I weceived so many bootiful Wallentine wishes fwom deew fwiends and i want to shawe some of them wif you..some, I can't put on bloggie cause they came as moving cawds. If I got one and didn't put it up fwom you, pleez fowgive me..Mommi gets vewy absent minded when she's sad.
Those handsome bachelows fwom Texas, Mango the Maltese kiddo and his bwuvvews XiMui and Chubbs sent this gowgeous floweweing bwanch as Chinese NewYeaw also stawted at the same time as Wallentine's Day.
Paco , Milo, Maya and theiw bootiful Mom Simona sent this pawfect cawd filled wif love
my sweet kittie fwiends fwom Italy, Opus and his sissie Olive sent me this gowgeous cawd
My sweetest sissie Fewgie and Bwuvvew Jake sent me theiw heawt
and song
We love you sooooo much.
And we hope today is really really special for you.
All of you.
Full of sweets and treats.
Cuddles and snuggles
Music and flickering candles.
And love.
Lots and lots of love.
You so deserve it.
My fwiends at lifewithdogs sent this gowgeous coopid in a cloud
my dawling new fwiend Walph sent this sloppy lovely kiss
(pleez visit him, he would like new fwiends)
Then , thewe is my sweet Duffy my baby bwuvvew, wight hewe in NewYawk
Is that not fantastically bootiful????
and Mona and hew Mom sent me a whole box of Chocolates, hehehehe
What could be bettew???
My Butchy Love sent this Valentine..he has been so much pawt of my life hewe on the bloggies, and I miss his sweet sissie Snickews so much

and sweet Kylie sent me big wet slobbewy kisses
Siw Love -a Lot (Sir Chance-a-Lot), Bogawt, Ewic , Scwuffy, Agatha and Awchie all sent me theiw love and fow all of these i am so vewy happy and gwateful, but I was missing one vewy special Valentine, and then it came.
My twoo love Stanley sent me this cawd and message, Sighhhhhhhh:
I am FLAT OUT in love with you, my sweetpea!
(when Asta saw this, she passed out with a big grin on her face)
after she woke up, she and Stanley hurried over to be with their friends for a trip to Niagara Falls
to see their adventure, please go and visit Asta's sissie Gracie, Momo, Karl of the Cat Realm, Opus and Olive and the rest of the gang
Please leave them comments.
The adventoowe will continoo fow sevewal days and we did some of the pictoowes too, and they awe all vewy vewy good fwiends
We ran out of time and can't post it all because of the sadness and our Max tour, but we are part of this adventure and would like you to share it.
Pleez wemembew to visit Penny Poppy and Patches and theiw Mom Lana at this howwibully sad time.
They have lost theiw Dad and awe vewy vewy sad.
Keep them and all ouw sick and sad fwiends in youw thoughts and heawts
smoochie kisses

Hoppy Valentine's Day, Asta! We know we are a little late, but we've been trying to catch up!
Lovely wishes you've received. You are so generous and giving, it is no wonder you have so many friends!
Freckles and Deb
wooowie..you gots lots of valentines. And one from Stanley..Oh,now we know you are a happy girl.
What wonderful Valentines Asta. We wish we had made one!
They are beautiful and you are so well loved. Especially from one special pup.
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxx
I hope you had the bestest Valentine's Day ever! And thank you for keeping Stanley busy!!
Hi Asta,
Wow! You sure got a lot of Valentines. That's because everybuddy luuuuvs you!
What a wonderful post. Your mommy really does a fantastic job!
Take care Sweetie and thanks again for that gorgeous Valentine you sent us.
Luv ya,
Riley and Star. xoxoxoxoxox!
We know we're not your true true loves, but we love you just the same and are happy you have so many admirers (in addition to us).
Your Chinese New Year gathering of terriers is dim sum delicious. Wish we could hop over to Chinatown to enjoy the festivities.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Happy Valentine's Day to you too Asta! We loves all those purrty Valentines!
We likes you in your red kimono!!
Looks like you had a lovely Valentine's Day!
What a lot of beautiful cards you received for Valentine's day, Asta! You are one special girl and are loved by so very many!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
aww asta look how furry shpecial you are
wonderful cawrds you weceived and thank you so furry much for the wonderful pikshure of you.
we shend you many juicy pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Those are some lovely valentines. You are one lucky gal.
It's been a sad few weeks. :-(
You are one well-loved girl, Asta!
Oh that Stannie He is the man!!!! MUAHHHHHHHHHHH Love the A team
Did you see my Valentine's day post? I couldn't fill half a page with all of them together. Wow! I'm impressed.
Awwwwwwwwwwww sweety...
you got so many wonderful Valentine's cards!!!
It's because you're such a special girl and friend for all of us!!!!
We couldn't live without your friendship!!!!!!
And we're honored to have you and your sweet humans in our life!!!!
And don't worry....we'll go to visit all your friends giving them our love!!!!!
We send you special and sweet kisses and hugs!!!!!
You are such a thoughtful girl, Asta. You deserve all those beautiful Valentines and many more. We love you for being such a tenderhearted pup.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
What a pawesome khollekhtion of Wallentines!
Thank woo fur sharing all of them with us!
hi Asta, those are some lovely valentines that you have. we know that you have a lot of admirers!
there is so much sadness now. it's difficult for our old lady to get on the blogs and read about so much sadness - too many humans and pupsters flying up to heaven. she just can't deal with it sometimes.
anyway, we are going to try to get her to help us blog more. she doesn't need to play all of those stupid games on FB. we only like the one where we get to visit Sweatpea! she's such a cutie - kind of reminds us of you!
thanks for leaving us a message about Bijou. our mom feels soooo guilty. it's her punishment, she says, and still she is tormented by the memory of the event and knowing that there is nothing nothing nothing! she can ever do to make it up to Bijou or apologize (as if that would matter, after you have killed somepup!). i, Bailey, told her that it wasn't her fault and she didn't know, but she insists on taking full responsibility and won't let herself have any excuses. how can any excuse bring back a little pup?
so anyway, we will try to blog better and visit our friends more. we have missed you.
woofs from all 4 of your not-so-secret admirers - hee hee! the 4Bs!
Love the new look at your place. Are you planning a trip to the far east?
I hope you had a nice Valentine's day. It sure was fun up at Niagara. Will take us all many days to rest up.
Are ya watchin' the terriers tonight???
Lovely lovely Valentines, dearest Girl!!!!!
Did you see that Gillie's mom might be movin' in with them???
That could cramp my style...sheesch...
Love you dearest girl....
Lacie...did ya get Scruffy's cardie?????
Who can not love the Asta girl? You are a most deserving valentine and its right that you were spoilt with all those beautiful wishes...Wish we could have sent you a special one too (Mom is so useless with cardy thingies!), but please accept our most sincere love, dear one!
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