This is widicoolous..this is what we get instead of bootiful snow..we had snow fow a day..lovely, then they said it would snow again all day..xept it must have been a nonseeing weathewman (he needed a seeing eye helpew doggie in my opinion)
cause when I went out, stuff that was falling was white all wight, but by the time it hit the gwound, it was just watew..diwty watew at that..YUCK!!!!
natoowally it destwoyed all the nice white snow.
despite that, Mommi said I needed a walkie and fwesh aiw, so she gwabbed me and dwagged me acwoss the West village to go to one of hew favowite Book Stowes
(thank dog it's still hewe..these little pwivate bookstowes awe dwopping like flies, and while Mommi likes the intewnet , she adowes WEAL BOOKS
theiw smell, theiw feel, the noise of tuwning a page..just the whole thing
we awwived and you can see the stoopid howizontal wain-snow coming down
don't wowwy, I was only tied up fow the photoop..I nevew stay outside by myself
well, this is nice..good smells (when my Mommi had my angel sissie Nowa, the ownews of the bookstowe had a welsh tewwiew giwl in the stowe wowking wif them..Nowa used to love to go visit hew)
Now thewe awe no mowe doggies ,but vewy nice hoomans
c'mon Mommi ..I see some good books hewe
let's buy one
well aftew about almost an houw of puttewing awound and weading into books by sitting on the wooden steps inside, while I said hello to evewyone who came in and helped wif selections,
Mommi finally decidewed and we could go home
thwoo the sludge towawds home and a nice wawm fiweplace, some tea and a good book while Mommi scwitches my eaw and mooshes my tummie
all in all, the only way to spend this kind of day
(specially if you awe still too sad to be jumping awound)
take good cawe of youwselves
smoochie kisses

How I wish woo khould khome to my bakhkyard!
Plenty of WHITE DEEP SNOW to play in!
I'm glad woo got to go along with your mommi!
What a wonderful way to spend quality time with your mommy.
Bet the fireplace felt really good after sludging around in that sludge! And you don't even look the least bit sludgy either.
We're impressed! Star likes your coat.
Riley and Star.
i don't like slush too but i just love visiting you as i love all your interesting adventures.
mumster wants to thank your generous mumster for helping her - she is no good with the computer and sweet talked dadster ( who's busy but spared her some time) into helping her. do check our blog when you wake up for a surprise post for Max, thanks to you
love you lots
"Wain-snow" looks like horrible stuff! I never gets to go out in anything like that me being housebound! But that "favowite Book Stowe" looks real interesting.... we have tons of books here!
That is the worst of snow when it is melting it goes all grey and slushy.
You had a nice walk to the bookshop though. Days like that it is great to just be at home with a good book.
that sludge is icky!
your pal, Morgan
OH I love it when I get to go into stores too! Sorry for the sludge - very messy! What book did you buy? Any good ones?
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We've never been in a bookstore before, Asta! Lucky you!
We think your day sounded wonderful despite the sludge!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ick! Yuck! But the good news is that it is warmer, right? We got snow accumulating, but it will melt soon (I hope).
How nice and peaceful to spend time at a book shop.
Hey there dearest Asta
That book store looks soooo inviting! I love the wooden floors, the red door and the 'colours' of all the books on the shelf.
Yes, cold weather means books and fireplaces.
You could be a mascot for that book store...?
Well, at least you got a chance to wear your pretty jacket. Do you have any special boots you can wear to keep your feet clean and dry?
The jacket is very pretty and you look pawsome in it. We thinks we would like to visit book stores. Fenris got to go to the library and he loved it. We don't even get sludge, just rain and mud and more mud. ~AFSS
Hi Asta, we are sorry you are still feeling sad but a trip to the book shop is just the thing.
Pity about the sludge - we have had lots of that too.
We have never been in a book shop ourselves but our mum also loves to browse.
In Glasgow there are several who have coffee shops too and you can take you book and browse whilst enjoying a coffee.
It is the most relaxing place as they have real comfy chairs - sofas etc - and everyone's head is stuck into a book!
Mum says it is a silent world and just perfect time out from a busy world.
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx
Ciao bella Asta!
Sighhhhh ... books, fireplaces and scritches. That sounds like a wonderful way to overcome the February Sludge Blues!
I, Lucia, am not permitted to go into most shops and stores as I can be quite, er ... frisky. La mia ragazza says I am the Airedale equivalent of the bull in the china shop. Heeeeeeeeee!!!!
Stay warm, dolce amica, and tanti, tanti baci to you and your mama!
We hate it when the snow turns to slush - have to get our feet washed when we go out in it - eeewww!!
The Rocky Creek Gang
How sad that small book stores are being shut out by the chains and by the Internet sales.
Whenever our folks travel, mom always sniffs out whatever small bookshops remain. In the Florida Panhandle town of Apalachicola -- known for its oysters -- she found "Jake's Seafood Cookbook."
I wasn't there for the discovery, but I was glad they still carried something I had written when I was just a pup.
Sorry for the sludge. Step daintily or ask for a pick-up!!!
Love you!!
Sounds like a pawfect day to me. Put it on my eye tin rary for my visit please?
Wooos Asta! What a beawootiful day!And woo got to out in it too! Lucky woo! I just love days like that.
Mum says she would rather be where woo and your Mum are, curled up with a good book!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
So sorry about your sludge, Asta!
Thank bookstore looks REALLY cool!! We have lots, and lots of books at our house. Our Mom is a libwawian, so she LOVES books!! You are lucky that it is so close!
Woofs and Kisses!
Sorry your lovely snow turned into slush, Asta. At least that bookstore looks nice and cozy!
OMD!!! You get to go to the bookstore?! I would LOVE to go with my Old Girl and Mr. Jason--they are there every single weekend! BOL!
Hi Asta...
That slushy stuff is the least that is what my Mom says. Looks like you had fun in the bookstore tho''re so lucky you get to go places like that...first we don't have them here in Cali, but also I only get to go to PetCo.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
"towawds home and a nice wawm fiweplace, some tea and a good book while Mommi scwitches my eaw and mooshes my tummie"
Mum says that bit just summed up her idea of heaven! Thank you for showing us your little bookshop, we really liked to see it. My Mum's nuts about books too!
~lickies, Ludo
Sludge or no sludge (sorry about the lack of snow on the ground) you got a walkie and mommy and me time. Not bad, Asta. Cheer up, furiend :)
What wonderful coat.
Nice woooh
Sounds like an almost perfect day Asta, apart from the stupid sludgy stuff. But I've noticed Asta when the leggeds have a good book to read we don't get help with our blogs. Not good for a dog. And Mom has four of them lined up.
I love the fetch jumping Asta at the top of your bloggie. Just thought I'd bark that. Very sooper dooper.
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Dilly glad Asta be lowd inside shop!
Too cold be owtside!
Too cold eevn wiv luvly coat!
DIlly ownly like snow wen be pwitty, cleen, sparkly.
Not like sludgey mud stuff.
You got to go to a bookstore, and a bookstore where there was once a welshie like me. I think you are a good book picker outer. I saw your cousin, Marie Claire, and she ask me to ask you to call her.
Sally Ann
Hi, Asta!
Sure it was not the best of the weathers but I know you had a great time with your mom!
Did you choose a nice book for her??
Kisses and hugs
Guess you don't want to hear it was sunny and gorgeous here again today and I got to go to the beach again and play with a nice little boy with no front teeth who is visiting from...Da' Burgh!
Did Mommi get the new Aimee Leduc book? My Mom's waiting for the digital edition to be released on March 1 so she can read in on the endless flight to Israel!
See you in ten days!
Your pal,
Hi Asta,
What a great lookin' coat you have on there! And aren't you lucky to get to go to a neat bookstore like that on a yucky day.
My Parental Unit agrees 100%-there's nothin' like an small independent book store....
Talk with you soon.
P.S. Is my fabulous blog, Bocci's Beefs on your blogroll?
Me don't thinks I see it there...:-)
I'll put your blog on mine right now!
oh asta love
we just love your winter gear
oh and we are working on doing the max tour
but mommish seems to be having some trouble
tell you mommish she does'nt have to wait for her cause who knows how long its going to take ours
teehee hee
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Hi Asta,
So sorry for not visiting enough! You look so pretty in your winter gear...can't believe the lovely snow got spoilt by sludge! Here's to hoping there'll be more pretty snow, or better yet...spring! *grins*
Mom loves a good REAL book too...too bad they don't allow doggies into the bookstores here. You are really lucky to be able to visit the bookstore with your Mom! *grins*
Hope you have a great weekend!
Asta! What an awesome bookstore. My very first shopping experience was a bookstore, although not nearly as nice as yours.
We have snow! Gotta run and play in it.
oh my, we hate it when the snow goes like that!
We love small book shops too, but they are getting rare as hen's teeth nowadays, my Jeannie says. I didn't know hens didn't have many teeth, but I don't read books like my Jeannie does, so I bow to her intelligence on hens.
I digress, sorry, confused Marvin there.
We have had lovely sunshine here and very cold but frosty.
I wish you some sunshine Asta!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx don't stand out in that rain...honestly...between the wain flattenin' the curl outta your fur and that SLEDGE RUINING YOUR PAW COLOR....
Have Mommie carry you...or you can borrow my UGGS...
A good bubble bath always helps on days like that when weather wuins booty...
Kisses, girlie...gotta go pack for Mumsie...she's hopeless...
We had to wait outside the bookstore while Moma and Nina went in the other day. They did come out and tell us that there was a good "dog" section with TinTin books, and some with some cute Scottie dogs on the cover.
We hope the weather is clearing (and drying) up. We've been on the run so much lately, that we haven't even checked. We hate to think of you getting splashed by the passing vehicles. Even so, you always look bootiful.
We love you Sissie Asta,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Kousin Asta,
Looks like you had a great day to me. Especially at the end. Your Mommi knows what to do on a dreary winter day. That book store looks like a pawfect place. And it doesn't get any better than a warm fireplace, tea, a good book and scwitches from Mommi.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Sludge sounds just awful. Sorry you had to endure that sweetie.
It's cool that you get to go inside the bookseller! Of course, you are such a gentledog you should be allowed everywhere.Too bad that Welshie isn't still there.I'd go visit!!
Mom says she remembers that icky slushy stuff and doesn't miss it at all. We're sorry you didn't get the real thing!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweety....
you and your mommy sure had a wonderful day together at the bookstore!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww....we would love were there with you and reading some special book with you!!!!!
We're soooooooooo sorry for your snow!!!!
Here we have tons of snow if you want come here we'll be very very very happy!!!!!!!
You're soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful with your Jacket...sooooooooooooo cool.....soooooo elegant...'re a special lady!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Tons of love to you and to your special humans!!!
I'm with you, sissy. That sludge that the stoopit weatherman tried to pass off as snow was the pits. But that bookstore is really great! And nice that you have a fireplace.
Lucky you going to the bookstore-when we were fostered we lived with dogs-even though I am only 6 lbs-I used to take little swats at them.
My lovely
You should move to Connecticut, where it really snows. I think we are still the luckiest dawgs in the world...even if we get the perfect weather <3
I miss you little Asta
Sir SnowandLoveAlot
Hi there Asta,
Your sweater is so pretty. It's good to know that there still little bookshops around. The smell of paper and sure gives a warm and cozy feeling.
We are sorry to hear about the sad news you have received in your previous posts, we pray that more good news will come our way all across the doggie bloggie land.
We found you as we were following Max Tour Stories. It's such a a wonderful treat. Actually, we were hoping Max could make a stop with us.
Anyway, we hope to be your friends too. Thankies!
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy & Bullet
Asta, we are friends of Maxdog and family. We were talking our morning walk in the universe and decided to drop by to meet you! My, oh, my you have such a wonderful bloggy!
We tried to sign your guestbook but when we clicked on it we were always transported to the signature site. Maybe the html is messed up a little bit. Tell your momma to check and we will come back to sign☺
Hey Asta,
Having accumulated about 4-5 feet of the "pretty" white stuff in our paddock over the past couple of weeks, we advise you to be extremely careful of what you wish for. Even Khyra is probably sick of the white stuff by now.
We enjoyed your visit to the little book store. Dad said what your mom said about the m dropping like flies reminds him of the book store situation in "You've Got Mail" when ruthless Tom Hanks smashes Meg Ryan's little book store with his new MEGA-BOOK-STORE. Kinda like mom & pop vs. Wal-Mart around here.
We were at Max Dog's blog this morning and his mom is so excited about the montage that your mom made for Max about his Valentine's Day World Tour. Please give your mom 13 big hugs (that's 8 regulars, 3 little softies, and 2 grizzley bear types), 10 sloppy licky dog kisses and 3 sandpapper rasping kitty kisses from all of us. She done good; she done real good. She made a priceless memory that will be cherished for a lifetime by Ms. Caryl.
asta darling...
your look is so adorable...
what are you doing next week-end¿¿ do you whant to go to take dinner with me????
ASTA!!!! We are so happy to visit you again! Come over here, we have PLENTY of that white stuff!!!! Mommy wants to go to that bookstore!! You look so pretty in your snow gear!
Love, uSSSSS
hi Asta, that sludge muck snow slush horizontal rain/snow is ugly. you should fire your weather person and hire one who can bring real snow to your street. it looks like you had fun at your bookstore though. and we are very relieved to hear that your mommi didn't tie you up and leave you alone. that scares us when we see doggies like that! it sounds like your day was okay.
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