As I told you, I headed ovew to Opus and Olives fow the suwpwise Biwfday Pawty that Opus is thwowing fow his sisse Ollie
photo by Gracie
hewe is the gang in full fifties wegalia, hehehehe
l-r: Kawl,Wuis, me, Gwacie, the biwfday giwl Olive,Opus and Momo
I asked if I could be behind the countew and make shakes and soda's and sundaes fow evewyone..I loooved doing it..(I got to lick my paws all the time, yummmm)
Olive got the most wondewful Biwfday cake fwom Kawl and Wuis and I gave hew a poodel scawf to go wif the Chevy I bwought hew
photo by Gwacie
They'we all pwetty good Wock and Wollews, hehehe
my sweet sissie Gwacie insisted that i should sit and get sewved fow a change..GWEAT BUWGEWS!!!!!! and a Woot Beew Float!
latew, my dawling fwiend Gussie joined us and was the bestest dance pawtnew ..(he seems vewy familiaw wif this ewa and is a tewwific slow dancew)
don't you just love his Buddy Holly outfit?
photo by Kawl
then someone bwought out the hoolaloops and things stawted to get out of contwol, heheheh
photo by Momo
as usual wif these fwiends, we sowt of twashed the place heheehehe..they all beat me to sneep, but I was soon to follow..what a faboolous biwfday Pawty
Thank you Opus fow inviting us all
umm, also, I don't know if you awe awawe of it ow not, but one of the bestest things about being in the blogosphewe, I can telelpowt to places instantly, and I have been wunning to Pawis to be on the wondewful touw hosted by Mack and Sally Ann..It's absolutely magnifique!!!!!!!
They awe incwedibull hosts and we'we having a blast. Pleez come and look at ouw adventoowe.
They have done so much wowk to insoowe that we have a good time!!!!
smoochie kisses

What a crazy pawty, Asta! I couldn't make it because I'm in France with Mack and Sally Ann BOL You impress me with your teleports (time for me to figure this one out too).
The last photo had us in stitches!
Mommy loves the picture with me in glasses. She says I looks like Harrison Ford (I am assuming that is a good thing) or Daddy. May we borrow it for our blog. ~Socks
Ollie's party sure was fun, we can't wait to party with you again Asta. Headed to Mack & Sally Ann's now ~AFSS
That looks like such an amazing party!! You look fab in a poodle skirt!!
Looks like you're all at the Corvette Diner down in Hillcrest. Make sure to try the hamburger with peanut butter, it's delish!
You are one busy socialite, Asta. What a great time you had at that pawty. Cats in poodle skirts - BOL.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That looks like a fabroolous party! I wish I had a root beer float!
Ahhhhhh, what a great party!! Sure nice to be with the gang. Now I need some rest..... ZZZZZZZZ!
Quite the busy week for you. Just party, party, party. I love your header photo. You look adorable.
Paris has been tres bonne!
You pawty hoomans! hehe!
I think you must have at least 400 pawties every year, Asta!
I love your skiing outfit, look so pro and comfy and cozy!
Stay warm, sweet Asta!
I'm bad but I'm back!
I miss you so much, I want to promise that I visit your blog at least once a week and blog more frequently.
I'll come back to see you soon.
(You don't notice that I have been out a long while, do you? choking back tears! sob sob!).
Love ya lots
I can see you all had a pawesome time there!
Kisses and hugs
Asta Sweet
Asta Sweet
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Asta Sweet
Ah ho, Asta...come dance with me-hehe,hehehehe
Ohoh Asta Sweet
Come Dance with me.
Thank you for a wonderful time...Dad taught me all I know about the 50's and how to dance ...
What fun you had at the birthday pawty, Asta! We love all of the Poodle skirts!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
awwwwww, you and your hooman are sooooo TALENTED and we really enjoy your posts esp this one.
whoa, they can really 'rock & roll!" and what beautiful outfits.
we are in AWE....just pawsome work and what a party
Looking out and out fab in your snowy header Asta and very Grease at the party! Eat your heart out Olivia.
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
Oh GEEZE Asta!!! What is a whippet to do? C.A.T.s everywhere!!! Sound the ALARM!!!!!!!! AH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Well, thanks for the fun!
wags from the whippets
You sure do get around, Asta. When we saw the photo of all the party friends asleep except for you, we thought it must be because you're a "wired" fox terrier.
I've never been to a kitty party before, but if shakes are served, I'm there!
those shakes look scrumptilicious
can we hire you for our burfday pawty too
we pay in liver tweats and lots of pibble sugars
pibble sugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
Hi Asta,
What a party! Your mommy needs to go into the Party Planning Buisness! She's good enough to throw a party for Donald Twump or even Regis Phil-of-it and Kelly Rip-it-up!
She does such a wonderful job with her graphics and we luuuv the colors too! Soo pretty!
Luv ya Sweet Asta and keep on Partying!
Riley and Star.
Woof! Woof! Oh! My Did I missed a crazy pawty???? FUN FUN FUN time. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow Asta, you sure are popular! And what a great party! One of these days, i'm going to have to secure an invite and join ya!
Whoops-forgot to say that my Parental Unit is crazy about Woot Beew Floats!
Asta you are always the Bell of the Ball.
I'm so happy watching you and your friends at parties. This sock-hop seemed to be crazy fun!
And I know those ice cream sundaes were pawsome!!! YUMMY
Did any of the boys swing you up and around at the dance? I've seen those 50's dances and they sure look fun.
Glad you had a happy day.
HUGS 2 u precious!
Love Autumn
Good day to you Asta dear. Would you be able to visit Eric's blog to enter your wheelies into Scruffs Dog Show please? Perhaps you would be so kind to put the poster on your page sometime too? That would be most helpful.
Fondest love Miss Enid.
Miss Asta,
I just wanted
to pop over for a moment and tell you that Momma and I have been browsing your Mommi's paintings today. She is just SO talented!
We are poor, poor, poor... that's what Momma says. But one day when times are different, we want to buy one!
I know this is not an easy time to be an artist, so I just wanted to remind your Mommi that she does BEAUTIFUL work! What a blessing to have such a lovely talent. We are her biggest fans!!!
Hi Asta - looks like you're having a busy week - just had to stop by and see what my favourite NY socialite has been up to lately! lots of puppy love
Wow, what a party Asta! You looked fabulous!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
What a great party ! Your outfits were outstanding!
Cute post! Someday I am going to learn how to do pictures like you! It is just so cool!
Oh Asta...that terrier skirt you had on was made your waist look oh so tiny!!!
Oops...we missed Sally and Mack's pawty...shoooooot!
Kisses dear girl!!!!
Your bff,
ASTA! Thank goodness for blogosphere. Otherwise we'd never get to see you. We certainly can't count on Moma to help. It has been shamefully FUREVER since we've been able to relax and really enjoy visiting our friends' blogs. But we DID get to see you at Ollie's party. It was a quick in and out visit (we got delayed looking for NinaGirl's poodle skirt), but we did make it. There's a picture for proof! AND hasn't Paris been fun. Once we caught up with the crowd. Resting in that park at that picnic (with yummy cheese!!!) was the best.
Thanks for sticking with us! We get soooo behind.
SissieFergi and BruvverJake ooxx
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