I apologize fow not coming awound and seeing you my deew fwiendses..Pleez know, I love you and even when I don't post, you awe in my heawt and mind aways!!!!
It's been a hawd time in bloggie land. It's impossible to undewstand why some families awe given so much mowe than anyone should have to beaw. Like Penny , Poppy and Patches' Mom Lana who lost hew deaw husband and then Poppy a week latew..
so tewibully unfaiw and I have no wowds to give as solace.
Mommi was so sad that she couldn't even post and twy to acknowledge my fwiends' cwossing ovew the wainbow bwidge
I've been holding hew tight and twying to tell hew that it's diffewent fow us doggies.
We don't wowwy the way hoomans do, and while we miss ouw fwiends, we know that we will see them again and awe happy that they had lives whewe they wewe loved and tweasoowed by theiw families and fwiends and they won't evew be fowgotten, and now they awe young again and pain fwee and waiting fow us and time is not the same as hewe on eawf.......so it's OK...
I wish we could teach ouw hoomans to
enjoy the moments and not keep thinking of the losses. It's hawd
I tweasoowe the memowies I have of my sweet and wise and polite fwiend Hamish..he taught me so much about life and his bootiful pawt of the wowld. We shawed some gweat fun times, and I'm happy to say, I was able to intwodooce him to the joys of taking a baf in powwidge while dwinking a wee dwam to soof his itchie skin a while ago.
I look fowawd to seeing him again one day..fawe thee well my deew fwiend

and sweet Poppy, what can I say fow hew Mom's bwoken heawt..I think maybe she wanted hew Dad not to be alone, and went to join him . She knew that Penny and Patches would be hewe to love and comfowt theiw Mom.
I love you Poppy and will always keep you in my heawt.
Sometimes it seems like being pawt of the bloggie wowld is too painful, then we get a wemindew of the bootiful side of being in this commoonity.
Ouw Deew Fwiend the Gowgeous Max fwom souf Afwica was invited by his fwiends to come and visit. So many fuwwfwiends fwom all ovew the wowld wanted to have him visit that it tuwned into a wowld touw!
This touw showed ouw love fow each othew and the suppowt that we always twy to pwovide when a fwiend is in need.
Mommi made this pictoowe fow Max and his Mom Cawyl as a sooveneew of that love.
You can biggify it and hopefully find youwself if you wewe pawt of this pwoject.
Pleez feel fwee to take the pictoowe and use it on youw bloggie if you want.
Pleez take cawe and tweasoowe the good times we have
Smoochie kisses

Well Said, Asta.....Well Said!
Those are wise words as ever. You are right that doggies don't think about crossings the same way as humans do, but we can get a big despondent. But we bounce back. It is our job to help the humans do the same. Your hugs will help mommi for sure.
God bless you and your Mommi. I am so sorry.
Asta...you and your Mommi are so sweet and wise, it always makes us feel better when we read a new post. We love the big photo of all you who were able to welcome Max for his visit. And we want to tell you that the OP Pack and Gilly have new (ish) girl doggies to go visit. The puppy with the Pack made muzzer smile, even though now she says it made her jaws ache.
oooopeeessss...we hope Mommi feels better soon. We made muzzer stay out of bed by jumping on her tummy. Maybe you shouldn't try that though. Looks like we are in Coventry again!
Thanks for this good tribute post Asta.Just found out about Poppy this afternoon and Mommy is beside herself with sadness.LIfe just isn't fair sometimes.Tears seem to help let some of the sad out.
We didn't see our poochie faces in the picture for Max, but will pretend we are there!
We too have been feeling quite numb as a result of all the sadness that has come into all our lives.
Your post was lovely.
Molly, Taffy and MOnty
What a wonderful post, Asta! You had mom crying all over again when she saw Poppy in that gorgeous field of poppies!
We love you and your mommi, Asta!
Maggie and Mitch
dear precious and darling asta
you are as bewootiful as you are wise
panks for this bewootiful post and kind words for all who need them
the picture you made of the woggies who love max ish just so thoughtful and nice of you we panks you on behalf our our ever growing pack
you are such a good furryend to all
we love you extra much
sweet pibble kisshes and wittle puppy breath slobbers
the houston woggie pack
we sooooo love you asta
Asta, my mom says that the only thing that keeps dogs from being perfect is that we don't live forever. We hope that all those who have lost a loved one find comfort and maybe the courage to let another dog into their hearts someday.
What a sweet and thoughtful post post Asta. I did a little post for wee Hamish then a few hours later found out about our dearest Poppy. No words for the sadness. I'm stretching my paws out across the big pee to you and your Mommy to give you both special square comforting cuddles and kisses chock full of love.I know you can feel it, cos us dogs know miles and ponds mean nothing when it comes sharing.
Squillions of wiry love , Eric xxxx
Woo is the sweetest ever!! We wuv woo too, so much!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Sometimes you need to do just what you did, take some time off. There are times in life, even in blogland, where tears temporarily blot out the sun.
Treasuring your friendship always Asta. We love the picture of all the cats and dogs pulling for Max. ~AFSS
Dear Asta,
You said all of the things that are in our heart - it's been a hard time in bloglandia - we have to reach out to each other.
The Rocky Creek Gang
That is a great post, Asta...I heartily agree that we should all be thinking of the good times that we had with our friends too! Although we will miss our friends who have passed, we will meet again someday, and so we should look forward and keep those good memories in our hearts =)
We understand!
And bekhause we do, we have to try and khonvince our hoomans...
We know how stubborn they are so it khan be khwite the challenge!
We still don't understand why Penny and Patches's mom has to hurt so much right now...
We LOVE the khollage your momi made! We will be proudly displaying it on our blog!
Please show her some khuddles from me!
Asta, me lady!
I have missed your blog. I've been ahem busy with me mom and me muffur (fur mom). Thanks for checking on us! Lacie's mom told mine about Poppy. It is indeed a sad time for all of us losing such a noble lad. We have had lots of those lately though, huh?
On the otherhand, me mom rescued me muffer and we gotta get a plan for weight loss for her. She goes to the vet on Wednesday and he'll help-he's smart!! Now, she has a big rump, not Laciecakes! We are still getting to know one another, but so far so good. She thinks I'm a monster! I'm such a lover, not a fighter, you know.
Stay tuned,
I'll keep you posted,
Irish Love, McG
Asta, you and your Mommy are so very smart and even more loving. It has been such a very sad time for so very long, but as Max told us today, we do have the circle of life that keeps going.
The collage of the World Tour participants is so beautiful. We fell so wonderful to have been a small part of it. Thank you to your Mommy for making such a wonderful memory for us.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara
Woooos Asta! Your words and thoughts are wonderful at this sad time. Mum and I did not know Poppy, but are heartbroken over the loss of Hamish...it can be a sad world but your true spirit shines through!It has been a truly amazing experience with our new circle of fur friends!Bless woo all!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi, Asta!
Very well said!
We have been very sad knowing about our friends going to the bridge but we will keep their memories forever.
Give your mom kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Take care
Lorenza and mom
Oh Asta, Your mom is so sweet and she just worries so much about everyone. Tell her that I still don't like my brother, but I am just fine and I am not going anywhere for a long time. Mom says I'm not allowed to until I am at least 15. I'm like, okay. Sounds good to me.
My brother the pickle brain is driving me crazy and we may not be the best match, but mom is working with the rescue to figure out a solution. Whatever that solution is, it will have to be one where I am happy and stupid Owen is happy or mom will not be happy at all. So basically, us dogs are top priority over here.
As it should be, right Asta Banana?
Asta, my mom helps me with the technical stuff and she's swamped. At least you already know how much we loved your sooveneew and be sure we'll post it with pride real soon.
Good job, kousin Asta! We dogs have a way of putting things into perspective.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh Asta, I couldn't help the tears fall from eyes, reading your post. I wish we hoomans could comprehend the things that you doggies know by heart. It is just so difficult to say goodbye...
~ The Secretary
P.S thank you for the heart warming comments you left about Scarlet's wheelies.
Dear Asta
Thank you for a beautiful post! You have so much love to give that it is always a pleasure to visit your bloggie and come and roll in it! Thank you again for that beautiful picture.
If you want to see a new beautiful pup on the block - go and look at TIFFANE ...at COCO's blog. She is a teacup poodle - weighing in at 500g (Just about a mouthful)
We really do love you, dear friend!
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a grate tribyoot to yore frends yoo ar sutch a thawtful doggie!!! that is why we luv yoo!!! ok bye
That's a nice tribute. it's pawsome that you're my friend Asta. ;)
~ Bae
Wise words Asta & a lovely tribute.
It has been a sad time.
Love, pats & pets
Hi Asta and Mommi
I just want to thank you so much for this beautiful and touching post. My dear Hamish no longer has his itchy skin and other problems to contend with, but I feel lost without him.
At least I know I can come and visit Asta's blog and always experience the sweetness and love that flows between humans and dogs.
And I shall always cherish the picture of Hamish in his porridge bath!
Much love (also to Penny),
A very sweet post, Asta. And a good reminder for us to cherish our loved ones and every moment we spend with them.
What a great picture of all the furbodys sending out vibes of love.
Bellissima, Asta and Mommi.
Dear Asta
The collage is beautiful.
Give your Mama sweet hugs from me and Jeannie.
Sad times indeed in Dog Blogland.
sad licks, Marvin xxxxxx
An excellent postie dear Asta...you are wise indeed!!!
We live for the moment and in a state of constant hope...hope that we'll go for a walk...and hope that a pound of cheese will fall on my head...(that happened to our other dog, Sarge, once...he never stopped talkin' bout it...)
That pic of all of us gathered around Max is a treasure...though, somedog was goosin' my butt and I couldn't tell who it was...sheesch...
Kisses dear girlie!
Asta, my Old Girl has been so sad, too! I've been trying to cheer her up. Thanks for making us both smile today. :P
Well pawed, Asta.
Well said oh wise one....PL2 said she is glad that we doggies don't feel it the same as they do..At least she hopes so......Love A+A
Well said, Asta!! We hope that your Moms cheers up soon! You are doing such a good job supporting here!
Woofs and Kisses!
Hi Asta,
Your collage for Max is great. We were hoping to have been part of it, actually. The Max World Tour is really amazing and it's proof of how blog friends can give support to each other though we are miles apart.
We hope you and your mom will feel better as you continue to touch many people and furries lives.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
You are very wise, Asta! Our mom is trying very hard to only remember the good times, but it's just too hard for her just yet! She's still in shock over the loss of Poppy. We are giving her extra kisses, though, and trying to be very good girls. Thanks for the great tribute to Poppy and Hamish!
Penny & Patches
Asta, it is a very sad time right now.
We thought that was a lovely tribute to our wee pal Hamish and to Poppy.
We didn't know Poppy but we were very saddened to read about her going.
We like to think she went to be with her Dad. Maybe he was missing her.
It is hard to understand sometimes why things happen.
We have been thinking of all the sadness - we think the DWB community is very supportive but we all feel the pain of loss of all our friends and that makes life hard.
That was a lovely post.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Very well put.
That was a very special post - beautifully put!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Oh Asta, what a beautiful, beautiful post! I hope you and your mommie feel better soon. We're turning the corner into spring now, and that should help. It sure does for me!
Your good pal,
Asta. This was a lovely post. Straight from your heart. Sent straight to ours. You've touched on a lot of important thoughts and feelings. A lot of truths.
Thank you.
Jake and Fergi
(Tell your mommi that the picture she put together for Max and his moma Caryl is beyond amazing.)
Asta we understand how you and your mom feel - we have been feeling the same way. Our mom has been thinking that it sometimes is just too sad to hear what is going on with our friends, and their friends too. But we also want to be there to give them support - it is very tough, and a lot of the time we don't know what to say. So we just try to let them know we are there for them, like we are here for you and your mom during this tough time. Sadness is hard - we understand that she needs to take a bit of time.
Thanks for stopping by! I think me muffur (fur mom) will LOVE me Laciecakes and her fashion sense. We shall see! Me thinks I have a plan even if Lacie cannot turn on her Lakie charm!
Me muffur is almost finished with her computer 101 course that I'm teaching. She will be blogging shortly, and believe me, she has a LOT to say. Stay tuned, and I did save most of those smoochies for meself (okay, all but one that I gave to muffur). You are so sweet and cute, Asta!
Irish love,
Hi Asta,
You are absolutely right sweetie.. it's not been a happy time in DWB land with too many sudden losses and bad news. Again, the quote we read not long ago came to mind 'Grief is the price we pay for love'.. Sadly, the more and the deeper we love, the sadder and more intense the pain is when we lose what we love. Sigh...
Btw we love your new blog design!!
Ah Asta, as Max so astutely put it a few days ago, it's the Circle of Life and we never really know where we are on that Circle so as dogs, we just enjoy every minute of it. We really are so lucky we have no concept of our own mortality and can live life as it was meant to be - a moment, a meal, a pat, and a nap at a time.
See you soon!
Your pal,
Well said, Asta. It's been such a sad time lately. But the great thing about the blogosphere is that we can lean on each other in good times and bad and we're super thankful for all of our furriends.
Your pal,
We haven't been getting around as much either and we are sorry. But you are right that us doggies can teach the humans a thing or two about enjoying today. Thanks for reminding Mom.
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