This has been a tewwibully busy sunday fow me
Even though, I'm involved in lots of fun things, my mind has been constantly going to Souf Afwica and my good fwiend Max
I am wishing as hawd as I can on the dog staw and sending my love and pwayews to him and his family.
Pleez stop by and give them youw love
Max , I love you and hope all the time you have is filled wif love , and joy and nevew any pain..I do hope that time is still long, but it's mowe impawtant that it be as wondewful as all youw life has been.
My deew Sissie Gwacie is having a snoopew Bowl pawty, and while I'm not weally that much of a football fan, I do love a pawty, and being wif fwiends and if I have to pick..I'm wooting fow the undewdog fwom the place wif the gweat moosic. so pleez stop by and join Gwacie and fwiends, thewe is yummie food, and dwinkies and above all good company
hewe I am wooting fow my team, hehehehe
and finally
Today is the concloosion of Mango Minstew!!!!!
The most pwestigoos show in all fuuwdom.
This has been an amazing yeaw wif hundweds of incwedible contestants.
I hope you have all been following the excitement all this week on the Official Mango Minstew bloggie
my heawtfelt thanks to Mango and his Momma who have gone above and beyond to make this happen
We dedicate
the BEST IN SHOW COMPETITION to ouw deew fwiend MAX!!!!!!!!!!
I am the judge fow the BEST IN SHOW competition tonight, and the excitement is palpable
I'm all dwessed and waiting fow Awchie( who has sweetly agweed to accompany me to the cewemony)
This has been one of the hawdest things I have evew done.
As you know fwom some of my wecent posts, Sea Quest Hewding is most unpleasant and tewwibully lonely, so I'm glad it's ovew.
I wasn't allowed to see any of the Con Test and only found out the finalists today. Thewe have been some attempts at inflooencing my vote ( You know who you awe), but I have stayed twoo to the pwinciples Mango holds deew, and have judged accowding to what we all stwive fow in being the best of what we awe.
I am vewy pwoud to have been pawt of such an event wif twoo Mango Integwity
Pleez go to Mango Minstew and cast youw last votes fow Weadews choice, and then stay fow my final judging and
Thank you deew fwiends fow youw patience wif me. I have not been able to come visit you the way I would like doowing this time.
I love you all
smoochie kisses

I know, Asta, it's been very quiet without your posts and comments this week! I love your dress for the final judging but did you have Lacie do your hair? (hehehe) Okay, maybe that was a present for her birthday. Now that she's 21 in dog years, I think we're in for a wild ride!
Have fun!!!
Your pal,
what a sweet thought for MAx!!!!
We're praying for him and his mom...keeping them in our hearts!!!
He's such a wonderful friends for all of us!!!!
And you look sooooooooooooooo beautiful and sexy in your black dress!!!!
The boys are drooling watching over you!!!!
WE MISS YOU BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
We know you're very very very busy as a judge in Mango's contest!!!
But hope to hear from you soon!!!
Have a wonderful pawty!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks...and we think of you always!!!!
Max is such a handsome lad - we sure hope he gets to feeling better pronto!
And you look most lovely in your black evening gown Miss Asta!
Asta look wonderful in your finals finery, and you are one of the cutest cheerleaders I have ever seen!
We just left the Best In Show post - Miss Asta, you did a wonderful job - thank you for your super judging.
We are very sad here too for Max, it just doesn't seem fair.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We understand, Best In Show judge is a big responsibility!
Fab photo of all of us. Yowsa! I don't even remember posing for it. Hehehe.
We have been thinking fo Max too!
Mango Minster 2010 was pawesome!
I love your black dress! You look gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs
We are praying for Max also. Mango Minster is fun! I love your posts and your dress :)
Dear Asta...
I've grounded Lacie for her inexcusable behavior in attempting to toss Mango Minster...cept it's her barkday tomorrow and I'd feel badly if she couldn't maybe Tuesday?
Cept I think she might be visiting Norwood...I think she's referring to him as Norweed at this point...
You did an amazing job as Best In Show Judge...where DID you get that dress? It looks so...Lacielike.....
Kisses, dear Girl...
And my apologies for Lacie's poor choice in behavior...
Always, Mumsie
Your team did it, congrats to them. They played a good game. If the Colts had not been playing I would have rooted for them to win.
You looked Mah-vel-ous as the judge. Good job! Now, lets start the party!
Woo did a pawesome job!
I know how tough it is fur I was BIS Judge last year!
Mango does treat his judges furry well - I hope woo agree!
We are so thinking of Max and his furamily!
I saw you at the superbowl party tonight. You looked great, and I think your presentation went well.
Sally Ann
You have had a very busy day, Asta. It was nice seeing you at Gracie's party. Like Sassy, she knows how to throw one.
We are sad for your friend Max. We've been stopping by to check on him.
Glad you're no longer in that lonely place waiting for the judging to take place.
Oh Asta......where are ya? I"ve been banging on ur door but ya must be still watchin the game!
What should we do tomorrow? Shop?
I'm exhasted...will be sleepin on big bed...
Nitey night...Birthday Cake kisses! Lac
Dearest little Asta AND mom!
Thank you so much for all your love and for thinking of us and for all you do for us! We love you guys so much! Max is comfortable and peaceful at the momnt. Thanks for all the prayers. Have a wonderful day and GET THAT PHOTO of you and mom together!
With love
That's really sweet thoughts for Max.
And you sure have been busy, I hope you're having lots of fun. :)
~ Bae
G'day Asta matie
Wow Mango Minster has been a real fun time. I really enjoyed being part of it but my silly pinky forgot to vote for me....sigh. Never mind hehe.
Cant wait for the last lot of results.
Hope you and your pinkies are all well.
Noah xx
You look just beautiful, Asta! You are such a fashion Queen!
Our thoughts are with Max constantly!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Job well done Asta! Wonderful winner and well deserved. Hip Hip Hooray for the DOH and all her hard work. Phew what a job.
Oh and Asta. the outfit and your hair were wonderful. My Special FASIONASTA!!!!! HAAAAA!!!
Wiry love and tons of kissses Eric
Sniff. Not even ONEe little kissie? I was only joking bout Lacie you know. Those bad boys are a naughty influence on me.... I did call her sweet Lacie ...
Hi Asta
Well you did a truly splendid job at Mango Minster - congratulations are due all round. But no doubt it is a relief, no longer to be sea quest hewded.
And you still found time to think about our dear friend Max.
You are such a sweet lass (if a trifle over-adventurous on the fashion front, at least of a chap of my conservative, Scottish tastes!)
Cheers, Hamish.
What a refreshing sight -- a beautiful, elegant young lady dressed to the nines to judge Best in Show and bring the splendid competition to a spectacular close.
You did well, sweet grasshopper!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Miss Asta,
You did a wonderful job as Best in Show judge! You had a hard decision to make, and I think you made a great choice!
You look lovekly, as always. I hope you will be able to settle back in at home now and relax a little!
My deah, schweet Asta,
You aw my love connection. What a sweet soul you have. We are vewy happy to be your fwiend. And you aw a very, very wise judge.
I have many many wins in my short little life and I know with all the twaining I am doing there will be more. But there was one win I didn't feel qwalified for and that was BIS. Compared to Clive, I haven't accomplished much...yet. He is so deserving and we wanted to give him all the votes I got.
And of course, we all need to dedicate this year's show to Max.
That is a twagic loss,
We are so glad that Max got the best in show...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Asta, you're quite the cheerleader. :) I have a confession. I don't want to cast my last vote. If I do, MM 2010 will be over. As for your best in show award: woof woof woof!!!
All I can say is, NICE LEGS!!!
Well, I thought it was a fabulous party and you looked just MAUVELOUS DARLING!
But even with you very busy schedule, you were very sweet to remind us all once again to keep MAX and his mom in our prayers.
Take care and we luv you!
Riley and Star.
Asta it was so nice to see you at Gracie's party yesterday! Congrats on the win!
We were so sad to see the news about Max - we haven't been keeping up the past few days and had hoped to come back to good news. We are still sending him tons of purrs and prayers!
Asta Banana Head! You look awesome in all your outfits. We're catching up on blogs and we haven't been judging anything.
P.S. Mom still has no voice. She can't tell me not to do anything. It's great!
Asta! I can hardly contain myself either and mom is useless. She keeps spilling the beans all over the place. We just heard that his snip snip went well today and they cleaned his teeth to, so he will almost be like a brand new doggie woggle. We are beside ourselves excited. Five more sleeps.
We visited Max. We feel sad and have tears to read about what is happening. We feel our words of comfort are so little.
You have such a pretty dress! We hope that you are well!
We are glad to see that you are back home - what a jet-setter you are!! And you look lovely in your evening attire with your fancy hair-do. You must share the phone number/address of your new groomer.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Asta, congrats on being such a pawfect judge for Mango Minster. I think you made the very best choice, and looked very elegant too.
~lickies, Ludo
We had such a blast at Mango Minster, but we were also thinking about our good friend Max. We are hoping for the best.
Mom is jealous of your style, you looked great in the Best In Show ring!
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