I did meet a new fwiend wight away..a lovely Gweat Gweat Dane , she said hew name was Jacie
and she wanted to be my BFF
I stawted to get suspicious, when the day aftew I met hew and spent some time wif hew, she sent me this message
"Don't you just ADORE my Michael Kors purse?? I loved the way it expanded after I won all that money at the casino!!! Those dogs we picked up...er who escorted us were totally hot...I couldn't believe that little Welshie was afraid of my size...I'm just a tiny thing....OR NOT....sheesch. Do you have some heels I could borrow...these are so tight I can hardly walk....
Toodles, Girlie...
So glad I've met ya!!
Your new friend,
Pee ess...sorry about all the shrieking when you were driving...those cliffs are steep!"
photo by Mumsie
Sheesh.this is going to be lonely
not only that, but despite the lovely sunshine, it wasn't any wawmew than in NewYawk
I was fweezing my bumbum off
I had to go buy mowe wintew clotheses
Just look at what the Sea looks like..sheeeeesh!!!
I put on my hoodie and stayed in my woom..I can tell you I was getting a little boowed despite the gowgeous Owange woom Mango had wesewved fow me (he is vewy genewous)
Then I wemembewed that the Casino in Monte Cawlo was just down the woad, so I put on my evening dwess and got weady fow a faboolous night
When I got to the casino I was told that they had gotten a wawning of a possible gas attack by a welentlessly hooge individooal and it had emptied the place fow the season
I guess when the Mango says No Fwatewnising, he means it..I'm playing solitaiw fow the doowation of my sea Quest Heawding.
I just hope it doesn't put me to sneep and I miss the night of the final judging
smoochie kisses and good luck to all the Con Test Ants
(make shoowe you go check out the voting on the Mango Minstew Site)

That Jacie's butt looks big...
As tu les bonnes temps!
Jacie?? Hmmm... That message...
I'd be suspicious too!
Kisses and hugs
Are we still allowed to comment Asta?
Does Mango permit that?
Cheers, H.
PS I do hope you've at least been allowed some oozy cheeses..yum!
Hello friendly friend.
Not good news about your bumbum fweezin itelsf off...
We toldcha, shouldda come here, mmmhhh, nice and toasty...all week!
It sounds like you are not having a good time at all, poor Asta could you not met a nice French Poodle who has not entered the contest.
I'm with Khyra, check out the size of the butt on that gal. Remember no Frat Er Nizing.
We are not entered in any Mango Minster events. Can I come keep you company. We wont Frat er Nize, whatever that is, because I don't belong to any Frat Eternity.
Are you sure you're in France? Swede William says that sea looks like home to him!
wags from the whippets
Woof! Woof! Mmm ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Je suis desole pour tu, ma pauvre petite!! Tu parle en francais tres bien, Asta - je souhaite que j'ecriverais si bien, mais, je n'ai pas des mots pour les choses que je veut ecrire! So... Jacie seems to move around in the fast lane so I hope you've gotten over hanging with her. But absolutely NO fraternizing at all??? That's tough, but I think you are doing a furry pawsome job - hang in there - you do have a ton of friends!
Big Hugs et une grande baiser xo
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada sez that reeminds him of how boring it wuz wen he wood git sent to florida for trayning and they woodnt git him a car so he wuz trapd at the hotel for a week!!! ok bye
That Jacie sounds a little scawy and kinda suscpicious!
I am sorry you don't get to have any friends with you! At least you are in a gorgeous city! I think some retail therapy is in order!
Knock knock knock...
A knock sounds on the door of Asta's sweet er suite...
She answers to to find a ginormous Greatest Dane in a small apron with a purple feather duster arriving to clean the room.
For some reason, she seems to have a blender...
Odd, huh...
Sammie parle bien le francais. Nous esperons que tu trouves quelque chose plus interessante and heureuse tres vite.
And we are not entered in any of MM categories or contests so we would be happy to come keep you company.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I think you belong in Monte Carlo, Asta. And that dress! OMD. Even I would wear something like that. Just make sure you remember to set an alarm clock, just in case.
That Jacie ...er did she have like a big derriere Asta? You know I could always come under the little pee in a submarine Asta. mango would never see that. Would he? Wiry love Eric xxx
A bit of retail therapy Asta - that's what you need!
take care
Mommy has some friends in France. If you want some company over there, I can ask Mommy if they can visit you. You really should go to Grasse. If you want to "lose" your great dane friend, take her to Grasse and leave her at a perfume factory. She be occpied for at least a day or two.
Sally Ann
Hi Asta,
Great blog! And what neat parents you have-artists and teachers and living in "The Village" and all. Lucky you!
My Parental Unit teaches at an art and design school, and her big sister is an artist... so that's why we're all friends!
Don't you ever stay home? Your pawrents much be pretty special to drop you down in such great places.
Oh, Asta. The South of France is a much too romantic and beautiful place for you to be alone and lonely. We hope that your new friend Jacie knows the hotel staff, or can at least arrange for some comforts that make help make you feel pampered and special.
We wish we could be there with you. But we understand that that's not possible. We miss you terribly. Stay warm. And remember, it's just as well that you are staying protected from the sun.
Hoping that one day we will travel there together.
Love and admiringly,
BruvverJake and SissieFergi
You poor thing - no fraternising of any sort? That seems very wrong. But as usual - you keep your cool and your wardrobe never suffers! A class act!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
You look so lovely in France and Monte Carlo! Cool! I would be jealous.. only I am scared of strange places!
Our mom was busy admiring all those lovely outfits you were wearing.. you certainly live up to your fasionista name!!
You are right to be suspicious!! Good luck judging!
Woofs and Kisses!
Hmmmm who was this Jacie? The name sounds similar to...no.Can't be.
Hope you aren't too lonely by yourself sweetie. Hang in there. Only a few more days to go.
BabyRD & Hootie
Mica has a solution! Just make sure that Mica answers the door, not "Macie."
Maybe you can't fraternize, but there's nothing in the rules about caternizing!
Your pal,
You look pretty bored playing all alone. We won't tell Mango if you go out and do that fwatewnising stuff..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wilf n Digby live in the south of France and they aren't entered into any of the MM contests. I bet they would make wonderful escorts for you and Jacie/Lacie/whateverhernameREALLYis. They are very dignified and well traveled. Perfect gentlemen. Well, maybe Jacie wouldn't care for dignified?
Have fun, stay warm, hope to see you soon!
awww Asta, you are one cool dawg
Oh poor you!
No fraternizing...sigh.
There is only so much solitaire that one can play, eh?
Well at least you are following the wooles...I think a certain "Lacie" would last a millisecond with those rules! tee hee!
welllll so that's where you are.. on the riviera.... sounds like it's a little scary out there though.. stay safe and listen to the big guy about not fra ter nizing.. what exactly is a nizing?
theBUSTER, Ms.Blue (silly boy), & Ms.Persephone
Asta, I am suspicious about this 'Jacie'. You be careful, ok? Don't drink any smoothies that you haven't seen her make yourself!!!
I know you will be an excellent judge, Asta. All this sea quest herding will be worth it!
Oh Asta, you do look rather sad and lonely there in paradise!
Do you think we judges should all have a wee night out after MM is finished?
Since we have now finished our judging perhaps we could meet up - what do you say to flying across to Scotland - after all France is not so very far away.
We could meet up with Hamish and all the Scottish doggies for a wee dram.....or two!
Sometimes at this time of year you have to do something to keep your spirits up.
You do, of course, look wonderful in your pictures but we would urge caution with your alleged new BGF
Martha & bailey xxx
Asta mayke Dilly larff an larff!!!!
(Dilly like perpol purse too tho)
Hi Asta, we wish you were able to have more fun! It does sound like there is some weirdness going on with that Jacie!
Hello....this is the CHAMBERMAID.
My name is um Racieee...
I am a beet protesting of the 243 pairs of shooes you put out for me to zee poleesch.
And pooo qwaa zo many oraaange...and no zo many de purple???
I will put a large cup of hot carob on zee bed tonight...
With skim and double whipped.
Deal me in for some gin...
Mais non, I mean um
Leave zee shoes in the hall...as usual.
Er Respectfully yours,
sheesh, talk about a bummer vacation. I wish I could come hang out and play cards with you.
Oh, poor kousin Asta,
Sea quest hering just isn't the fun thing that you thought it would be, even in a beautiful place.
Was that snow that I saw? Yikes!
Alas, sometimes solitaire is the best game in town.
Try to keep a positive attitude, little kousin. It'll all be worthwhile.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Oh... I hope your vacation is not ruin...
~ Bae
What is going on? Why are you there by yourself? Shouldn't there be other contestants?
Inquiring minds would like to know what Mango has up his huge sleeve.
Oh, sorry, we didn't realize you're a judge. Now we understand.
Thanks for thinking of us. Jan has warm places to sleep for all of us kitties & doggies but Rusty needs such a big bed it has to sit on the floor, which is why the new blanket is just perfect for it.
Dear Asta
Verdi's blog we do not write it anymore because Gaucho has his own blog. Neither we erase it, it will stay in honor to him. We miss Verdi too, very much, and want that it is like that.
The blog of the small one will be now the one that we write. Do not feel sad, Verdi this one well where he is.
The life continues. If at some time we want to write something on Verdi we will do it in the Gaucho's blog.
With love!!!
La Jefa to Gaucho
Asta, wat ar yu eetin in yor header foto? Is it rice pudding? (yum)
Asta, you sure have some great adventures. Watch out the that fraternizing stuff. That Jacie seemed a bit weird...
That is a beautiful pearl necklace you have on in your pic.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica
Norwood didn't pick me...
I am so stoic...I've only bitten Scruffy once...he keeps going...
I'm coming over...you are no longer secluded to ME...
And I'm ditchin' the Great Dane costume...those size 12 jeans were killin' me...
Please have pawtinis ready...
Did ya see we got TWO FEET OF SNOW?
Lookie at our blog pix...
Do you think my butt's too big? Is that why he didn't pick me?
Hello sissy Asta!! You look stunning in your orange outfits. No matter what we always think of your happiness.. we have to see your big smile.
ahhh we admire your new necklace!!
Momo & Pinot
You sure do get around with the adventures. There are many responsibilities with being the judge but I know you are on top of this and will do a top knotch job.
If you need to get away for awhile head over to my place for some fun at the Super Bowl party! All fans of any teams are welcome!!
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