a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'd like to dedicate this Valentine's day post to the loved ones we've lost.
It's been a tewwibully sad time in Bloggie land wecently.

My  heawt is  so heavy wif sadness when I wead about the pain some of my fwiends awe endoowing, but the joy and love I've gotten fwom my fwiends on the blog is immesuwable, and makes my heawt sing.

So I'd like to celebwate that love we shawe!

My sweet Fwiend Max stopped in New Yawk City on his Valentine's Day Wowld Touw
(thanks to the magic of blogland, he is able to visit so many of us this day)

I am so happy and honowed to spend the day wif him.
He was the most wondewful host showing me his gowgeous homeland when i was lucky enuff to visit him a few momfs ago.
I hoped that I would be able to show him a little bit of the same hospitality.

Natoowally, I wanted to show Max some of  ouw landmawks.
He and I climbed all the way to the top of the Statoo of Libewty.
My Mommi sailed into NewYawk Hawbow as a littol giwl a billion yeaws ago fwom Oowope and still wemembews the thwill of seeing this lady.

Aftew we climbed down the many staiws ( I hope it wasn't too tiwing ), we walked along the Hudson wivew watewfwont next to my house. 
Max had seen me walking thewe in some of my posts, and wanted to see it and the view of the Lady in the Hawbow  fwom this  vantage point.

next we went to look at the skyline fwom the top of the Chwyslew Building.
It's pwetty pawsome and vewy vewy diffewent fwom what Max is used to.

by the time we went up to Centwal Pawk, the snow was coming down..I was glad, beacause I had hoped that Max would be able to expewience the fun  I have when I play in it.  Max said it added a little something extwa to the taste of his Fwisbee, and his bootiful thick coat pwotected him fwom the cold.  I think he quite liked it.

As you can see, snow didn't stop us fwom the next thing on my agenda, shawing my favowite gelato wif Max

I wanted to show him my house too..it's just an apawtment and not a big house and pool like he's used to, but  he felt wight at home and  I found he has a most bootiful voice when we sang a doo ett  

The day went much too fast,, as all good things seem to.

Max had many many mowe fwiends to visit. 

 I  thanked him fow coming, and kissed him Adieu

MAX, I will keep you in my heawt, till I get to see you again!

all my love and smoochie kisses


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD...are we first???

Oh Asta...I can just feel the joy you had showing Max your beautiful city!!!!

You were the pawfect hostess and I think his visit with you brought him peace and joy...he can feel the love we dogs bring to each other and to our hoomans...

Max will continue to share his wisdom with us for a great while...

In the meantime, his presence on this Valentine's Day reminds us of the friendship we have for each other...and the love we share...

What a beautiful post!!!

Kisses, dear girl...

Your best friend forever...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a grand tour of the town woo two had!

I know Max has so many memories to share with his mom!

Woo were khwite the pawesome hostess - as I knew woo would be!

PeeEssWoo: That was furry nice to dedikhate this to our furiends we've lost in the past days!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've imagined that Max's introduction to the United States may have been through the New York Harbor and bt the beautiful welcoming lady, the Statue of Liberty. And now we wonder if maybe that wasn't true! You were such a perfect hostess, sweet Asta. We can see that you shared some of the most special places with him, especially your lovely home and walks along the Hudson River. We're especially happy you were able to enjoy some fun in the Park and a tasty gelato, among the big fluffy snowflakes that you love. Max is going to carry so many wonderful memories of his World Tour. And most of all, he will know the love and friendship that you and so many others have shared with him in such a personal and special way. We are soooo glad he was able to visit you and your beautiful city.

Hearing the echoes of your perfect duet and sharing special love on this Valentine's eve and day,
Your SissieFergi and BruvverJake

We love you.

Sierra Rose said...

Oh that was a lovely tour! You hit some great places, and shared gelato too! Yummmzers. We are so glad Max had a chance to visit with you! Hope he stops by our place on his World Tour!
Happy Valentine's Day my friend.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

The Florida Furkids said...

What a fun visit that must have been! You were so sweet to show Max all the "sights" AND to share your gelato with him!!

Yes, there has been much sadness in the blogosphere lately. It was very thoughtful of you to dedicate your post to those who have left us.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Stella said...

I am sure your post will make Max's Mom smile. It made MY Mom smile!

Your header is especially beautiful.


Golden Samantha said...

A bootiful post, Asta and what wonderful times you had with Max! The views from Lady Liberty and the gorgeous Chrysler Building must have been so wonderful! Fun in the snow! Eating gelato! You were a wonderful tour guide for Max! Big cheers!
Hugs xo

houndstooth said...

It looks like you two really painted the town red! Way to have a great time!


Life With Dogs said...

Max is the undisputed king of the blogosphere tonight! ♥

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is so sweet of you to show Max your hometown! The was the bestest Valentine of all!


Oh Asta,

What a beautiful tour Max had with you in N.Y.C. It's amazing how much he got to see in just one day!

Did you take him on the subway too? You aint been to New York City unless you've ridden the subway!

Regardless, it was a beautiful tour and we know how much Max must have appreciated it!

You are always so sweet and thoughtful, that's why we luvs ya so!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Riley and Star.

Scout and Freyja said...

Wishing you a Valentine's Day filled with sunshine and love and the tender sound of a voice that gives you comfort.

We, too, honor Maxdog today - and his momma who ♥s him so dearly.

Noah the Airedale said...

Wonderful Asta. You got to show Max the Big Apple...woo hoo. Glad you two had a fun day.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a wonderful time you had! We are so happy to be part of this enormous adventure!

Duke said...

We're so glad that Max got to spend some snowy time with you, Asta and we're sure he enjoyed that gelato and all of the fabulous sites of New York City!
Happy Valentine's day to you and your mommi and daddi!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maxmom said...

Dearest Asta

What a beautiful post...!
I feel so humbled and privileged to be part of this amazing spectacle of love!

THank you for showing me all the wonderful sites of your city. My Mom nearly split her sides when she saw me on top of the statue of liberty...Yippee...I got there before her! :)

Thank you too for sharing your gelato with me too! You are so very generous!

Again, dearest Asta, we want to say how grateful we are to have a friend like you. I think we are all singing more than a duet...rather a national dog anthem!

Lots and lotsalicks to you and Momma!

Martha said...

Oh Asta, what a wonderful post. Max's head will be spinning! He has had so many wonderful visits with friends from all around the world.
Being on top of the Statue of Liberty takes some beating!
What a special day. We must admit we were also very touched seeing him out for a stroll in the Highlands with our dear friend Hamish.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

D.K. Wall said...

Fun to see Max visitng everywhere.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Beautiful post.. How wonderful to be a part of this magical, loving, day for Max.. Just gorgeous... HUgs GJ x

Clive said...


What a fantastic time Max had with you in NY! We loved every single second of his visit with you! You got to show him so many places.

We were so excited looking at them all. The NSLM can't quite believe he will be there in July and will get to see some of these places too! Top on his list is the Statue of Liberty!

Thank you so much for such a great tour about NY today with Max.

Wishing you and your Mom and Dad a very happy Valentine's Day!

With lots of love
Clive and the NSLM

ps-your header is superb!

Mack said...

What a fun time Mr. Max had. I know he will never forget your graciousness!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, you are just like your Mom, a lovely hostess. We are sure Max loved climbing to the top of our special Statue of Liberty and then romping in the snows of Central Park with you. He told us he was hoping he would get to taste some of that gelato when he visited you. He is such a special boy, we are so happy he is enjoying his grand tour.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow yo and Max certainly had a lot of fun...
Happy V-day to you too..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus said...

Asta...that was a wonderful tour you put together for Max. We hope the two of you had some quiet time together too, so you could share secrets. You are the bestest hostess!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a wonderful visit you are having with Maxdog. We think it is terrific he got to come see you in New York today. ~AFSS

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

What a purrrfect day to remember your sweet dear Max. It is so hard when one we know and love has to leave. The heart is never the same.
Thinking of you as you go through this hard time. Your post was beautiful and a nice tribute to Max. I know he enjoyed all of the times he spent with you.

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweety...
you were such a special and perfect hostess for Max Tour in NY!!!!
Sure he had great time with you...
He saw Liberty Statoo from the top..
he walked with you along the Hudson river...
And you got tons of snow while were eating that delicious ice-cream!!!
How much we would love were there with you and listen you and MAx sing your special duetto!!!!!
Bet you had Angels' voices!!!!
Sure you gave him a wonderful and very very very special Valentine's day!!
You and your family are sooooooooooo sweet and special!!!!
HAppy happy happy Valentine's day!!!
We send you tons of love and kisses and sweet hugs!!

Ms. ~K said...

You are the hostess w/ the mostest...Looks Max had a wonderful day w/ you in the Big Apple!!!
So much love on the tour!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Piappies World said...

Hello Asta,

What a beautiful post! Great to see that Max is enjoying his trip all around the globe and he had loads of fun there in NYC! The Statue of Liberty photo is so cool!

Hope we can also be friends. Happy Hearts Day!

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy & Bullet

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
How typical of your sweet nature, that you brought out one more of Max's talents. We all knew already what a fine, noble, loyal, handsome chap he is, now we also know that he can sing too. Oh I do hope we have him with us for a wee while longer yet!
Cheers, H.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You were a sweet hostess to show Max around New York. I know he had a the best time ever.
Sally Ann

Duffy said...

I just knew you would show Max a great time. The Statue of Liberty was the perfect start. You both looked so sweet up there in the crown. Loved your header picture, too.
Happy Valentine's Day, sissy!

Your luving bruvver,

Valerie Cummings said...

OMD!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!! He had a whole tour with you and only we went to the beach!!! Happy Valentines Day!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Juno said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Asta!!

Thanks so much for sharing the tour with our friend in the big city.

Stay warm,

Momo & Pinot

The Oceanside Animals said...

You sure know how to show a dog a good time, Asta!

Randi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peppy Sheppys said...

You are a great tour guide and our ape sez she can't wait until this summer when you can show HER around. We said we want a tour too but my ape sez the NYPD would DETAIN US or DISRUPTIVE CONDUCT. You better keep her away from the beverages or she will wind up in the SLAMMER TOO.

The Sheps with Pep.

Randi said...


What a GRAND tour you are showing him Asta!

Happy Valentine's Day!

love & licks,

Ina in Alaska said...

Dear Asta, We are reading your post with happy tears in our eyes, we enjoyed your tour with Dear Max!! We picked out some fun pictures and sent them to your mommy in a pee mail.... maybe she can help our mom put together a tour for Max!! We love him and are so happy he is getting around well!! xoxo Happy Valentines Day Asta and your family too!! Smooches from Ina,and Alaskan Poodles Toby, Ginger, Jeter (just like the New York Yankee!!) and Halle, the ex-Jersey Girl!! xoxo

Deborah said...

Asta, that was a wonderful post! You Max had a great time and I wish I was this talented on editing photo's....

Sir Chance-Lot said...

I ♥ You!!!!
With all my golden Love ♥
Sir LoveAstaAlot

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

It looks like you and Max had SO much fun in the Big Apple... What a great tour guide you are Asta! This has been the best Valentines day ever!!!


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Gosh yu had sutch a grayte time! I kept a look owt for yu wen we watcht CSI NY an I think I sor yor tail go by. The rest ov yu was just owt ov shot.

Eric said...

Awww. What a lovely time - bet you made Max's day Asta! Hope you didn't mind flat Ericjoining in the sing song round the old Joanna. Happy Valentines sweet pea.

Wiry love Eric xx

Unknown said...

New Yawk City? Asta and family. I truly loved your post and wording. I'm lucky to have you as my furiends.
My love,

Beth said...

What a wonderful post. God bless Max and his humans.
Blessings - Beth

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Asta! What a lovely time woo had with our friend Max , showing him all of those lovely sights and lovely woo , of course!
We are blessed to be among this fellowship of amazing fellowship of bloggers!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

kissa-bull said...

you are such a gweat and furry shpecial tour guide
we are happy you both had such a great time
we are shending you some extra juicy pibble sugars and wishing you a vewy happy vawentines day
the houston pittie pack

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

I see that you and Max had a lot of fun together. Your tour of your city was gweat! He got to see New York as only you could show him. Nice job, little kousin!

Love and Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Oh Asta, you are such a sweet girl.
your pal, Morgan