Befowe I tell you a nice stowy, pleez go to Chef's bloggie and cwoss youw paws fow his Dad.
also pleez go to Butchy and Snickew's bloggie and vote fow him
now fow my nice stowy
You know , us fuwwkids have to wely on ouw hooman secwetawies to help us wite ouw lettews and posts, and sometimes, they don't do it..Thewe's all sowts of excooses
Wowk, laziness, sickies, hooman family, all sowts of things happend, but the thing is, we get neglected .
Fow instance, many of you know that Stanley the woolew of Goobewstan is sowt of my financee
umm, Imean , he did come and spend the night at my house and gave me a hooge diamond, but that was last yeaw.
Since then, his Giwl has had lots of pwoblems wif hew looking fow wowk, being depwessed fwom no wowk, and, well, Stanley has not been posting ow witing like he used to.
(meantime, his Giwl gots a new jobs and just stawted this week..go wish hew luck!)
My newew fwiends pwobably don't even know that he and I awe an item. I was quite sad about this, but knew it wasn't his fault, and I'm a twoo bloo sowt of giwl, so even though I love lots of boyz, my one twoo love has aways been Stanley.
(He undewstands when I go on adventoowes ow dates wif othews as long as my heawt stays twoo.)
I've been missing him and on top of all the othew sadness this wasn't good
well, look what came in the mail fow me
you can bigify it so that you can see his sweet wowds
he calls me Asta O' My Heart
I swooned, I fainted, I was soo happy that he still loves me
I had to get in that bag and see what he sent me
this is not so easy to open
I think I'm finally getting it
it's a fwosted stwawbewwy pupcake
a sweet just fow me fwom my Sweet
(pleez excoose my watty , diwty appeawance, but ouw stweets awe yucky when wet, and this was befowe my baf)
I love it!!!
I munched it!!!
ahhhh twoo love
smoochie kisses

That was just sooooo furry special!
He is SOOOOOOO a keeper!
PeeEssWoo: We shared Chef's blog on my post today!
Wat a nice story, an you iz so lucky to get dat delishus looking pupcake an also to haz a nice fiancay.
Asta that is a lovely story - we love the happy ending!
Asta, we love that you fill our lives with tales of romance ...........and pupcakes!
Martha & Bailey xxx
We love a happy ending.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Sigh: We surely Wish Stanny and his girl all the very bestest. We hope he can visit you again sometime.
What a lovely gift, Asta!
Aw Asta, true love for you and your Stanny just like in the movies.I love it when there's a happy ending. And food involved too. Perfect.
Wiry love n kisses Eric xxx
Anyone that knows you and Stanley know that you two are an item and made for each other. Of course he certainly loves. That was such a nice gift for you for that he sent you. You are a lucky doggie to have him in your life.
I miss the big old Goob too! Glad to hear his Girl got a job. Hopefully we'll be seeing him and Stella now and then.
Did it rain all day in NYC? I bet you got super muddy. It POURED here.
aw asta you really are so beautiful, inside and out!! - loves and licks
Awwwwwwww, that was very sweet of Stanley, Asta! Your frosted strawberry pupcake is so cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great love story. For a while I thought your heart was broken, and I was going to say "join my club" but I'm glad it worked out for you. Besides, your Stanley is twoo to ywoo.
Oh Asta, I'm so glad you have a true love, and that he remembered you on Valentine's Day! (And you didn't look dirty at all!)
Over in my neck of the woods, we are fresh out of true loves. I will soon write a post about losing a Parental Unit, which happened over the holidays...
We are a bit down sometimes, but my main Parental Unit is very optimistic for true love-meanwhile I'm her main squeeze and she is mine!
Hope to see you on my blog soon>
Your pal,
What a sweet gift. He loves you.
Sally Ann
ah sweetness asta
is'nt puppy love the gweatest eber??
and we admire how true you are to your one true wuv
lucky he ish to have one so bewootiful and true as you.
we send you many pibble sugars and wiggles from the wee ones
the houston pittie pack
So glad to hear the good news.
We stopped by Chef's blog yesterday. We are all hopeful for his dad.
Oh Asta,
That is the most beautiful love story we have ever heard! We are so happy that you heard from Stanley.
He does luv you! That's for sure and let me tell ya another thing, these long distance relationships are hard on our hearts!
Asta, that was such a sweet Valentine gift to receive!
Your header is just wonderful - we love it - a great celebration of the Year of the Tiger!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
- we thanked you again in our post for your fantastic Max World Tour photo collage! We are very proudly displaying it on our sidebar!
Ahhhh l'amour! That pupcake looks delicious!
Wooos and Awwwww....such a sweetheart! Woo are very lucky to have found him!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Awwww, that was such a great and lovely story, Asta. Of course Stan loves you and how well he put it. We think that cupcake was the perfect choice for sweet Asta.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi, Asta!
I was wondering what was happening with Stand, Stella and their girl!
Glad to know they are ok!
He sent you a pawesome present!
Kisses and hugs
w00fs, me always new that stanley still loved u...and sooo happy his girl found a job, its really tuff to find one now.,..
b safe,
Of course Stanley is stil your sweetie. He is for sure a one gal guy.
AWWWWWWW....that is super sweet of Stanley to send you a little cupcake! I already knew you two were an both look so great together! *grins*
Oh Kousin Asta,
I am so glad to hear that everything is okay with you and your tru luv, Stanley, Ruler of Gooberstan. No matter where you go or what you do, you will know that Stanley loves you.
How nice!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
awwww asta... that was some pupcake your goober sent. we have decided that february is just a dark kinda's rainy snowey whatever it is we can't go out and run cuz it's very sogggggy and wet.
happy year of the tiger.. <---that's my humomm's year, she's celebrating too.
theBUSTER, MS.Blue & Persephone Blue too
Stanley loves Asta
Stanley loves Asta
Stanley loves Asta
We had no doubt about it Asta.
Our pinky has been very slack in the blogging department too. We think she is just lazy. We hope she makes more of an effort in the weeks to come.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Awww.. that Stanley boy of yours is so sweet!!! Since he is the ruler of GooberStan, won't you become the Queen of GooberStan if you guys get hitched?? Cool...
I think you and Stanley are the perfect couple!
My mom knows how tough it can be to help out with the blogging. She says she has had the week from he!! and it's not over yet!
What a sweet gift, Asta. You are one lucky guwul!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Oh Asta,
Sometimes life gets in the way, but true love cannot be interrupted!
It's SO good to hear that Stanley's girl has a new job. I really hope it works out for them! I REALLY miss their updates!
Kisses to you, sweet girl!
Olive doesn't have a clue about tomorrow! See you soon!!
Oh for Petey's sake...did ya hafta eat ALL OF THE ICING ON THAT PUPCAKE....(Lacie's naturally soothing voice rises to a horrible shriek, then drops when she remembers to whom she is speaking...)...Oh...sorry, Asta...I mean where there is cake, I just sorta go into this state...
Speaking of cake, Scruffy is like so dead...come and see the stoopid card he made for Petey and he posted that even stoopider poem....
I am so glad Gooberboy sent you that Valentine's Day sweet...he does love you truly, you know...
Ur BFF...Lacie
Great story and happy ending.
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay sorry to heer abowt yore frends dada why is their so mutch bad nooz laytly??? ok bye
We are so glad that you heard from your Goober. We know you had been missing him and that made you sad. Maybe this will cheer you up a little. Certainly that pink pupcake is big enough to last you for a little while! Stanny clearly really cares about you.
We've been to Chef's blog ... we'll go check in again. And hope that the surgery went well. Thanks for reminding us.
We love you, Sissie.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Stanley is such a romantic doggie. We are sorry he doesn't get to blog as much as he used to. We really enjoy spending time with the TWO of you. ~AFSS
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