one picture at a time, into the old posts to have them complete.

What should I have done? Bought more storage.

The more posts you have the closer you will approach the limit of 1 Gigabyte and get a warning note from Picasa.

It is very important to understand that Picasa Web Albums are different from photos stored in the Picasa program. PWAs are a conduit or link to blogspot.com while jpgs etc. stored in the Picasa program are the actual photographs or movies.

If you have questions, please pee mail me at gekroon@gmail.com.

love and smoochie kisses fuwwevew!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, hooray, hooray, hooray! We're so glad your mom feels better today and won't make you leave everyone. She isn't the first person to ever learn a lesson the hard way. Or to make a decision when upset. So, dry your mom's tears and celebrate Independence Day with joy!

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, we are crying all over again! hurrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We are so glad you're back! DWB could never be the same without you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Hooray, Hooray! Now I can stop peeing!

gussie d

pee sss..except, I still gotta drown that monster bothering Miss Snickers.


Petey said...

Hmm, I gave you a week before you'd start blogging again! In fact, I was going to invite Asta to run away over here and share my bloggie! Well, as Mommy always says about your Mommi Asta, "She's such a cheerful person when she's not talking about offing herself!"

Glad you're back!

Your pal,


Deefor said...

Oh Asta!
I'm glad you are back blogging. Too sad about the pictures and I hope your mom is feeling better. I'd miss you too much. Cheer up. You make a great Lady Liberty.


Randi said...



It was like that episode of the nighttime soapopera DALLAS - when Pam realizes that Bobby's death was just a horrible dream! A dream that lasted as ENTIRE SEASON! luckily this bad dream only lasted about 5 hours!


I'm sorry you lost your pics...maybe Opy & Charlies Mom & Dad know how to get the pages printed off so you can at least have a copy of the bloggy?????

Love & Licks FUREVER!
Randi & Her HAPPY Mom/Secretary who won't have to make GOULASH w/o help from your mommi!

Jake of Florida said...

Well now it is a Happy Fourth. We kinda' knew there was pain and other things in the mix -- and we're just so happy that all of your friends turned out en masse to help change your mind.

We're not totally sure we understand what daddi wrote -- but we'll be careful!!!


Happy Jake. Happy Just Harry

roughseasinthemed said...

Your mommi is never a dunce, and none of us think that. Blogger and google and all that stuff are difficult to sort. Just pleased you are going to stay around.

See, I cant even log in with my own name,


And thanks to your dad for that heads up. :)

Lacy said...

w00fs, me just wants to no, can me quit leakin now??? me looks half the nite on how to help u git ur piksurs back...lots of ur friends put ur piksurs on their bloggies, borrow them back...and ur right, memories are in our hearts.....u were the second pup and family on DWB that i meeted, and i dang sure dont wanna lose u..now me gonna go out and pee on every bush, tree, tire in me yard, me iz soooo happy....

b safe,

Lacy said...

pps, let the 4th of july celebration begin, NOW!!!!!!!!

~rocky and mama~

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Yahoo!! Yippie....I knew it had to be a dream. Silly Mommy.....I told her to stop crying. It made her think about how sad we was during the 3 months we couldn't blog.

We love you soooooooo much Asta. [[[huggies]]]....Mona+

wally said...

ASTA! This is such fantastic news (and thank you for the VERY informative stuff from your dad!) You are a fixture on DWB and the intertubes would be a much sadder place without you. We will keep our paws crossed that your mom will feel better physically and emotionally soon. I am sure you will be taking good care of her!

wally t.

Faya said...

Heureuse de te retrouver...je crois que je fais fêter ça avec plein de crème glacée !!!!!
Bisous, Faya & Dyos & Véronique

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

WHOO HOO!!!!!!! We are so HAPPY.....HAPPY DANCE...TWIRL....TWIST....BOOGIE.....We simply could not IMAGINE not having your blog!!!

Thank you Auntie Ami and Uncle George for continuing!!!

We love you Asta
Oh yes we do
We don't love anyone
As much as you

If you weren't with us
We'd be blue

HAPPINESS!!!!! Now it is a very



The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, we forgot....Your Mommy looks beautiful in her hat! :)

Mack said...

Oh we are so happy you have reconsidered! We don't know what we would do without you.

Here's to many more years of blogging!

P(ee)S: Thank you for calling me handsome!

TwoSpecialWires said...

There has been a huge change of heart here in north Florida! We are all soooo relieved and sooo happy. We're glad that the message was clear: you are much too important to too many doggies, kitties and their families to leave us. Now that that is settled (and hopefully UNDERSTOOD!), it's time to do whatever it takes to make the pain lessen and go away - do you hear us, Seizure Monster? we're talking to you, too - AND it's time to celebrate. Speaking of which ... as long as we have to endure the bangs and booms of fireworks, can we come enjoy them on the East River with you? It'd be a lot more fun. We'll even take a bath and get the swimming pool stink off of us.

Happy happy day! Independence Day!

two very happy special wires: Jake and Miss Fergi

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...


We were so sad that you weren't going to blog anymore, we couldn't even think of what to say. But now, we want you to know how happy we are that you have changed your mind. We are sorry that your mom has had a string of bad straws. Maybe you can get her some new, nicer ones.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Sassy Kat said...

Oh sissy you have made our day complete! As moth read this she had tears of happiness running down her face. We at our house could imagine not being able to see what you are up to at your place. This is now no problem. No need to apologize for your previous post earlier, we have all done things when tired and overwhelemed and wish that we had just taken a nap and kept quiet.
So happy that you are back, you were gone for too long, one day was one day too many to be away.
Thank you, your daddie, and especially your mommie.

ps I hope you didn't leave any marks on your mommie. You could get into trouble if you are reported and they can find marks.

Love to all of you and again Happy Fourth of July to all.

Also, just for awhile take time off and rest up.

bbes tribe said...

Whoo Hoo!!!!! So happy to hear you are not giving up blogging. We love your blog. Sometimes things are just overwhelming and we need to vent to get past them. Thanks to Dad for the heads up about the storage. Love you and we are glad you are back!!!!
Ernie & Sasha

Martha said...

Oh Asta, we are so pleased - we don't think your mom is a dunce. She is a very caring and sensitive person and we understand how she felt.
Well here is to the next 700 posts!!
We are just in from our walk and now our parents have opened a nice bottle of shiraz - the first glass is a toast to your mom.
We love you
Martha & Bailey xxx
PS our mum says she will then need to have another glass for your Dad and for you!!!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh boy,Now I have to go and find Archie..uh he was a bit upset and started to pack a little bag because he said without reading about Asta he would be finished. We are not really sure exactly where he was going to go, and he really couldn't have made it too far becasue he packed up every toy, every bed we have, all of our bowls, all of our cookie jars, and all of our grooming tools( go figure, well really it is Archie) and then he realized he couldn't open the door and he would kill his back and he would have to hire a moving van and...well,you get the picture.....So welcome back and remember, we have all the pictures in our heads and we have each other..that is all that matters..Love and kisses A+A+PL2 +Pl1

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta, Mommy and Daddy!
Glad you are feeling better now!
Sure many of us had a bad night thinking of you quitting!
Have a Happy Independence Day!
Kisses and hugs

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi I am Sasha and I found you on Mangos blog. I was hoping we could be friends. My Mom says thanks for all the info about Picassa cause that is scary. Happy 4th of July.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Patience-please said...

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile.
That's ten!

wags from the whippets and the servant

Daisy said...

Oh Asta, this is the happiest news, ever! Thank Cod you are not leaving!

The WriggleButts said...

Oh Asta, we are so glad you're not leaving us. We love you so very much! Times can get tough sometimes, but friends both in and out of the blogosphere sure do help!

Ane, Bajas & Virus

Ruby Bleu said...

Yay!!! Yay!!! W00t-W00t-W00t!!! Me and Mom are SO very excitered! We love you all so much - W00t! How about I still send my Mom to visit anyway, say in a couple of weeks?

Happy 4th! I'm totally celblogating now!!! W00t!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

we can't imagine our life without your blog!!!!
We met you not too much time ago...and we didn't want loose you!!!!
We love you and your blog a lot!!!!
We are crying all over again!!!!!!!!
Friends are very very important....
DWB could never be the same without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asta...tell to your mommy she isn't dunce.....she was only very sad and angry and we can understan her disappointment!!!!!!!
But now you're here with us and we don't want anything!!!
We love you a lot!!!!
Have a great 4th of july!!!!
Now our day is wonderful thanks to you!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses!!!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...


OMdoG...We would have missed you sooo much...

What would we do without our Sweet Asta...You are our nurse & our party planner & the one who is always there to cheer everyone up in sad times & the one who always keeps up posted when someone needs some extra hugs & kisses...

You are, like, everyone's Best Friend...

I am soooo glad you & your Mom decided not to leave us...

We Love You...
Abby xxxooo

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh my gosh Asta. We didn't see your posting of 3rd July till just now and we were so upset, then we realised you had posted again and were staying. YIPPEE YIPPEE.

Asta you are an absolute gem and so utterly adorable. We are delighted beyond words that you are going to continue to blog.


Happy 4th July

Molly and Taffy

The Island Cats said...

Asta!!! We are so HAPPY that you talked some sense into your mommi and you will continue to blog!!!

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, that is fantastic news!!! We are so sorry for the loss of all those albums but we really need you to keep blogging. You add so much laughter and happiness to your readers' lives. Wa are glad you will still be blogging.

Give Mom a big hug (but gently) from all of us.

woos, the OP Pack

doyle and mollie said...

oh boy i dodnt know that we nearly lost you that would have been terrible, truly terrible!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...


And I had just beed able to post on your other post too. So glad you changed your Mommi's mind. I know all about Mommi's making silly decisions when they be in pain.
~lickies, Ludo

Chef said...

OMG!OMG!ASTA!!! It's a good thing I didn't read that last post or I would have been so upset. I would have probably stolen Papa's truck and driven all through the night to New York to ask your Mommy to reconsider. Good thing I don't have to now because I don't know how to drive. Anyways, I'm sooo happy that your Mommy has gotten over her oogies and decided to keep you with us. Our bloglife would never have been the same without our sweet, beautiful, happy Asta.

I really understand your Mommy's disappointment but look how many fabulous pictures she salvaged. And I bet there are loads on your friends' blogs that they can email to you. (I'm happy to see my special favourite picture at the pool - that was a very important day in my life: I fell in love with you and your gorgeousness awakened me to the beauty of girldogs which changed my whole life forever.) And there'll be zillions of new pictures in the future to look forward to.

So WHEW Asta! What a relief it is that you're staying in our lives. We're sending big hugs - gently so we don't hurt her neck - and kissies and shnoozles and XOXOXOs!


Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta
Phew....we knew your mummy wouldn't let you down. She's a sensible lady. But like we and others have said, if you need a break from blogging that's fine. We all do.
We'd like to thank your daddy for the tip about picasa. We've never had an email from them but now we know what to do when we get it.
We would have done exactly the same thing.

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

YIPPEE!!!!! I knew your daddy could come to the rescue. YIPPEE!!! Now i have to figure how to save this post someplace FOREVER!!! Case I need it. Thanks for the info. YIPPEE!!!
your pal, Morgan
PS - tell mamma to take it easy K?

Dexter said...


First I must say you are smokin hot in that uniform. Yowsa!

What a nice trip down memory lane to see you with all of your friends on your big adventures. I am glad you helped Mommi to feel better.

Maybe your Daddi should post a message at the Bone Zone. It sounds like the instructions were not clear at all.

Happy Fourth of July!


Clive said...


We're so glad you and your Mom are back!

Hope you had a lovely 4th of July!

take care

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OH MY...Honestly Asta...ya gave me heartie failure...that was pawsitively terrierfying....I still shaking...well, actually, I just had some of my medication...AND IT ISN'T WORKING...those STOOPID PEOPLE up the street are setting off those awful FIREWORKS...

Oh Asta...I'm having Mumsie type this cuz I'm sitting right beside her in my crate and I'm shaking so hard that the crate is vibrating...how many more hours....4 1/2 MORE??? My heart can't take it...

I'm gazing up at Mumsie with this expression of terror...OH MY>>>

Asta...Mumsie here...thank dog your mommi has come to her senses.....we're so horribly sorry about the pix...we hope that someone can find some and save them for ya...I need to go and rock my daughter Lacie...she gives a new meaning to the word PATHETIC...she, however, does look adorable with her new "do"...a little shorter on top with some gel to tame those curls...beardie is neatly trimmed...so much more managable...oh...they tried a new nosecara...Naughty Black Lace...I'm not entralled with the name, but the results are most satisfying....

Gotta go rock...


the many Bs said...

hi Asta, and mommi and daddi, we had to go back and read your previous post! OMD! we can not believe that you were contemplating quitting your bloggy! that would make us cry BIG CROCODILE TEARS. Please do not quit! we know you couldn't stand to be away from all of your wonderful dog, kitty, and other pals.

now about the photos, we are a tad bit confused. you see, our mom has many thousands of our pictures on our computer and she uploads them to our bloggy. does this mean that when we run out of space, they will be deleted from picasa AND go back to our computer and delete them too? if that is the case, we are seriously worried. we don't care if we lose them from picasa, or even our old posts, but NOT FROM OUR COMPUTER! please tell us that will not happen, okay?


Stanley said...

Now THAT'S what I'm TALKIN' bout!

'Nuff said.

All my goober love & smooches,

Deb Cushman said...

YEA! You're back! Deb says that ice cream cones work every time! You're a smart gal, Asta!

We're so sorry that you lost your pictures, but we're glad that you have your memories and some of the pictures saved! Here's to the future!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Ya know, sometimes you don't really know how much you treasure or love someone or something until you've lost it, or almost lost it. That applies to everything. Including health. And friendship. And even "stuff." We're so sorry the pictures are gone from the text of your blog, but like everyone else has said, the memories remain and always will. And the importance of friendship has been brought to a high level of attention. Perhaps it took something this unfortunate and this sad to help us realize that what we share is special, to be treasured, to be noticed, to be acknowledged and celebrated. We are so glad you've reminded us to pay attention to the little things. To the details. To take it all in. We never know when we are going to lose something or someone dear to us. You've reminded us to remember to not take anything special for granted. Thank you. We're glad you're back.

Jake and Miss Fergi

Now.... get healthy and pain-free, Asta's Mommi, so you can smile from every angle.

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Yay Asta! I was not happy to hear you were leaving. We have had lots of fun times and I have great memories too! Now we can make many more together!

Anonymous said...

OH Asta, sweetie, I am SO HAPPY!!!

It was not before late this afternoon I read the news your mommie decided to quiet blogging. For minutes Marlene and I were staring at the at the screen like it was a void, we could not believe what we read and were unable to say a word...

Then I started to google for other bloggers which had trouble with disappearing images and I found many! But I wanted more: a solution, a hack or trick to get your photos back. I visited so many sites and forums that I lost count, read so many messages from people who also lost almost all their pictures. But no one had that answer I so much wanted...

I don't believe Picasa doesn't make back-ups and cannot restore your blogger album! I store my photos for blogger on Flickr and occasionally post them via blogger, and there are also bloggers using photobucket. You can use all three for free and so create more space for pictures.

Although there are more worse thing that can happen, I understand your mommie's reaction.
But girl I am soooooo happy you had a good talk with her!!

Headbutts and Love, and a big hug for your mommie
~ Ruis

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Well now we can celebrate that you are back to blogging. Some very thoughtful neighbors are setting off fireworks for us, so we can celebrate your return to blogging in style. And we brought a slice of ice cold watermelon fresh from our garden for you to enjoy. ~S,S,C & F

ocmist said...

We came over from Mango's blog. We've heard of you so often on so many of your friends blogs that we were concerned and intrigued by Mango's "OH NO, and then HURRAY!"

That is totally awful and heartbreaking for you to lose all your pics! I hope if can figure out, before I get to far along, how to make sure we never have that kind of problem. I can see how your Mommi could get depressed. My Mom was depressed too when she was in a lot of pain from her back awhile back, and losing the pics would have been like a "last straw."

We loved the pics in this blog, and can see why everyone loves you and doesn't want to lose you. My Mom says she will pray for your Mommi's neck to get better really soon. You need to be nice to her, though! OC from Corgi Country

ocmist said...

We came over from Mango's blog. We've heard of you so often on so many of your friends blogs that we were concerned and intrigued by Mango's "OH NO, and then HURRAY!"

That is totally awful and heartbreaking for you to lose all your pics! I hope if can figure out, before I get to far along, how to make sure we never have that kind of problem. I can see how your Mommi could get depressed. My Mom was depressed too when she was in a lot of pain from her back awhile back, and losing the pics would have been like a "last straw."

We loved the pics in this blog, and can see why everyone loves you and doesn't want to lose you. My Mom says she will pray for your Mommi's neck to get better really soon. You need to be nice to her, though! OC from Corgi Country

ocmist said...

We came over from Mango's blog. We've heard of you so often on so many of your friends blogs that we were concerned and intrigued by Mango's "OH NO, and then HURRAY!"

That is totally awful and heartbreaking for you to lose all your pics! I hope if can figure out, before I get to far along, how to make sure we never have that kind of problem. I can see how your Mommi could get depressed. My Mom was depressed too when she was in a lot of pain from her back awhile back, and losing the pics would have been like a "last straw."

We loved the pics in this blog, and can see why everyone loves you and doesn't want to lose you. My Mom says she will pray for your Mommi's neck to get better really soon. You need to be nice to her, though! OC from Corgi Country

Moco said...

Good news, good news. We are so glad that you are not leaving. Take a break if you need, but never leave for good.
The crazy old bat didn't understand a word that daddi said, but that is to be expected as she doesn't have a clue about the computer. She makes the big red guy back up her stuff onto a thingy he got from QVC. Of course she can't find it right now, but when she does she will email what it is to daddi.

Rudy said...

That's great news Asta we wouldn't want you to quit blogging! I think you're adorable! I hope to save up some doggie treat $ and get Mom a new camera so she can let me blog more often. I've been doing so much doggie agility lately it's not fair to let it go unrecorded!


Islay said...

Welcome Back, Asta and George and Ami - we love you! So happy that you've decided to stay and continue to brighten our days, party and adventure with all of us! We know what data loss is like, and so, I believe, do many, and you have our sympathy. (In fact, my human lacks the mental capacity to use picasa so she burns all her stuff to disk - and now the disk drive is broken and the entire laptop is in the shop)

It left us with such warm feelings to see the photos you posted here ! So very glad to have you back, furry friend!

Lovey (for Charlie's DogBlog)

Koobuss said...

Welcome back, kousin Asta!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are sooooo furry relieved!

Mom was on the road doing a transport today but she kept looking at her khrakhkberry when she khould!

She saw an email about woo being BAKHK!!!

Tank woo fur the lesson about this 'stuff'!

NOW we khan have a HAPPY FoURth!


Unknown said...

I heard that you were no longer going to post and said that can't be. You are the touchstone to DWBs. I am so glad mom changed her mind. You may have lost your photos but you shouldn't lose your friends. We are glad u are back!
Happy 4th

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Gosh... sorry to hear abt yur problem with Picasa. Hey, we don't care if the photos in al your previous posts are empty white boxes.. yes, it is sad, but it'd be even sadder if you stopped blogging!! We are sorry that you lost those precious photos.. thanks for sharing the lesson abt Picasa.. I think it'd come in handy for our pooter illiterate mom someday!!
It's Asta Kroon (and her mommi and daddi) that we want and love... not the photos.

Kisses to all,

Moondance Huskies said...

Hi Asta!
I was just going to leave a post asaking you to PLEEEZE not leave and was SOOOO happy to see this new post saying you are staying! We are ALL doing the happy Husky dance because of this post!We are so very glad you were able to change your mom's mind! We love you!!!
Husky howls & kisses,
Skye & the Moondance Huskies, kitties & mom

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh Asta, I am so happy that you have decided to stay in the blogging world. It would not be the same without you.

Jackson and Patrick said...

Welcome back - we look forward to following your adventures!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am verry happy that yoo deesided to stay the dog blogoverse wood be so mutch less glamorus withowt yoo!!! ok bye

Leslie said...

We may not get much time on the Internet, but we value you highly. Hugs from the topcatrules girls. :)

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Wonderful, wonderful news - am so delighted, as is Woodstock.

Love you all lots!

Eric said...

I,m a wooping and a cheering and a singing from the rooftops Asta- so loud you should hear me!!!Thank dog, what would we do without you and Mommi's genorous heart and spirit?? Woof you everso... Eric + B xxxxx

Shrek said...

Great Stuff that you reconsidered Asta's beans! We love your blog and wish you all the strength needed to upload all those photos again! Easy does it - one by one and soon they will all be back,
Shrek & Family

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Dear Asta, Mommi and Daddi,

We are so glad you have reconsidered. That you have those gorgeous pictures on your hard drive is the main thing. I think we have all learned a lesson about this. We will be printing our blogs out from now on monthly so that we can keep them in a notebook.

Mommi, don't let this decision put any undue pressure on you to blog. If you don't feel good, then rest. Blogging can wait.

We love you all and you are truly the heartbeat of our blog group.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java (we are all doing the happy dance)

Amber said...

Hey pwetty ASta!! you sure gave a fright to everyone!! I'm so glad you be staying at DWB! because it won't be the same! I didn't know about the picasa thingy! mommy will save all the photos to her hardrive now!!

big licks
To you!!!

Peanut said...

Oh goodness Glad you are not going away. Mom didn't understand much of anything with what your daddi said except buy more storage so when we get the notice that is what she will do.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so glad mom came to her senses. We love all our blogger friends and we don't know what we would do without your wonderful comments and posts. They seem to brighten the old lady's day...
Welcome back...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Asta Dear!
Oh boy!! We are so glad you're not leaving the blogosphere!! We were sooooo sad when we heard about this!

Don't worry ~ everything will be okay in the long run. Tell your Mommy we are sending her big, furry hugs and kitty kissies! :-)

Your friends,
Rocky, Angie, and our Mommy, Karen

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
Oh what a relief. Whew! You are so precious and I would miss you so much if I couldn't follow your blog.
And by the way, please tell your Mommi she is NOT A DUNCE. Gail says she is a genius for helping you create such a totally brilliant blog. But computers can be very stupid.
Cheers, H.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Asta, I haven't ever visited before, but I wanted to drop by and let you know how sorry I was to hear about all the lost photos and to tell you how happy I am that you are staying. Thanks for the information.

The Meezers or Billy said...

MrsAsta'sMom - please don't werry. all beans get overwhelmed at one time or another. just 'amember you haf a hooyge community here that you can depend on and vent to!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy to hear that you are going to continue to blog. We've had a couple of scares with our pictures and we know how depressing that is.

We look forward to getting to know you better!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I am such a lousy friend! Didn't know about this until today...=( I am so glad to hear that you won't stop blogging, Asta! I love reading your blog, and can't imagine what it would be like without reading about your adventures!


Unknown said...

Oh Asta! I only JUST read about this on Jan's Funny Farm! I haven't had much time to visit friends' blogs lately so I didn't realise what had happened to you...oh how awful! Your poor, poor humans - they must have been so upset! But she is certainly not a "dunce" - all humans do silly computer things from time to time and it can sometimes be so confusing and so easy to get things wrong! My human once thought she would "clear up" the computer and so she went into the folders in "Windows" and found lots of files that she didn't recognise - she thought it was just old junk so she deleted it all. The next time she switched on the computer, there was just a black screen! She had wiped off all the memory and Windows Operating System and everything!!! Good clean up, huh??! :-)

Anyway, am glad to hear that you will keep on blogging - we would have been devastated without you Asta! - and it's very nice of you to share your experience with others so they don't make the same mistake. My blog is on Wordpress so I don't have anything to do with Picasa but it's always good to know these things!

Honey the Great Dane

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

See what we missed the past three days?!? We are so glad that you are not leaving the blogosphere.

Kaci has been visiting Mama, Papa and I (Hershey) and we are so sorry you learned computer lessons the hard way. Mama is studying computers and she knows how frustrating computers can be.

We hope you had a great 4th of July!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Joe Stains said...

THANK DOG you are not leaving, I'd cry for days!! Mom hosts all her pictures on Flickr, which she does have to pay for, but she feels safer knowing she has a bit of control over it! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Well, KC and I spent all day trying to retrieve the lost photos using various recovery apps. Nothing worked. We got about 200 pictures, many of them the thumbnails on the sidebar of the blog, but nothing of any real importance.
I am so paranoid about my photos, I have two external hard drives (in case one fails), plus I back them up to DVDs, just in case.
KC will republish an updated post on backing up your blog on Teknickle Toosday.
It sounds like George is quite the expert on Picasa now.
If you need help backing up your photos from the blog, we could all pitch in and take a month -- you can count me in.
So glad you are not leaving, we don't know what we would do without our Asta (and Ami and George)!
Love & Purrs,

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

so glad you are back

Happy 4th of July

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ

Persephone and Buster said...

PHEW!!!! oh mien got.....you just scared the tar out of us asta!! we just got back from the lake and read the post before this one...and all of the HUH? s and WHAAAAAA...s just came flooding out of our mouths...NO ASTAHHHH! uh...how can that be? and then we read this post and were quite relieved to say the least that your poor mama has reconsidered so.. PHEW!! we hope we don't get a note from the picas people anytime soon.. computer savvy r not us....well mebbe the humans are a bit but we, the blues, are not.
we are sooooooooooo very happy you are back on line.. mebbe the 4th of july celebrations helped?!! tell your poor mama we all hope her back stops being a pain and she feels better soon.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue too.....slurps and butt bopps to you all.

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Asta,

Glad you are still around. I would have missed you very much. Technology can be frustrating at times. Sorry to hear you lost your pictures.

Luna Licks,
